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Warhawk - The Official Thread


I'm up for anything but a bit disheartened, had a really crap set of games tonight. Every server I joined had pros that placed mines above warhawk spawn points and planted mines all over their jeeps and would crash into things :(

A real turn of events considering I ranked up yesterday where my KDR was always 1.00+, yet today I managed to die 27 times and only get 3 kills!

Argh so angry!
Sea Manky said:
Got a message from Bee_Poo of Best of Warhawk, they say they're good to go this Saturday at 4:30pm EST/9:30pm GMT. 6vs6.

Volunteers so far:
0 nohne
6 Arkestra
6 methane47
8 ChryZ-US
8 Sea_Manky
12 Escalation
Possibly Bloody_Marcel?

Could use a couple more volunteers/alternates.

Put me down as an alternate.

Hopefully somebody else shows up though. :p


Kazenone said:
I'm up for anything but a bit disheartened, had a really crap set of games tonight. Every server I joined had pros that placed mines above warhawk spawn points and planted mines all over their jeeps and would crash into things :(

A real turn of events considering I ranked up yesterday where my KDR was always 1.00+, yet today I managed to die 27 times and only get 3 kills!

Argh so angry!

It's cheap, but sometimes the only thing you can do is to switch teams to the one that doesn't suck. :p


methane47 said:

What can I say? :D I only do it for the sake of my blood pressure when I happen to find myself among nitwits who base camp yet let the enemy get away or with numbskulls who wait for our flag (that's already there) to materialize at the flag spot on the large IO map (when we're playing the MD version). :(

Sounds like a solid plan for the next GB!


Guys, let's invade a server!


Ceb said:
It's cheap, but sometimes the only thing you can do is to switch teams to the one that doesn't suck. :p

:lol So courageous!

Well like I said, I'm up for anything this weekend as i'd love to do some more matches and practice with you guys.


Haha, I've only changed sides a couple of times, but not lately; I find the challenge of trying to escape from the pinned down base and cause some havoc to be quite entertaining, if not frustratingly fun.

The FAQ/tips thing I promised will be posted in a few hours here, so don't be afraid of a giant wall of text appearing suddenly.


carlos said:
Haha, I've only changed sides a couple of times, but not lately; I find the challenge of trying to escape from the pinned down base and cause some havoc to be quite entertaining, if not frustratingly fun.

The FAQ/tips thing I promised will be posted in a few hours here, so don't be afraid of a giant wall of text appearing suddenly.

It will be greatly appreciated by me, wall of text or not!
yeah, i'm sick of being stuck on the retard team

you know the one that mines home base in tdm to protect from invaders, ya know

you guys suck for DP'ing me with no lube


I only change sides at the beginning of matches..

So if I'm playing with a crappy team i change the next game lol

Edit: Man I have been on a like 5 game loosing streak... :(


onadesertedisland said:
i was already stuck on the retard team, then it stacks you and steryod against me and my merry band of mental midgets

Yes your team was quite retarded... But right after that.. WH decides to put me on that team too :(

But those game are WAY too short and it was laggy as hell for me so I left


onadesertedisland said:
i was already stuck on the retard team, then it stacks you and steryod against me and my merry band of mental midgets

I got stuck on that retarded team before I left and it felt like loosing like last weekend.

At least I learned how we lost so easily so the circle of life for TDM is:

Dominate air = Dominate spawn points = unlimited supply of Warhawks to dominate air.

User 406

Got a message on PSN, MrPips would like for our clans to informally get together on his 24 player server some weekend and have some matches, could be fun.


Sea Manky said:
Got a message on PSN, MrPips would like for our clans to informally get together on his 24 player server some weekend and have some matches, could be fun.

Yeah, that would be fun. I have his server in my favorites...lots of (mostly) good natured competition.


DireStr8s, methane: Really good games there. I about shat my pants in frustration before you guys arrived to bash some sense into the team. :D

And OMG... I just discovered I had max players filtered as 24 in the server filters. No wonder I haven't been able to find official large map servers lately. :lol


Well, here we go; hopefully someone will find this of use. Keep in mind that I use the default warhawk controls, but most of this is still applicable for pro flight (if you have any specific pro flight questions, go to Sea Manky). While I'm sure that there are hundreds of better pilots than myself out there, following these suggestions and having good reflexes on your part will help make you a better pilot than 450,000+ others out there.

I. The Basics

1)Learn the location of The power ups in each level, particularly: health, invisibility and homing missles
2)Enlarge the map and keep an eye on it as much as possible; everything bit of info out there is useful, from how many WH in the sky, to which spawnpoint is being taken, which missle turrets are occupied, and where the flag carrier is, among other things.
3)Use the sliding/drifting move when turning in the sky (R2+L2). I started to use it about 200 hours in due to controller neccessity, but since then use it constantly for sharper turns, whether turning while getting a power up, or drifting while close range fighting with other warhawks.
4)Keep an eye on your aiming cursor; if small white lines show up momentarily on the sides (-o-), it means you're doing or did damage. Great for machine gun fire and knowing whether a WH is hurt even after it leaves your sight.
5)When you are shot down but plan to get back up in the air, try to respawn right where you grabbed your previous WH. It won't be there yet, but give it about 3-4 seconds and it will respawn. It helps avoid 2 people going after the same WH and someone being left behind without a ride.
6)Even though the net code is very good, be ready to experience some frustration when suddenly you get no missle warning, or you use your chaff in time yet the missle still hits you. Lag is an unfortunate consequence of all online games, and you aren't exempt and neither is your opponent.
7)Remember to use 3 short boosts instead of 1 long one; not only will you go a bit farther, but you'll usually have a short boost to spare that can be used to avoid missles.
8)When landing and changing warhawks (or sticking to the ground), try to blow the one you were using with grenades, or machine gun fire from the new WH so that it will respawn from where you got it from. You never know when someone back at your base will need one, or perhaps you'll use it later. Warhawk shortages are serious business.
9)When using the machine gun, tap the button quickly, don't hold it, so that it doesn't burn out.

II. Damage and Awareness

Keeping close tabs on your health and knowing how much damage you're going to take is essential in reducing death in a WH. For example, you might have 65% health and think you don't need that health powerup, yet a single homing missle can take you down.

1)It takes around 6-8 regular missle hits to kill a warhawk (around 12-15% damage each).
2)One homing missle does around 75-80% damage.
3)About 3-5 lightning hits can kill you, if the first hit was charged; otherwise, it'll probably take the 10 shots. The charged shot does around 70% damage total.
4)A cluster bomb is very tough to drop on a WH, even when its hovering, so it'll do maybe 30-50% damage, at most.
5)air mines are instant kills, and do around 25% damage if you shoot it down and are too close to them (closer than 2 WH's length, I estimate).
6)Having someone kill you entirely with a machine gun only is extremely tough to do, so don't worry too much about someone following you if for some reason a while has passed and he hasn't fired missles. The damage is around 1-2 bars per second when you're perfectly in their sights.
7) Bumping into something or onto another warhawk does about 20-25% damage.

Now these stats are easy to measure when looked at individually, but chances are you'll be taking machine gun fire as well as being shot missles; in that case, you have to examine your current damage, see what missles are being shot at you and decide whether you HAVE to use chaff, whether you'll be able to shake those missles, if there are any health powerups nearby, etc.

We'll look at how to avoid missles and the like later on, but suffice to say that damage is a game of percentages; you hit someone with homing missle, you know he needs to be hit either with 2-3 regular missles, a few lightning shots, or a few seconds of machine gun. Be aware of what weapons you have to try to finish the job and try to not use 2 homing missles to finish off a WH.

Meanwhile, remember these percentages when looking at your own health, to know how in danger are you of being killed in one shot, because as long as more than one shot is neccessary, there is always a chance that you'll be able to run/hide/dismount/get powerup before you blow up.

III. Combat: Warhawk vs Ground

The most import thing to remember is that when fighting ground troops, you're vulnerable to EVERYONE out there. That means it's in your best interests to finish the job quickly and get out.

*Against soldiers (in hover mode):

1a)Try to aim machine gun fire at where they're going, not where they are. Machine gun plus a couple of regular missles should finish the job quickly. Stay at a prudent distance and it'll be nearly impossible to be hit with grenades (and you negate the chance of flying into ground mines). The most they can do is cause light damage with a machine gun, or worst case, they cause you to waste so much time trying to flush them out that an enemy WH or missle turret locks onto you.

1b)If you have homing missles, one hit will kill them; it's great strategy to not shoot at them with the machine gun at all, so that they are not alerted to your presence, figure out where they're heading (to a jeep, around a building, etc) and just shoot one shot to where they are moving; easy kill.

1c) Against soldiers with RPG's: get in close to them and circle strafe so that they can't get a lock on; the closer you are, the more difficult it is for them, just watch out for granades. If neccessary, go right over them to make them lose lock on, then go right back to where you were; the important thing is to move fast and unpredictably.

*Against turrets:

2a)If you see someone running close towards a turret, start shooting at it, and it'll blow before it has a chance to lock on to you/cause significant damage; use a couple regular missles/one homing missle to do it quickly before the guy gets out of the turret.

2b) While you're out of the turret's line of sight (hiding behind a mountain/building or under the turret, but close to it), try to aim your sights to where the turret will be once you move. Then its a matter of letting loose a homing missle without having to lock on to the turret. Follow it with light machine gun fire and it's done; if the guy gets out before it blows, follow him and make quick work of him, since turrets respawn rather quickly and he'll likely be back in causing a nuisance for you. Besides, don't turret campers piss you off? Join me in teaching them a lesson, won't you?

2c) If the turret gets the drop on you, (the turret is where you're heading to and shooting, or you don't know from where it's shooting at you), don't be afraid to use your chaff. Follow up by boosting the F%#% out of there and perhaps hovering for a second at a hidden location while you look at the map and the occupied turrets. From there, either head to the chaff powerup, or if you think you can handle it, go back towards the turret but at an angle where it can't lock on/hit you (also check the map to see if it's facing towards you). You should be able to kill it or make the guy get out, so he'll be easy pickings either way.

2d)Wasting a TOW missle against a turret is not reccommended, but it can be so satisfying, just make sure the turret doesn't have a lock-on on you. TOW's can be used in conjunction with the move described in 2b when in close range.

On the subject of TOW's, keep in mind that if you shoot a charged lightning shot, it will blow up your TOW before it has a chance to reach the ground, so it would just be a big waste.

*Against jeeps:

3a) My biggest complaint against pilots is that they often go after jeeps with just machine gun fire, and follow it from one end of the level to another without killing it, since the jeep fixing powerups are rather common. This has got to change, NOW! When you see a jeep, you have two choices: either go for it with the weapons you have, or go get better weapons while remembering where the jeep is/will be.

3b)With weak weapons: shoot the jeep at ground elevation and from the front, don't follow it around. Make the jeep stop from running into you, perhaps even turning itself over in the process. If he gets by you, go back to flight mode, get in front of it, hover and try again to stop him (it can be tricky due to lag). Once it's stopped, it's easy to finish it off; if it is already heavily damaged when you see it, then just shoot at it from behind with the machine gun, assuming there aren't any repair powerups nearby.

3c)With strong weapons:
-cluster bombs: try to stop the jeep before firing, since the cluster takes a while to explode and the jeep will probably drive right past it.
-electricity: charge it fully, and make sure to stick it to him; at the very least it will cause the driver to abandon the jeep.
-TOW missle: remember to aim it a bit to where the jeep will be, not where it is (again lag plays a part here).

4c)Always remember that YOU have the upper hand in a WH vs jeep battle; there's no reason why the jeep should be able to escape from you (yes, I'm very frustrated from playing CTF with tards) either blow it or preferably stop it, then blow it, the choice is yours.

*Against tanks:

4a)Never stay still while shooting at a tank; while it's tough, it can hit and kill you in an instant and if not the one you're shooting at, another will roll up from somewhere else and shoot you.

4b)The closer you are to a tank, the bigger a target you are, so try to shoot from as far away as you accurately can (unless you have a cluster bomb).

4c)If the driver abandons the tank and goes into hiding, land quickly, take his tank (take note of how many more hits it can handle) and blast the soldier in hiding (making sure he doesn't take your WH).

4d) If the tank has a second occupant with an RPG, either try to attack quickly and in the method described previously against RPG's, use invisibility, or just TOW them if they're causing trouble for your teammates (if not, let other ground troops handle them).

4e)Never try to get in a warhawk if an enemy tank has you in it's sights, it'll only end in sadness....


IV. Warhawk vs Warhawk:

These are a few simple principles that will give you the upper hand in air combat:
-The closer you are to the enemy warhawk when shooting missles, the greater the chance that these will hit the target.
-This is very much a game of first strike; you see the enemy first, you have a better chance of taking him down.
-This is a game in which having the stronger weapon will make your life much easier; (3 homing missles>15 regular missles).
-Keep an eye on the radar and look at the numbr of enemy warhawks vs your team's own; if the difference is 3 or more, you will have a hard time staying in the air.
-Use the radar to see where the enemy warhawks are; don't go into a group of enemy fighters unless you're suicidal/have invisibility. Try to pick off the ones that are outside of the group.
-If you see a warhawk attacking ground troops/shooting a TOW missle, you know that it's an easy kill for you.
-Be unpredictable with your evasion moves, in fact, be unpredictable with everything you do.

When in the air, one should always try to have at least homing missles and electricity (long range combat/short range, respectively).

When following a warhawk and letting loose your missles, go into hover mode close to him while he's doing the "shake them off dance". You should still be able to keep locking on while he's doing it, then boost right at him and release; it should be unavoidable.

I can't emphasize this enough: USE EVERYTHING FOR COVER; as long as you know from where you're being shot from (easy to figure out due to machinegun fire), you can almost always find something to hide behind and take the bite out of the missles. Anything, a broken building, a terrain elevation difference, a mountain, a bridge, an arch; anything can be cover. Once you get behind it, go into hover mode and stay there to see what happens. Either your enemy will fly right past you, (meaning now you're the one on his tail), he might also slow down and fly around where you are trying to find you (in which case, you have the advantage since you know from where he's coming from; electrify him or shoot a homing missle first). He might also stop and hover right around where you are, but not coming into your line of sight. In that case you can either come out hovering and have a duel (if you have strong weapons), or just boost right past him, laying down a mine right on top of him if you have one.

Don't underestimate the hover mode on the warhawk, switching to hover mode in the middle of a dogfight can cause just enough confusion to give you the upper hand (especially when in close proximity to your attacker). Just be ready to look at the map and follow where he is in case you got disoriented.

Don't get suckered in into a game of flying around each other trying to get a lock on, because in most cases, those using pro flight will get the better of you. Keep an eye on the radar to know where he is, and go into hover mode and get some shots in before boosting away.

What's important is that you mix it up and to do something that the enemy won't suspect; like for example in long range and being followed, use the right stick to do a backwards 180, then boost right past the guy following while using chaff, so that you're unharmed. By the time they turn around, you can be flying off in yet another direction, or if you're ballsy, change to hover mode (never standing still) right next to the guy, and get a lock on while they try to find you.

Having invisibility in your inventory can help you escape ANY situation in the skies, just make sure to use the chaff at the last minute (to take care of all incoming missles) THEN quickly turn on invisibility before they have a chance to lock on. This is one of the most common mistakes, turning on invisibility assuming that they don't have any missles locked on, then getting killed while invisible. Make sure everyone's off your tail; if not, use the chaff, you can get more while invisible.


-Very important: turn up the sound and listen to the sound that's made when missles are fired at you; you should be able to differentiate whether regular missles or turret missles have been fired.

First thing to notice has to be how many missles are coming at you; If there's only one, it must be an RPG, a homing missle or a single regular missle (keep in mind that last option is great for making people waste their chaff).
If there's two, then it's either a turret missle or 2 regular missles; you should be able to hear the difference. 3 or more means that they are likely regular missles, which are pretty easy to avoid. This is the only instance where I've felt relieved in the sense that more missles = easier to avoid. With some practice you should be able to avoid 12 out of 15 easily.

Air acrobatics *default controls*
-Let's try to keep this brief; as soon as you hear the missle warning, one should start evasive action, the sooner you start, the better. Boosting as soon as you hear it buys you some time to decide what to do. Quickly think to yourself: "what powerups are nearby?" "how far away can I get with my remaining boost?""what's in the vicinity that can be used for cover?"

-The most asked question; how to shake the lock on: in my case, you make a short boost (keep going straight, or aim towards a powerup/hiding place), then with the right stick you either go up or down, for just a bit, then move the stick a bit diagonally, so that you start barrel rolling while going vertically. then after a bit press diagonally so that you start barrel rolling in the opposite direction. That should be enough to get rid of regular missles (the more missles locked on, the more you roll) in the end, you level off and you should still be going in the direction where you started. It should look something like this: ----[---- (on right stick: down, down-left, down-right, up (to stabilize)) Once you hear the noise for "missle dodged", just keep doing what you're doing and the others will soon follow suit.

-For homing missles, just repeat the above pattern but with more boosting to put more space between you and the missle, and more rolling vertically up and down. The most important thing is to not get carried away, cause you'll just end up spazzing out in the clouds and become an easy target for everyone.

-Turret missles: if these are fired at you, you better pray that the turret is far enough away from you so that you have enough time to do aerial acrobatics and get them off you. Think about the missle turret locations and the area of land controlled by your team to get an idea of from where the shots were fired. Once you have an idea, think of where you can hide so that the missles hit a mountain or building; quickly dive out of the playing field if you get the chance to make sure you avoid it ( For example, in Eucadia, dive behind the mountains near the edges of the map; there's no possible angle that a turret missle in that entire level will follow you there). If you think that's there's no place to hide or that the turret is close to you, hit the chaff, it's probably either that or you're dead.

-Another lag effect is that sometimes you'll see (and hear) that big homing missle right behind you as you're boosting; it hasn't hit you yet, but no matter the amount of dodging that you do, you're not going to lose it. In these occasions, don't bother wasting your chaff, because that missle WILL hit you. By not wasting your chaff, you have a chance at using it against the other missles fired; this might seem like a small detail, but it happens at least twice a game for me. Saving that chaff has allowed me to escape later and heal up.

-RPG's: 2 of these will take down a WH; Don't go into an infantry infested area if you have less than 1/2 health left. When providing support for the ground, keep your fingers near the chaff and be ready to deploy as soon as you hear the mssle warning. With that you can delay a hit once, then take a hit; after you take the hit and are down to 1/2 health, boost out of there. You will almost assuredly be locked on again while you escape, but now there is enough distance for you to do some acrobatics and avoid it. Get some chaff and health, then go back there to provide air support.

VI. Advanced Pointers

-When going to protect your flagcarrier, air mines can do wonders; the enemy will likely be hovering above the carrier, it's just a matter of boosting right through there and placing them.Easy kills.

-if you see a TOW missle going to kill your flagcarrier, throw a charged lightning shot at the carrier (stick it to his jeep, if he's healthy); that lightning will blow up any TOW missle aimed at him with no damage to him.

-Making sure that the road is clear of mines, boosting onto an enemy jeep can be hilariously effective. For maximum lulz, do it while invisible. Eucadia in particular, that winding road around the mountain just before scoring the flag, it's very easy to boost into a jeep from behind and send it into the ocean; Instant flag recovery! Great for desperate situations! Impress your friends!
It's also possible to do in Island Outpost, but much tougher, though. Doing this on a flagcarrier's jeep will at least turn him over/crash him against something, making it easier to kill him...

-It's possible for one pilot to monopolize the entire invisibility for a level, particularly Island Outpost, Archipielago, Eucadia and Omega Factory. What I mean is, get one invisibility, then get the other and activate it; when the counter gets to around 120, the first invisibility that you grabbed will have respawned, filling your supply to 200. Then when the counter reaches around 120 again, go to the second invisibility that will just be respawning and resupply again. Rinse and repeat. This way you can stay invisible the entire time, while denying everyone else of invisibility. Not that useful combatwise, but keeping it out of the hands of your opponents is always a plus.

-When the enemy team is recovering the flag, there's no better time to shoot a homing missle/TOW from right above it; use invisibility if you have it so they don't see it coming.

-If you run into one of the so called "red barons", do your best to avoid him, seriously, it's a smart move to recognize when someone is just plain better than you and try to avoid him. If you can, take out other warhawks that are supporting him, and perhaps your team can gain the upper hand in the air; then, as a team, you should be able to take him out.

VII. Air Mine Placement and Avoidance

Let's get right down to it, as cheap as they are, EVERYONE that's a good player uses air mines. In fact, I contend that making sure that your team controls the air mines should be a priority in ALL game modes. (At the very least we'll save Manky from a couple of deaths). A team that is slowly controlling the spawn points can easily pin down the other team with intelligently placed mines (as cheap as it seems).

Make sure to recognize which mines your team has, red team has the spiky balls, blue team has the air balloonish type. I can't believe it took me around 150 hours to figure this out; I used to have to die at least once for me to know which type wasn't our teams.

Three mines people, remember that; only when you see that you got a kill from a mine, then you can go and lay down another one (unless it's an emergency).

Remember that the mine is left right behind the WH, and a little bit higher than where you were, so if you're trying to place it on top of a powerup, you have to go through the powerup and preferably be just a tiny bit on the lower part of it. Don't be afraid of slowing down and going to hover mode for a second in order to place it as perfectly as possible.

*Where to place them (I'm talking about the largest variation of the maps):

1)Island outpost: On both invisibility powerups, and on the homing missle powerup on THEIR side of the island (the top of the foggy mountain). Keep these places mined; even if they know it's mined, they'll have to waste time shooting the mines down, and that will let you get the drop on them.

2)Badlands: There are many possibilities here, try to mix them up once they wise up: the center health powerup, the nook on the right side where the mines are (try to place it so it'll blow whether they're going for the mines, or the electricity, but yet they can't see it when coming from their side). The homing missle powerup on their side, but place it inside the little cave there is after the powerup so they can't see it well (you can mix up that one by placing it on your side of the arch that surrounds that powerup, place it so the arch covers up the mine). The area near the TOW missle, but place it low enough so it won't stick out. You can also place mines in the nook where the mines are, but their side (the left side), these place them very low in that nook, since they have a clear view of the area coming in. Also, the invisibility powerup. My personal preference is the first three places I mentioned, then I replace the mines when they've been hit.

3)Eucadia: The homing missle powerups under the bridges near the base, the invisibility powerups, the center health powerup bridge area. I actually prefer to keep one mine on me for emergency purposes, since mines are very easy to detect and avoid here.

4)Destroyed capital: Homing missle powerups, health powerups on the buildings near the homing missles. For some reason this map doesn't appear too frequently in the official servers which I usually play, so I don't have many ideas for this one. The places I mentioned do work great especially in dogfights.

5)Archipielago: Both sea level caves that hold invisibility and the TOW missle area

6)Omega Factory: The one level I wish that there wasn't a limit of three; mines work here extremely well, I suspect due to the fact that the level is so dark. Prime positions are both homing missle powerups, air mine powerups (real close to the ground) and the health powerup in the center near the water. Place the mines here not ON the powerup, but just before or after it, depending on from the the other team will fly into it. For example: MINE-POWERUP<-----------They come from here.
Finally, the area under the bridge at the home bases is excellent for mines (right where the flags are), but I like mining the only when I know a teammate is taking their flag, or when our own flag is being assaulted.


Well, you're pretty much screwed if the opposing team is controlling the skies; look for mines placed primarily on all the locations that I described above. Should your team become trapped at the home base, be aware of mines right above the warhawk spawnpoints (always look up before boarding, take them down with the pistol).

Don't be afraid of going into hover mode and hitting reverse if you suddenly see yourself going into a mine. Also, be kind and blow up enemy mines whenever you have a chance, even if you're not running into it. You have to assume that eventually that unexploded mine will cost a life for someone on your team. Of course, try to take it out quickly and not at the expense of getting killed yourself; if you get locked on or machine gun hits, boost away as soon as possible (not into the mine, of course).

Argh..I give up...there are many more things that I wanted to add that I just forgot about while I wrote....


Great advice, carlos. I'm sure a lot of people will find that useful. The post # should be edited into the thread title, actually.


wow nice carlos.

Only thing I would say is that you should never use the charged lightning to take out jeeps or any vehicles, quick shots of lightning is the best compliment to machine gun and the speed to take out even a warhawk flying next to you is quicker than just about any weapon (lock on works like machine guns), and is one of the few times when flying behind the jeep and shooting at a short distance w/ machine gun is viable.


Yeah, i'm not reccommending using charged electricity for destroying jeeps, but often enough the fact that they've been shot with that, coupled with machinegun fire is enough to scare them out of the jeep; then you have an easy walking target.

Btw, my viewpoint is skewed more towards ctf games, so my thinking was a jeep carrying the flagcarrier. I'm not suggesting shoot just any jeep out there, but one that has some special importance. In fact, shooting down a jeep is one of the most time consuming things you can be doing, so I wouldn't be going after it at all unless it was the flagcarrier.

Edit: Jack S. , yes, that has been answered many, many times already; the basic strategy is to do it in a small map deathmatch game. Also, jeep turret kills count, so you don't have to run everyone over. Try to find out the sweet spot for splattering depending on lag, and good luck.


I dont recomend using a charged lightning blast to destroy anything...

Charged lightning should be used like supressive fire..

When you're taking a base.. throw down the charged blast to destroy any mines.. and also scare the baddies into hiding...

using a charged blast to kill any vehicle is just a big waste.


I mostly use it as a psychological weapon. Instead of blasting the flag area on Acropolis Assault, I like to use it to electrocute the tank that's in the enemy base. Then after the flag is taken, the enemy will either avoid the tank or ditch it if they were in it. The tank is what kills the flag carrier 90% of the times on that map.

The regular lightning shots are worthless for certain situations though (I think they're rather crap for anti-ground combat), so if I don't have any homing missiles or TOW, I'll go with the charged version.
When I was still a lurker I had wondered where this thread had disappeared off to. I absolutely LOVE this game. Glad to see that it's still popular here on Gaf.

Anyway, a question that has most likely been answered dozens of times: for the Bandit 4x4, do I have to get kills by running over opponents, or by using the mounted machine gun?

In any case, I can already tell it'll be awhile until I get it. I hardly ever use the jeep unless I'm picking up the flag carrier. Any tips?


Great read carlos, had no idea about the different looks of mines! I thought the blue ones where people parachuting from Warhawks :lol

One question I have, how are points calculated for rank advancement? I swear it only goes up a little bit at a time, but I usually get about 30 points a battle.


Thanks, carlos!

Okay guys, another take on our GB logo:



Ceb said:
Yeah, I like it. Flipping the plane works better for the logo.
I had to make the new one from scratch, because of an unfixable mistake. Not flipping the plane was completely unintentional :lol
a tip for the machinegun is if you're having a go around with the machinegun rifle, after it locks on the aim, tap the stick up a notch to aim at their head, they die faster

User 406

Nice guide, carlos! Here's some thoughts of mine to add:

I. The Basics

3)Use the sliding/drifting move when turning in the sky (R2+L2). I started to use it about 200 hours in due to controller neccessity, but since then use it constantly for sharper turns, whether turning while getting a power up, or drifting while close range fighting with other warhawks.

If you do use proflight, pressing L2 for lowest speed, then pushing both analog sticks all the way down will give you the tightest possible turn. I don't use the powerslide much because of this, since I can normally get the drop on people who do powerslide this way. That said, I do use it once in a while to mix up my flight path so good pilots have more trouble projecting where I'll be.

8)When landing and changing warhawks (or sticking to the ground), try to blow the one you were using with grenades, or machine gun fire from the new WH so that it will respawn from where you got it from. You never know when someone back at your base will need one, or perhaps you'll use it later. Warhawk shortages are serious business.

By the same token, if you are using a warhawk that you nabbed from an enemy or took from an enemy base, don't blow it up. In fact, land at one of your backfield zones after bringing it to full health, then switch to one of your planes, and now they'll have a warhawk spawn point that remains empty for a good long time. :D This is a tactic I think we should try to incorporate into our clan matches.

III. Combat: Warhawk vs Ground

1a)Try to aim machine gun fire at where they're going, not where they are. Machine gun plus a couple of regular missles should finish the job quickly. Stay at a prudent distance and it'll be nearly impossible to be hit with grenades (and you negate the chance of flying into ground mines). The most they can do is cause light damage with a machine gun, or worst case, they cause you to waste so much time trying to flush them out that an enemy WH or missle turret locks onto you.

Like carlos mentioned before, use short bursts of machine gun fire, don't just hold the button down. What I will do is try to put the cursor as close as possible to their head, then walk the machine gun fire through them. With a little practice, you can kill troops in seconds.

On the subject of TOW's, keep in mind that if you shoot a charged lightning shot, it will blow up your TOW before it has a chance to reach the ground, so it would just be a big waste.

Just want to emphasize this for everyone, because I've gotten a lot of stupid suicides and proximity teamkills this way. If you're flying around with a TOW missile looking for a target, BE AWARE OF LIGHTNING STORMS. When you've got the enemy pinned down and your allies are dropping all kinds of ordinance on the enemy base, lightning is the enemy. This also applies to laying down air mines over a lightning storm.

And by the same token, those of you who love using the charged lightning shot, if the enemy base is covered with friendly air mines or land mines, DON'T use the lightning shot. You're just clearing things out for the other team. Nothing more frustrating than when I mine their warhawk spawns and then some guy fires a lightning shot at a couple troopers, taking out my mines in the process. :|

*Against jeeps:

3b)With weak weapons: shoot the jeep at ground elevation and from the front, don't follow it around. Make the jeep stop from running into you, perhaps even turning itself over in the process. If he gets by you, go back to flight mode, get in front of it, hover and try again to stop him (it can be tricky due to lag). Once it's stopped, it's easy to finish it off; if it is already heavily damaged when you see it, then just shoot at it from behind with the machine gun, assuming there aren't any repair powerups nearby.

When dropping in front of a jeep, give yourself lots of lead distance to avoid the lag problem. Don't just try to come down right in front of him, hit the ground several jeep lengths ahead at least.

3c)With strong weapons:
-cluster bombs: try to stop the jeep before firing, since the cluster takes a while to explode and the jeep will probably drive right past it.

The instant you stop the jeep, drop the cluster right there and take off. Before he can accellerate away, he's toast. One caveat, don't drop the cluster when you're pressed hard against the ground, it sometimes falls through the ground harmlessly. :X

-electricity: charge it fully, and make sure to stick it to him; at the very least it will cause the driver to abandon the jeep.

Personally, I prefer the uncharged lightning for this, I usually get a much faster kill, and less chance of them bailing.

IV. Warhawk vs Warhawk:

Having invisibility in your inventory can help you escape ANY situation in the skies, just make sure to use the chaff at the last minute (to take care of all incoming missles) THEN quickly turn on invisibility before they have a chance to lock on. This is one of the most common mistakes, turning on invisibility assuming that they don't have any missles locked on, then getting killed while invisible. Make sure everyone's off your tail; if not, use the chaff, you can get more while invisible.

Caveat: Even if you do this, you are not guaranteed to be safe. I've gotten a homing missile lock on an enemy that went into invisibility, and held it while I chased him all the way around the map. When you cloak, check the map, and if there is a warhawk following you, he might still have you locked. Keep him at a safe distance so he can't fire at close range, and be tricky about your flight path to hopefully leave his screen.

Also, when chasing enemies, remember that not only does chaff take time to reload, but so does invisibility. If you fire a locked missile and he comes out of cloak to chaff it, get another lock before he can bring it back up.


-Turret missles: if these are fired at you, you better pray that the turret is far enough away from you so that you have enough time to do aerial acrobatics and get them off you. Think about the missle turret locations and the area of land controlled by your team to get an idea of from where the shots were fired. Once you have an idea, think of where you can hide so that the missles hit a mountain or building; quickly dive out of the playing field if you get the chance to make sure you avoid it ( For example, in Eucadia, dive behind the mountains near the edges of the map; there's no possible angle that a turret missle in that entire level will follow you there). If you think that's there's no place to hide or that the turret is close to you, hit the chaff, it's probably either that or you're dead.

Caveat: Whether or not the missiles can follow you behind cover will depend on how you got there. If you were flying at a high altitude and try dropping behind the mountains, most likely the missiles will be high enough that they can just follow your flight path and hit you. Hug the terrain. So in the aforementioned Eucadia example, get below the ridge of the mountains as you're boosting toward them to make sure the missiles are on the same level, then scrape closely over the top of them and immediately down.

VI. Advanced Pointers

-It's possible for one pilot to monopolize the entire invisibility for a level, particularly Island Outpost, Archipielago, Eucadia and Omega Factory. What I mean is, get one invisibility, then get the other and activate it; when the counter gets to around 120, the first invisibility that you grabbed will have respawned, filling your supply to 200. Then when the counter reaches around 120 again, go to the second invisibility that will just be respawning and resupply again. Rinse and repeat. This way you can stay invisible the entire time, while denying everyone else of invisibility. Not that useful combatwise, but keeping it out of the hands of your opponents is always a plus.

Heh, this is how I managed the 20 minutes in a warhawk requirement for the Distinguished Air Combat medal. XD

VII. Air Mine Placement and Avoidance

Let's get right down to it, as cheap as they are, EVERYONE that's a good player uses air mines. In fact, I contend that making sure that your team controls the air mines should be a priority in ALL game modes. (At the very least we'll save Manky from a couple of deaths). A team that is slowly controlling the spawn points can easily pin down the other team with intelligently placed mines (as cheap as it seems).

You won't save me, I run into friendly mines almost as much as enemy ones. Hell, I run into my own most of all. XD

Make sure to recognize which mines your team has, red team has the spiky balls, blue team has the air balloonish type. I can't believe it took me around 150 hours to figure this out; I used to have to die at least once for me to know which type wasn't our teams.

Just to clarify, the mine shapes aren't tied to the team color, but the team nationality. Eucadians (those good looking guys that look like regular ground troops with the WWII looking warhawks) have the balloon mines. Chernovians (clearly the bad guys because they're ugly and have evil looking stuff for most of their skins and sinister looking planes) have the spiky mines. Eucadians aren't always blue.

*Where to place them (I'm talking about the largest variation of the maps):

CLOUDS. In a dogfight, mine the clouds, especially those in the most travelled areas. Warn your team that you've done so.

Above enemy warhawk spawns, and keep in mind you can get very close to the ground, so that the instant they get in, they blow up. Learn the distance.

One heuristic I'll use is to mine the powerups that people tend to go to on each map. You can tailor this to a particular team on the fly if you notice their better pilots using particular weapons.

Another good thing to do is to mine commonly used flight paths. If you find yourself constantly taking certain paths or chasing people through them, put a mine there. If it's a spot where they have to make a blind turn, even better. But REMEMBER WHERE YOU PUT THEM and tell your team.


Unsurprisingly, I agree with all of what you said, you even clarified what I was trying to get across in a couple of instances.

In fact, regarding the invisibility, if you're full on health, it doesn't really matter if you have a homing missle locked on; even if it hits, it won't be able to kill you, and any regular missles should be avoided while invisible. The thing to remember is to NOT remove invisibility to use chaff, because of the time it takes to put up invisibility again, like manky said. So if you're already invisible and are being fired upon, just make sure to avoid regular missles, take the hit from homing if you have to, but STAY INVISIBLE. They probably won't be able to finish you off, and you can go pick up health/get away.

As far as the air mine type being tied to team color, I still haven't been in a game where it hasn't been that way, so for now I'll keep it that way and not worry about eucadian/chernovan race.

Oh and yes, DO we have enough people for tonights match? what is needed; 4?6?8?

edit: supposed to be at 9:45pm est (I assume) I'd like to see the details, but only the leader/coleader can view and accept....
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