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Warhawk - The Official Thread


Ok, so I've decided to purchase a PS3 on the first date the price drop for the 80gig is effective. I can't resist the lure of Resistance, Uncharted, MGS 4, and Warhawk any longer. Is there still a sizeable Warhawk community? Do you foresee the community being around for quite awhile? Is the game fairly easy to pick up and play without getting consistently smoked by veterans? I should add that I'm fairly good at shooters.

User 406

nyong said:
Is there still a sizeable Warhawk community?

Yes. There's hundreds of games going on at just about any time of day.

Do you foresee the community being around for quite awhile?

Yes. Warhawk seems to have that magic some online games have that can make a lot of players stick with it for years. It's almost a year old now with two map/vehicle expansions out, and we just got a free update with two great new game modes, and there's a third map/vehicle expansion already planned that should be out soon.

Is the game fairly easy to pick up and play without getting consistently smoked by veterans?

Heh, no. There are servers limited to lower ranks you can get started in, but the learning curve is steep and long, and high level players are monsters. Don't worry, just take your lumps and you'll improve.

I should add that I'm fairly good at shooters.

We'll see. ;)
Hmm, so do orb captures count as flag caps in your stats? My friend mentioned that he received his Warhawk Offense (3 flags caps IAR) medal during a Collection game, so I guess they do. Does anyone know if scoring three orbs at once will net you this medal, or do you have to score on three separate occasions?
Sea Manky said:
Also, I think people will need some time to get used to how much of a hard target you are as the hero. Just about every hero I've seen in the air has spent the entire time running away and spinning and dodging missiles. You can take a bunch of missile hits, so it's not necessary to dodge every one. One time I was the hero in the air and had about six guys swarming me. I didn't worry so much about dodging, just locking on to one of them. Managed to get three of them before I was forced to land. Of course, I've never been the "OH SHIT MISSILE LOCK I MUST DROP WHATEVER I'M DOING AND RUN AWAY TO PRESERVE MY CARCASS!" type. :p

My Warhawk is armored by egg shell.

Even with Hero mode active I get stuck in a spontaneously combusting death trap.

And this is why I'll never fly! >:O


The Take Out Bandit said:
My Warhawk is armored by egg shell.

Even with Hero mode active I get stuck in a spontaneously combusting death trap.

And this is why I'll never fly! >:O

I used to feel the same. But I had a recent epiphany. As per a recent post in the PSN game sharing thread...

slider said:
I've never shared a game and I know Warhawk isn't share-able.

Was just at my brother's house. Set up my account on his machine - and left my "partition" on there, PSN password included. Had a few goes on WH on my partition.

But, interestingly, I can play Warhawk on his account with his PSN ID (racked up 20 minutes so far!). Is this normal? Like I said, I haven't looked into sharing too closely before but I know that GT5 Prologue and WH are unshare-able.

What's the deal? Not that I'm complaining...

Well, I was playing on my brother's SDTV and my flying skills suddenly soared; over a number of games/servers! The fuzziness helped in that I wasn't trying to be as precise in my shooting (non-missile). Interestingly, I came home and played on my HDTV and took a beating whilst in air. Go figure.
I suspect my issue just stems from getting in really shitty games. So when I hop in a Warhawk and the enemy team controls the fucking map because I'm playing with retards, I tend to get swarmed. :\


The Take Out Bandit said:
I suspect my issue just stems from getting in really shitty games. So when I hop in a Warhawk and the enemy team controls the fucking map because I'm playing with retards, I tend to get swarmed. :\

There's retards aplenty out there I'm afraid. Now I'm not the best player but, for example, when I'm a Hero I don't go and hide in an underground chamber like I've seen some people doing recently!

But I guess I don't help cos I don't automatically switch my headset on...


The Take Out Bandit said:
I suspect my issue just stems from getting in really shitty games. So when I hop in a Warhawk and the enemy team controls the fucking map because I'm playing with retards, I tend to get swarmed. :\

I probably get shot down the most of any Warhawk pilot. :lol

Basically I stay away from the Warhawks unless I have to use one to get somewhere fast, and believe me, I go as fast as possible and get out of that death contraption as quickly as I can. The only times I've had some success in the air is when I fly in a squad of Warhawks and we can kind of watch each others backs in dogfights. Even then I still find a way to get blown into bits. I feel sorry for anybody who jumps into one with me.


I finally played the new modes. Is it just me or is it really hard to score a decent amount of points in them? On the other hand, CTF with the new winning team bonus is always good for ~200 points per round.


ChryZ said:
I finally played the new modes. Is it just me or is it really hard to score a decent amount of points in them? On the other hand, CTF with the new winning team bonus is always good for ~200 points per round.

About the same, but maybe because I play the same way in most games which is cap bases and kill a lot :p Although CTF does get you more points on the occassional flag cap, but in terms of flag carrier killing Hero makes up for it when you get the super killing spree and collection gives you points i think?


borsdy said:
Is there a multiplayer guide that I can read?

Carlos posted a detailed guide a couple hundred posts back? :p If you're desperate you can look in this thread, it has all the hints which will help you on your way towards being a General!


aww Chryz everytime you came on (i think twice) i got moved to the team that didn't know how to fly warhawks :p the rest of the time was better in terms of overall skill level in both teams (I love those yellow winning ribbons, makes my score seem cooler hehehe)


icechai said:
aww Chryz everytime you came on (i think twice) i got moved to the team that didn't know how to fly warhawks :p the rest of the time was better in terms of overall skill level in both teams (I love those yellow winning ribbons, makes my score seem cooler hehehe)
You're nothing but bad luck to me.

Those games were not good for my blood pressure. :lol

EDIT: I think they changed the server location/connectivity, my ping was ~100ms and yours was listed to me as 120ms. The server was listed with ~97ms. It seems they somehow managed to ease the oversea latency.


ChryZ said:
You're nothing but bad luck to me.

Those games were not good for my blood pressure. :lol

EDIT: I think they changed the server location/connectivity, my ping was ~100ms and yours was listed to me as 120ms. The server was listed with ~97ms. It seems they somehow managed to ease the oversea latency.

In those games I just practice my warhawk evasive maneuvers. Towards the end of that Eucadia game, I got quite good at staying alive while still getting some kills here and there. So kept a lot of their Warhawks busy, and in the end it was a tie game even though they had all the bases for most of the game :D Seems like the trick is to use the environments and fly past them before they can get a full lock on, along with the standard missile dodging maneuvers. Also use a lot of mines :p
Wow, I'm starting to get really pissed off. Ever since the update hit last week I haven't been able to play one full game. Everyime, its a fucking server error and gets me kicked off. This morning I was playing zones and having my best match ever (215 points) then bang, disconnected.

I know I'll still get my points but its just frustrating, this is the only game its happening with I don't get disconnected in anything else. Is anyone else besides me having problems?


I'm glad to hear that Warhawk still has a decent sized community that plays it. I recently bought a PS3, and was thinking about picking it up. My one question is, though, is the GAF community still big? Playing with GAFfers really enhances the experience IMO, and if most of them have moved on, I guess I'll just shine it on.


Smitty3000 said:
Is anyone else besides me having problems?
I played a session of 4-6h yesterday ... without a single issue.

Are you signed out of PSN in case of network error? Is your internet connection stable? Is it only happening with warhawk?
ChryZ said:
I played a session of 4-6h yesterday ... without a single issue.

Are you signed out of PSN in case of network error? Is your internet connection stable? Is it only happening with warhawk?

Only with Warhawk, and it signs me out of PSN.


Smitty3000 said:
Wow, I'm starting to get really pissed off. Ever since the update hit last week I haven't been able to play one full game. Everyime, its a fucking server error and gets me kicked off. This morning I was playing zones and having my best match ever (215 points) then bang, disconnected.

I know I'll still get my points but its just frustrating, this is the only game its happening with I don't get disconnected in anything else. Is anyone else besides me having problems?

are you playing on official servers with low ping? I've played plenty of games and just had 1 or 2 freezes the past week, but overall smooth sailing. Even smoother now that I just filter for under 150 ping servers.


Smitty3000 said:
Only with Warhawk, and it signs me out of PSN.
On your PlayStation 3, while on the XMB go to Settings > Network Settings > Internet Connection Settings and run "Test Connection". Check your NAT type. It should be NAT1 or NAT2. In case of NAT3 move your PS3 into your router's DMZ, like minty suggested or forward the following ports to your PS3:


* TCP Ports: 80, 443, 5223
* UDP Ports: 3478, 3479, 3658


Something has to be done (penalty-wise other than just kicked off the server) to these idiots who keep killing their own teammates. I had a 10-3 K-D record in the game until these idiots come in and start killing their own team. One was kicked, but the other stayed until the end.

I ended up with 10-8 with limited opportunity to even worry about the other team as I had to be aware of my own teammates coming after me.

I only play on dedicated-ranked.


womfalcs3 said:
Something has to be done (penalty-wise other than just kicked off the server) to these idiots who keep killing their own teammates. I had a 10-3 K-D record in the game until these idiots come in and start killing their own team. One was kicked, but the other stayed until the end.

I ended up with 10-8 with limited opportunity to even worry about the other team as I had to be aware of my own teammates coming after me.

I only play on dedicated-ranked.

Some **** teamkilled me in CTF whilst I was carrying the flag. It happened so fast and it didn't really register so I missed his ID. Bastard.
womfalcs3 said:
Something has to be done (penalty-wise other than just kicked off the server) to these idiots who keep killing their own teammates. I had a 10-3 K-D record in the game until these idiots come in and start killing their own team. One was kicked, but the other stayed until the end.

I ended up with 10-8 with limited opportunity to even worry about the other team as I had to be aware of my own teammates coming after me.

I only play on dedicated-ranked.

If you're playing in the official servers, then play in the regular servers, not in the Expert ones. Expert has friendly-fire enabled, so you run the risk of playing with those assholes that you mention.


Made it to command marshall today, but the game hasn't registered the last two rank ups like it should've...

Chryz, I had a network error in that game you joined me in, by the time I managed to try to reconnect, the game was full.

Manky, Nice zones server you were on, lots of competitive players

Zones is not my best mode, I typically just use a WH to jump from one spawnpoint to another, forgetting about combat...

As for Collection mode, isn't it infuriating to have all 4 cores near your base and watch in disbelief as they score it one core per person? >:/

You guys think we'll ever get together for a few games? :(
I just realized that Incog changed the servers again. Most of the ones on my favorites list now have a max rank of Command Sergeant, which I am above.

The fact that I just realized this tells me that I need to be playing this game more often. I think I've only played it twice since 1.4 was released. A few months ago I was playing everyday. :(


carlos said:
Chryz, I had a network error in that game you joined me in, by the time I managed to try to reconnect, the game was full.
Too bad, I had a really good time in that game.

carlos said:
You guys think we'll ever get together for a few games? :(
I think, if we had someone who is willing to host games, announce it here, maybe once a week ... then people would come. I'd do it, but my up speed is only good for a 4 player server :\

Ceb was our main hosting guy and I haven't seen him on PSN for ages :(
I managed to play one Collection game since the update and it was a terrible experience as someone on my team was whining the whole time, "NOOB! NOOB! FAG! NOOB! FAG! BLAH BLAH SCORE FAG! CORE NOOB FAG!"

Possibly the most annoying game of Warhawk I've ever played.

Hero mode is fun though and really, with the boosted killing power why do people run away?!

I get Hero powaz and It's murderin' time! :D


ChryZ said:
I think, if we had someone who is willing to host games, announce it here, maybe once a week ... then people would come. I'd do it, but my up speed is only good for a 4 player server :\

Ceb was our main hosting guy and I haven't seen him on PSN for ages :(

Heh, I actually booted up Warhawk for the first time in months last night, but just as I managed to join a game you were in, you signed off. :(

I've been mad busy and burned out on gaming in general, but I'd love to do a big GAF game this weekend or whenever. :)


Ceb said:
Heh, I actually booted up Warhawk for the first time in months last night, but just as I managed to join a game you were in, you signed off. :(
Sorry, it wasn't on purpose. I had to get up at 6AM :(

BUT I've noticed you and was like "wow, he's back" :lol

Ceb said:
I've been mad busy and burned out on gaming in general, but I'd love to do a big GAF game this weekend or whenever. :)
I'm up for it! Let's get the "band" back together :lol


anyone know if Incog tweaked the chaff for 1.4? I swear it takes a double tap on the the d pad now. I try to engage chaff & I keep dumb firing a homing. Never had a problem before.

and yeah, good games ChryZ.


I have 5x health
I have a multiplier on my weapons
I am in GOD mode.

So why the FUCK are people pussying out and going back to their base when it's their turn!? I really hate people.

User 406

Steroyd said:
I have 5x health
I have a multiplier on my weapons
I am in GOD mode.

So why the FUCK are people pussying out and going back to their base when it's their turn!? I really hate people.

Don't forget the other half of the equation. While your hero hides like a bitch, your peons all rush heedlessly at the enemy hero and give him a bunch of easy points. :|


Steroyd said:
Still MIA?

Nope, I got a new ps3 a while ago. I still play once in a blue moon or so, and haven't even bought the broken-mirror expansion too.

I ran into ChryZ and mintylurb a while back, and they got me good >____>
Since admitting I have a problem, I haven't really touched Warhawk.

I need to get back into the game; but I'm really afraid of my poor time allocation skills ruining it for me again (i.e. I let the addiction take over and play until the wee hours of the morning and my eyeballs burn like fire).

Also had a dream last night that I was in a clan again.

If only my waking hours were as effective in Warhawk.:lol

Rodeo Clown

All aboard! The Love train!
I just picked this game up with headset for $30 at Circuit City. Is the best way to start just to play and get demolished for a while before I learn the nuances? Also, are the expansion packs worth it?
Rodeo Clown said:
I just picked this game up with headset for $30 at Circuit City. Is the best way to start just to play and get demolished for a while before I learn the nuances? Also, are the expansion packs worth it?

I'd say yes, but I'm hardly impartial. The new vehicles are fun, especially the APC from Broken Mirror.

You might want to wait, if the rumored jungle map comes out; then they'll probably have a sale on the previous two expansions like they did with Omega Dawn when Broken Mirror came out.


Rodeo Clown said:
I just picked this game up with headset for $30 at Circuit City. Is the best way to start just to play and get demolished for a while before I learn the nuances? Also, are the expansion packs worth it?
Heh, I was just about to ask if this is worth $30?

User 406

Totally worth it. Warhawk has turned out to be my favorite game ever. Getting close to a thousand hours logged and I still feel compelled to play almost every day. It's the only game I own for the system and frankly I don't give a damn if I never get another one, I've more than gotten my money's worth out of it.

Starting off, try sticking to the blue servers marked as (ROOKIE), although if you want to jump right into the deep end and see what it's like, go for it. Be prepared to die a LOT, but get familiar with the weapons and vehicles and how to do useful things for your team and you'll improve. There's lots of good info about how to play in this thread and on the playstation.com Warhawk boards, like this one.
Sea Manky said:
Getting close to a thousand hours logged and I still feel compelled to play almost every day.

Sea Manky said:
Getting close to a thousand hours...

Sea Manky said:
...a thousand hours...





I'm starting to like the occasional hero mode on the mix servers. Just something nice about being so badass once in a while. Usually not worth it to be in a plane since you don't spawn w/ all plane weapons, I just use it to get to somewhere and drop a cluster bomb, then it's all foot soldier madness :D
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