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Warhawk - The Official Thread

I just decided to join a match. It was 5 vs 9 in an Official server. It was ridiculous. I want to get into this game so badly but playing with random people is just frustrating.
Jack Scofield said:
I just discovered that they have balancing off...again. They also got rid of the "LRG" map variant servers, and team switch is still here. It's becoming a clusterfuck.

What the fuck? They could have at least announced they were going to do that, I'd have basically been throwing away my money if I had bought BM today. Hopefully the 32P LG servers just aren't up yet, or something to that effect.
Jack Scofield said:
They changed up all the servers...for the worse, in my opinion. Now you have three tiers to choose from, newbie, casual, and pro. You can read more about them when you sign into Warhawk and the information box pops up.

I just discovered that they have balancing off...again. They also got rid of the "LRG" map variant servers, and team switch is still here. It's becoming a clusterfuck.

Yeah it's pretty terrible. Joined a game 16 to 4. Next round I figured everything would balance out.... NOPE. I was put on the team with more players but had to quit. Itwas unfair.

All this BS is making my warhawk abandonment for MGO all the more easier. Oh well. Hope they fix it. Why can't they have a mix of large and medium maps in one server? It's so boring cycling through the same maps over and over. Don't just get rid of the large.... dummies.


dralla said:
The Lobby system needs a complete overhaul, it's so convoluted and confusing. There's the normal maps, the OD, and the BM maps..now you mix in the Newbie, Casual, and Pro tiers, it's just too much. This should be priority 1 in the next patch.

and why is the text so small for the server list

are you using a sd tv?


Jack Scofield said:
They changed up all the servers...for the worse, in my opinion. Now you have three tiers to choose from, newbie, casual, and pro. You can read more about them when you sign into Warhawk and the information box pops up.

I just discovered that they have balancing off...again. They also got rid of the "LRG" map variant servers, and team switch is still here. It's becoming a clusterfuck.

This is what happens when you listen to whiny little kids. Great job, jobe!!


icechai said:
are you using a sd tv?

no, the text is just small. and the blue servers are tough to read since the background is blue also

uh, where did all the "Mid" servers go? All I see is Large and barely see any BM servers :[
Jack Scofield said:
They changed up all the servers...for the worse, in my opinion. Now you have three tiers to choose from, newbie, casual, and pro. You can read more about them when you sign into Warhawk and the information box pops up.

I just discovered that they have balancing off...again. They also got rid of the "LRG" map variant servers, and team switch is still here. It's becoming a clusterfuck.

What the fuck?

They keep monkeying with this shit every other week it seems. >:|

User 406

Wheee, just had a long session in MrPips' server, all on the ice, good stuff. Chasing people in and out of that deep chasm rocks. :D APC's are an even juicier target than dropships, since people love to spawn into them. XD


They need to turn down the snow effects on VG, I was getting slowdown in a 32 player server before. They also need to put up some Mid-size games, Large takes too fucking long.
Dear Incog,

Please make a 32-player server with the following rotation:

Archipelago - Acropolis Assault
Eucadia - Battle for Eucadia
Island Outpost - Island Battle
The Badlands - Desert Warfare

That's all I ask. Sorry, but Supply Chain in a Zones match with a limit of 7500 pointts doesn't cut it. Thanks.

- Jack


the CTF PRO LG servers are fine, I must say, the APC really changes the ground game. I like it better than OD since it doesn't effect flag cap speed. Had a couple crazy ram moments today :D

Vaporfield level is quite awesome as well. Highlight of today for me at the GAF server was pushing a enemy jeep with our flag off into the chasm... buhahahah.
icechai said:
the CTF PRO LG servers are fine, I must say, the APC really changes the ground game. I like it better than OD since it doesn't effect flag cap speed. Had a couple crazy ram moments today :D

Vaporfield level is quite awesome as well. Highlight of today for me at the GAF server was pushing a enemy jeep with our flag off into the chasm... buhahahah.

They have CTF Large servers? I'm looking at the server list right now and the only ones that say "large" are the newbie servers. The Pro servers just state "Pro", then the gametype, and finally a number. None of them say "large". Am I just missing them or something?


Jack Scofield said:
They have CTF Large servers? I'm looking at the server list right now and the only ones that say "large" are the newbie servers. The Pro servers just state "Pro", then the gametype, and finally a number. None of them say "large". Am I just missing them or something?

Oh err guess they mix medium and large up now. I played ctf in both medium and large in a BM US Pro mixed server. Personally I'm happy with the variation, although they need to cut CTF back down to 3 and zones back to 5000. 5 flag caps for CTF is so much slower without the dropship.


The unique one is "Mix", such as "US-Pro_Mix-A1" or "US-Pro_Mix-B1". These are similar to the previous "Vari" servers and host multiple gametypes. In "Mix-A" servers you've got large maps in CTF and ZNS. In "Mix-B" servers you've got medium and small maps running TDM and CTF.

oh and all the annoying people trying to ram tanks make me laugh, unless i'm in the apc and then i yell at them :p


Jack Scofield said:
They changed up all the servers...for the worse, in my opinion. Now you have three tiers to choose from, newbie, casual, and pro. You can read more about them when you sign into Warhawk and the information box pops up.

I just discovered that they have balancing off...again. They also got rid of the "LRG" map variant servers, and team switch is still here. It's becoming a clusterfuck.

So that means I have to play against better players? That sucks!
Thrakier said:
So that means I have to play against better players? That sucks!

Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but yeah, you'll probably run into more higher-ranked players than you did on the old servers. Think of it as a good learning experience. :D

I just want the large CTF maps back. Come on, Incog! :)


Jack Scofield said:
Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but yeah, you'll probably run into more higher-ranked players than you did on the old servers. Think of it as a good learning experience. :D

I just want the large CTF maps back. Come on, Incog! :)

I'm not being sarcastic, I really think that it sucks. I liked this level system.


Sea Manky said:
Still haven't found all the S-K-A-T-E letters yet.

Don't make fun of Tony Hawk dude :p

I am reading all of this but i don't seem to be running into so much problems like you guys are. I normally enter European servers (EN, IT, SP and GE).

Broken Mirror:
Ok, i liked the APC a lot. It changes a lot of things for capturing zones like respawning right into a base being captured and speeding up things.
The shield is very cool, love the sounds of grenades bouncing off, and the impacts on it remind if of movies special effects :D

The new map looks ok, i don't think it is as good as the original ones.
I could not find land mines anywhere, am i missing something?

PS: Why is it called Broken Mirror?


Thrakier said:
I'm not being sarcastic, I really think that it sucks. I liked this level system.

It's strange that they did that. If anything I figured they would ad maybe one or two more lower levels to allow for people to adjust to the learning curve. Seems like everyday someone is asking if it's too late to get into Warhawk, we talk em into it, then they come back crying about how they got ass-raped-lol. Personally, I don't think that only three server levels is a good thing for the game. Unless new players get to play on the "newbie" servers for considerably longer than they would be able to on a LVL 1 server.

Anyway, loving the new expansion, played Mr.Pips for a while tonight, must have just missed you Manky. Finally got my Distinguished Air Combat medal and I would like to thank Steroyd for being my 10,000th Air to Air kill. :D


Jaeyden said:
and I would like to thank Steroyd for being my 10,000th Air to Air kill. :D


MrPips server was fun but dayum, my team wouldn't move from the base and when I took to the air there'd be 4 or 5 of you swirling like vultures.

At least I learned that Warhawks can't touch the enemy shield.

Was funny though, once I was in a shield and a Warhawk was just waiting to Tow my ass. :lol


I jumped into a random player server last night and got three shield vs. warhawk kills in a rapid succession. Gotta love the fools who just descend into the Olsavik center by chance. :D

No one picked up TOWs either, which meant it was like a big buffet waiting for me. :)

User 406

F-Pina said:
Don't make fun of Tony Hawk dude :p

Oh, I love the Tony Hawk games. I just thought it was funny that when I was trying out the APC, I almost immediately got swept into finding out what cool tricks and jumps I could do with the boost. All those things I said you can really do. Wallriding over the hangar is sweet. :)

I haven't thoroughly explored all the layouts yet, but on the biggest map the mines are at the secondary spawn points by the cargo containers.

Jaeyden, congrats on Distinguished Air Combat! Ain't it purdy? :D


I've been trying to get the IAR for the Aerial Achievement award lately, and it's messing up my dogfighting effectivity. :X


I've just had the best fun of my gaming life playing with a bunch of friends driving and messing with the APC, turbo-boosting into tanks/warhawks/jeeps and repairing the hell out of the thing when needed, we raided the entire map in minutes :lol

User 406

Got some good games in on an official server today, but there were also a lot of shit-talkers, singers, teamkillers, and general idiots too. I think I've been spoiled by all that player server time. :p

One guy on my own team kept following me around and hitting me with TOW missiles while I was taking zones. Didn't stop us from winning, and at the end, he was listed in my "Most killed by" stat. :X

Got a sweet APC kill in my last game, Archipelago CTF. I had the flag, and I was in the top hatch of a tank that was driving me back to base. The enemy APC full of guys started following us, so I fired back a couple rockets and grenades. Then they did the boost to catch up, so I switched to flamethrower and finished them off. XD


People always waste TOW missles on single enemies like that, I guess killcount is important to them even if you're playing objective gametypes.

what the fuck, where are the 24 player CTF servers, I can't play the Large servers, the games take so fucking long.
Hmm...has anyone else ever had the "glitch" where another player has the same name as you? That just happened in game earlier tonight, and it happened once MONTHS ago, as well. In the match, there was [GAF]JackScofield and JackScofield. It was...interesting. :lol


Something weird happened yesterday, Irebooted my Router back to it's default settings, reserve my PS3 and PSP's addresses so I'd get NAT type 2 and now when I use the internet test, it says UPnP is available, and all these new portmaps have opened up. o_O

Still haven't tested Warhawk with these new settings yet though.


I got a sweet APC kill today. It was on Eucadia, I had just grabbed a TOW and saw that an enemy APC was about to capture the zone on the bridge. I fired the TOW and at the same time he put up a bubble shield. I thought "shit, a wasted TOW", but then I remembered what Manky said about the hole on top of the bubble shield. BOOM!

Great shot, kid. That was one in a million. :D
Team Vernia said:
I wish someone could add me to the GAF clan. I hate not having GAF next to my name.

PSN: TeamVernia ...hint hint

Steroyd's the person to ask.

I was in a game earlier today where someone was fascinated with my "GAF" tag. He said he'd played other Gaf members and was very impressed with our clan. I wonder who it was that he had played.
Well I've improved my KDR from .19 to .51 over the last couple of weeks and I'm also almost to whatever rank is after Sergeant. Add me Steroyd. :)


Jack Scofield said:
Steroyd's the person to ask.

I was in a game earlier today where someone was fascinated with my "GAF" tag. He said he'd played other Gaf members and was very impressed with our clan. I wonder who it was that he had played.
Probably me..;>


1st Lieutenant :D

Broken Mirror is pretty amazing. I really dig the new map, I like it as much as the one from Omega Dawn. BUT the APC is way more wicked than the dropship.


Team Vernia said:
Well I've improved my KDR from .19 to .51 over the last couple of weeks and I'm also almost to whatever rank is after Sergeant. Add me Steroyd. :)

Aye aye Serge.

My KDR has been dropping lately, my usefullness in a team is near zero now. :(

Wait a minute I blame those damn invisible Air Mines. :mad:


Team Vernia said:
Well I've improved my KDR from .19 to .51 over the last couple of weeks and I'm also almost to whatever rank is after Sergeant. Add me Steroyd. :)

wooo now you can stop playing on the newbie servers so the rest of us can finally get in a game with you :p
I have been playing Warhawk on and off since release, but over the past month I have put about 45hrs into it.

Unfortunately the vast amount of my time has been spent on the Official servers and as such I haven't really met anyone to play with constantly.

Recently I have been playing on Player servers and this has shown me that without a team to practice with, my skills are about at there peak. On foot I am deadly enough (except with a Sniper rifle) and in the air I can stay alive for a while, but definitely suck when up against someone who knows how to fly.

I would love to play against people who are good but are also willing to act as a team rather then trash talk their own, team-kill or only play for highscores in objective based games (there is nothing worse then a CTF match where no one makes an attempt on the flag).

I am currently a Wingman (but have the points for Wing Leader/lack the 4x4 medal)
I have a KDR of 0.91
I have both expansions
I have a mic
I prefer Zones and CTF
PSNid: Palantiri


the_prime_mover said:
I would love to play against people who are good but are also willing to act as a team rather then trash talk their own, team-kill or only play for highscores in objective based games (there is nothing worse then a CTF match where no one makes an attempt on the flag).
Ceb is kind enough to host a server from time to time. It's usually called !GAF. Keep an eye on this thread, the time frame is around 4PM EST / 21:00 GMT.

You can also ask Steroyd for a clan invite.


the_prime_mover said:
I would love to play against people who are good but are also willing to act as a team rather then trash talk their own, team-kill or only play for highscores in objective based games (there is nothing worse then a CTF match where no one makes an attempt on the flag).

Sadly most players on official servers are like that. ;-(


ChryZ said:
You can also ask Steroyd for a clan invite.

Hold on, hold on, explain this to me carefully. I'm kinda slow on the uptake...

I thought the clan limit was 64 players? Surely the GAF clan is choc-a-bloc full? Does GAF have more than one clan (that'd be awesome - GAF v GAF1 v GAF2 etc.).

I'm keen to find people to play with regularly. :(


Jack Scofield said:
I was in a game earlier today where someone was fascinated with my "GAF" tag. He said he'd played other Gaf members and was very impressed with our clan. I wonder who it was that he had played.

What was his PSN ID?

Btw, anyone: !GAF at 4pm EDT/22:00 CET?
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