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Warhawk - The Official Thread

God, what a difference it is playing Zones with fellow Gaffers and then playing with randoms.

And I've been playing like crap these last few days, which makes me frustrated, which in turn makes me play even worse. :D Boosting into air mines, landing on land mines, having missiles hit me with no lock-on warning, and bad teammates all combine into one super-annoyance.


Nice games Sea_Monkey, Arkestra, Jack Scofield, Jayeden, Chryz, Carlos (i think i got it all?)

Playing with TeamKill on is completly diferent, on the Zone game in "Destroyed Capital "where my team was losing, i ran for the center to recapture and suddenly i got like 3 or 4 Warhawks getting there one after the other. Two guys killed each other and i was killing another and ended up capturing point (not for long) i laughed so hard seeing everyone trying to kill me and ending up cleaning up for me :D

The dog fights were awsome in "Badlands"! nice going people!

Jack, sometimes you get some good games also in oficial servers, but the norm if for people to not pick you up when they have got the last Warhawk or not help you with the flag etc.


Jack Scofield said:
Also, is there any way to mute individual people?
Yeah you can mute people individually from the score screen now.

Steroyd said:
OMG Broken Mirror and MGO Beta come out on the same day.

What do I do what do I do what do I do!?!?!?!?!?!?

I thought we could DL MGO on the 17th but play wouldn't start until the 21st, so we would have 4 days of uninterrupted BM.



Good games, people, good games. But I wonder how hard it would be for Incog to implement a system in the matchmaking process that divides clan members evenly among the teams. It would prevent those annoying 3 against 1 situations.


Thanks for hosting, Ceb; nice playing with y'all.

Btw, has anyone noticed an increase in the random suicides when in a WH since 1.3?
Happened at least 7 times to me today, I notice that most of the time I blow up when I release the first locked swarm missle. But I may also be flying away from the action, when suddenly Boom!...

It's like they fixed the invisible air mine problem, but made this problem worse...


Sea Manky said:


Yeah, we all know this feeling ^_^;

Ceb, how about the team-switching option? We can't balance the games without it.

No team-switching on the official servers makes sense, but on your own server where you're in control ... shouldn't it be okay?


Ceb said:
I honestly didn't think about that. Can you enable team switching at will in ranked games now?
Oh, I'm not sure ... I was under the impression that the option is always available regardless of ranked/unranked.

User 406

No, you can't, with 1.3 all ranked games are randomized teams, no switching, period. Like I said before, it's usually better that way, I just got two bad rolls of the dice in a row. I was already aggravated at those two fucknuts in the second game being smartasses, and I got teamkilled a couple times on Archipelago CTF by asshats tossing grenades at me when I'm trying to return our flag. Then on that Archipelago zones match, I say, "GET THE CENTER BASE", so what does half my team do? Make a beeline for the enemy main base to uselessly shrink it. >X{ So for most of that last game, when it became clear my team wasn't going to push, I gave up on taking bases and just flew around in a red fog of rage. :X

Seemed as good a time as any to stop for dinner. XD
Aw man, my connection decided to act wonky and boot me from a match. It didn't even give me an explanation, either, just "waiting for server" for about a minute, then back at the main menu.

It wouldn't have been so bad if I wasn't about to get a Warhawk Wings ribbon. I'm trying to get as many of them as I can to fulfill the 100 Warhawk Wings requirement, and altough I'm still a ways off, every little bit counts. :D

Sea Manky said:



Yes, that about sums up how I feel. I need to cool down before I break something. :D


Sea Manky said:
a red fog of rage.
Hahaha! Perfectly worded my friend.

carlos said:
Btw, has anyone noticed an increase in the random suicides when in a WH since 1.3?

A lot. Also the invisible airmine. Seems every time the servers act up like that, there is always somebody with a ping of like 600+. That match we were in the other night, I just kept blowing up randomly, I had to yell at that dumbass with the 750 ping to leave the server. He left and it stopped happening, but so did you. :D


Ceb said:
Taking requests on map layouts for a possible !GAF session this evening.

Yesterdays rotation was good;

perhaps a couple of medium-small ctf maps with a score limit of 5

oh, and if it's a small zones map, see if you can lower the score limit to 3000 or so, since it's quite frustrating to be stuck on retard team for the full 30 minutes (it's impossible to get to 5000 points on those smaller maps)


carlos said:
Yesterdays rotation was good;

perhaps a couple of medium-small ctf maps with a score limit of 5

oh, and if it's a small zones map, see if you can lower the score limit to 3000 or so, since it's quite frustrating to be stuck on retard team for the full 30 minutes (it's impossible to get to 5000 points on those smaller maps)

I only had the zones matches set to 20 minutes because yeah, it does suck to be on a team that's losing 10:1. Having the limit at 3000 points is also a good way to work around it.


Ceb said:
Taking requests on map layouts for a possible !GAF session this evening.
Yesterday's set was pretty good. In case you're going to queue up another DM, how about that small one at Omega Dawn.

Thanks for hosting. Any idea when, if, the fun is going to start?


Sorry about that last snoozefest of a DM. Good games otherwise though. The Badlands TDM and the Zones round that came afterwards were both epic.


Ceb said:
Sorry about that last snoozefest of a DM. Good games otherwise though. The Badlands TDM and the Zones round that came afterwards were both epic.
Snoozefest?! It was awesome! ;P

Cheers, good games.


Yeah, sorry I left during that DM, but I just wasn't feeling it today...I wish I could be as eloquent as manky with his BLARGH sentiments, but that's about how I'm feeling at the moment.

I wish they could tighten up the netcode on the electricity and flamethrower, it seems I get killed instantly with either, yet I can't kill anyone even when the cursor is red. (I have perhaps 10 kills, at the most, with the flamethrower in 450 hours, lol).

Nearly forgot the most obvious mention, the knife/wrench, I can slash and see blood spurting out over and over and get no kills, while someone who's not even in slashing range can kill me. It's pretty much useless unless the person is standing still, at least with my lag.

MGO beta can't get here soon enough...not to mention a huge backlog of games I've neglected since WH launched. That's it, I'm banning WH unless it's a !gaf game....(we'll see how long that lasts...).


Knife lag is a horrible thing. I seem to recall that Dylan said they'd change the code to help cope with that, but I haven't noticed a difference. You had a ping of around 270-300 today. That much over 200 seems to make reliable knifing impossible.


I don't get lag for any of those weapons, I only play in the Sony servers though.

did someone post a mini-FAQ for Pro Flight controls in this thread? can someone post it again if they did make one.

just signed into WH and it says they will enable team switching in the 1.31 patch which comes out next week for the BM pack
dralla said:
just signed into WH and it says they will enable team switching in the 1.31 patch which comes out next week for the BM pack

Really? I was initially angry at the lack of team switching, but I much prefer it now. Probably because when I join a game in progress I have equal chance of joining the leading team. With team-switching enabled, everyone is going to switch teams as soon as one team takes the lead, and pretty soon the losing team will have less players, which makes it more likely to be placed on the losing team when joining a match. :(

Strange thing happened last night. I got the in-game pop-up for Master Binoculars, but my stats page says I've yet to earn it. Hopefully it'll show up the next time I get five binocular kills in a round. I don't want it to be a glitch or anything.


dralla said:
just signed into WH and it says they will enable team switching in the 1.31 patch which comes out next week for the BM pack

Should make that crap optional for Player ranked, much like friendly fire.

Good games, but goddamnit I got annoyed at how much I got killed by air mines that weren't there. :mad:
you were emitting constant background noise. I couldn't help myself but mute you :/

Good games yesterday, though I'm surprised at the abysmal amount of team communication.


It's weird, I saw that Steroyd probably had his mic sensitivity set too high because he was constantly "speaking", yet I couldn't hear a thing. And only in some of the games could I hear you speak (when you were really speaking).

Can't be lag-related, because carlos had the worst ping of everyone and I could hear him just fine.


Ceb said:
Can't be lag-related, because carlos had the worst ping of everyone and I could hear him just fine.

Heh, funny because I couldn't hear anyone; I think I even mentioned it during a couple of games. I could only hear the guy called estupido83 or something like that, oh and paipai as well.

The rest of the people who talked I didn't even hear it garbled, there was just no sound from them at all.

User 406

Looks like /7 and BSK have had their asses handed to them, and I do mean by big margins and straight wins by the 1004 (Senshi) clan from Japan. The warhawk boards are abuzz about this, and it looks like 1004 will take on WAR! next. I've played against some 1004 members, and while they've got some excellent players, they aren't stacked with kickass rambo talent like most of the top GB clans we've played. What they do have is some of the finest teamwork around, and it's making waves. In fact, in Japan they've got a bit of a bad rep for "bullying" other clans, because they're so effective. So they've been taking on international teams to find some opponents up to their standard.

So far, that hasn't worked. :X

No, I'm not suggesting GAF give them a go. :p

But after watching the videos of the slaughter of BSK, I'm just awed. I remember us getting whipped good by BSK, and they're competitive with the other top of the heap GB clans like WAR! and FGC. Apparently 1004 is just taking teamwork to a new level. They only play 16vs16 matches, and they usually have a 5 minute intermission round to swap out players so that everyone in the clan who wants to gets a chance to play. It's crazy.

The videos are in this thread: http://boardsus.playstation.com/pla...hread.id=408446&view=by_date_ascending&page=4

There's also some videos of their practices on the third page of the thread.

If we're going to come together as a team, we're going to have to do the same. Random !GAF matches won't cut it.


Ceb said:
It's weird, I saw that Steroyd probably had his mic sensitivity set too high because he was constantly "speaking", yet I couldn't hear a thing. And only in some of the games could I hear you speak (when you were really speaking).

Can't be lag-related, because carlos had the worst ping of everyone and I could hear him just fine.

probably just breathing or volume on his TV was high + open mic


I can confirm 1004 clan's awesomeness, it seems I constantly have to play against a couple of them on official servers, and needless to say, it doesn't go so well...

I think that they'll beat WAR! as well, since I have played against some of their top players (shindlersfist,abandonallhope,efekz,jbeezy and abbo11) and can hold my own against them.
However, if they stack their team with those mentioned above as well as castlekingside, el carnalito, cisneros,v corleone, adamantium and others, they can have a killer 16 player lineup. That should be a great match O.O

btw, I was amused at the silence yesterday when we were asked for a clan battle by the DG*K (or something like that) guys that were in our server....


carlos said:
I can confirm 1004 clan's awesomeness, it seems I constantly have to play against a couple of them on official servers, and needless to say, it doesn't go so well...

I think that they'll beat WAR! as well, since I have played against some of their top players (shindlersfist,abandonallhope,efekz,jbeezy and abbo11) and can hold my own against them.
However, if they stack their team with those mentioned above as well as castlekingside, el carnalito, cisneros,v corleone, adamantium and others, they can have a killer 16 player lineup. That should be a great match O.O

btw, I was amused at the silence yesterday when we were asked for a clan battle by the DG*K (or something like that) guys that were in our server....
I don't think I've played against any 1004 clan members but I've played against some war! kids and must say I was rather impressed with their piloting skills.


mintylurb said:
I don't think I've played against any 1004 clan members but I've played against some war! kids and must say I was rather impressed with their piloting skills.

No, don't get me wrong, the war! guys are GREAT, when I say I can hold my own I mean at least I can go 50/50 kills/deaths and not be crushed by them (like long ago against that JAC247 guy).
However, get a few of them on the same team, and the skies become a terribly dangerous place ;)
Schindlersfist is especially dangerous with air to air TOWS....I've almost given up on that tactic due to lag; I can get the TOW to blow up from impact with the warhawk's cockpit, yet the guy remains unscathed :(


Phantast2k said:
you were emitting constant background noise. I couldn't help myself but mute you :/

Good games yesterday, though I'm surprised at the abysmal amount of team communication.

Did you hear me bitching about me blowing up on invisible air mines?

Other than that I was practically quiet, wonder what it was, might be my TV, but I only heard gargle on my end so it might've been my connection, finally found the open mic option see. :D


Sea Manky said:
Looks like /7 and BSK have had their asses handed to them, and I do mean by big margins and straight wins by the 1004 (Senshi) clan from Japan

Can I just say when it comes to Japan no-one else does teamwork like them. :O

I was listening to the Kojima Productions podcast and Ryan was talking about the MGO japan beta, and he said they were playing exactly like in the trailers.

In the trailer they were walking in groups 4, each person taking the 12, 3, 6 and 9 o'clock positions, and there was also parts where one person goes ahead take position, other person goes ahead takes position the person who's behind goes ahead while tapping the shoulder of the teammate, that crap isn't just teamwork, that's high levels of co-ordination.

And co-ordination is another ingrediant we're missing when we go against clans.


carlos said:
No, don't get me wrong, the war! guys are GREAT, when I say I can hold my own I mean at least I can go 50/50 kills/deaths and not be crushed by them (like long ago against that JAC247 guy).
However, get a few of them on the same team, and the skies become a terribly dangerous place ;)
Schindlersfist is especially dangerous with air to air TOWS....I've almost given up on that tactic due to lag; I can get the TOW to blow up from impact with the warhawk's cockpit, yet the guy remains unscathed :(
btw, what time are you usually on? I would like to try playing against those jp guys.


mintylurb said:
btw, what time are you usually on? I would like to try playing against those jp guys.

d'oh, I could've sworn I mentioned the time they were on in my post;

I used to see them a lot during my insomnia days; 2am-8am est, but lately I've seen a handful of them around 1pm-4pm est (occasionally on weekdays, mostly on weekends).
Official US CTF servers, btw

just a couple of them make it difficult to score, since they are constantly going after spawnpoints and flagcarriers, and they usually back each other up in the air; if you go after one, the other will get you (or at least make you lose sight of the first; then they both gang up on you).


To play together as a team at a superior level than we are now it would mean this would become serious business.
I don't know how many are ready to take this to this insane level of commitment needed to achieve such team efficiency.

It would take constant trainings with tactics and coordinated assaults, defenses etc.
At least two commanders in charge for analyzing the playfield and issuing orders, one for attack and another for defense (in CTF).


carlos said:
btw, I was amused at the silence yesterday when we were asked for a clan battle by the DG*K (or something like that) guys that were in our server....
DB*K? I had a hard time understanding them. Didn't we ended up with quite a lot GAF on one side and a bunch of them on the other side ... with us winning?


ChryZ said:
DB*K? I had a hard time understanding them. Didn't we ended up with quite a lot GAF on one side and a bunch of them on the other side ... with us winning?

Yeah, right after they asked us for a match (during the results screen), we had that archipielago ctf with you, ceb and me against 3 of them (which we won 3-0) but we also had that kratos guy on our side, and he was pretty good.

It was just funny:

"Hey G-A-F, this is ***** from DB*K; would you like to have a clan battle with us?"
(awkward silence)
...30 seconds pass

random guy: "well aren't you going to answer them? I guess the silence means no..."

Btw minty, I found 1004's clan thread, they say they usually play on friday and saturdays at 9 pm pacific time.


I've played on 2ch_fighter a bunch of times, but I'm not 100% sure if I've encountered any 1004 guys there. Probably just a handful in that case, since I don't remember any blowouts. Anyway, they sound like a force to be reckoned with.

Btw, recently I had been thinking that it was kinda nice to not have the stress of trying to organize clan matches, but after some fun GAF get-togethers, I'm getting back an itch for some gamebattles. Perhaps we should register on the clan ladder again? We could host long training sessions on the weekends instead of the regular battling we do now. I could even plug in my mic for these occasions. :p

User 406

I've played on 2ch_fighter a number of times, (and thanks to that thread, I now know their schedule so I won't join in again at the end of a match just for the server to go down :p) along with other Japanese servers, so I've seen a fair amount of 1004 members. And I've always thought they were good, but not top shelf.

But after reading about them repeatedly base raping BSK, and watching all the linked videos of the BSK and /7 matches along with their practices, I realized I was really missing something. I've been in a number of games where no matter where I went, there would be at least four of the enemy there to oppose me, and I couldn't figure out how.

Well that's where 1004 seems to live. Watching those videos, on the surface they don't look like anything special. The guy recording is a normal flight pilot, primarily uses swarm missiles and the assault rifle with grenades on the ground. Some of the paths he takes seem almost leisurely to me, and in the air he often seems to just wander around and pop off missiles when he gets a chance lock.

That's what I see, but that's not what's happening.

Wherever he goes, there are teammates. And if there aren't, there will be in a few moments. This is not accidental, but I personally can't see how they do it. Perhaps I'm just too task focused so I lack that kind of tactical sense, but it seems my teamwork ability is limited to spotting things that need doing on the map when I look at the map and call them out, or rescuing/escorting/transporting a friendly. 1004 seems to have something more, an ability to stay within useful range of their teammates, but not bunch up. They quickly concentrate to gang up on an invader, then disperse again.

And they do this consistently and without a lot of com chatter. Sometimes during the videos I wondered if they were just telepathic. :X

I'm sure this takes a lot of consistent playing together. They really are a band of brothers, so to speak.

What I'm going to try to do for my own improvement, and I have no idea if this will help, is to look at my map and not just look for my enemies, but look for my teammates, and more than just, "Is one of us taking that base?" I think this will be a difficult adjustment.

And as far as I'm concerned, screw gamebattles for now, what we need is not taking on other clans, but practice with each other. We can just go ahead and do friendly matches with other clans without all the baggage GB brings, but primarily we should be playing together on a regular basis, and not just four or five of us in a 24 man server either.
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