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Warhawk - The Official Thread


I'm going to put up a !gaf server, just to test out my connection; it is ranked, so if it works and we get 8 people, we could keep playing.


try now
; btw, I can't believe how different and awesome it feels to have no lag !

edit:we're at 6/8 for the last few minutes; is anyone trying to get in but can't?


huh weird...I'm making the server again with a buddy slot

edit: d'oh, just saw that you went offline, vernia, so I won't be making a server again for now.

That was fun, and I managed to get a full game in, so apparently, I can at least host 8 players, so if we want a small clan get together anytime, I'm down with that.
Keeps getting stuck at the Joining Game screen, then it's says unable to join game. Can't even get a ping from your server. Should I create one for the next 40 min or so?


Team Vernia said:
Won't let me join. It's the one called "carlos" right?

yeah, accidentaly went up by that name; took it down and made another !gaf...damn stupid internets...why won't you let others join ;)

yeah, create one if you want, I'll join up; no one's joining me atm, so maybe the connection got bad after that first game

I'm also waiting for MGS, so we'll check at 6 to see if it went up...


lol, can't join because I don't have broken mirror... shameful really....I think I'm going to avoid temptation and not buy it :(

I guess I'll try out the new official server rotations for a while; hope to see ya around in MGS later


Well I'm more of a cheapskate than broke, but I just want to limit my playing time; getting BM would no doubt get my playing an ungodly amount of hours
Jack Scofield said:
Yeah, three.

So if you exceed the maximum then the other ones disappear? I swear I have been killed by invisible mines before . . .

Also, does anyone have any tips on Warhawk flight and avoidance? I watched the YouTube videos on shaking missiles and can do that ~85% of the time but still have difficulty getting people off my tail. So, even if they run out of missiles they can just take me out with machine gun fire.
the_prime_mover said:
So if you exceed the maximum then the other ones disappear? I swear I have been killed by invisible mines before . . .

Yeah, the oldest one will disappear as soon as you lay a fourth. And I'll hit an invisible air mine at least once a game. It's some kind of glitch, not a special kind of mine.

Also, does anyone have any tips on Warhawk flight and avoidance? I watched the YouTube videos on shaking missiles and can do that ~85% of the time but still have difficulty getting people off my tail. So, even if they run out of missiles they can just take me out with machine gun fire.

Do you use normal flight or Pro flight? Either way, diving while rolling and then banking upwards usually does the trick for me (I use normal flight). If you're finding it hard to shake an enemy, make a beeline for the invisibility. I find that fliying into the clouds while invisible will COMPLETELY cause enemies to lose you. Otherwise they may just follow your Warhawk and wait for the power-up to expire before unleashing another volley of missiles.

Also, try not spazzing out in the air. People will usually do that when they're trying to break a lock-on, but when someone does that I just switch into hover mode and pick them off with machine gun fire or a homing missile.


Jack Scofield said:
Yeah, the oldest one will disappear as soon as you lay a fourth. And I'll hit an invisible air mine at least once a game. It's some kind of glitch, not a special kind of mine.

Do you use normal flight or Pro flight? Either way, diving while rolling and then banking upwards usually does the trick for me (I use normal flight). If you're finding it hard to shake an enemy, make a beeline for the invisibility. I find that fliying into the clouds while invisible will COMPLETELY cause enemies to lose you. Otherwise they may just follow your Warhawk and wait for the power-up to expire before unleashing another volley of missiles.

Also, try not spazzing out in the air. People will usually do that when they're trying to break a lock-on, but when someone does that I just switch into hover mode and pick them off with machine gun fire or a homing missile.

yeah, sharp dive/climb and also using mountains/cliffs while roll pitching usually does the trick. If they're still chasing you drop a airmine as you dive or right after avoiding some missles hover behind a mountain and watch them fly past :)
Awesome, thanks a lot for the tips. I will try sharp ascents/descents. I tend only to shake the missile off while continuing to move in a relatively straight line.

What about the air brakes? I only recently started trying to use them. I find that it makes turns far to wide (I end up hitting a lot of walls) but sometimes it seems to help me shake a tail by getting them to blast in front of me. Unfortunately I tend to lose my orientation while moving around a lot.

When you play do you tend to keep your map open? I sometimes watch the map to see how people are moving and will see a swarm of warhawks immediately descend on a newly launched warhawk. I am sure it is this situation that leaves me feeling like the entire opposition has decided to fixate on me alone! However, when I am moving around I find the expanded map blocks far too much of the screen and I never seem to be playing on teams with a lot of radio chatter.

More than anything I think that the power of the Warhawk is what makes this game both challenging and frustrating. In capable hands there is really nothing that can stand against a Warhawk, and yet it is the one element of the game that takes a considerable amount to master.


the_prime_mover said:
Awesome, thanks a lot for the tips. I will try sharp ascents/descents. I tend only to shake the missile off while continuing to move in a relatively straight line.

What about the air brakes? I only recently started trying to use them. I find that it makes turns far to wide (I end up hitting a lot of walls) but sometimes it seems to help me shake a tail by getting them to blast in front of me. Unfortunately I tend to lose my orientation while moving around a lot.

When you play do you tend to keep your map open? I sometimes watch the map to see how people are moving and will see a swarm of warhawks immediately descend on a newly launched warhawk. I am sure it is this situation that leaves me feeling like the entire opposition has decided to fixate on me alone! However, when I am moving around I find the expanded map blocks far too much of the screen and I never seem to be playing on teams with a lot of radio chatter.

More than anything I think that the power of the Warhawk is what makes this game both challenging and frustrating. In capable hands there is really nothing that can stand against a Warhawk, and yet it is the one element of the game that takes a considerable amount to master.

yeah, what's nice is that its not too strong either. If there's multiple soldiers w/ rockets, Warhawks can't even get near ground level. In terms of power sliding, if you are using pro controls you don't need it. Sharp turns w/ pitching (right analog) while braking is much faster and still lets you keep shooting.

Moving in a straight line is a sure way to get killed, machine gun fire is strong if it catches up to you, they can also use lightning or dozens of other stuff to chase you down.

Map is open/close all the time, got used to hitting the select as soon as I need to assess a situation or go somewhere.

on another note, Jack, that casual server I got into with you sucked big time!! Got switched to the other team and 80% of the people are content to stay in base and guard the flag >_< So of course the other team has every cap point, manned every turret, and made life a living hell w/ constant towage. So it was basically me dogfighting in the sky for most of a ctf round booooooo. At least i'm getting better at chasing one target while dodging another one's missles :) So far my experience with Pro servers have been really good, everyone goes for the objective at least.
icechai said:
on another note, Jack, that casual server I got into with you sucked big time!! Got switched to the other team and 80% of the people are content to stay in base and guard the flag >_< So of course the other team has every cap point, manned every turret, and made life a living hell w/ constant towage. So it was basically me dogfighting in the sky for most of a ctf round booooooo. At least i'm getting better at chasing one target while dodging another one's missles :) So far my experience with Pro servers have been really good, everyone goes for the objective at least.

I know we were on the same team in the Island Outpost match, but that was the first time I noticed that you were in the game. Which match were you talking about? The Badlands or Archipelago? In any case, I know all too well your frustration with turtle-ing (?) teammates. Half the time when my team is reduced to our main base I'll retake the center base, which NO ONE will spawn in, despite me yelling over the headset.

I like the Pro servers as well, but I normally switch between Pro and casual servers, since each have their own advantages/disadvantages. But the constant team-killing in Pro (even if it's accidental) usually drives me back to casual for the rest of the night. :lol


Jack Scofield said:
I know we were on the same team in the Island Outpost match, but that was the first time I noticed that you were in the game. Which match were you talking about? The Badlands or Archipelago? In any case, I know all too well your frustration with turtle-ing (?) teammates. Half the time when my team is reduced to our main base I'll retake the center base, which NO ONE will spawn in, despite me yelling over the headset.

I like the Pro servers as well, but I normally switch between Pro and casual servers, since each have their own advantages/disadvantages. But the constant team-killing in Pro (even if it's accidental) usually drives me back to casual for the rest of the night. :lol

the one after, Eucadia. Was hell :p


Hey Guys,

I've had the game for awhile but I haven't really had a chance to get into it's hard to find a good group of players to play with. With that in mind I would like to start seriously playing this game hardcore if you some of you are like that please do add me to your friend list my PSN handle is the same as my name here Thanks
Thanks for all the tips icechai, they are greatly appreciated.

Steroyd said:
I wish Incog patched it so you can spawn in a dropship.

This would be a great idea if they also introduce parachutes into the mix.

I was in a dropship on Badlands and the pilot decided that he would use it as a gunship over our own base (in a game of Zones no less). The enemy warhawks just kept harassing him and my missile turret was ineffective against so many targets. When he got down to low health he didn't land, nor did he head for the health pick up, instead he opted for his death and my murder.

However, if we had a way to get out of dropships or warhawks while in flight, oh the possibilities . . .


Ceb said:
It would up its usefulness for sure. Would perhaps be too powerful?
Nah, not more so than the APC.

Good games last night, dude. At the beginning I was so stunted, almost paralyzed and played like a zombie. Seeing you pushing the front line really got me back in the game. That one CTF game was awesome ... APC+bubbleshield+wrench FTW!


Yeah, you have a talent for sniffing out servers with good players in them. I had lots of fun, was disappointed when we lost that Zones match though. And that massive cluster bomb TK by me was just embarrasing. :p


Ceb said:
Yeah, you have a talent for sniffing out servers with good players in them. I had lots of fun, was disappointed when we lost that Zones match though. And that massive cluster bomb TK by me was just embarrasing. :p
Yeah, the Zones game was unfortunate.

Your cluster bomb TK was epic. You got like 3-4 of our guys, it made me LOL and I almost dropped my DS3 :lol


god damn the APC is godlike for capturing flags. It's fast, takes a ton of damage, holds 6 people, and Warhawks can't do shit to it because of the bubble shield.
Yeah bitches! Team Vernia is now ranked too high for noob servers. The Maria portion of Team Vernia just got first place on a winning team as a noob sendoff. Time to get schooled all over again.
dralla said:
god damn the APC is godlike for capturing flags. It's fast, takes a ton of damage, holds 6 people, and Warhawks can't do shit to it because of the bubble shield.

Yeah, the APC is great, but I'm always wary of staying in one for long. They're bait for TOW missiles, and even if you manage to deploy the E-POD, the enemy Warhawk will either wait it out or wait for you to exit the shield.

When my team has air superiority, however, it's a different story. No more worrying about imminent death as soon as I spawn in the APC.
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