Killthee said:Fly in with a Warhawk and a full energy weapon pickup (10 shots). Chargeshot the energy weapon (Hold L2) the whole way before getting to the flag, aim for the flag, and shoot. It'll shoot out an energy storm that will destroy any metal in the area (warhawks, tanks, vehicles, and mines).
another method to get them if you're only on foot is to throw some grenades, they pop those mines, as well as launching a rocket or unloading a assault rifle clip at distance.
The mines are pretty key to defense in zones and ctf, switching between my rocket launcher, turret, and landmines I held off the bridge to base by myself, another guy was at base as backup, and the rest of our team went and got the flag I ended up with 1st place ranking just from so much flag defense and killing heheh.
can I complain how annoying playing zones can be? Its only fun if your team knows what its doing, half of the ranked zone games people just huddle together in 1 zone with hardly anyone branching out >_<