It downloaded faster than anything I've ever downloaded on the PSN, so that's great. No Bioshock demo hell.
First, I've never played or seen this in full action, so if my comments are old hat, just please ignore.
Wow, it's really good looking. Zooming over the water is nice. I set up a local game just so I could start to get a feel for the controls. Once I increased aiming speed and removed inverted, the ground controls felt nice. Wandered around and found a nice little sniper spot just next to the sniper rifle. A little sad that things don't catch on fire from the flamethrower, but I've been playing Bioshock lately, so...
Got into a warhawk and was very confused until I figured out the two modes. Once I got that down, I zoomed all over the map, shooting under bridges, through tunnels, doing flips and rolls. It was fantastic. Am I right in assuming that there's no explicit throttle control? I didn't find one, but the warhawks seem to zoom on their own.
I only had about ten minutes, but I was impressed to hell by how nice it looked and how fluidly it moved. Good job!
So, how do I get on some lists to hook up with Gaffers? I've got table top RPGers coming over tonight, but I'm hoping to get in a few games before they get there this evening.