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Warhawk - The Official Thread

Has anyone seen this yet?

N4G said:
We don't know much about the version 1.4 patch besides that it will include minimum rank options and further enhance game-launching from within PlayStation Home.

However, today we learned a little more as one user, Gnob, on the PlayStation.com forums showed screen captures (presumably from Home's updated game-launching interface). The "Play List" option allows for the original modes (CTF, Deathmatch, etc.) but also introduces new modes: Hero mode and Collection mode. Should be interesting to see what kind of gameplay changes are on the way.



Sounds interesting if true, but I guess we'll learn more (presumably) at E3. Speaking of E3, I really hope Incog announces that the OD and BM booster packs will become free. I don't want the player base to be split any further than it already is, and that announcement may draw more people to the game. Like icechai and I mentioned, servers numbers are pretty low. Just over a month ago there were usually around 400-500 games, now I'm lucky if I can find over 200. Free booster packs means that they can incorporate the dropship and APC into regular servers, so it'll be a win-win situation for all.

Smitty3000 said:
Also, by new booster pack they mean new maps and those rumored new game modes? If so, freaken win. My PSN is Philaphillies21 if anyone wants to send me an add, hopefully we can play together sometime.

The new games modes will be free and available in patch v1.4. And it's always nice to see a new player in this thread. :D If you'd like, send me a friend request (JackScofield). I'm always looking for more people to play with.

The Take Out Bandit said:
Check your PM duder.

I'm thinking I need to find a clan that plays at least five days a week so I have better odds of playing with people who have a plan and it's not just me running my random insult generator for eight hours a day. >:O

Thanks! I'll add you once I turn on my PS3 today. And yeah, the clan hasn't been playing together lately. I think the last time that !GAF was up was when Broken Mirror was released. :(


Hey, cool thanks for posting. I know I should, umm, dislike N4G but I... don't. I'm hoping to see a lot on WH at E3. C'mon Incog, you've been pretty cool so far (the reinvigoration I felt after the launch of BM was amazing).

I've seen a few people mention the drop in servers. I've only noticed a small drop. Usually I'd get 500+ servers (I'd say averaging around 510/520). Earlier today I had 493. Not significant enough for me to really notice. However, I will say that - and I said this when MGS4 launched - there aren't as many populated servers. I guess it all amounts to the same thing.
Sounds awesome, Jack. I'm on vacation right now but when I get home I'll be sending a request your way. Very good to hear these new game modes will be free.

Also, you say your seeing less people online just wait to trophies become available people will swarm back to Warhawk much like they did with SSHD.
I'd like a Warhawk 2 announcement @ E3. :D

Is there any way to find out the PSN statistics like there is with XBL? I'm curious about what the top PSN games are and how Warhawk fares.

User 406

Don't know how many of you are also experiencing this problem, but there seems to be a problem with the new update and bluetooth headsets. In Warhawk and a few other games the headset will work fine for a few games, then the mic will cut out and you can still hear people through the headset, but nobody else can hear you. There's a lot of complaints about it on the Warhawk boards. If it's happening to you, please send customer service an email and describe the problem so it gets more attention. http://www.us.playstation.com/Corporate/ConsumerServices

I'm having the problem, and it's really irritating. >:| Apparently USB headsets and the Playstation Eye still work fine, so switch to those temporarily if you've got them.
Jack Scofield said:
This game can aggravate me like no other.

It's not the game.

It's the idiots we get teamed up with. :p

Sea Manky said:
Don't know how many of you are also experiencing this problem, but there seems to be a problem with the new update and bluetooth headsets. In Warhawk and a few other games the headset will work fine for a few games, then the mic will cut out and you can still hear people through the headset, but nobody else can hear you. There's a lot of complaints about it on the Warhawk boards. If it's happening to you, please send customer service an email and describe the problem so it gets more attention. http://www.us.playstation.com/Corporate/ConsumerServices

I'm having the problem, and it's really irritating. >:| Apparently USB headsets and the Playstation Eye still work fine, so switch to those temporarily if you've got them.


This is why I haven't updated to 2.41 - not to mention Jeanne D'Arc is taking up all my gaming time.



The Take Out Bandit said:

It still hurts that that game isn't going to be launched in the UK. :((((
Steroyd said:
It still hurts that that game isn't going to be launched in the UK. :((((

Wait - wat?!

Well I could see why.

If I found out there were Boston Terrier and Lion dudes running around France, I'd be totally terrified of my neighbors! :p

I would very much import it. I'm a Level 5 believe after this.

Do want artbook as well, if it exists.
Just wondering, what's everyones main game type? Personally I love zones, I think its the easiest way to get quick points and if your on a good team you can rack up a ton. Second for me would probably be CTF. What about you guys?


Smitty3000 said:
Just wondering, what's everyones main game type? Personally I love zones, I think its the easiest way to get quick points and if your on a good team you can rack up a ton. Second for me would probably be CTF. What about you guys?

CTF for me, there's always those crazy comeback moments that don't happen in Zones or deathmatches.


Smitty3000 said:
Just wondering, what's everyones main game type? Personally I love zones, I think its the easiest way to get quick points and if your on a good team you can rack up a ton. Second for me would probably be CTF. What about you guys?
I used to love Zones more than anything, but lately I'm really into CTF. Going after the flag and getting it home is most "exhilarating".


Lately, it doesn't matter. Seems all I want to do anyway is fly around and manage the upstairs battle. We need a new expansion and trophies ASAP.


Dammit. I hate it when the servers go down. I'm working from home - how am meant to get anything done??

The scheduled day is usually a Tuesday isn't it? 1.40 incoming people (sorry couldn't resist).


Jaeyden said:
Lately, it doesn't matter. Seems all I want to do anyway is fly around and manage the upstairs battle. We need a new expansion and trophies ASAP.

Ask and ye shall recieve. LOL. WOOOT! This is awesome. Can't wait till Thursday.



You can now switch to hover during afterburners

This reallly changes the mid-air combat. It'll be awesome!!!! Now you can live out your Macross battles... or if you're not into that, whatever, it's still awesome!

Also that team bonus is nice as it only applies to people who played on the winning team the whole game.

Yay :) No news on any new skins or anything booooo, but the hero gameplay mode sounds awesome.
Nice updates, can't wait to try out all the new stuff.

EDIT: Haha, one of the comments is pretty funny. Some guy is complaining about his stats being broken since 2007, how he regrets buying the game, thanks for nothing, etc etc. Turns out all he needed to do was get Bandit 4x4. He could have saved a lot of time by just paying attention to the rank requirements.


Sea Manky said:
I am SO fucking stoked. If your hero powaaaz apply to your vehicles...


No word on this yet?

I must say the new modes seem incredibly well thought out. Especially Hero, expect some carnage in that mode. TOWs, rocket launchers, shelling, mines, tanks... drool...


Getting back to this game.

What does it mean when I am "recommended" for badges? Does that mean I get them? Why would I be recommended for them rather than just obtain them?

I can't fly the Warhawks. I'll keep toying around with the controls to see if I can gain better control, but right now I'm not good. I lose my orientation really quickly. So I am reserved to ground combat, which is fun given the right weapons.

User 406

womfalcs3 said:
What does it mean when I am "recommended" for badges? Does that mean I get them? Why would I be recommended for them rather than just obtain them?

That means you got it, it's just to make it sound more military.

Of course, it's always possible the game will screw up and not record it. :p


Tank? What about the APC? Those things can take serious damage. Keep your Hero in there and surround him by Tanks for support


now this is assuming hero's hp affects vehicles, which they might not. I mean if a hero has 5x more health, it'd be impossible to get him if he just stood in apc w/ a wrench guy, as it would take 5 nukes? C'mon, no way they would let that happen :p


icechai said:
now this is assuming hero's hp affects vehicles, which they might not. I mean if a hero has 5x more health, it'd be impossible to get him if he just stood in apc w/ a wrench guy, as it would take 5 nukes? C'mon, no way they would let that happen :p

We'll know in under 24 hours!

Announcement when I logged in that the servers would be down from 10am - 4pm (I think) UK time. That's a long time.


icechai said:
now this is assuming hero's hp affects vehicles, which they might not. I mean if a hero has 5x more health, it'd be impossible to get him if he just stood in apc w/ a wrench guy, as it would take 5 nukes? C'mon, no way they would let that happen :p

That's the point, the Hero has got to be the guy who leads his team to victory, and don't forget it's only temporary that God mode can dissappear anytime waiting to get his ass TOW killed for revenge.


About the hide in a vehicle technique, the Hero spawns will all weapons, if you shoot a vehicle with the sniper as a Hero it's going down. 1 shot takes down 4x4's and Warhawks, 2 shots take out Tanks.


I didn't realize one of the features of 1.4 is that I would no longer be able to play :)

"Unable to Connect"
"Unable to Connect"
"Unable to Connect"
"Unable to Connect"
"Unable to Connect"
"Unable to Connect"
"Unable to Connect"
"Unable to Connect"

User 406

Oh man, I'm beat, been playing all day. 1.4 fucking rocks. Love Hero and Collection, TDM is MUCH better now that they've removed base taking points from the equation. I'm glad there's a winning team ribbon, but 50 points seems a bit excessive, 20 would have been enough for everyone to strive for without overshadowing all the other ribbons.

My only big gripe has nothing to do with the update and everything to do with the players. Too many times today my team has the whole map, we've got all the enemies concentrated in their base, and one of my teammates becomes the hero...


I fucking swear, Hero is really exposing some of the KDR whore camping pussies for the little bitches they are. >:|
Only got to play a bit of Hero on my friend's account earlier today. I enjoyed it, but it was REALLY chaotic and there didn't seem to be much teamwork at all. Just basically about 20 planes in the air on Destroyed Capitol, so I imagine that I'd have more fun in a "regular" match, if that makes any sense.

Collection really depends on teamwork, so I'm hoping that people will understand the concept of scoring and realize that everyone who participates in scoring the orbs will receive the points, not just one person. I can imagine people being too paranoid of dropping/giving their orbs to a teammate.


Jack Scofield said:
Only got to play a bit of Hero on my friend's account earlier today. I enjoyed it, but it was REALLY chaotic and there didn't seem to be much teamwork at all. Just basically about 20 planes in the air on Destroyed Capitol, so I imagine that I'd have more fun in a "regular" match, if that makes any sense.

Collection really depends on teamwork, so I'm hoping that people will understand the concept of scoring and realize that everyone who participates in scoring the orbs will receive the points, not just one person. I can imagine people being too paranoid of dropping/giving their orbs to a teammate.

Yeah, after playing Hero for a bit I realized it's not as fun as you would think. The best way to win seems to be for everyone to get bases continuously while the Hero drops into an area with the most enemy and go crazy with mines/flamethrower/rockets. Two TOWs can kill the hero and the team doesn't score unless the hero kills people (or you kill their hero but that takes a lot longer). Also tanking it doesn't really kill as fast as regular weapons, and Warhawks are too much of a target for every missle based thing. I see some heroes hide in APCs... which results in their team hardly scoring... ugh.

Collection is alright, gameplay I would say is CTF/Zones mixed together.

Looks like it'll be back to CTF for me :p The only real bonus I'm probably going to get out of this update is the tighter Warhawk controls via hover mode transitions. On another note, Warhawk has frozen on me twice today already after the update, I hardly froze before :(


good times with the new modes...collection is a bit too frantic, but at least you always have something to do, and hero mode is interesting , but I freak out every time I'm picked :

"YOU will be the hero in 5 seconds"
me: F%&, I'm not ready yet

Oh, and I really dislike the lack of TOW's now...if you're in one of those stages that only has one, be prepared to not see it at all during the game :mad:

For some reason my point total was really down in today's games...hope it's just a learning curve thing...


Getting back into Warhawk. I like the new modes! Really original and exciting. Would be cool to play with you guys...though my skills have dropped. Strangely only my onfoot skills - it looks weird after playing COD4 and MGO lol....but my Warhawk flying skills seem pretty well intact :)


carlos said:
good times with the new modes...collection is a bit too frantic, but at least you always have something to do, and hero mode is interesting , but I freak out every time I'm picked :

"YOU will be the hero in 5 seconds"
me: F%&, I'm not ready yet

Oh, and I really dislike the lack of TOW's now...if you're in one of those stages that only has one, be prepared to not see it at all during the game :mad:

For some reason my point total was really down in today's games...hope it's just a learning curve thing...

it's ok, once you're a hero you get every weapon automatically :)

User 406

Yeah, the other problem with Hero is that when you've got an enemy hero who just wants to hide and camp, you should let him since that way he can't score any points. But inevitably, people go rushing into his bunker and get nailed. :/

Meanwhile the hero on your team is driving an APC around your backfield or hiding himself, only without attackers. >:|

I think it's going to take a while for any decent team strategy to develop for Hero mode. The hero tends to get chased in the air, so support squadrons of warhawks that take out the chasers would allow him to bombard ground troops without interruption. Currently my best strategy is to work on taking bases and controlling the battlefield, then when my hero time pops up, make a beeline for the biggest cluster of enemies and kill until I'm killed. As long as I kill at least four people, it's a net gain for my team. I'm sure there's better ways to handle it, but one minute isn't much time to organize something. A tight knit team could do some amazing things in this mode.

Also, I think people will need some time to get used to how much of a hard target you are as the hero. Just about every hero I've seen in the air has spent the entire time running away and spinning and dodging missiles. You can take a bunch of missile hits, so it's not necessary to dodge every one. One time I was the hero in the air and had about six guys swarming me. I didn't worry so much about dodging, just locking on to one of them. Managed to get three of them before I was forced to land. Of course, I've never been the "OH SHIT MISSILE LOCK I MUST DROP WHATEVER I'M DOING AND RUN AWAY TO PRESERVE MY CARCASS!" type. :p

As far as Collection goes, had some good games in MrPips' server last night were we were coordinating nicely, scoring 3 and 4 cores at a time. Everyone seemed to pick up the concept pretty quickly, thanks to a lot of repeated explanations over the mic. :p


A tight knit team could do some amazing things in this mode.

Then we should try and bombard a server being on the same team.

Something nice happened when I logged on Warhawk, the game told me that [insert person] accepted an inivite very nice.


I got the game at launch and I haven't played it much. I'm not very good, but I'd like to start playing with a consistent group of people

Do you all play fairly regularly?
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