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Warhawk - The Official Thread

Just got a network error.

Dogfighting until 300 points - what a pain in the ass on a small server. IT TAKES FOREVER!!!

As for AGGROCTF - We need better fucking coordination and THINKING. Failure at fucking pattern recognition will be the undoing of a game.

When the flag is in play (CAPTURED) - RETRIEVE IT! No dogfighting. No skirmishes. ALL ATTENTION ON FLAG!

When on defense, make sure to clear out the base! I know some enemies like to be cute and put mines and shit around OUR BASE - FUCKING CLEAR THEM OUT! Kill any and all bitches in our base too! Flag defense isn't all about staring at the flag, while the enemy compromises your fucking base. KILL! KILL! KILL! >:|

And if you notice the flag captor ALWAYS GOING THE SAME FUCKING WAY OUT OF THE BASE - MINE THAT GOD DAMNED PATH! I couldn't get my hands on mines, but every fuckig time Arkestra grabbed the flag it was up over the mountain and off. MINE THE FUCKING PATH!

Also, I'm really curious to see if we can get cooler heads to prevail and try a new tactic in AGGROCTF matches.

Since the enemy team will have be all engorged and feeling dizzy with bloodlust from murdering us with those fucking Warhawks - why not send a small group to their base and capture the flag? It's pretty obvious they're just focusing on hammering the flag base with Warhawks. Someone THAT IS NOT DRAWING ATTENTION TO THEMSELVES (read: NO GUNS, NO LONG OBVIOUS ROADS) in theory may be able to slip in there. Two men in a jeep. Weapons off. No combat. Stealthy like.

I think it's worth a shot.

And in Zones.


Stop getting caught up focusing on ONE OBJECTIVE! The objective when the bitches are controlling the map is to break the fucking links, not attack on god damn focal point.

And for you retards at the Zones spawn - CLEAR THE AREA OF MINES! I know that dickface was not on our clan, but any time anyone takes off in a Warhawk and it gets taken out by a nearby enemy mine that costs US TIME AND POINTS!

Thank god the server disconnected. I fucking hate dogfights. >:|


Jack Scofield said:
Eh, game froze for me. I was playing horribly anyway, and there were a few suspicious deaths due to lag.
Hey, jack. Since you seem to be crashing just as often as I am, lemme ask you something. do you have the bruray version? and are using wireless connection?
mintylurb said:
Hey, jack. Since you seem to be crashing just as often as I am, lemme ask you something. do you have the bruray version? and are using wireless connection?

Yes on both counts. I bet it's partly my fault, too, seeing as my PS3 is pretty far away from my router. But most of the time it'll be running flawlessly (my Xbox 360, too), when all of a sudden it crashes.


Jack Scofield said:
Yes on both counts. I bet it's partly my fault, too, seeing as my PS3 is pretty far away from my router. But most of the time it'll be running flawlessly (my Xbox 360, too), when all of a sudden it crashes.
Yeah my ps3 is also pretty far away from my router as well but cod4 online and burnout don't lock-up my ps3 like warhawk does. I'm wondering if we have defective discs since so many don't seem to have any issues with the game.

I've tried getting a replacement just in case I have a defective disc but sony won't budge because it's been more than 90days since I bought the game. Thank you sony!!
mintylurb said:
Yeah my ps3 is also pretty far away from my router as well but cod4 online and burnout don't lock-up my ps3 like warhawk does. I'm wondering if we have defective discs since so many don't seem to have any issues with the game.

I don't have any other PS3 games, so I'm not able to test other games. But I thought that freezing was a known issue with Warhawk? If so, I don't think we have anything to worry about; it just seems like we're having some bad luck. :D


Jack Scofield said:
I don't have any other PS3 games, so I'm not able to test other games. But I thought that freezing was a known issue with Warhawk? If so, I don't think we have anything to worry about; it just seems like we're having some bad luck. :D

I freeze only like once a week (and this is with a lot of playing time). Although I have the HD version not the disc one. Also CoD has locked up twice in a week when I played multiplayer for that.


I had a lot of fun there. I thought the lineups were even except for that last CTF where burnfout's team got pounded. How did we turn around that dogfight? The scores were even with a slight favor to the other team even after TTOB left.


Ceb said:
I had a lot of fun there. I thought the lineups were even except for that last CTF where burnfout's team got pounded. How did we turn around that dogfight? The scores were even with a slight favor to the other team even after TTOB left.

That dogfight was great again! Came out on top too, nice surprise!

BTW what is your PSN name TTOB?


Ceb said:
I had a lot of fun there. I thought the lineups were even except for that last CTF where burnfout's team got pounded. How did we turn around that dogfight? The scores were even with a slight favor to the other team even after TTOB left.
Even?! You gotta be fucking kidding me. First CTF 3-0, Zones 5000-700, Dogflight 130-90 (45 freaking points were from me, yeah my team mates surely rocked).


ChryZ said:
Even?! You gotta be fucking kidding me. First CTF 3-0, Zones 5000-700, Dogflight 130-90 (45 freaking points were from me, yeah my team mates surely rocked).

In the CTF, you were four gaffers against three. In addition we each had like one or two unknowns on our teams for a long while. Yeah, I think the lineup was even and I was surprised that we met with so little resistance. I can definitely understand TTOB's frustration up there. Your defensive play just wasn't working.

In the dogfight, you once again had more gaffers on your team, plus another guy who was good. Near the middle of the game, you had four people with 20+ scores while we had three. We were also outnumbered by three men for a while after people quit/disconnected. I think what turned it around was that too many of your teammates started going over to our side without backup.

For the zones game it's like Marquis said. For some reason, you all went for the middle base instead of combining hits with disruptive attacks on #2 and #6.

I dunno mate, if me or Steroyd or burnfout had left for your team, leaving only two gaffers behind, the teams would've been clearly unbalanced on paper. I understand your frustration though.


Jack Scofield said:
I don't have any other PS3 games, so I'm not able to test other games. But I thought that freezing was a known issue with Warhawk? If so, I don't think we have anything to worry about; it just seems like we're having some bad luck. :D
Maybe but having to manually shut down my ps3 just about everytime I play wh is just pissing me off and worried that it'll lead to broken system/hdd..;< curse you winhawk!

User 406

Damn, just jumped on and it looks like I completely missed you guys. :(

The Take Out Bandit said:
When the flag is in play (CAPTURED) - RETRIEVE IT! No dogfighting. No skirmishes. ALL ATTENTION ON FLAG!

A couple addendums to this.

If they've got multiple planes escorting the flag carrier, just nuking the jeep isn't going to do much other than delay them, as they will shoot you down or bombard you when you try to land and get the flag back. I actually have this problem a lot since I'm so singleminded and don't care much for my own survival, so it seems to me that my teammates who drive off the warhawk screen first then drop to get the flag have a better tactic. When I do it my way I'm just endlessly respawning near warhawks, boosting over, drilling the flag carrier, and dying, while the enemy still controls the air. :/

The other thing, if you've got people attacking the enemy flag carrier look at what spawn points and bases are nearby. If they belong to the other team, taking that base should be an immediate priority so no further enemies can spawn right near the downed flag. Furthermore, that allows your team to spawn by it if needed.

I guess what I'm saying here is that when the enemy has the flag, getting it back is top priority, but you need to observe what both the enemy and your own team are doing and pick a job that helps the effort instead of just mindlessly diving at the flag carrier. If carlos already has his nose blocking the jeep, he doesn't need me to toss more fire at the flag carrier, he needs me to keep warhawks off his back or capture that base right next to him.


Ceb said:
I dunno mate, if me or Steroyd or burnfout had left for your team, leaving only two gaffers behind, the teams would've been clearly unbalanced on paper. I understand your frustration though.
You can't rationalize unbalanced or not with the number of gaffers per team when the scores drew such a clear picture.


ChryZ: What do you think should've been done then? We know from experience that if we all join the same team, people are either gonna quit in disgust or the pros from that team will team switch to ours the first chance they get. Then it's just a total beatdown from there.


Hey, look what I found on /7's forum (re: our match):

Before I go to the topic, it seems that I'm the only guy who posts the most in this forum ! Do all the clan mates know about this forum?

Anyway, I don't know why, but I feel like we could have won that game and I believe we had better talent than theirs, but something went wrong. My guess is that our game play was chaotic, we didn't know what each of us would do.

Exactly, we need top practice and I'm not talking about having a game where we all just play. We need to have designated roles and follwo those roles in wach round. Like in zones, each person has a specific zone to capture in the first mintue and how to fly a team DM DFwith wingmen...CTF roles ect...

The jargon is eerily familiar. :lol


deepbrown said:
Missed it too. Odd, cause last night was too late for me, and today was too early. :/
I guess what I'm saying here is that when the enemy has the flag, getting it back is top priority, but you need to observe what both the enemy and your own team are doing and pick a job that helps the effort instead of just mindlessly diving at the flag carrier. If carlos already has his nose blocking the jeep, he doesn't need me to toss more fire at the flag carrier, he needs me to keep warhawks off his back or capture that base right next to him.

Yeah, and that's where playing as a team and developing these tactics as a reflex is more important than anything.

Unfortunately our CTF game was kind of lopsided, with the Chernovan's having Arkestra and some other Warhawk heavy hitters. And with that stupid fucking mini-map there are only two Warhawk spawns, so it's hard to get in the god damn air. >:|

And running off by myself in a jeep never helps any. Need a gunner, and an additional body will help get the stink of the opposing team off the flag faster. >:O


Just frustrating talking about it. :p
Oh yeah, I'd also love to see Incognito patch Warhawk so that we'd have a pre/post game lobby system similar to SOCOM so we could really get all of GAF on one side before a game begins. Only unlike SOCOM include a middle queue, so players can go to the queue if one side is full, then switch over when the spots open.

You know, similar to SOCOM; but done right. :D
Played some random games tonight. Tied one, dominated in the other, and got dominated in the last. It's really, really hard to accomplish anything when the opposing team constantly has 10+ Warhawks in the air.

Still managed to get 75 points and keep a positve K:D ratio, but damn, that was frustrating. :lol


Ceb said:
ChryZ: What do you think should've been done then? We know from experience that if we all join the same team, people are either gonna quit in disgust or the pros from that team will team switch to ours the first chance they get. Then it's just a total beatdown from there.
I have no idea how you concluded from my rants that we all should switch to one side.

Like I said before "Mix it up a little, guys. Dominating is nice and all ... but it's not a good training.", which means leave your comfort zone of being on the winning team and try to balance the teams. Getting humped nor dominating will get us anywhere. Games with close scores and balanced teams on the other hand will give the weaker players room to breath and the stronger players the chance to improve on tactics and team work.

That said, yesterday was my last time of playing the punching sack. I'll quit in case of unbalanced teams, if there is no will to fix it.


Yeah but there's instances against clans where we get all the bases but lack that killer instinct to stifle teams in their own base and then they comeback.

Gaf vs Gaf balanced would be nice fun but... how are we going to practice how to be compact and back - up each in the air? (i.e flying wedge).

I agree with you Chryz but there's certain holes in our gameplan we need to patch up by playing together somehow, getting humped in clan matches isn't fun either. :/



2 Clan Matches

Not Officially Challenged

Size: 10v10
Times: 1PM - 3:30PM EST or 6PM - 9:30 EST
Volunteers: Steroyd, Methane, Sea_Manky, Chryz, Ceb(maybe), mintylurb, Jaeyden, Kazenone, F-Pina

Officially Challenged
Size: 6v6 or 8v8
Times: N/A
Volunteers: Steroyd, Chryz, Ceb(Maybe), Sea_Manky, mintylurb, Methane, Jaeyden, Kazenone, F-Pina

1 match

Officially Challenged

Clan: Damage control
Size: 8v8
Times: 8PM GMT
Volunteers: Steroyd, Ceb, Chryz, Sea_Manky. mintylurb, Methane, Jaeyden, Kazenone

I'm dumb, BOK IS Black Ops Killers whom I was negotiating a match with WTF!? >_<

Did TTOB agree to a certain day, i didn't quite keep up yesterday.


ChryZ said:
I have no idea how you concluded from my rants that we all should switch to one side.

Like I said before "Mix it up a little, guys. Dominating is nice and all ... but it's not a good training.", which means leave your comfort zone of being on the winning team and try to balance the teams. Getting humped nor dominating will get us anywhere. Games with close scores and balanced teams on the other hand will give the weaker players room to breath and the stronger players the chance to improve on tactics and team work.

That said, yesterday was my last time of playing the punching sack. I'll quit in case of unbalanced teams, if there is no will to fix it.

I understand, but try to put yourself in my place. If I had joined your team, Steroyd and burnfout would've done so as well or they would've (possibly) bitched afterwards for being left hung out to dry. If one of Steroyd or burnfout had joined your team, I guarantee that would've been the remainder of my team who had received the pounding.

The only thing left is to ban players to make the winning team smaller, but since you want to keep people in the server, that's a bad idea.

I just want people to have fun, which is why it sucks when you guys end up feeling frustrated after a meetup. From my experience, the only way a stalemate will happen is if the teams were sorted really evenly by a fluke. I know what it's like to get crushed. I've had instances on !GAF where my team has been up against Manky, carlos and CSSer all on the same team. By the way, I didn't hear you complain about dominating then, carlos. :p

It's hard to not sound like a crybaby when I say this, but it kinda makes me want to not bother with hosting anymore. It's just not worth it having to deal with trying to make everyone happy.


Yes, I've thought about using a similar system but extending it beyond the highest-placed gaffer in case there's a lot of us.


Ceb said:
It's hard to not sound like a crybaby when I say this, but it kinda makes me want to not bother with hosting anymore. It's just not worth it having to deal with trying to make everyone happy.
My bitching wasn't directed towards your hosting. I'm and, I guess, all other gaffers are very grateful for it.

It's kinda sad, that we need a rule for the balance issue. but I'm all for it ... if it's the only way to prevent domination streaks and ongoing unbalanced games.


Ceb said:
It's hard to not sound like a crybaby when I say this, but it kinda makes me want to not bother with hosting anymore. It's just not worth it having to deal with trying to make everyone happy.

From now on, I'll try to play with you guys more often so we will have more balanced matches..


I REALLY want to like this game but I obivously can't play it, it is so very frustrating it's unbelievable. My K/D is like 0.5, the most games seem to me as everybody is just trying to kill someone and it doesn't matter which gamemode it is, the games are so long (20 mins!) and so on...I think I have to go back to CoD4.


Thrakier said:
I REALLY want to like this game but I obivously can't play it, it is so very frustrating it's unbelievable. My K/D is like 0.5, the most games seem to me as everybody is just trying to kill someone and it doesn't matter which gamemode it is, the games are so long (20 mins!) and so on...I think I have to go back to CoD4.

You have to really look at the big picture and use the map a lot more than any game before it. Its a really huge epic game with lots of things going on in each area, do whatever you can to help win for your team. The past few ctf games I played were usually battle for control of the areas then finally bombarding the flag once one team had a majority control of spawn zones.


Thrakier said:
I REALLY want to like this game but I obivously can't play it, it is so very frustrating it's unbelievable. My K/D is like 0.5, the most games seem to me as everybody is just trying to kill someone and it doesn't matter which gamemode it is, the games are so long (20 mins!) and so on...I think I have to go back to CoD4.

Didn't you just get this game recently? How well do you do in a Warhawk? This game takes a fair bit of practice and skill before it starts to get REALLY fun. But when it does...it's incredible. Keep with it and don't let the gap get you down. Oh BTW K/D ratio don't mean shit. Obviously you want to get it above 1.0 eventually, but you should focus on other things like team points and bonus points. The object of this game is not to get the most kills, and least amount of deaths. Hell, I usually purposely suicide at least 2 or 3 times a match, just so I can respawn at a location that I'm needed at. I also play very recklessly when needed. If we are outnumbered in the sky, I'll just keep getting in the WH's repeatedly and try to hold my own as long as I can. My K/D goes to shit....but if I'm keeping the fleet of WH's distracted and off of the players on the ground then I'm doing the right thing because it gives them time to go and capture spawn points.
Thrakier said:
I REALLY want to like this game but I obivously can't play it, it is so very frustrating it's unbelievable. My K/D is like 0.5, the most games seem to me as everybody is just trying to kill someone and it doesn't matter which gamemode it is, the games are so long (20 mins!) and so on...I think I have to go back to CoD4.

Play with people you know and also filter by rank.

I find when I filter by rank I have better chances of meeting better players, but with a lower rank when you're starting off you're going to run into a bunch of disorganized n00bs.

Use filters.

They are your friend.

But I can completely understand your frustration when you're in a CTF/Zones game and people still think they're on a DM server. >:O


I'm not very good in a Warhawk. When I see someone first I may be able to shoot some rockets at him but most of the time he gets away. It's just...the game seems to be so chaotic. And sometimes I think I'm the only one going for the objectives. My K/D Ratio sucks (which makes me mad coming from cod4 where I have a 1.4 ratio) but I'm almost always in the Top 3 and often the best player regarding points.

I always filtered for official servers with less than general because I thought all the generals out there would frag me anyway? ;)


Jaeyden said:
Didn't you just get this game recently? How well do you do in a Warhawk? This game takes a fair bit of practice and skill before it starts to get REALLY fun. But when it does...it's incredible. Keep with it and don't let the gap get you down. Oh BTW K/D ratio don't mean shit. Obviously you want to get it above 1.0 eventually, but you should focus on other things like team points and bonus points. The object of this game is not to get the most kills, and least amount of deaths. Hell, I usually purposely suicide at least 2 or 3 times a match, just so I can respawn at a location that I'm needed at. I also play very recklessly when needed. If we are outnumbered in the sky, I'll just keep getting in the WH's repeatedly and try to hold my own as long as I can. My K/D goes to shit....but if I'm keeping the fleet of WH's distracted and off of the players on the ground then I'm doing the right thing because it gives them time to go and capture spawn points.

It does if you're playing Death Match/Team Death Match :D
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