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Warhawk - The Official Thread


CurlySaysX said:
I hope people don't abandon Warhawk to play GTA4.
I need my daily Warhawk Ass Kicking Fix. :(

It's hard to abandon Warhawk when it's on my hard Drive. :D

Oh I feel like playing Warhawk after a bit of GTA, clicks on Warhawk bam!

Wouldn't have been possible if I bought the Blu-ray.
CurlySaysX said:
I hope people don't abandon Warhawk to play GTA4.
I need my daily Warhawk Ass Kicking Fix. :(

I think that the constant updates and expansions will keep Warhawk fresh for a long, long time. It's my number one online game, and I'm sure many other people feel the same way.


I'll probably be off Warhawk for a while. GTAIV + MGO beta + finals = no time left. Will return to it after MGS4 though! Don't kick me off the clan, Steroyd. :(


Ceb said:
I'll probably be off Warhawk for a while. GTAIV + MGO beta + finals = no time left. Will return to it after MGS4 though! Don't kick me off the clan, Steroyd. :(

I'll probably have to kick myself out at this rate. :(

Thank god May looks like a quiet month.

User 406

I think there's been a "ZOMG IS WARHAWK DYING BECAUSE EVERYONE IS GOING TO MIGRATE TO YADDA YADDA? :(" thread on the Warhawk boards just about once a week since Warhawk was released. I wonder which game will be mentioned as such on the anniversary in August? XD


GTAIV will be a nice distraction for a while, but after playing the multiplayer last night I can say that Warhawk is certainly safe. I jumped out of GTA after about two hours of playing so that I could try out my new DS3 in WH....ahhhh yeah....a thing of beauty. :D


I was actually playing GTA 4 and up flashed the message "Jaeyden is now online" - I knew where you'd be going and was really tempted to join up with you in WH but resisted (mainly cos my gf had something on the telly she wanted to watch).

Personally I think WH is safe for a while yet. After all, how many of you have caught yourself thinking "this is getting stale" - I defy you to have. Especially since Broken Mirror...


Well I've at least managed to kick the addiction to WH (1 hour played in the last 3-4 weeks)

BUT, seeing as how konami hates PR and blocked me out of MGO, I guess I'll be back to playing constantly at least until MGS4 comes out. (I'm gonna skip GTA4, perhaps get it cheap later)

Only 26,000 more points to go to get out of the dreaded captain rank gap...
I didn't even realize that you were in that game with me, Sea Manky, until the very end in which you were listed as the top player. :lol

That layout was crazy, battles going on everywhere.

User 406

Yeah, I jumped in when I saw you on, good games there. Did you not notice when you spawned in the APC in the hatch right next to mine, or was that a later game? :X

Also got called out in a blue deathmatch server, someone asked me if I was a "real general or a fake general". The star is a mark of shame. XD

User 406

Haha, had an awesome game just a little while ago. I was in a 16 player blue server, and the rotation came to Destroyed Capitol: Garden Showdown CTF. Our guys start spreading out, and I grab the binoculars and look for enemies.

I don't see any.


Check the score list, and it turned out the entire blue team quit before the game even started. So there were eight red players, and no blues. I tell everyone that we need to do some switching, but nobody does. By this time, they've scored one flag already. I'm not in the mood to stat pad, so I switch teams. By the time I respawn on blue, they've got my flag again. It's seven against one. I head over to their base and grab their flag before they can score.

For the next five minutes or so, I somehow hold them off. Kept killing their flag carrier and returning my flag while holding theirs. When they killed me, I managed to respawn and nail them before they could return their flag, or nab it again before they could score. In that whole time, they managed to score only once. Seven against one.

After that, someone new joined the server on my team, and that gave me enough slack to get their flag back to my base and score it. Then a few others joined, and we scored again. In the end, we never let them score again, and we took all five flags. Felt awesome. :D


good story manky :) I would've probably waited until at least 1 person showed up on the other team before I switched sides.

I would like to add that occasionally, the mass player quitting is caused by server errors (the ps3 freezes) and not by the players themselves. Once I was playing a 16vs16 game and midway through the game, it suddenly became 16vs3; turned out their ps3's had all frozen at once.

User 406

In this case, I think they all left on their own volition, since they were all on the same clan. In the preceding games they had managed to switch so they were all together. But yeah, I've seen that happen, in fact I think it had happened earlier on that server. We were doing great in one match, and the very next one we got utterly base raped, and I was wondering why until I noticed that our team was down to three people. :p

It's nice to be able to play in official servers with FF on again, but damn if they aren't still a pain in a lot of ways. Not to mention I still encounter far more slurs and bad behavior in the blues than the whites.
I wish I had fun stories like yours, but most of mine seem to be about incompetent teammates who seemingly don't understand the basic rules of CTF. The enemy will be returning their flag right outside of our base and they'll do nothing. Nor will they attempt to pick up the flag after I've gotten it out of the deathtrap that is the enemy base.

I am angry.


Jack Scofield said:
I wish I had fun stories like yours, but most of mine seem to be about incompetent teammates who seemingly don't understand the basic rules of CTF. The enemy will be returning their flag right outside of our base and they'll do nothing. Nor will they attempt to pick up the flag after I've gotten it out of the deathtrap that is the enemy base.

I am angry.
This is why I usually play TDM. I don't have to worry too much about idiot teammates. It's just too bad that most of sony TDM servers are pretty much empty..;<

User 406

TDM drives me nuts because a lot of people don't understand that not only do you need control of the battlefield to have more vehicle/weapon spawns, but that the bases are worth a lot of team points. I'll be capturing bases and killing tons of people, and I'll look up and we're twenty points farther behind, since my team just lets the enemy waltz into all the bases. It's the only mode where I can feel like I'm utterly kicking ass, and yet my team gets beat down badly. >:|

User 406


Had an awesome string of games today! :D I was in one of the big CTF blue servers.

Both teams were well matched, and we fought like hell over bases. The only game where we got them pinned down to one base in Eucadia still took a while since they were defending really well. I had a killer last second flag run in 0-0 game where I drove it all across Island Outpost, getting TOWed just feet away from scoring. Fortunately one of my teammates recovered and scored in the very last second. :D

Then there was one of the most intense matches I've seen yet, on Acropolis Assault. For the first TWENTY MINUTES of the game both teams did NOTHING but fight over the middle base. Tanks and planes and jeeps exploding constantly in a cauldron of pure violence. I was so HAPPY! XD Eventually we pushed them uphill, and managed to score a flag or two.

Man, I need a cigarette. :X


See, the big blue CTF servers are pretty good from time to time! That's my main stompin ground ;)

It's a shame I haven't seen anyone online in the last 15 hours I've played in the last few days; not even you, manky; we're not coinciding at all :( (you usually trick me into checking the buddies list by staying logged in at all times :p)
I just had a great string of games, as well. In particular, we were playing CTF on Island Outpost, and our team had been pinned down to two bases. Enemies were storming our base relentlessly, with full APCs, tanks, Warhawks, jeeps, and soldiers lying land mines (the latter being particularly annoying). We managed to hold of the onslaught for most of the game, until they broke away with our flag in the last three minutes, more than enough time to score.

Well, they managed to make it all the way back to their base when someone on our team managed to grab their flag and hold on to it for the last minute or so, thereby preventing them from scoring. And they were close. I'm talking about the flag carrier being on the ramp up to their flag. It was exhilarating.

We didn't win, we just managed to force a tie game. But I was almost certain once they made it across the bridge with our flag that we were going to lose. What a turnaround, though. I was so proud of me team. :D

And also, how do you talk during post-game?

User 406

Jack, same as you do during the game. If you're using PTT, you don't hear the little noise when you push the button, but it works anyway.

And TToB, you blow your horn BEFORE you run people over! :mad:
Sea Manky said:
And TToB, you blow your horn BEFORE you run people over! :mad:


I was having too much fun on that server last night. Unfortunately my PS3 had some bizarre error where it would not reconnect to PSN until I rebooted, which I didn't realize until after I started watching a bunch of shitty movies I got from Netflix. :(


Not enough Michael Ironside. :(


Surprisingly good, but silly for a movie with Christopher Lambert.

User 406

Yeah, always a good time on MrPips' server, he always has interesting game/map rotations. Lately I've been alternating between his server and the blues.


Hey SeaManky, are you always logged on Warhawk in your PS3?
Sometimes i log in and it says you are on Warhawk but not exactly on any server.


This game is so hard now the level cap is gone. All those high level people come to the casual server to slaughter casuals...it sucks.

User 406

I leave my machine on and the game running so I can jump in whenever I get a chance without waiting. Kind of like how I never shut down my computer. :p

And I would run a server, but crappy upstream limits me to 8 people. :( Maybe someday I'll do a little dogfight/ground deathmatch rotation.


Thrakier said:
This game is so hard now the level cap is gone. All those high level people come to the casual server to slaughter casuals...it sucks.

Yes, us "higher" people some times step down from our thrones and go wack casually "lower" people :D
Now seriously, i normally am at Pro servers but ocasionally i need to just dominate a little and at Casual servers it is much easier :)

Sea_Manky is currently who killed me most times in a single game grrrr...


Thrakier said:
This game is so hard now the level cap is gone. All those high level people come to the casual server to slaughter casuals...it sucks.

Yep, I couldn't stand it the other day. Tons of high level people just eating us casual players alive. I love the game online, but this shit is annoying. I was able to hold my own along with a few others on my team for a little while, but everyone else was getting destroyed...badly. Just became annoying and extremely frustrating.


Yes, I hope they will bring back the level cap, because that's not the way it should be. Why even name it "casual" server when where are only pros? It's not fun anymore, just frustrating.

User 406

Monday maintenance. And like hell I'll drop Warhawk. There's still player servers, and when they finally kill the matchmaking servers, there's always LAN tunneling. Assuming there isn't a Warhawk 2. XD


mintylurb said:
Welp, that about wraps it up. Warhawk had a good run and it's time for spanky to buy a new game!

Sacrilege! :p

If WH has proven one thing it's that with well thought out DLC games can have legs forever. Broken Mirror has been amazing and the maps from it are by far my favourites; for one thing flying the WH seems less dangerous than in other configs. :D

As Sea Manky said, just jump to player servers instead.


Fuck it, it's no fun anymore! My K/D Ratio is going down and down because of all those fucking general going on noob hunt! BRING BACK THE LEVEL CAP NOW! I'll stop playing this game because of this.
oh god got stuck on team r for 4 games

meanwhile some japanese clan baseraped the morons who just stood there

i taught them a lesson about hovering and killing tho, my rpg was all nice and toasty after i burnt them over and over


OK,I am so freaking cursed;

So I'm looking to play, as usual on a large server, HAD to use the blue ones, since the player servers are empty/very few of them.
Every single game I was put into, I'm on camping retard team; I stick around and get pummeled to see if it balances out in the next game; NOPE

No less than 20 servers did I jump to, every single time the same thing, 5-8 of them in the air for the other team/ no one even trying from our side! I friggin' ran out of servers that had people in them!

When I finally found a great balance (10vs10 in the air, great clan players on both sides) halfway through the game, the PS3 freezes....>X(

I swear, I feel almost sorry for whatever team I get put on, because either I'm a jinx, or I have the crappiest luck ever.

It's been this way for as long as I can remember; 20 shit games, 5 good, 20 bad, etc.
The only thing that's kept me going is an insatiable need for revenge ;)

EDIT: It's now been exactly 24 hours since I originally posted this comment, and the PS3 froze up again under the exact same circumstances; it even happened when I was getting on a Warhawk with someone else, same as the previous night; WTF?!?
Okay, I've been playing the game since it came out - and now it's time for my stupid question.

Where on acropolis assault are the binoculars?

Every time I play on this map, some douchebag is hiding in the nook near the bases with teh binocs calling in airstrikes.

So where in the fuck are they located?

User 406

Right underneath the lower end of the first ramp going down from your main base. On the inside corner you can drop down underneath to a small ledge and they're there. If you have trouble finding them, just grab a warhawk and look under the ramp to get a bearing.
i haven't touched this game since a few weeks after it came out and all the stats were fucked up. i really need to get back into it. is the GAFn clan still around? what gaf clans are running?
criesofthepast said:
i haven't touched this game since a few weeks after it came out and all the stats were fucked up. i really need to get back into it. is the GAFn clan still around? what gaf clans are running?

Only one: just plain ole' "GAF". If you're interested in joining the clan, you'll have to talk to Steroyd.

Hopefully you get back into the game. :)
Damn it!

I just had a colossal fuckup on MrPip's server. >:O

I was playing CTF and we had the Eucadian flag, and they had ours. I got killed trying to save ours, and respawned near the flag and hopped in a warhawk to catch the fucker.

I spot him and light him up.


I blew up the guy carrying the Eucadian flag. :mad:

I apologize and tell everybody to back off I'm going to blow myself up and give the flag back. I start grenading myself and some dingbat puts his warhawk down on me. I teamkill him before I kill myself! >:O

So I finally get a rocket launcher. Get the original flag carrier, and get him to come over and wait a safe distance away and then blow myself up to give up the flag. :p
The Take Out Bandit said:
Damn it!

I just had a colossal fuckup on MrPip's server. >:O

I was playing CTF and we had the Eucadian flag, and they had ours. I got killed trying to save ours, and respawned near the flag and hopped in a warhawk to catch the fucker.

I spot him and light him up.


I blew up the guy carrying the Eucadian flag. :mad:

I apologize and tell everybody to back off I'm going to blow myself up and give the flag back. I start grenading myself and some dingbat puts his warhawk down on me. I teamkill him before I kill myself! >:O

So I finally get a rocket launcher. Get the original flag carrier, and get him to come over and wait a safe distance away and then blow myself up to give up the flag. :p

Haha, that's at least -30 points if I'm counting correctly. If only Incog didn't get rid of the "drop flag" option... :D
The Take Out Bandit said:
Yeah, I'm not worried about points so much as coming across as an ass when I don't intend to be.

Why did they get rid of flag dropping? Were people somehow abusing it? :\

I'm pretty sure people would just keep dropping/picking up the flag, since a flag grab counts as two (?) points.
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