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Warhawk - The Official Thread


Tntnnbltn said:
My main problem with flying is when I'm under attack by other people. I evade their missiles, and keep evading, and keep evading... until they finally kill me. I'm never able to turn the fight around and get them.

I just hope to evade until they run out...and then like a scared mouse I boost out of the area, land, find some land mines and a jeep, cover the jeep in them, and suicide bomb those f-ers!


but yes, I do just gtfo of there and back on the ground, find a tank and impose my will...


I'm about to hit 250 hours of playtime. Longest time I've put into a game this generation. Would be competing with my old GB/GBC Pokemon games for longest time ever.
Tntnnbltn said:
I'm about to hit 250 hours of playtime. Longest time I've put into a game this generation. Would be competing with my old GB/GBC Pokemon games for longest time ever.
Git yer ass online, son! We need to ruck fules and cap flags together., Pick a game and PM me. CTF? ZNS?


Bahahahaha, that was an AWESOME end to my CTF playing today.

I told Frankman that BM Eucadia CTF was going to be my last match (I'd only stuck around the previous 2 rotations so I could play it). All my other games had been shit; one team base raping the other, no fun. But this time I knew it was going to be different.

Frankman and I were on opposite teams. I was one of about 4-5 APCs escorting the blue flag back to our base. Meanwhile, Frankman takes the red flag in his own APC. Just as we are coming round that round road behind Base 1 (the part where the two spawn points are, with 3 jeeps and a plane), I see Frankman entering Base 1 on his way out. If I were in his situation, I would've used the APC to boost over Base 1's cliff wall, skipping the APC convoy entirely. So I go wait at the bottom of the cliff... Next thing I know, there's a flying blue APC careening over the cliff face, followed by some rolling and tumbling. BAM! Boosted that APC into his face, killing both Frankman and his passenger... (or was that the driver and you the passenger? Either way.) Then I had to fend of people who were respawning at the jeeps; ended up just plowing through the vehicles every time they respawned.

Red Team: 1
Blue Team: 0

Half way through the match, your actual CTFing got interrupted by a e-peen contest with the various APC drivers. ManuelMUEN or whatever his name was must be a regular APCer. He'd been taking me out all night and was pissing me off. In the end him and another blue were chasing me down in their APCs. There was no way I could take on two of them; by the time I could turn around and charge, they would've both blasted me. So I was running away from them, first on the bridge in the centre, then to the grassy patch where an APC spawns, then into the middle of that tunnel. As I was leaving the tunnel I did a quick skid/charge combo, and boosted straight at the wall to my right. Charged up the entire thing and landed on that platform of land immediately above the tunnel. It was there that I made my nifty escape tried to drop off the other side of the tunnel to lose them, only to be blasted by the MUEN guy. DAMN HIM.

Red Team: 1 (still)
Blue Team: 0 (still)

Time remaining: 6 minutes

We are in possession of most of the bases on the map (including Base 7, the one near the enemy home). Blue peeps are 3/4 home with the flag. They are coming through the towns near the tunnel, and are about to pass that two spawn point area I talked about earlier. I have an APC, but I'm near the middle of the map. I decide to head around the other way and try to cut them off before they pass that bridge. So I do, and go fairly well for time. The enemy APC looks close on my minimap, and I'm hoping they are going to follow the dirt road... Time to start the charge. But once I've initiated the charge, I see them on the real screen. They are too far away! No way I could reach that with a single boost, and as soon as they see me they are going to swerve out of my path. So I go for it anyway... I boost, only to see them heading up the grass bank to avoid me. I push left... left... left... EXPLOSION! They APC is dead. But my vehicle is almost destroyed, and there's a plane above putting serious pressure on me. A spin around and aim for the gear fix. I see a guy taking the flag, and he's headed towards a backup APC, but it's too late now. If I don't get that gear fix in this boost I am dead. I boost... and hear the sweet sweet sounds of vehicle fixing. I spin around -- there's still another APC! I see it on the map, but I'm out of charge, I can't do anything! I accelerate and steer right, hoping to avoid certain death.... Then WHOOSH! I see the APC flash by on my left, missing me by millimeters. And when I say flash by me, I really mean it. That thing was going fast. And I was already close to the edge... Surely it would've gone into the river!

Time remaining: 4 minutes:

I stare at the top right of the screen.... The red flag is still in blue possession. No "Respawned to Base", no "Dropped the Flag". Nothing. No location icon on the map. I'm blind. There is a whole load of clusterfuck as people fight at that point where the lower bridge intercepts the road to the home base. I die under pressure from two jeeps and air support, so respawn at Base 7 and take the APC from there. Sometimes someone drops the red flag, only for another person to pick it up. But all this time no one gets in a vehicle. I have my suspicions... there's a ledge near the lower bridge where you can get stuck. I head there in my APC, and my fears are confirmed. The flag carrier is on the ledge, and there's two planes trying to lift him up on their wing, and no one on my team seems to be doing anything about it. Enemy ground support is light thanks to us owning Base 7, so I charge in there and just drive off the cliff. Still in midair I drop the e-pod shield.... A number of things happen simultaneously; there's a flash of orange, a huge explosion, and a BOWWWW noise to let me know the flag carrier is dead, and my vehicle hits solid land. I get up from the rolling to see my little ledge. Huddled in the corner of my shield, I sit helplessly on the flag and wait for a plane's electrical attack to expose me. Which of course happens. They retake the flag, and I respawn at 7. I take the APC again, and launch right off the cliff with an e-pod shield again. It's a denial of service attack. They can't get in with their planes so long as my shield is up, and if they don't get in with their planes then they can't airlift their team mate out. So for 4 minutes I keep respawning and getting to that APC before anyone else can even think about taking it.

The clock ticks down... End result...

Red Team: 1
Blue Team: 0



Fucking awesome. It shows I shouldn't focus entirely on Zones (and occasionally DM when I can't find a decent server).

User 406

Tntnnbltn said:
I'm about to hit 250 hours of playtime. Longest time I've put into a game this generation. Would be competing with my old GB/GBC Pokemon games for longest time ever.

I'm about seven hours short of fifteen hundred hours. :X

And that was a hell of a story. :D
That was bullshit. I should've gotten out since we were being fired upon and I knew a 2nd APC was in the area (didn't know where). What he CONVENIENTLY left out is him getting owned at least twice by me in that round. I made sure even in losing, his victory was bittersweet...


The Frankman said:
What he CONVENIENTLY left out is him getting owned at least twice by me in that round.
That once with the tank on the bridge didn't count because you died too as a result. My assist worked out in the end.

Don't remember the second time.

Edit: myhawk.org stats...
Tntnnbltn said:
That once with the tank on the bridge didn't count because you died too as a result. My assist worked out in the end...
If I die I make sure I take out my enemies. I care not about the illusory shadow of death in CTF.


i miss the old official servers when friendly fire was on as default :( it kinda holds ppl from nade throwing mindlessly..

but anyway this game is the most fun online game i have ever played.

even tho i bought new maps its difficult to find a full game on them except.


I hate BM Archipelago. Whichever team controls the centre base pretty wins the game. Without a doubt. And it's so damn hard to reclaim it when they've got 4x tanks to your 2, 7x planes to your 3. Not to mention the fact that it's fortified and has a steady supply of mines.

The Frankman said:
If I die I make sure I take out my enemies. I care not about the illusory shadow of death in CTF.
Yeah, you really made sure to take me down today when I was hunting you with my tank... ;)

Edit: Ugh, found out why my last match felt laggy and shit.



The Frankman said:
*sigh* Always the same with you, why do you mention the one game you kill me and ignore the 3-4 games I was consistently 1-2-3 in the rankings?
That's cause we were on the same team in most of the other games. I don't notice anything name-related unless it shows up in green.


This was a fun match.


There were about 7 people in the room. No matter which team I was on, it was terribly unbalanced. So I kept switching after every flag carrier. As a bonus, I parked my APC next to the flag after each capture so I could carry the same on back.

Red team was playing defense, blue team was flying. Each team killed me quite a few times; red placed mines, and someone from blue charged me with a plane and sent my APC off a cliff. :p


hey hay!
is there an empty place in GAF clan?
I used to be in it then i got kicked off i guess cuz i wasn't playing that much at that times..
Add me pls if u have and empty slot

ID: GimmeCat


For BM CTF lovers like me: Keep an eye out for player server "FOO-CTF". All CTF, all Broken Mirror maps. 32 players, score limit of 3 (keeps the games short and in fast rotation), and seems to be moderately populated.


Tntnnbltn said:
For BM CTF lovers like me: Keep an eye out for player server "FOO-CTF". All CTF, all Broken Mirror maps. 32 players, score limit of 3 (keeps the games short and in fast rotation), and seems to be moderately populated.

Been noted...I must re-friends list you (account got wiped out) since you seem to be the one guy here who plays this alot.

Will add the other fella above to.

PSN - TheGodofWine (for warhawk)
Hey guys,

Can some of you sniper pro's offer any tips? I truly stink when it comes to sniper. I would say my ratio is .25-40% success. I never stay in the same place after getting a kill, I try to stay out of the open, etc... but just never time it right.


LovingSteam said:
Hey guys,

Can some of you sniper pro's offer any tips? I truly stink when it comes to sniper. I would say my ratio is .25-40% success. I never stay in the same place after getting a kill, I try to stay out of the open, etc... but just never time it right.

Its not easy to snipe in the game, position is given away from the 'trail' the bullet leaves, and its easy to get an idea where someone is by just wiping the reticule back and forth and waiting for it to turn red.

I just try to find the most obscure places possible really, take a plane, find an odd hill / tower to land on get low, hide under a wing...and good luck shooting from far off, moving targets are tough to hit.


Here's a bonus tip for sniper rifle/binoculars:

Occasssionally you'll be in a situation when you want to monitor an area that is slightly larger than your scope view. You can either choose to use un-scoped (which means it's hard to see distant people) or you can pan the view back and forth (and potentially miss someone).

If you press Start and bring up the menu screen, the scope animation (black edges + lens distortion) is replaced with an overlay of people's scores. The score board has a blue/red semi-transparent overlay, but the entire bottom part of the screen is clear and unobstructed. And it's still zoomed in, mind you.

So just angle up the screen a bit and press start. You'll be able to monitor a larger horizontal range while zoomed in without the limitations caused by the scope.
Tntnnbltn said:
Here's a bonus tip for sniper rifle/binoculars:

Occasssionally you'll be in a situation when you want to moitor an area that is slightly larger than your scope view. You can either choose to use un-scoped (which means it's hard to see distant people) or you can pan the view back and forth (and potentially miss someone).

If you press Start and bring up the menu screen, the scope animation (black edges + lens distortion) is replaced with an overlay of people's scores. The score board has a blue/red semi-transparent overlay, but the entire bottom part of the screen is clear and unobstructed. And it's still zoomed in, mind you.

So just angle up the screen a bit and press start. You'll be able to monitor a larger horizontal range while zoomed in without the limitations caused by the scope.



Tntnnbltn said:
For BM CTF lovers like me: Keep an eye out for player server "FOO-CTF". All CTF, all Broken Mirror maps. 32 players, score limit of 3 (keeps the games short and in fast rotation), and seems to be moderately populated.
Today after a several month long hiatus I played Warhawk again and immediately found said server.
It is indeed very good for APC lovers like myself. :D
Too bad it's unranked only, would be great if the points would count.


Another bonus tip: Not all APCs are made the same!

If you are driving a Chernovan (Red team's) APC on Vaporfield Glacier, you can drive in the side alleyway of Olsavik Village (centre base) directly to the flag and capture it. Don't bother trying this in a Eucadian (Blue team's) APC -- the vehicle model is slightly larger and doesn't fit! You just end up getting jammed half way there.


Tntnnbltn said:
Another bonus tip: Not all APCs are made the same!

If you are driving a Chernovan (Red team's) APC on Vaporfield Glacier, you can drive in the side alleyway of Olsavik Village (centre base) directly to the flag and capture it. Don't bother trying this in a Eucadian (Blue team's) APC -- the vehicle model is slightly larger and doesn't fit! You just end up getting jammed half way there.
That's also a great spot to park your tank and protect your flag, since most Warhawk pilots won't see you and if the enemy runs towards your flag you can surprise them with an armor-piercing bullet from your tank. :D


so i finally ran into a pilot who flies & shoots backwards. pretty demorallizing experience. nothing i've learned worked & evasion useless. anyone know any good counter tactics?

User 406

nickslicl said:
so i finally ran into a pilot who flies & shoots backwards. pretty demorallizing experience. nothing i've learned worked & evasion useless. anyone know any good counter tactics?

The blind spots of normal flight are directly above and below, so try getting into those spots before attacking. If you think they might be getting a lock, try to get above or below and then past them to break it. Remember that they can't turn the camera as fast as you.

Good aim with the machine guns and lightning gun is excellent against spinners. Against a spinner who is persistently trying to fly away from me to get a backwards lock, repeated swarm missiles to keep them spinning while drilling them with the machine gun works quite well. Always pulse your machine guns so they don't overheat.

Learn to anticipate their missile release if they manage to get a lock. Typically if they start turning back towards you, they may have a lock and are trying to get close for release. Start evading or ready your chaff.

Keep sharpening your missile dodge so you can shake them with a flick of your tail. Even if they're shooting backwards at you, you can dodge the missiles while still chasing if you're good at it.

And finally, if a spinner just wants to keep flying backwards and runnerscumming, let him. He's not helping his team if you can keep driving him away with a few missiles, and then you aren't being sucked away either. Stay in the airspace that will help your team, and keep an eye on the map so when he tries to blind side you, you can evade, turn on him, and send him back into spinning mode again. Chasing spinning KDR whores is a pointless exercise. :p
Yeah, I ran into some asshat tonight that was abusing the waggle flight. Chasing the cock then I get spammed with missiles immediately after he ends his flippity floppity horse shit.

Is it too much to hope they'd fucking fix that? :|


The Take Out Bandit said:
Is it too much to hope they'd fucking fix that? :|

decemeber 21, 2008


DYLAN!! are u ever going to do anything about the backwards flying and spin/lock glitch!! please answer and dont ignore!!


probably not -- it would require another update and I'm not sure if SONY is going to want us to develop another one.


I'd rather they patch up the "flying inder the map glitch"

I've been playing in FCTF servers lately and this douche called sonicthehedge (?) is messing up the games by taking the flag and disappearing under the map until the other flag is returned, sometimes for the length of the entire game.

He's also doing it in the All-ctf server, just being an annoyance, shooting your own mines from under you and such....it had to be a freaking sega fan ;p


thanks for the wisdom manky.

truth be told, i find some backwards pilots impressive. youtube Alexius92 & maybe you'll see what i mean.
nickslicl said:
thanks for the wisdom manky.

truth be told, i find some backwards pilots impressive. youtube Alexius92 & maybe you'll see what i mean.

That's not "impressive".

It's bullshit.

It's like Andrew Golota winning the heavyweight belt by punching everybody in the dick.


Wow, total noob confirmed. I have never noticed or come across these flying backwards and under the map glitches. Off to do some research...

User 406

Yeah, I've flown against Alexius, and he's definitely really good at that crap. He's also pretty egotistical. :/

If you want to see a really scary normal flight pilot who doesn't spin into the stratosphere or backwards lock, check out jetrotor. He's the only one I really have no fuckin' idea how to handle. :X

User 406

nickslicl/DireStr8s, I was doing my best to teamkill that little fuck born2ride and keep him from going under the map in that FS game. Actually went underneath myself to take him out a couple times. Little shit kept teamswitching to join the winning team too. >:|
... how exactly does one "fly backward" or under a map? I see sometimes people flying backwards but I thought it was a glitch of showing enemies/friends on the map.
Sea Manky said:
nickslicl/DireStr8s, I was doing my best to teamkill that little fuck born2ride and keep him from going under the map in that FS game. Actually went underneath myself to take him out a couple times. Little shit kept teamswitching to join the winning team too. >:|
WTF you're on my friends list! Why didn't you tell me you were a GAFfer?

Playing CTF on Archipelago; last match of the night. Two minutes remaining and I take an APC up into the enemy base. I'm by myself and unarmed. I hear mines beeping, and I'm like - "Spawn in the APC I'm at their base."

Nobody spawns.

Nobody attacks me either.

So I drop shield and carefully walk into the base, grab the flag; and back out the way I came with the mines beeping somewhere. Charge the APC, and dash down to the next island. Drive down to the next island and land sideways on that plane that spawns near the rear, shit shit shit. Tanks! Drop next shield. Right myself. Boost the fuck out.

Tank coming out of Base 3, drive around it. Boost on the way out and smack into the ledge above the through fare.

Haul ass up the hill, tank waiting for me. I take the hit, but boost into the repair icon and past the tank. Skid right, head up the bridge. Take another hit. Grab the repair icon before the next bridge.

15 seconds left on the clock. I boost to our base, drop shield.

Hop out to capture.

An enemy runs up and steals our flag so that I can't capture.

You sunk my battleship! :(


The Take Out Bandit said:
I'm like - "Spawn in the APC I'm at their base."

Nobody spawns.
I hate this. Especially on maps like Vaporfield Glacier where you can park somewhere that's like 3m away from the flag, but you have to be on foot. One time I sat there for 5 minutes browsing GAF because no one would spawn. Ended up getting out and climbing the damn ladder myself cause I got bored.

Stupid retarded team mates.
Tntnnbltn said:
I hate this. Especially on maps like Vaporfield Glacier where you can park somewhere that's like 3m away from the flag, but you have to be on foot. One time I sat there for 5 minutes browsing GAF because no one would spawn. Ended up getting out and climbing the damn ladder myself cause I got bored.

Stupid retarded team mates.

That's the gamble every time I log in.

Last night we were playing CTF on Grinder. I'm the only person going for the flag; and I'm telling at my idiot team mates that we don't need eight guys camping the flag. Especially when those eight dickheads are still letting the enemy get out of the base with the flag.

Some little bitch is talking back, blah blah - this is my shitty fucking excuse for being a camping douchenozzle etc.

Needless to say the enemy scores five captures on us. I get one, then carry the flag back; get killed leaving the flag with the retards to go retrieve ours.

Eight people.

Dumb fucks can't hold onto our flag. Can't hold on to enemy flag.

Can't. Do. Shit.

Seriously man.

End of the game I'm MVP with most points and dickheads are still talking "shit". :lol

Then there are other nights when everybody works as a team and it's all so damn sexy.

Roll of the dice.


tarius1210 said:
Question: What does the online community look like for Warhawk these days?
The community is active 24/7.
Some modes are not well represented though like hero and collection, but you'll always find the usual stuff like CTF and deathmatch.

Currently 28 servers with at least 8 people are online.


Hmm... I've realised a fatal mistake I've been making... all voice off. I very rarely get a clear transmission in any case so I go all Lone Wolf. Double hmm, this presents problems in certain game modes.

Anyone else have regular issues with voice clarity? I mean both ways. I have the official Sony BT headset (the Socom one?).
slider said:
Hmm... I've realised a fatal mistake I've been making... all voice off. I very rarely get a clear transmission in any case so I go all Lone Wolf. Double hmm, this presents problems in certain game modes.

Anyone else have regular issues with voice clarity? I mean both ways. I have the official Sony BT headset (the Socom one?).
My connection is awesome. I used to do All Voice on but the background noise annoys teammates, so I went Push to Talk and no one really complains...

We need a GAF server... most GAFfers I ever played with at once is 1, Tnnn and then onc with DireSt8s.


I used to get a shitty connection (but only for voice comms) when I was in the UK with a great ISP. Now I never get a ping under ~130 so have silenced all. Dammit.

There was a fella in here who regularly hosted a 24p server. Ahh, good times. I'll test my set-up later (now) but I'd imagine I can't do more than a 8p game. :'(


The Frankman said:
We need a GAF server... most GAFfers I ever played with at once is 1, Tnnn and then onc with DireSt8s.
That would be great, the only gaf'fer I ever met in-game was sea-manky, the only guy with the warhawk platin trophy I ever encountered. :D


slider said:
There was a fella in here who regularly hosted a 24p server. Ahh, good times. I'll test my set-up later (now) but I'd imagine I can't do more than a 8p game. :'(

Im hard wiring my ps3 this week, with wireless I can do 12 players, Hoping to get 18-20 wired up.


GodofWine said:
Im hard wiring my ps3 this week, with wireless I can do 12 players, Hoping to get 18-20 wired up.

For the first time ever I'm tempted to do an avatar quote... You'll be glad to note I resisted though.
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