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Warhawk - The Official Thread

Kazenone said:
I have had enough of the Dropships. Fuck them, every game I've gone in, there is some idiot on our team who purposely picks up and and drops you in the ocean, especially when you got the flag. It won't stop happening to me

I'm giving up on Omega Dawn. Screw it

That's never happened to me, ever. Well actually, I've had douchebags in dropships mess with me like that, but only on unranked servers, never in the blue official servers.
Kazenone said:
I have had enough of the Dropships. Fuck them, every game I've gone in, there is some idiot on our team who purposely picks up and and drops you in the ocean, especially when you got the flag. It won't stop happening to me

I'm giving up on Omega Dawn. Screw it


IIRC you get an error message when you attempt to drop a vehicle while airborne, so this shouldn't be possible unless something has changed.

Only problem I've had with water drops is when I get assploded over a body of water with the flag carrier; which I've actively taken steps to avoid doing these days.

User 406

TToB: They use momentum to propel you off the edge when they release. Or so I've heard, it hasn't happened to me.

We did have a couple griefers in that official server we were just in a number of games back. They got in warhawks and blocked the flag carrier's jeep and tried to knock him off the edge, Arkestra fell prey to that unfortunately. And we couldn't do much since friendly fire was off. :/

That's the most I've played in an official server in a long while, and while there were some good players in there at first, ABBO11, markjayw, and some other big clan guys, I've never heard so much bitching, trash talk, or seen people trying to dick over their team like that. I really think the official servers tend to get all the dickheads. So if you're tired of griefing, try some dedicated or player ranked servers, you'll get more variety of maps, game modes, and settings too.

Did have a few awesome moments, like when our flag carrier was on the way back for the last score with seconds to go, and I used my warhawk to push him faster across the last bridge and he scored with one second remaining. :D


The worst part is that I'm the one ending up feeling like a douche for getting stressed out and trying to sneak through on foot that first time. :( Meanwhile, these magical morons keep hurr-hurring and continue with their atrocious behavior.

Ah well...

EDIT: And that stalemate on Island Outpost was... interesting. :lol
Balancing is back, and team-switching is gone again (I think, I can't remember for sure). Good improvements all around, hopefully it doesn't get changed again.

And the BGE is amazing for capturing bases. That is all.

EDIT: "That is all" refers to the end of my post, as in "that is all I wanted to say." Please don't misinterpret my post as criticism against the BGE. :D


so this game was patched, eh? i love the new music at the menu screen.

also: did they do something with the gamma setting? the game is a lot brighter than it used to be on my set.

Sea Mank: can i get a clan invite? PSN Tag: Beamber

User 406

Ceb said:
EDIT: And that stalemate on Island Outpost was... interesting. :lol

I don't know what the hell happened there. Our team was utterly dominating the battlefield, and I had made a few flag grab attempts and it was just a matter of time before someone got it out.

Then we just got pushed the hell back. I don't know if my team turned retarded or of the other team just got a sudden influx of good players from people leaving. Frankly, I'm grateful it was a tie. :X


I entered the game while it was already going, thats what happened :)

I captured a lot of bases and left some mines as presents that Sea_Manky was keen of receiving, hehe.
I made it to the flag 3 or 4 times, one of them with Arkestra and we actually managed to yank it out but eventually never left your base.

Nice game and like you said, incredibly a tie.
Have there been any clan games recently? i havent played in a while and might be interested if there are any coming up next weekend (busy this weekend)


JB1981 said:
so this game was patched, eh? i love the new music at the menu screen.

also: did they do something with the gamma setting? the game is a lot brighter than it used to be on my set.

Sea Mank: can i get a clan invite? PSN Tag: Beamber

Oh, so you're Beamber. I was like why is this chap on my friends list and when did I add him! ;d


icechai said:
That's because ages ago all the active players left and formed just [GAF]... :p

:[ aww. someone send me an invite to the new clan plz

and I really hope Incog bundles both booster packs for $10 or something


pancakesandsex said:
Have there been any clan games recently? i havent played in a while and might be interested if there are any coming up next weekend (busy this weekend)

We usually have some kind of clan game on Fridays and/or Saturdays.


damn, I wish this had saved films. I killed about 5-6 guys in the other teams base using 2 regenerators to keep me alive, returning the flag in the process for the winning cap.

and the "new" MK's have too much auto-aim now, I was shooting down Warhawks easily in the back of the 4x4. I hope they reduce it some in the next patch
I tried to play a few games before my friends came to pick me up and go out... it's hard to get back into it after playing COD4 for so long. I think I'll get back into Warhawk after I reach level 55 in COD4 (I'm at 32 right now).


Sorry I didn't get to play with anyone tonight.

my PSN is synic. Add me. Should be on more this week (usually 8pm until around 11 or 12am MST).

I suck so bad, but it's a lot of fun.
Just wanted to clarify my previous post.

Jack Scofield said:
And the BGE is amazing for capturing bases. That is all.

"That is all" was referring to my post, as in "that is all I wanted to say." Re-reading it, it seems like I was saying that capturing bases was all that the BGE is good for.

I don't want anyone to misinterpret my post. :D


Wow I'm really getting a hang of thes filter options. (Min=> etc).

I'll be looking for a clan server to hop into at around 7:30 GMT, really need to stop this rut of getting pwned easily and quickly.


Steroyd said:
Wow I'm really getting a hang of thes filter options. (Min=> etc).

I'll be looking for a clan server to hop into at around 7:30 GMT, really need to stop this rut of getting pwned easily and quickly.
So, how did it go? Did you own anyone?
I just bought the Warhawk soundtrack on iTunes, and man, it's impressive. If anyone has $10 lying around, you might wanna check it out.

Wollan said:
You see those yellow servers? ...that's right.


Was this in response to someone? I don't quite understand what you're saying.


Home launched games = yellow servers. Won't be long before us Warhawk junkies riot because of all you Home beta launchers....mark my word Wollan. :D

No seriously..this wait for Home has gone on too long, I'm starting to get bitter.


Sorry. Just saying Home launching with Warhawk now works.
You have pretty much every server option available in Home.
When you have chosen what you want you host a group.
People can then click on you and join your group.
You then launch into Warhawk and that server will show in yellow.
Jaeyden said:
Home launched games = yellow servers. Won't be long before us Warhawk junkies riot because of all you Home beta launchers....mark my word Wollan. :D

No seriously..this wait for Home has gone on too long, I'm starting to get bitter.

Oh, I thought he meant the yellow dot servers.

Can the Home beta testers use the "sandbox tactical war-game" right now, or is that option not available yet?

EDIT: I didn't realize you played Warhawk, Wollan. Mind if I send you a buddy invite?


Full friendslist. Anyhow, I rarely play. I probably have done like five-seven games since it released (played lots in Beta though).


I may try and get on tonight to play. However, I'm feeling a bit under the weather so I may wind up just crashing in bed. :lol

At worst, I'll be on a bit this weekend to play and get my ass handed to me.


y'all should be ashamed
Well they just showed off Broken Mirror on On the Spot at GS, with a telephone interview by Dylan Jobe. He accidentally said they're looking to put two new gameplay modes in the next free patch (1.4).

Awesomeness. :D

User 406

Heh heh.

In that Omega Factory TDM, some guy on the other team called Spaceman was really gunning for me. Everywhere I went, he'd chase me. So I killed him several times in a row and he quit. I love that. XD
Mmmm, I like the shots of the new map where its snowing. I'm a sucker for weather effects... nothing would be cooler than to be boosting around Archipelago in a tropical downpour, rain lapping against everything, wind moving the trees, bolts of lightning in the sky...


Yesterday the last game on MrPips! of Zones must have been my worst game ever...
It was also getting late so i just quit, enough was enough :p

I had one guy on my team with the mike always on with static. Is name was on the right corner all the time and it was just annoying.

The TDM and CTF games were fun, nice going Sea_Monkey, Arkestra and... er... who was it?
F-Pina said:
Yesterday the last game on MrPips! of Zones must have been my worst game ever...
It was also getting late so i just quit, enough was enough :p

I had one guy on my team with the mike always on with static. Is name was on the right corner all the time and it was just annoying.

The TDM and CTF games were fun, nice going Sea_Monkey, Arkestra and... er... who was it?
I was there yesterday, but I played like crap!! Sea Manky kept owning me!
Wait a damn minute.

The APC ram doesn't do any damage?!

I'm calling bullshit.

Well, interest in spending for this expansion has waned.

I was kind of looking forward to carrying the flag carrier and ramming to death any idiot Warjocks that think it's advisable to crash their plane in the ground to stop me. >:|

User 406

Actually, Jobe's blog specifically said that the ram won't harm tanks, but it will take out jeeps. Warhawks, remains to be seen, but I'm guessing it'll fuck them up.

Went back to the blog and found the exact quote:

Dylan Jobe said:
APCs have a boost ability that not only allows them to traverse distances more quickly, but it also acts as a ram-attack that obliterates other vehicles (except the tank because of its super-heavy armor).

I'll bet warhawks fall into that "other vehicles" category. Because ramming through a warhawk is just the right thing to do. :)

Besides, don't forget that shield the APC drops, it kills warhawks on contact. So you get a bug zapper too! XD


I see. Well, the ram being able to destroy a tank would've been too powerful I guess. Imagine the carnage in Acropolis Assault's middle base...

Looks like it can't withstand that much damage though. As always, teamwork will be crucial. I wish they could've shown off the mobile spawn in action in the video...

Btw, anyone up for some !GAF a couple of hours from now?

User 406

Sure, I'll probably hop on later.

Considering that tanks are the only ground vehicle with a reasonable shot at killing an APC, allowing them to be destroyed by the ram would have been a bit much. Besides, a tank's a tank, it should stay in the heavyweight class.

Edit: Just noticed from watching the video again, when the APC drops the shield right next to the tank outside Archipelago's center base, there's a bunch of explosions from tank shots and grenades, and the shield goes down pretty quick. Looks like you'll be able to destroy the shield emitter, which I guess isn't a surprise. Wonder if it'll be tougher than a BFG?
F-Pina said:
Yesterday the last game on MrPips! of Zones must have been my worst game ever...

Haha, I had some bad games last night, as well. There was a match were I died 5 times in a row, mostly from incredibly stupid suicides. Also, is there any way to mute individual people?

Ceb said:
I see. Well, the ram being able to destroy a tank would've been too powerful I guess. Imagine the carnage in Acropolis Assault's middle base...

If it's anything like Omega Dawn, I don't think you'll be able to have the APC on the smaller map layouts. I just watched the video of the APC on Archipelago, but I can't tell if the map layout is different from Island Battle. I see the yellow warning lines on the map, but I can't remember whether or not they are present in the normal map layout.

User 406

Well, with Archipelago, that big central section is as good as you're going to get for using the APC, regardless of how many of the other separate islands are active. Same with Destroyed Capitol. I'd imagine that Acropolis Assault is what you're looking at in the vid.

To mute people, just select their name in the scoring screen and press X, and you'll get the option to mute them. At the bottom of the scoring screen is a button legend which I didn't notice at first, which is why I wondered why they took out the mute/unmute all feature. :X


Jack Scofield said:
If it's anything like Omega Dawn, I don't think you'll be able to have the APC on the smaller map layouts. I just watched the video of the APC on Archipelago, but I can't tell if the map layout is different from Island Battle. I see the yellow warning lines on the map, but I can't remember whether or not they are present in the normal map layout.

I'm pretty sure Dylan said it would be available on Medium layouts as well. At least some of them.
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