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Warhawk - The Official Thread


Do you mean no base defenders at all or, say, never more than one person (in a 6vs6 game)? I can see the advantage of having everyone on the move - you'll effectively outnumber most teams. However, it feels like a dangerous gamble.

I'd feel safer having a strong defender like TTP covering the flag, but I dunno.

I agree that we have to get better at taking people with us in warhawks when we're trying to get bases. This didn't really happen in the Badlands ZNS against BSK. We just congregated in our base and got blown to pieces.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
ChryZ said:
We played quite a few GB matches now and from my experience a few remarks:

-when we lost: we were outclassed / outnumbered in the air
-cause for outclassed: lack of skills adventitiously effected by being outnumbered
-cause for outnumbered: lack of bases (aka warhawk spawns)

IMHO the key to CTF is not camping the flag, that's kinda passive aka waiting for them, wasting time. Anyone should be out there: taking bases. It's not OD, no flying lobster. I'd rather have full/decent control of the air (incl tow, clusters, etc). Having to catch them in the first third of the map is a small price to pay.

IMHO top priority should always be to hold at least one key base outside of the base camp and to expand from there. If that key base is endangered, then report via team chat and anyone should redirect their effort to reclaim it.

Take bases in small teams: one wh, two people. Drop the passenger, if secure, join him to take the base faster. In case of bad company give air support, if you die respawn at the just claimed base and finish the job. Then repeat with the next base.


I think everyone should take bases at the beginning of a match rather than split between air and ground. After we have got like 2 or 3 worthy bases, the "base team" stays on the ground trying to get more bases and defend while the other goes dogfighting.

Also, everyone should try to respawn at bases under attack rather than to a random one only because there is a Warhawk parked there.


On Destroyed Capitol, I think you only need an initial base rush consisting of four people. Spawn in the middle, split into teams of two and take the towers. One guy spawns at the mine pickup and places them out in the flag area. The remaining person takes to the skies and either starts hounding the enemy warhawks, starts placing out air mines or grabs the stealth and makes a run for their flag.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Ceb said:
On Destroyed Capitol, I think you only need an initial base rush consisting of four people. Spawn in the middle, split into teams of two and take the towers. One guy spawns at the mine pickup and places them out in the flag area. The remaining person takes to the skies and either starts hounding the enemy warhawks, starts placing out air mines or grabs the stealth and makes a run for their flag.

Ah yeah, I was talking in general, not about the CFT we are having today on Destroyed Capitol. Those two towers are fucking mandatory indeed. Also, flag defending is somewhat easy as there are only three access point to the flag (via the stairs or via the window with the aid of a Warhawk and another one). I think one person alone can deal with that, two other guys help each others at the two towers while the rest (3) go for the flag.

So this is how I see this.

Everyone goes for the towers. Conquer them fast 3 ppl per side. At that point 3 people get on Warhawks and go for the flag. 2 stay. 1 goes back to flag for defence.

Edit: besides, do we know the map layout we will be playing in for CTF?

User 406

Here's the thing about flag defense on Destroyed Capitol: Aside from the warhawk hover/window trick, there are only TWO entrances to the second floor. And yet when I'm on offense, I find it to be one of the easiest levels to grab the flag in and get out scot free. People simply don't know how to defend it properly.

First of all, you want to place mines in the obvious spots. On the corner at the top of the stairs. On the wall between the two windows above the rubble heap. Above the window where the flag is. Extra mines should be placed cleverly outside the building to cover common escape routes.

Second, arm yourself and stand on the third floor ledge where you can get a clear view of both the windows and the stairs. You're in an excellent position to cut them down with the assault rifle and toss grenades at them. By the same token, don't just stand there when you're firing at them, they'll try to take you out with a well placed grenade too. If they get in, drop down and roast them with the flamethrower.

Third, watch your map. If an enemy plane comes down and lands, you know they're coming in. Likewise if they're on the flag side of the building, move over there to stop them from doing the hover trick.

This is also what you should do if you've got the flag back at your base in a stalemate.

Seriously, that building is easily defended by even a single person, but it's so rarely done right.


No, but I really doubt it's Garden Showdown. It might be King of the Hill, which would be... interesting.

EDIT: I'm gonna put up !GAF for a while. I dunno how useful it'll be since so few of us are here, but at least it makes for some form of warmup.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Sea Manky said:
Here's the thing about flag defense on Destroyed Capitol: Aside from the warhawk hover/window trick, there are only TWO entrances to the second floor. And yet when I'm on offense, I find it to be one of the easiest levels to grab the flag in and get out scot free. People simply don't know how to defend it properly.

First of all, you want to place mines in the obvious spots. On the corner at the top of the stairs. On the wall between the two windows above the rubble heap. Above the window where the flag is. Extra mines should be placed cleverly outside the building to cover common escape routes.

Second, arm yourself and stand on the third floor ledge where you can get a clear view of both the windows and the stairs. You're in an excellent position to cut them down with the assault rifle and toss grenades at them. By the same token, don't just stand there when you're firing at them, they'll try to take you out with a well placed grenade too. If they get in, drop down and roast them with the flamethrower.

Third, watch your map. If an enemy plane comes down and lands, you know they're coming in. Likewise if they're on the flag side of the building, move over there to stop them from doing the hover trick.

This is also what you should do if you've got the flag back at your base in a stalemate.

Seriously, that building is easily defended by even a single person, but it's so rarely done right.

If we play that map I'll try my best to do that. Spire Shut-In is the name of the layout btw. Hopefully we play that one.


Ceb said:
On Destroyed Capitol, I think you only need an initial base rush consisting of four people. Spawn in the middle, split into teams of two and take the towers. One guy spawns at the mine pickup and places them out in the flag area. The remaining person takes to the skies and either starts hounding the enemy warhawks, starts placing out air mines or grabs the stealth and makes a run for their flag.

Don't bother with the middle base at all, for one there isn't any Warhawlk spawns meaning it's next to useless to spawn from even if you go there to head off the flag carrier whatchya gonna do, drive them off the edge?

The towers are pivotal, you're looking at a supply of around 12 Warhawks from those 2 towers alone, mine north south east and west landing points when you get a hold of them, never mind mining the inside because you can take those bases from the outside in a *special place* stop those buggers from landing full stop.

<3 Defending Destroyed Capital :D

User 406

The only use for the middle base is to spawn closer to a downed flag halfway across the level, whether theirs or your own. With both towers in our hands, that's not as big an issue since anyone can be just a few seconds from the center anyway.

That said, a good additional line of defense for those so inclined is to have someone bring up a tank and stay near that center base to pick off escaping flag carriers.

One other thing, non-defenders who get a land mine pickup early on should take a minute and hop around to mine all the jeeps near the base.

And something our defenders should do on any level where the enemy flag carrier has escaped but is still on foot, quickly get together in a single warhawk so the passenger can see where he is. We need to use that capability more to shut down people being sneaky on all maps and modes. If you're a passenger, keep your map up and shout out enemy blips in places where we aren't.

Edit: One final neat trick. That defender that spawns at the mines? Grab a jeep. Drive it up the rubble pile to the flag building. Drive it inside. Drive it up the first set of stairs. Drive it up the second set of stairs. Maneuver it to the corner overlooking the lower stair and windows. Voila, instant 50-cal nest inside. XD


Damn, it froze. Sorry Steroyd, but it seems like it's off-season anyway.

Don't bother with the middle base at all, for one there isn't any Warhawlk spawns meaning it's next to useless to spawn from even if you go there to head off the flag carrier whatchya gonna do, drive them off the edge?

When I said middle, I meant the middle spawn point of the main base where there are plenty of warhawks and where it's easy to find a teammate to take with you to one of the towers.


Speaking of lost character data, I've had some occasional issues with badges not registering again. It's a bit annoying.

Oh, and since no one in #gafhawk could really answer: exactly what is the "zone expansion" stat that the Zone Offence (or is it Defence?) medal requires? There's nothing of the kind that's logged in stats, so I'm just wondering if it's another word for the combined # of level 2 and level 3 captures.


Neo Member
Kazenone said:
Well my GF was just playing (She likes it:D)

Yep, look out for the warhawk designed with pink hearts. :)

That, or a player who is overly trigger-happy when in possession of a rocket launcher.

Pew pew ~


A girl!?

In my warhawk thread ?!?

What is the world coming to ?

lol, glad to see someone of the fairer sex appreciates the game :)


Sybari said:
Yep, look out for the warhawk designed with pink hearts. :)

That, or a player who is overly trigger-happy when in possession of a rocket launcher.

Pew pew ~

You should play with the gaf clan sometime.... the more gaffers the merrier

User 406

Actually, there are quite a few female warhawk players. There's a semi-regular Batlle of the Sexes game every so often at the warhawk boards. LadyT is ranked pretty high in deathmatch. And there's a husband/wife team who trade off playing with the same account with a ton of playtime and points. :p
Just picked it up today and played a few matches. I really like what the game does, I just suck balls right now. I played in 2 matches and so far my K/D is .17 lol.

SgtCaulk is my psn. Hope to see some of you on later.


meh..not really feeling it today...just tired, I guess...holding missles too long, among other things...
That's why I didn't even want to play in that clan match...now the doubt lingers on whether I could've made a difference...oh well, we'll get em' next time.

Some abusive dogfights from your team, Manky; eerily reminiscent of some of those clan matches where we've been utterly dominated up there....(shudders...) Being chased by 7 of you in destroyed capitol (on our side of the field, no less)...not cool...not cool at all.

quick question; does flying sideways with pro controls make you less take damage?
I ask because that guy from the GI clan, I hit him with multiple homing missles (I saw it hit, no doubt there) and machine gun fire, to no avail.
Got him square with a TOW later (as I did once to you, Manky; island outpost) yet no damage at all (in both cases). I say direct hit because the TOW actually exploded from contact with you. Oh well...if that TOW missle failed in a clan match, then I'd be furious.


carlos said:
meh..not really feeling it today...just tired, I guess...holding missles too long, among other things...
That's why I didn't even want to play in that clan match...now the doubt lingers on whether I could've made a difference...oh well, we'll get em' next time.

Some abusive dogfights from your team, Manky; eerily reminiscent of some of those clan matches where we've been utterly dominated up there....(shudders...) Being chased by 7 of you in destroyed capitol (on our side of the field, no less)...not cool...not cool at all.

What ever man.. I felt like your whipping boy in Destroyed Capital..
I would chase down someone and then WTF CARLOS!!

Or I'd see you and start attacking.. then one of your team mates would send a swarm at me from the back... And I get hit... Then you shoot me with one shot and I'm dead...

Did you kill anyone besides me in that game? Cuz it sure didn't feel like it to me :lol


Jack Scofield said:
Quick question for the "pro" Warhawk players here. When you have the swarm missiles, how many do you usually lock on before firing?

Depends on the situation... if the person doesn't know you are there... Then by all means lock on as many as possible before firing.. and as soon as you release them shoot your MG too..

Or if they are flying around sometimes I shoot a lone swarm missle just to get people to lose their chaff.. (doesn't work with more experienced players though ... they will just evade it)

User 406

Ahhh, I feel MUCH better! A good brutal dogfight was just what I needed to cheer up. ^_^

Best part was that we got some quality pilots in there in the form of gunawi and some of the PP guys. Lots of fun. Plus I ranked up to Lt. Colonel, got my green clover marshmallow. :D

carlos, I don't think powersliding affects damage at all, I'm guessing it's just more of your bad lag situation. :(

As far as locking, I go for as many as I can get, but the trick is to release them as close as possible to the enemy. So pick an angle of attack where you can swoop in close and still keep the target on your screen as long as possible to get as many of them off as you can.


methane47 said:
Did you kill anyone besides me in that game? Cuz it sure didn't feel like it to me :lol

In all honesty, I remember that one game clearly and out of the 8 or so kills I got in that hostile environment, at least 4 of them were from you.
Of course I wasn't looking for you, chalk it up to being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's not like I had some time to choose a target before those missles I always had trailing me hit :/
Oh and yeah, at least twice it was pure luck with one single swarm missle, it's not like I could get my hands on a decent weapon, either.
It really was as bad as I mentioned, even my kill/death ratio took a dive since I had around 70 more deaths than kills during those games :(

My lag situation....either I'm being more of a perfectionist, noticing every small thing that's not going right for me, or things have taken a turn for the worse for some reason the last couple of weeks while my speed has remained the same :/ (most worrisome of it all being the innefective TOW missles).

Oh and as for the swarm missle question, shooting off just 1 is a good way to go, since even when it doesn't make the guy waste his chaff, sometimes they'll start avoiding so much that you'll be able to get real close to shoot off the other missles.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Can someone please explain me why we can't move jeeps and tanks with the left stick rather than using face buttons or the triggers?

My issue with how the vehicle control is set up is that I hate triggers, I just can't hold the controller firmly in my hands when operating on those. So I use the face buttons. While this is not an issue on a jeep, it is on a tank. With my right thumb being on X I cannot move and operate the cannon simultaneously. I have to release the throttle in order to fire. Which makes me a sitting armored duck.

Clearly those people with no issues with the triggers have an advantage on tanks as they can move and shoot simultaneously. This pisses me of as I see no reason why we shouldn't be able to control the tank with the left stick. If you have ever played Halo or UTIII you know it's pretty possible and quite intuitive to have it set up like that. This would also make the transition between on-foot and on-vehicle more "seamless" as the basic controls remain fundamentally the same (left stick to move / right stick to aim).

I know there is stuff you cannot map on the left stick like the drift on a jeep (both striggers pressed) and the boost on the oncoming APC (double tap R2), but it's not like one control scheme can't be there on top of the old one. I can already powerslide with a jeep pressing the triggers and then keep going with X.

So what do you think? Should I point this out to Dylan Jobe or am I missing something obvious here?
Sorry guys, out of the action this past weekend and so far this week thanks to my rekindled love of Dynasty Warriors. <3 <3 <3

I'm almost through with Dian Wei's campaign, so I'll be free to play Warhawk once more. :p


TTP said:
So what do you think? Should I point this out to Dylan Jobe or am I missing something obvious here?

Yes...please. It's funny, because although I wouldn't change anything now (I'm too used to the control scheme) I've had to adopt a real tight and awkward grip on my controller as my flying has evolved. Also while your at it, ask him if they can work on tweaking the camera follow for us normal flight pilots. Pro-flighters have us at an advantage because they never lose their cross hairs, while we on the other hand have to contend with zero aiming reticle when we do ALOT of different manuevers. In addition the camera can make some real funky flip arounds when you do loops.


Speaking about the normal flight controls..

Is it just me.. or does it seem easier to dodge swarm missles with pro-flight turned off ... I see guys go into a schizofrenic twist and shakes off plenty of missles..

But when the bigger missles come into play they are much easier target????

I LOVE this game, but dammit if it doesn't frustrate the hell out of me. :lol This game makes me angrier than any other game out there. I just hate losing, especially if it's because of my team's incompetence. When our flag leaves the base, GO GET IT BACK! It pisses me off when our flag is down in the middle of the map and our pilots are flying around aimlessly. AGGHHH!

The game is still a fucking blast, though. And Jaeyden, I just played with you in a couple of CTF games (you probably already realize this, though). Consider that win on Island Outpost lucky. :D


methane47 said:
Speaking about the normal flight controls..

Is it just me.. or does it seem easier to dodge swarm missles with pro-flight turned off ... I see guys go into a schizofrenic twist and shakes off plenty of missles..

But when the bigger missles come into play they are much easier target????


I'd say yes, it's really easy to shake swarm missiles with normal flight. Whereas with pro flight I can spazz out a bit too much sometimes and veer away upwards.

It's a different story with homing and turret fire though.


Oh yeah, /7 said we should send them a challenge for Sunday if we want to play.


Jack Scofield said:
I LOVE this game, but dammit if it doesn't frustrate the hell out of me. :lol This game makes me angrier than any other game out there. I just hate losing, especially if it's because of my team's incompetence. When our flag leaves the base, GO GET IT BACK! It pisses me off when our flag is down in the middle of the map and our pilots are flying around aimlessly. AGGHHH!

The game is still a fucking blast, though. And Jaeyden, I just played with you in a couple of CTF games (you probably already realize this, though). Consider that win on Island Outpost lucky. :D

That's my distraction strategy. I lure the other teams players into needless dogfights. :lol
Go GAF, we rocked those game up!

On another note, has anyone ever heard of a way to "adjust" the way your Warhawk handles during flight, when your getting into it? I noticed something tonight, and started fooling around with it and now I swear to god I can make my plane and aiming reticle handle and feel differently when I'm flying. It almost feels like the perfect mix of pro and normal flight. I don't want to get into details, as I'm going to do some more testing and wanted to know if anyone had heard of anything like it.


Jaeyden said:
On another note, has anyone ever heard of a way to "adjust" the way your Warhawk handles during flight, when your getting into it? I noticed something tonight, and started fooling around with it and now I swear to god I can make my plane and aiming reticle handle and feel differently when I'm flying. It almost feels like the perfect mix of pro and normal flight. I don't want to get into details, as I'm going to do some more testing and wanted to know if anyone had heard of anything like it.
Do you use pro or normal for this?

I'm knee-deep in pro mode at the moment and enjoy it more than ever. I rarely pick up chaffs anymore. Shaking-off missiles is like a meta game and to get the audio confirmation for successfully braking the lock results in direct endorphin production. It's like crack, I HAD to play 2-3 games last night even though I was dead tired from going to the gym.

Next, I really need to work on my close range target tracking.


Normal flight and I thought I might be imagining things at first. But after testing it for a few hours now, I'm sure that there is a difference in the way my Warhawk handles. Now.. whether anybody else can make a go of it is to be seen. It doesn't seem to do anything when I try it in Pro-flight. I've flown over 250 hours in normal mode and I may just be splitting hairs, but I'm convinced that something is going on here. If any of our normal profilers are interested in trying it out and seeing if they can tell the difference send me a PM. I'm not sure if it would be considered an exploit....if it's even anything at all. Maybe I am crazy.

User 406

Yeah, when I first got Warhawk I was put off by the complete lack of control customization. I originally wanted to put jump and crouch on L1/L2 like I normally do for shooting type games. But the rest of their control setups were quite sensible to me, and after getting used to it I saw the silver lining of not having everyone constantly bunnyhopping like most games. XD

As for the normal flight camera thing, I think the whole point of that is to make the game more accessible to people who would get motion sickness from banking around like a real pilot. USE PROFLIGHT! :p

Oni Jazar

Great dogfighting yesterday with you guys. I don't think I'll ever get tired of this game. Best part is not needing to have a disc in the drive. Just boot up and play!
Played a few more games today a TDM and CTF. I don't know if I'll ever get the hang of the flying portion of the game cause I get my ass handed to me anytime I ever get in an aircraft. I was loving the CTF game I was in though, we were down 4-0 then we came back to win 10-4. I loved staying back as a defender.

Pathetically my KD ratio is .14, though I did get some medals for my kills and whatnot so it was nice to get some reward even though I sucked balls most of the time. Lovin it though.


I was scouting the forums of one of our possible opponents for the weekend for some of their tactics. :D

About the warhawk jump trick we were discussing:

make sure you start away from the building and make sure you go up at a forward angle, going straight up aginst the building dont work to good. also with the up and forward angle it launches you into the window for a supprise attack!!

Didn't know that going straight up made it harder. If we could coordinate attacks on DC where one person does the jump trick and another heads in the regular way, we'd have good backup for possible mine debacles and an element of surprise against the defender(s).

On TDM dogfight tactics:

* They tried to drag us to their side/half of the map and take us one by one. And they succeeded.
This is very important in death match, I personally don't go too much to their side of the map. and If I go, I just go for couple seconds and come back quick. Even when we hold practice dogfight servers, the more time I spend in the middle of the maps, the more I get killed. So my advice to you guys, just try to go back and forth between the middle of the map and our side of the map. When they are closer to our spaw, we have a better chance of getting more kills.
* I think we better start fighting in groups, for example, in a 6v6, I suggest that we have two groups of 3 pilots, one to the right side and one to the left side of the map.
* When someone from the other team is chasing one of us, target him by one swarm missile so that he thinks it's a Homing Missile, this will make him use his Chaff, and then lock-on with a Homing Missile and combine with machine gun, coz the Homing Missile will only decrease his health by 80%, if he has full health. I use this a lot, and it works, people just think it's a swarm missile and I hear them releasing their chaff Twisted Evil


That's the problem with TDM dogfights, the sides are separated. The best way to win those are coordinated attacks....if you go over alone, you will die (unless you're loaded with stealth), but if the whole team takes the offensive to them, it's a different ballgame. Drive over, get your kills and drive back...keep them reeling.

Eliminate the center line and they loose theie home field advantage...they have one great pilot, double team that guy. When he respawns, go immediately after him in groups....

There are tons of tactics but the best thing to do is eliminate their home field advantage...they knew you guys were aggressive pilots and took advantage of that...Instead of falling for their bait one by one, fall as a team...They were waiting but the best thing to do is make sure each person has a wing man to go over with them

I bet, when ever someoen followed over, they swarmed to that guy and killed him. They can't do that when 6 planes go over and have solid communication and organization.

This advice obviously isn't meant for Manky, carlos, Esca and other people who are highly comfortable in the air. Remember to check your map and don't let the other team lure you into a trap.

Their counterattack tactic for retaking Archipelago center base:

I just thought of a counter-attack for this tactic using only two warhawks, and four guys.

We can get two people each with an RPG, and two guys with a warhawk to drop them on the second floor in the middle base.
It could work either ways, the RPG guys attack the tank, while the warhawk guys clear the air from any supporting enemy warhawk. Or, the warhawks attack the tank, and the RPG guys clear the air.

if we can work on this technique, it might actually work ...

And after we get the middle base, we leave two guys one with a tank and one with an RPG to protect. In a 6v6 game, we can leave two guys in each base, with the home base unprotected. but who really cares about the home base, it can't be captured by the other team, and one point or two won't make a big difference and might lead us to forget about the other bases.

EDIT: I'm not saying your tactic is not good, not really. It's very important to get the middle base in Archipelago. I actually wish I thought of this counter-attack when we played the SOTO/BC.

It's true that most people either forget about troopers standing up around the warhawk spawns or have a hard time hitting them.


I'd just like to add about the importance of your team getting the best weapons in the air.

It's very difficult to finish off a warhawk with swarm missles and machine gun fire; if your team can manage to monopolize homing, invisibility and air mines, pilots on the other team will find it near impossible to take you down.

Swarm missles are of secondary importance; electricity is mostly good at close range and hovering matches, so to get killed with it, you really have to walk into it. Cluster bombs are useless in the air, and TOW's are good, but at most it'll get one air kill, and that's if you really know how to use it.

I was reminded of this in last night's dogfights, where I couldn't find weapons anywhere, and was constantly getting pounded while my swarm missles did nothing.

So in summary, take weapons as soon as possible, try to time how long it takes for them to respawn, and air mine the strongest weapon locations, because even if they don't run into them, they'll have to stop to shoot it down, giving you a couple of seconds to take the advantage in the air.


Are you up for some practice later today (that goes for everyone else too)? Say, from around 4-4:30 pm EST?
Jack Scofield said:
I LOVE this game, but dammit if it doesn't frustrate the hell out of me. :lol This game makes me angrier than any other game out there. I just hate losing, especially if it's because of my team's incompetence. When our flag leaves the base, GO GET IT BACK! It pisses me off when our flag is down in the middle of the map and our pilots are flying around aimlessly. AGGHHH!

The game is still a fucking blast, though. And Jaeyden, I just played with you in a couple of CTF games (you probably already realize this, though). Consider that win on Island Outpost lucky. :D

I find that if you filter for servers within your own rank and region it helps eliminate some of the problems. Not always, but it helps.

Also, I hated losing initially. After playing a while though and then going back into Deathmatch servers, you get better.

It's just practice.

If you're ever feeling annoyed just go play some small map deathmatch. Good way to take out some frustration. :D


Ceb said:
Are you up for some practice later today (that goes for everyone else too)? Say, from around 4-4:30 pm EST?

Sure, I'm feeling better today; just let us know when the server is up and I'm sure other gaffers will slowly start showing up.
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