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Warhawk - The Official Thread

Oh well my grand plan of getting a faster internet connection for better Warhawk server games hosted by moi bombed. I also would not suggest Time Warner Cable to anybody, ever.

The absolute worst f@cking experience I've had doing business with any company.


Long story short, I've been having network problems with warhawk since they changed the servers to expert/noob/20 minutes etc.

My particular problem is that I get a 500+ ping on EVERY official server; just a couple of player servers are under 200...

I've tried every diagnostic test on the ps3 and internet connection and am 99% sure that everything is fine on my end.

Has anyone had this problem? it seems to be random, sometimes I log on and everything is pretty fine (just a tad higher ping than what I had before), but sometimes, like tonight, the game is completely unplayable :mad:


carlos said:
Long story short, I've been having network problems with warhawk since they changed the servers to expert/noob/20 minutes etc.

My particular problem is that I get a 500+ ping on EVERY official server; just a couple of player servers are under 200...

I've tried every diagnostic test on the ps3 and internet connection and am 99% sure that everything is fine on my end.

Has anyone had this problem? it seems to be random, sometimes I log on and everything is pretty fine (just a tad higher ping than what I had before), but sometimes, like tonight, the game is completely unplayable :mad:

Weird. Ever since the change I've noticed a lot of lower ping official servers for me - and I mean a screen or two of servers with a 30ish ping.

So sorry, I can't help.


I just made commander :D

Carlos, nothing changed on my end. EU games are usually 70-100ms and US/NA ~200ms. Try to run a traceroute with winmtr. It will show you where your latency issues are and if there is packet loss at certain hops. Maybe your ISP is able to help.


Chryz, thanks for the advice; I tried it out, and while I don't understand all the numbers and stats and stuff, there was one of the ip's that only received around 5 of 80 packets...

I guess that has something to do with this...unfortunately, my isp isn't know for customer service....


carlos said:
Chryz, thanks for the advice; I tried it out, and while I don't understand all the numbers and stats and stuff, there was one of the ip's that only received around 5 of 80 packets...

I guess that has something to do with this...unfortunately, my isp isn't know for customer service....
Packet loss isn't a good sign. It's either congestion, cpu load at that hop or circuit related. Oh and it's causing you latency issue. You can send the output of mtr to your ISP. Any ISP got tech support and they'll be able to read it.


PSN will be down for 6 hours, a non issue for America because it's between 8AM - 2PM PST, but that translates to 4PM - 10PM GMT time. That's like... prime time online play for me. :/


Steroyd said:
PSN will be down for 6 hours, a non issue for America because it's between 8AM - 2PM PST, but that translates to 4PM - 10PM GMT time. That's like... prime time online play for me. :/
Play MGO, it will be fine since Konami ignored the existence of PSN :p


Steroyd said:
PSN will be down for 6 hours, a non issue for America because it's between 8AM - 2PM PST, but that translates to 4PM - 10PM GMT time. That's like... prime time online play for me. :/

It's prime time for me in the states...I've got today off and wanted to get up and play WH... :-( Guess I'll go fart around in Liberty City.
Logged in for the first time in nearly a month and brought Hellfire to a poor Japanese server. :X

And after that one game I stopped for the night, it don't get no higher than first place. Hua hua hua . . . :p
The Take Out Bandit said:
Logged in for the first time in nearly a month and brought Hellfire to a poor Japanese server. :X

And after that one game I stopped for the night, it don't get no higher than first place. Hua hua hua . . . :p

I need to start playing again. Lately it's been MGS4 all the time, but when I go back to Warhawk I hope I get first place in my first match. Otherwise I fear I may have lost "it." :D


Jack Scofield said:
I need to start playing again. Lately it's been MGS4 all the time, but when I go back to Warhawk I hope I get first place in my first match. Otherwise I fear I may have lost "it." :D

Warhawk to me is like a music/rhythm game, where you somehow improve after taking a break from the game.

I'm particularly proud of my newfound clusterbombing skills; I can now sometimes even hit moving warhawks :)
I have however, become less confident in the people I'm playing with, so I seem to be staying in the air a lot more than I used to....

Oh, and about that ping issue I mentioned with the servers: I believe it is not only me who has that problem; I was playing last night, (around 250 ping) more than I used to have, but not terrible. But on every server I joined there were always a few people in the 700's and on some occasions, in the 1500 ping range!?!

Can somebody double check this next time you're on? Back in the old days, maybe the most laggy player was around 300-400, but now it's a crapshoot with people from 30-1000.
I don't think it was just me since other people complained of the certain players lag...


carlos said:
Can somebody double check this next time you're on? Back in the old days, maybe the most laggy player was around 300-400, but now it's a crapshoot with people from 30-1000.
I don't think it was just me since other people complained of the certain players lag...
Keep in mind, that I spend most of my time on EU servers: I've seen a player with 700ms ONCE. Sometimes there are people with ~400ms and they were Asian, but 300-400ms are pretty rare nowadays. It was pretty bad just after the renaming of the servers, but now people seem to stick to lower ping servers.

User 406

Well, looks like I'll be on an enforced vacation from Warhawk for a while. :(

I was dusting my entertainment center a few days ago, and accidentally touched one of the USB ports on the console, got a little static shock. Then the USB ports stopped working. So I called up Sony, got a repair ticket set up, and my box just arrived yesterday. Now my Warhawkstation 3 is on its way to the repair center.

I really hope I get it back before 1.4 arrives, but from what I've heard replacement of 20GB and 60GB units takes a while nowadays. ;_;
Finally had the chance to play a few games tonight. Started off slow, but I didn't do as bad as I feared. I died much more often than I remember, and didn't receive a wide variety of ribbons throughout the evening, which kind of sucked, but I led my team in points for most of the games. And carlos, I didn't notice anything unusual regarding ping. Sorry I can't help with your problem. :(

Sorry to hear about your PS3 troubles, Sea Manky. I also have a 60GB, so I can only hope and pray it never dies on me.
I jumped on Warhawk for the first time in what feels like forever and it felt like a new game. I can't believe how rusty I am at this game. From my somewhat fresh perspective it feels like such a solid, unique experience and I gotta say, I'm sorry I ever left.
PowderedToast said:
So guys, is this still reasonably populated? I've been thinking about picking it up. I need an online PS3 experience.

Yeah, you'll be able to find lots of games to play in. The game is nowhere near dead.
God damn it!

Archipelago, Close Corridors needs some serious retooling in the spawing algorithm department. I spawned six fucking times on the bottom of the god damn map. Incognito, fix that shit! I would like to randomly spawn at the middle or top in the event my fucking team is getting raped and is also being orally raped by a sniper preventing you from getting to the upper portions of the map. >:O

Oh is there some update due out? A friend mentioned something about one to me, but I couldn't find any details.


somehow you always get #1 on your team Jack, and I hardly ever even see you in the game!! we must always be on opposite sides of the map somehow :p
The Take Out Bandit said:
Oh is there some update due out? A friend mentioned something about one to me, but I couldn't find any details.

Incog has mentioned update 1.4, which will be free and offer new gametypes. I don't think they've released any info besides that, but I may be wrong. Or perhaps your friend is referring to the PS3 update, 2.40?

icechai said:
somehow you always get #1 on your team Jack, and I hardly ever even see you in the game!! we must always be on opposite sides of the map somehow :p

Haha. I played about five games tonight, and I think we were on the same team for the majority of those matches. I distinctly remember giving you a ride in a Warhawk in the beginning of the Eucadia game (did we lose of tie that match? Can't remember, but somehow the opposite team managed to get an APC behind the mountains at our base. That blew my mind).
Jack Scofield said:
Incog has mentioned update 1.4, which will be free and offer new gametypes. I don't think they've released any info besides that, but I may be wrong. Or perhaps your friend is referring to the PS3 update, 2.40?

No, this was Warhawk related. :D

Someone I spoke with in game today mentioned there's a rumor of a new jungle stage coming. Anybody else hear anything regarding this? :O
Jaeyden said:

Wow, there's some great info in that blog post.

Dylan Jobe said:
Hey Everyone!

Sorry I've been MIA -- we have been just cranking on our new updates for all of you; the v1.4 Patch, the v1.5 Patch and yes...our next booster pack.

The team and I have been watching the internets light up with discussions about the trophies in 240 and we thought it was good idea that you got an update straight from the horses mouth...me being the horse I guess :)

So...YES, hot trophy action for Warhawk is on the horizon!

Since Warhawk released almost a year ago now, we will be patching-in support for the new trophy system. The reason I mention this is because there has been some talk about Warhawk trophies super-auto-magically going LIVE late tonight when the firmware is released. This is not the case. I know the press release stated that Warhawk trophies were going to be patched-in, but I just wanted to clarify for everyone.

We are right on the cusp of making some big announcements for Warhawk, including our upcoming patches and new booster-pack and while I can't talk about any of those right now (you will need to wait like a week or so) I can talk a bit about our trophy support in the v1.5 patch.

First off, there are 56 trophies included in the Warhawk v1.5 Patch. These are broken down into a couple of categories:

* There are 10 trophies based on the Warhawk's current stats/rank/awards system. Like getting all your Bronze badges, attaining a specific rank, or earning a number of medals.
* There are 34 trophies that are entirely *new* rewards based on Warhawks core game and not based on our current stats, ranks or other awards.
* There are then 4 trophies per booster pack that are, of course, completely new awards.

Developing 56 new trophies was a really fun part of the v1.5 production cycle...but 10 of them are based on stats and awards that you, our community may have already earned -- so that's why we made sure that those 10 trophies based on our core stats system would be paid out retroactively. Meaning, that once the v1.5 patch is released, and if you've already earned the requirements for those trophies *bling*bling*bling* Warhawk will pay them out to you!

Lastly, cause I know everyone will be asking the obvious question, when is the v1.5 Patch coming out...we haven't even *officially* announced the v1.4 Patch!!!???

All I am allowed to say is that the v1.4 Patch is very, very, very close to being released and we actually developed the v1.5 Patch in parallel, but staggered, with the v1.4 Patch. The reason we did this is because there are stuffs in the v1.4 Patch that we wanted to get out to everyone ASAP...but the v1.5 patch isn't that far behind!

Hopefully that clears things up!

I'm super exited right now. I wonder how many trophies I've already earned. I'm pretty sure I've gotten all the bronze badges, but I'm only a 1st Lt., so I probably have a lot of work to do in the rank department. :D Seems like we'll be hearing more info on the new booster pack soon, as well.

Can't wait!

User 406

Cool, hopefully we'll get more info on the booster and game modes next week like he hints at.

And I was halfway looking forward to a warhawk forums meltdown if the trophies weren't retroactive. XD

User 406

It will hopefully make the pain more bearable when I'm stuck in a rotation game and Dogfight comes up. :lol

A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down! :p

In related news, I ended up on a server that became populated with what I presume were noobs today as I was actually terrorizing people (shooting down with machine guns, nailing with missiles, and evading like a mofo) in a Warhawk instead of the usual hop in a Warhawk and it explodes instantly. :lol

Additionally I ended up in a game the other day with some clan we fought in the past that was good in the air, F-something, and they were getting extremely pissed at this kids using baby-game poo-poo controls for the Warhawks. It was pretty funny hearing them complain about the rolling and climbing. Like, dude - you guys are good in the air, why are these twats stumping you? :lol
Hmm...I think I'm having the same lag problems as carlos, unless I'm just very unlucky at choosing servers. The past two days, all the games I've been playing have been pretty bad, lag wise. Random deaths, the game not recognizing weapons pick-ups, invisible air mines, you name it, I've encountered it. Other people in the match have mentioned the lag, as well, so I'm assuming it's not just me.

Anyone else been having problems lately? Everything was fine until just a few days ago.




Wow Sea_Manky gets an insta gold without lifting a finger.

I'm still stuck on the Pistol, Knife and Sniper badeges I just can't kill people with them. :(
Goddammit! Fucking game froze as I was just about to capture the flag on Destroyed Capitol. These past few days have been very, very bad. FUCK!

My entire team sucked ass. NO ONE was guarding the flag, and NO ONE was flying. You would think I had stumbled into a rookie server or something. Jeez, I need to calm down. Breathe...

User 406

Apparently the 2.4 update has some problems and Sony has pulled it for the moment. Check the firmware threads in the gaming forum. Hopefully they'll straighten it out quickly and these lag problems will go away.

Good thing my machine was in for repair during this. :X Supposedly UPS is going to deliver my replacement today, but my experience with The Loosest Bowels In The Shipping Business™ makes me think it won't be until next week. :p


The Take Out Bandit said:
Too slow paced. :\
"We'll come in low out of the rising sun and about a mile out, we'll put on the music . . . Yeah, I use Wagner - scares the hell out of the slopes! My boys love it!"


The Sniper badges or other things that including sniping will always be very tough for me to get too.
My connection doesn't get me less that 100 or 150 ping, i can't snipe anyone unless they are standing still. Nobody stands still nowadays :p


ChryZ said:
I've just witnessed a bunch of hilarious CTF games.
CTF can be very awesome at times, like hitching a ride in a jeep with the enemy flag, blowing 2 chasing hawks out of the sky with the .50, fricking awesome! :D

Been quite a while since I played tho.. MGS keeps me occupied.


I got 2.4 and have used the in game xmb extensively, and not a single freeze/problem so far;

I even played WH for about 6 hours straight and finally ranked up to Major! took nearly 5 months. Now i'm definitely taking a wh break until 1.4 or the trophy patch...

User 406

Miracle of miracles, UPS actually RANG THE DOORBELL, and I got my PSX3 back! It's indeed a backwards compatible 20GB just like the one I had, and now I've reinstalled everything and applied all the patches, save for the temporarily absent 2.4, so after I work out I'll be flying high again! Until I hit an air mine.
Wow, Sea Manky. Do you live down the street from Sony or something? :D

On a completely unrelated note, does anyone know who Arkestra is? He's in the GAF clan and I added him to my buddy list a while ago, but I've never seem him online. Is he someone who posts regularly in this thread? And TTOB, I need to add you to my buddy list, but I don't know your PSN ID! Hit me up. :D
I just would like custom soundtracks to relive the awesomeness of......

http://youtube.com/watch?v=yAHlbsta72U (Yes Macross Plus)

Anyway I was able to finally get Walmart to give me the Mic version of Warhwak. Allow me to tell you of my awesome(or boring) fight against Walmart.

Well about 2 weeks ago I bought Warhawk online from Walmart, with the giftcard I received from their Blu-ray deal. On their website the picture of the game was the microphone version. It was also $60, so I believed it was the microphone version. Anyway the game arrives and well its just the game. I stupidly open it to see if Sony has moved to a voucher system. Anyway, on the 17th I send an email to Walmart about the issue, detailing how their website has the game pictured with the microphone and how the $60 version should have the mic. About 2 days ago I finally get a email response. The nice email sender Larry, tells me that Warhawk does not come with the microphone. Well this doesn't sit well with me and I decide to call Walmart. This involves an hour conversation. The lady on the other line at first tells me that I'd have to send the game to them. Well that would cost me money and well I don't really want to pay. She eventually tells me that I can go to the nearest Walmart and exchange it. She adds that the store has been notified and is holding that game. This is somewhat true.

So I go to Walmart and stand in their line for a long time. When I finally get there the customer service clerk quickly says that they don't take back opened games and throws me aside before I can tell her my story. I stand there while she takes the next customer and ask to speak to the manager. Not making any eye contact, she calls the manager. The manager then comes and quickly does the same thing the clerk does. I protest and she eventually calls electronics. The electronics clerk brings up the game. Its the microphone version but apparently she can not give it to me. She tells me that they just can't give it to me because it would be a loss for their store. I understand but I request that she call up Walmart.com, as they must have a recored of my previous call. She does but shes very ticked off about the entire thing. Apprantly its wasting her time or something. Well I'm trying to not be dick but I do have a stuttering problem when I get into arguments, so what I'm saying doesn't come across too clearly. She finally says that if I have the receipt, I can easily exchange my game for credit. I realize I don't have it and bid fore well to them. Though the manager decides to have a little laugh at my lack of paper work.

I go back to my car and look around. I find the receipt and take it back to them. I kinda feel like the guy from Death Note. Its like I've found away out of big game. Doesn't help that my friends and I play the "writing" song as a joke all the time. Anyway I get back there and find that the electronics clerk is gone. Well this sucks as now I have to deal with some new people and that lol manager. I give them the paperwork and they still refuse to exchange it. I keep my cool though as I just think there was some lack of communication. It doesn't help that the previous service clerk that "helped" me likes to laugh every time they find a reason to not give me the game. I'm not stupid but, I can never get my words out clearly and I hate it when people laugh when I'm just trying to talk in these "arguing" situations like this. This entire visit took about an hour and it ends in my defeat.

I return home and decide to call Walmart again. Its like the previous call but this time I get the girl on the other end to call the store's manager and notify him of the situation. She does and I return. I go back the service desk and they call the manager. He easily understands what happened and gives it to the same service clerk to do the exchange. The service clerk though decides to take the manager aside and talk to him in that low secretive voice. Whatever she says doesn't matter and he just tells her to do the exchange. While shes doing it, she rings up my old Warhawk game. It comes up $39.99. I get the Microphone version and leave.

Anyway, I'm not very good but I'm up for playing some more games. PSN tag is Rahxephon91.


Rahxephon91 said:
I just would like custom soundtracks to relive the awesomeness of......

http://youtube.com/watch?v=yAHlbsta72U (Yes Macross Plus)

Anyway I was able to finally get Walmart to give me the Mic version of Warhwak. Allow me to tell you of my awesome(or boring) fight against Walmart.

omg how horrible!!! Those people who work in your walmart are dicks, seriously. I don't think I would have persevered as long as you did. But welcome to the WH world :)
Is there something wrong with the official servers? There are hardly any of them anymore, and strangely, last light I checked my buddy list to see icechai playing in [BM]CTF-1, but that server was "Unavailable" on the server list. What's going on?
My first post on GAF. :D

I'm not great at Warhawk but I like to consider myself better than the average nub, heh. I play pretty much everyday, mainly on ZNS or CTF. I can't wait for trophy support to come out, hopefully its sometime next week.

Also, by new booster pack they mean new maps and those rumored new game modes? If so, freaken win. My PSN is Philaphillies21 if anyone wants to send me an add, hopefully we can play together sometime.


Jack Scofield said:
Is there something wrong with the official servers? There are hardly any of them anymore, and strangely, last light I checked my buddy list to see icechai playing in [BM]CTF-1, but that server was "Unavailable" on the server list. What's going on?

Weird, I was playing in a full 32 game BM CTF server. I also noticed the lack of servers although I thought that was just due to me filtering low ping servers only. Now there's usually only 1 page of playable LG game servers whenever I sign on :(
Jack Scofield said:
And TTOB, I need to add you to my buddy list, but I don't know your PSN ID! Hit me up. :D

Check your PM duder.

I'm thinking I need to find a clan that plays at least five days a week so I have better odds of playing with people who have a plan and it's not just me running my random insult generator for eight hours a day. >:O
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