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Warhawk - The Official Thread


I think the only time I'll manage to tear myself away from Warhawk will be when/if the GAF community dies out. It's you guys who make the game such a fun experience.

I've gotten better at keeping my priorities straight though. Warhawk has to take a backseat to more important stuff, but yeah, the late night sessions kinda fuck up the coming day though. :/

User 406

Warhawk's got enough of a community that even if GAF collectively loses interest, I'll stick with it. I've already got people from a variety of clans on my friends list, and there's a lot of cool people and good players out there.

I'll probably be there when they turn the servers off. XD


heh, just had half a round where I , alone in the dropship, delivered 6 flags and had a whiopping 0 points to show for it.

That's a major injustice right there, incog should've fixed that a while ago to promote teamwork and flag carrying with the dropship.


Jaeyden -> sure, no problem. But you can acess all clan members from within the game and join the server they are on.

Sea Manky -> i think i will be playing this for a long time too. I bought the game with little faith that i was going to get interested. I was more curious than anything. In fact, in the beginning i didn't like it, i was always getting owned and i couldn't do anything right. It kinda grown on me by now.

I am pretty confident that i think i know almost all weapons positions in all of the maps by now. I am starting to master some cool strategies to make sure i don't get kill very often.

The beginners thing can be pretty annoying, i stoped entering Warhawks for a lift from players who don't have a clan tag on the name, just to make sure i don't end up hovering for 1 min. for nothing.
It's cool when someone aknowledges they still don't understand the game and you say something like "player X please secure this point, i will be back" and he does exactly that while you go get mines or something.

I am also starting to act out as a leader in some sort of way, i notice very quickly what bases the enemy is capturing and since i cannot go to them all, i normally point out to raid base number X or Y or for the closest player to recapture it.

In the meantime, i have yet to enter a server !GAF full of gaffers :D
Jeez, Incog needs to fix this balancing issue NOW. I was just in a game where it was 20 on 10. Not fun in the least. I really hope that this gets fixed immediately.


carlos said:
Remember to use your buddy list , not the clan list to find people;
why hasn't Incog fixed that yet :mad:

F-Pina said:
Jaeyden -> sure, no problem. But you can acess all clan members from within the game and join the server they are on.

Like carlos said, there is a bug with the clan list not updating in game. It'll show you in a server but even with a refresh, whomever you are trying to join is probably long gone. The only way to get accurate refreshes and to see players is to use your buddy list in game to join. I think we we're a bit surprised to see that still there in 1.3


Ceb said:
I think the only time I'll manage to tear myself away from Warhawk will be when/if the GAF community dies out. It's you guys who make the game such a fun experience.

I've gotten better at keeping my priorities straight though. Warhawk has to take a backseat to more important stuff, but yeah, the late night sessions kinda fuck up the coming day though. :/

Yeah, if GAF leaves I leave. I feel at home with you guys now, playing it without you wouldn't be the same :-/
Sea Manky said:
Warhawk's got enough of a community that even if GAF collectively loses interest, I'll stick with it. I've already got people from a variety of clans on my friends list, and there's a lot of cool people and good players out there.

Yeah, kind of how none of my fucking loser friends played SOCOM; but I managed to find plenty of people to play online with. *hint hint* :p


carlos said:
heh, just had half a round where I , alone in the dropship, delivered 6 flags and had a whiopping 0 points to show for it.

That's a major injustice right there, incog should've fixed that a while ago to promote teamwork and flag carrying with the dropship.

Driving flag carrier, and drop ship carrying should amount to team points somehow.

And if possible defending the flag carrier to, at least that way point whores will actually help teammates. :mad:

And colour the damn bases, as well as numbers.
Steroyd said:
Driving flag carrier, and drop ship carrying should amount to team points somehow.

And if possible defending the flag carrier to, at least that way point whores will actually help teammates. :mad:

And colour the damn bases, as well as numbers.

But then you'll get the stat whores who'll needlessly fly/drive the flag-carrier just for the points. Imagine being at the mercy of a dropship pilot who wants those points. Not fun. (I actually agree, though. Points for transporting flag carriers are needed.)

As for the bases, do you mean have them colored in-game, or just on the map? The map already displays the base numbers in their respective team colors. Or do you mean have the bases change colors in-game? Like a Eucadian-controlled base being blue or something?


Have them brown, yellow, pink, green with blue/red aura circle's as well as numbered so I can bloody direct people to the right zones on my shitty SDTV. :mad:

Damn numbers are too small.


carlos said:
heh, just had half a round where I , alone in the dropship, delivered 6 flags and had a whiopping 0 points to show for it.

That's a major injustice right there, incog should've fixed that a while ago to promote teamwork and flag carrying with the dropship.

I can't think a good way to score dropship commandeering though. I dunno, I don't really have a problem with it. It seems like a lot of people are willing to volunteer anyway, because if I ditch the dropship and hop into a warhawk after a couple of returns, someone else will assume delivery duty.


Played a bunch of good games with deepbrown last night, I guess we're cool. We had a pretty epic winning streak going.


Urgh, some idiot on our team with the Dropship kept picking up our flag carrier and taking him back to the enemy base. He also picked up tanks and put them in really obscure places so they couldn't get out. What a dickhead, he totally ruined the game for our team and we lost 2-1.

rhuhsagfdfsg :mad:

User 406

The Take Out Bandit said:
Yeah, kind of how none of my fucking loser friends played SOCOM; but I managed to find plenty of people to play online with. *hint hint* :p

SOCOM? I don't think I've heard of that one. What kind of aircraft does it have? Any mouse support? *hint hint* XP


I was playing a couple of games on MrPips' server just now. Good games as always, BUT... for some reason in the last round (Battle for Eucadia), NO ONE on my team would capture any zones. I scored an early flag capture, but was essentially on cleanup duty for the rest of the match. Ah well, good way to get Warhawk Wings I suppose...

Another thing that happens far too frequently is this situation: I'm retaking a critical middle base, say the fortress or the castle, and I get it down to zero or cap it fully. I then get wasted by one or two enemy troopers who begin to retake the zone. Meanwhile, two of my teammates who are in the same base begin to BACK OFF. I don't care how little health you have left or if you only have your knife - throw everything you've got at them. Try to get them or at least delay them so someone else can spawn there.
Sea Manky said:
SOCOM? I don't think I've heard of that one. What kind of aircraft does it have? Any mouse support? *hint hint* XP

You're using a lot of the same skills in ground combat and sniping sans mouse control in Warhawk that are also used in SOCOM or any other pointy shooty FPS. What's the excuse now? :p

User 406

The Take Out Bandit said:
You're using a lot of the same skills in ground combat and sniping sans mouse control in Warhawk that are also used in SOCOM or any other pointy shooty FPS. What's the excuse now? :p

Yeah, and if Warhawk didn't have warhawks, I wouldn't be interested. Sniper rifle aside, the auto-aim in Warhawk is pretty damn strong, so I don't get the usual frustration of trying to aim with the stick. Of course, in a regular shooter, auto-aim like that kills all the fun of the game. Warhawk manages to avoid this by not being purely guy-with-gun focused, what with all the planes, tanks, and other useful machines, and the emphasis on controlling large battlefields.

That said, I wouldn't mind trying SOCOM again, now that I've been playing something with a similar bent on the ground. My brother-in-law who is a total SOCOM nut talks it up pretty good, and the non-spaz-and-respawn concept does sound appealing.

Also, have you tried the Lost Planet demo? Getting into a game was a pain, but once I did I found it to be pretty damn good. The pace of movement was slow enough that aiming wasn't an exercise in frustration, and it had a ton of cool wacky weapons and gear, and the grappling hook was really sweet.
Sea Manky said:
That said, I wouldn't mind trying SOCOM again, now that I've been playing something with a similar bent on the ground. My brother-in-law who is a total SOCOM nut talks it up pretty good, and the non-spaz-and-respawn concept does sound appealing.

I'm just busting your ass. :D

It's a lot of people, not just you that I couldn't get to play online with. People I knew spoke of playing the game, but I could never find them online. People I actually PURCHASED THE GAME FOR and wouldn't play online. So on and so forth. >:|


Honestly, with Warhawk out there SOCOM is a moot point for my tastes; and probably yours. Especially since it seems Zipper is afraid of the fan's crying like they did with SOCOM 3 which had massive maps, vehicles, and all sorts of interesting shit - but SOCOM nerds just wanted more of the guy with gun bullshit. :\

Combine that with the notoriously bad frame-rate and shitty controls and yeeeaaahhh. . . nothing to see here, move along. :p

Also, have you tried the Lost Planet demo? Getting into a game was a pain, but once I did I found it to be pretty damn good. The pace of movement was slow enough that aiming wasn't an exercise in frustration, and it had a ton of cool wacky weapons and gear, and the grappling hook was really sweet.

I gave up at the "getting into a game" part. :\

Really if the demo was so shit, I'm terrified at the final product. I'm not paying money for something that will consistently give me communication errors.

Army of Two is pretty sweet though. It's a very straight forward co-op run and gun game similar to Gears of War. It reminds me of a more tactical version of something like Contra or Mercs. I need to play it with Fubu since Mana13370 sucks at anything that isn't a JRPG. :p


The Take Out Bandit said:
Honestly, with Warhawk out there SOCOM is a moot point for my tastes; and probably yours. Especially since it seems Zipper is afraid of the fan's crying like they did with SOCOM 3 which had massive maps, vehicles, and all sorts of interesting shit - but SOCOM nerds just wanted more of the guy with gun bullshit. :\

Erm TTOB, you do know that Zipper isn't making SOCOM Confrontation, right? Zipper's next game will probably be on a massive scale and feature similar "multi-modal" play as Warhawk.

Warhawk's aesthetics is a big reason why I like it though, and I'm sure Zipper's effort will have more grit and gloom.


The sad thing about lost planet was that I was better at it than warhawk. If it didn't have a list of flaws a mile long I would have gotten it.
Ceb said:
Erm TTOB, you do know that Zipper isn't making SOCOM Confrontation, right? Zipper's next game will probably be on a massive scale and feature similar "multi-modal" play as Warhawk.

Warhawk's aesthetics is a big reason why I like it though, and I'm sure Zipper's effort will have more grit and gloom.

I don't know man.

Developers are going to go where the dollars are, and after fan response / uproar to SOCOM 3 (see also, Doel's ramblings), Confrontation seems like a clear concession to that audience, and an admittance that Zipper will continue on the guy w/ gun path. :\

I would love to be proven wrong, but until I am I'm going to remain doubtful.

And hopefully Zipper is better at PS3 dev than they were at PS2. 10-15FPS games have no place on current hardware. :)


Ceb said:

Another one of those Japanese Warhawk vids. I love how they play out their own story sequences. The part around the 1:50 mark is hilarious. :lol

Hey Ive been adding you guys. Any chance I can get into the clan here? Im dieing for some teamwork because playing with randoms sucks so much. People have mics but no one uses them. And Im sick of the asshats just driving off. I really really want in just to play with you guys.

User 406

I love playing with the Japanese. They always fight hard, even when the odds are against them, they have a lot of good players, and they're always polite. Even if their servers often seem to mysteriously shut down a game or two after I join. XD

InfectedZero, talk to Steroyd, he's the clan leader, he should be able to add you.


ICallItFutile said:
Is the split screen multiplayer just one on one?

I should get this game sometime this month. Hopefully I can join the GAF clan. :D

Up to 4 people split screen, and can play 32 player games.
InfectedZero said:
Hey Ive been adding you guys. Any chance I can get into the clan here? Im dieing for some teamwork because playing with randoms sucks so much. People have mics but no one uses them. And Im sick of the asshats just driving off. I really really want in just to play with you guys.
I'm in the same boat (or jeep) here. About the most teamwork I've been able to do is have/be a gunner on a 4x4. I'm not very good, but I'd like to improve.


TelemachusD said:
I'm in the same boat (or jeep) here. About the most teamwork I've been able to do is have/be a gunner on a 4x4. I'm not very good, but I'd like to improve.

Most common teamwork occurs with people with clan tags. In OD games, if you have clan members on your team (any clan), usually you will have some good drop ship teamwork going on.
I've been practicing Pro Flight in some local games, and I think I'm getting the hang of it (even though I couldn't test out my missile-dodging abilities). I'm wary of jumping online with it, though, for fear of getting my butt handed to me. :) Normal flight has served me very well so far, and I don't want to change flight mode only to get worse.

For those who use Pro Flight: would you recommend it over normal flight? Is the advantage worth it?
Just got done playing about an hour of Team Deathmatch and it was pretty much a blast. Ive been playing just Zones and CTF, so it was kinda of a change. I was in a game with Jaeyden and he was whooping ass. He was on top out of everyone pretty much every match. Cant wait to get some ultra teamwork going :D


Jack Scofield said:
I've been practicing Pro Flight in some local games, and I think I'm getting the hang of it (even though I couldn't test out my missile-dodging abilities). I'm wary of jumping online with it, though, for fear of getting my butt handed to me. :) Normal flight has served me very well so far, and I don't want to change flight mode only to get worse.

For those who use Pro Flight: would you recommend it over normal flight? Is the advantage worth it?

I had my server set to unranked the first time I used pro flight "professionally", since I was afraid I'd get totally devastated. However, it worked out just fine for me, and I'm sure it will for you too.

Pro flight doesn't make it any easier to dodge missiles. I think the added maneuverability is more than worth the switch though.


Jack Scofield said:
I've been practicing Pro Flight in some local games, and I think I'm getting the hang of it (even though I couldn't test out my missile-dodging abilities). I'm wary of jumping online with it, though, for fear of getting my butt handed to me. :) Normal flight has served me very well so far, and I don't want to change flight mode only to get worse.

For those who use Pro Flight: would you recommend it over normal flight? Is the advantage worth it?

I never really mastered normal flight as I switched to Pro Flight pretty early on, but the advantages just seem pretty obvious if you don't get nauseated from motion sickness :p You can turn sharper while keeping target locked, you can evade more missles because you can dodge while flying around obstacles, and you can land/takeoff at crazier angles, making you more efficient in capturing bases.

User 406

Okay, finally got off my ass, plugged in my keyboard, and sent out friend invites to everyone in the clan so I don't have to depend on the crappy clan list to see when you all are playing. Feel free to accept or decline as you like.


I have had enough of the Dropships. Fuck them, every game I've gone in, there is some idiot on our team who purposely picks up and and drops you in the ocean, especially when you got the flag. It won't stop happening to me

I'm giving up on Omega Dawn. Screw it


I'd really like to start playing with the GAF community. Who do I need to contact to make this happen (and should I do it in game or on here?)



frogg609 said:
I'd really like to start playing with the GAF community. Who do I need to contact to make this happen (and should I do it in game or on here?)


Can't add you if I don't know your PSN.


Steroyd said:

Can't add you if I don't know your PSN.

I'll get it to you when I get home from work. I always get that and my XBGT confused.

Thanks a lot. Do you guys play the expansions or is vanilla Warhawk enough?


Our server is normally vanilla, speaking of which we need to play more Omega Dawn, what with Broken Mirror also coming down the pipeline...
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