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Warhawk - The Official Thread


I jumped on Warhawk last night and was amazed @ how much better it got.
500+ servers
EASY to connect to
Fun right off the back

I remember 1000+ servers :) than it dwindled down to 200 :( But great to see 500+ with Sony Servers again! And I connected to a 23/24 game like nothing!

I even left Warhawk in my Ps3 for games tonight!!

Hope to play with some Gaffers soon.


CSSer said:
Looks like I'll be gone from Warhawk for at least this weekend... my launch ps3 can't read discs anymore >______>. Have fun with your many orgies.
;< My almost launch ps3 is acting pretty flaky right now. It seems to be having trouble reading my game discs.. noticing quite a bit skips/hiccups when playing cod4, burnout, ratchet..Thank jeebus wh is on my hdd. ;d


oneHeero said:
I remember 1000+ servers :) than it dwindled down to 200 :( But great to see 500+ with Sony Servers again! And I connected to a 23/24 game like nothing!

Hope to play with some Gaffers soon.
but about 300 of them are almost empty! ;d


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Ceb said:
The volunteers as of a couple of days ago were:

0 nohne
6 Arkestra
6 methane47
8 ChryZ-US
8 Sea_Manky
12 Escalation
Possibly Bloody_Marcel?

I'm losing track of everything sorry. Which match is that? The one against FGC? What GMT time is 3AM CET?

User 406

Might as well see if you can't counter challenge them to a more reasonable time tomorrow.

We really need to put something in the clan description about the fact that we have a lot of Euro players who need their beauty sleep so we stop getting these late matches. :p


Ceb said:
Btw, that'd mean 23:30 for you (you're GMT+2, right?).
Nope, I'm CET (GMT+1).

Sea Manky said:
We really need to put something in the clan description about the fact that we have a lot of Euro players who need their beauty sleep so we stop getting these late matches. :p
Indeed. I was always able to play Resistance when sleep deprived, but WarHawk requires a lot more attention and my usefulness drops to cannon fodder level ~_~

Regarding that GB business, maybe we should do more challenging ourselves. I'm under the impression, that all the top teams see us like the means to pad their w/l ratio with another win. Shouldn't we climb the ladder from bottom to top?

User 406

ChryZ said:
Regarding that GB business, maybe we should do more challenging ourselves. I'm under the impression, that all the top teams see us like the means to pad their w/l ratio with another win. Shouldn't we climb the ladder from bottom to top?

We haven't really needed to do any challenging since people keep challenging us. :p And I believe the top teams want to play us because we beat FGC right off the bat. And FGC challenged us because they challenge everyone all the time, which is why they have so many games played.


Sea Manky said:
We haven't really needed to do any challenging since people keep challenging us. :p

Manky's mostly correct with this comment, but it would've been neat if we had a game for tomorrow evening. So I also agree with ChryZ that perhaps we should look into throwing out some challenges ourselves.

Urrgh, I just had two CTF games where my team went from a safe 2-0 to a tie. You can never allow yourself to relax in Warhawk.

Btw, I ran into Sloppyjoe today (from MVP). I'll remind him about tonight's game so it doesn't turn out like last time. :D


Ceb said:
Manky's mostly correct with this comment, but it would've been neat if we had a game for tomorrow evening. So I also agree with ChryZ that perhaps we should look into throwing out some challenges ourselves.

Urrgh, I just had two CTF games where my team went from a safe 2-0 to a tie. You can never allow yourself to relax in Warhawk.

Btw, I ran into Sloppyjoe today (from MVP). I'll remind him about tonight's game so it doesn't turn out like last time. :D

Was playing a TD match last night.. blue team was up 160 to 140 with 1 minute to go... match ends.. and I see.. red team wins.. I was like WTF~!!! checked the score.. blue 162 red 163... most ridiculous thing ever

User 406

Well, we had a couple outstanding challenges lying open this week, but nobody asked for volunteers or tried to negotiate with the team captains to move them to a more favorable slot.

Really, that's what it takes, and it's why I was getting so burned out, just about every day I was passing messages back and forth trying to get the matches in order so they'd be feasible for both teams' schedules. Just letting random challenges sit until game day doesn't get us anywhere. If someone is organizing a match, they need to keep everyone posted with updates, push for volunteers, and communicate with the other team ahead of time. And if I'm not going to do it all the time, then others will need to do the same thing.

I do think we need to put some limits on when we will accept challenges, and publicize them. We do best on the weekends at our usual time slot, and while we do have some people available in the evenings in the US, we won't be able to easily handle some of the 10 vs 10 stuff that's being tossed our way. That will make things a bit easier by cutting down on the amount of negotiation needed.

And I'm going to indulge myself in a little rant here. Dealing with the volunteer situation is really irritating. It sometimes feels like trying to herd cats. We've had people volunteer and then not show. This is why we have alternates, since it's unreasonable to expect real life to take a backseat to a video game, but it seems that when I get a list of volunteers ahead of time, game day will sometimes have a completely different set of people showing up. If you're not sure that you can make it, TELL ME.

Fortunately, we also have a lot of people who didn't volunteer who show up, sometimes at the last minute. But what bothers me is why didn't these people volunteer in the first place? Or at least say they aren't sure they'll show up but they'll try? The whole point of getting a big clan info list together complete with mailing list is to provide advance notice for matches! It doesn't matter if you think you'll always be available, REPLY. Making assumptions about people being there is where we'll hit problems when real life finally does intrude.

For that reason, on the last couple matches and going forward, I've been setting the priority on the rosters to be first those on the volunteer list in ascending order of experience, and only then if there's still room do latecomers get in. If you don't volunteer, even if you have less EXP than someone else on the volunteer list, they get priority simply because they bothered to respond ahead of time and commit to being there. Participation in the clan is more than just showing up five minutes before a match. VOLUNTEER. REPLY.


Manky: I hear ya, and I definitely agree on the volunteer situation. If Steroyd promotes me to captain on GB, I can also chip in and help sometime.

User 406

Yay, had a nap and my headache has receded a bit. :p

We should probably do a clan cull again, since we've been getting renewed interest from people lately and there's a lot of members who never responded to the roll call or their GB invites.

Anyway, the match with Best of Warhawk is in a bit under an hour, we'll be on http://mibbit.com/ as before, channel name #gafhawk.

User 406

Damn, that was a tough set of matches, I honestly wasn't expecting them to be that good. We won the zones and TDM games, the zones by a measly 18 points, and the CTF was a tie. We definitely need more team role practice. But hey, our losing streak has ended. :p Good work everyone!


nickslicl said:
Quick Question:

Does tagging your own flag carrier with lightning damage his vehicle?

edit: Nice win guys, congats!

No... if the server has friendly fire off
but if he gets out of the vehicle yes


Sea Manky said:
Damn, that was a tough set of matches, I honestly wasn't expecting them to be that good. We won the zones and TDM games, the zones by a measly 18 points, and the CTF was a tie. We definitely need more team role practice. But hey, our losing streak has ended. :p Good work everyone!

We were slowly being pushed back, but then we got our act together and got all the zones somehow. o_O

My defending on CTF was patchy, was finding my feet at the start and that's when they struck and captured the flag, got caught at the enemy base at times to. :/

User 406

Heh, they were defending their flag so well, I tried doing the little warhawk hop-up on the flag window. I must have looked pretty stupid. Eventually I gave up and went in the regular way. XD

User 406

Nobody's accepted the challenge, called for volunteers, or anything, so I seriously doubt it. My wife wants me to go get chinese, so I won't be available in any case. :X


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Sea Manky said:
Nobody's accepted the challenge, called for volunteers, or anything, so I seriously doubt it. My wife wants me to go get chinese, so I won't be available in any case. :X

oh damn. oh well.


Oh shit, we gained like 20 spots on the clan ladder. :D We're on the first page now, woohoo!

EDIT: Thanks for making me captain, Steroyd. I just sent out a couple of inquiries about possible clan matches next weekend, so I'll report back with the status on those.


GAF is feared! :lol Like I said, I sent out some PMs on GB asking about a possible clan match next weekend. Exemplary Niggaz' leader sent back this reply:

Straight to the point. :lol
Sea Manky said:
We definitely need more team role practice.

I defend flags! :D

Speaking of which, I had a really intense random CTF match on Badlands yesterday. Our team had the Chernovan flag, and the Chernovan's had our flag. The Chernovan flag carrier took our flag to the one gun turret hut behind the flag base, and to the left of the tank hangar.

Teams of Warhawks and ground troops kept pressing in to break their defense and I kept dying while attempting the recover and respawning back at our base to get a Warhawk.

Finally I manage to get over there with a Warhawk. Hop out. Throw grenade! Throw grenade! Run into the hut switch to knife and the flag carrier is in the rafters, I jump up and stab his ass to death. Turns out there was another Chernovan up there too. He runs to the flag and I jump up and knife his ass too. Climb up into the rafters and clench my ass cheeks hoping nobody runs up in my ass trying to recover. Fortunately the rest of the team kept the Chernovan troops busy outside and I managed to recover our flag and we captured the Chernovan flag.

w00000t! :D
How exactly does one join the Gaf clan, or at least play with fellow Gaffers? I just want to play with people who actually use tactics, not to mention their mics.


Regarding those team roles: I'm sorry that I was kinda late to irc yesterday and pretty much missed all the talk. So what's the deal? I'm up for any role, so I guess middle field would be a good fit. Would it be okay to dip into offense and defense at times?


ChryZ said:
Regarding those team roles: I'm sorry that I was kinda late to irc yesterday and pretty much missed all the talk. So what's the deal? I'm up for any role, so I guess middle field would be a good fit. Would it be okay to dip into offense and defense at times?

Essentially yeah.

The reason for the roles is so we don't have an imbalance when defending and attacking midfield does both depending on the situation.


I had my first games last night, got totally lost and in a room where nobody talked or would help me out.

Let me know when some games are going or add my as a friend. Impressed with the game tho.


Gowans007 said:
I had my first games last night, got totally lost and in a room where nobody talked or would help me out.

Let me know when some games are going or add my as a friend. Impressed with the game tho.
Since we have a match today, some of us will probably get together and practice. You can join us then and somebody will probably help you out.

I'm going to play in a bit so maybe you can join whatever server I'm on or vice versa.
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