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Warhawk - The Official Thread


Oh shit, I just got owned by Best Buy. :lol

Was waiting for the Best Buy nearest me to have it in stock, last night I see it's in for 39.99, am happy, look this morning just to make sure and it's $69 now. WTF. *sob* And they still have the "hot price!" label on it mocking me. Bitches. All that futile waiting!


Teamwork seems be what wins matches in this game. I've noticed that people are pulling off bait and attack moves with the Warhawks. Someone will stay hovering, waiting for the enemy to attack and then one of the other teammates sweeps in from the back and attacks you! Pretty tricky stuff, I must say.

There was one encounter I had where I jumped onto the turret of a stationary Jeep and started blasting a Warhawk. I was pretty much a sitting duck but a teammate ran in, jumped into the drivers seat and started driving me to safety. The Warhawk didn't like that too much and blew us all into small bits. :lol

Some advice for new players: Learn to fly/drive the vehicles. I don't know how many times someone has driven the Jeep and just STOPPED in front of an enemy tank...
I was in a hawk with someone with a INCOGxxxx PSN tag, that was shit amazing in it. I hope to one day be half as good as he was. From straffing the ground hunting tanks to the tops of the coulds to make a vertical attack run, he had me holding on to the couch.

The downside to jumping into a random hawk for a ride to the battlefield right now is that you never know if it's a skilled pilot or someone who will ram you into the cliffs. :lol

That reminds me...we don't have a jstevenson for this game yet do we?


Question: Do warhawks have more armor than tanks and jeeps in a head on collision? I see this tactic all the time. A warhawk comes blazing in afterburners on and head on collides with a ground vehicle. Ground vehicle explodes.


dionysus said:
Question: Do warhawks have more armor than tanks and jeeps in a head on collision? I see this tactic all the time I. A warhawk comes blazing in afterburners on and head on collides with a ground vehicle. Ground vehicle explodes.

So long as you don't drive directly into the ground, you'll survive it. I love climbing buildings while averting missiles.

Safe Bet


I kept getting send errors while trying to send invites so I disbanded the clan to resend all invites and see if that would fix the problem.

It seemed to work at first until about halfway through the Roster when I started receiving send errors again.

Perhaps you can only have a certain number of invites out at one time?

I'm not sure but everyone accept your invites please.

If that doesn't fix the problem I'll try disbanding and reforming one more time....
krypt0nian said:
I was in a hawk with someone with a INSOMxxxx PSN tag, that was shit amazing in it. I hope to one day be half as good as he was. From straffing the ground hunting tanks to the tops of the coulds to make a vertical attack run, he had me holding on to the couch.

The downside to jumping into a random hawk for a ride to the battlefield right now is that you never know if it's a skilled pilot or someone who will ram you into the cliffs. :lol

That reminds me...we don't have a jstevenson for this game yet do we?
I have been practicing with the PRO flight control. I am starting to get used to it, but it still seems a bit alien to me. I can't wait until I am pulling off spiral barrel rolls, while blowing the crap out of the puny soldiers below.
Safe Bet said:
[]b]GAF WEST!!![/B]

I kept getting send errors while trying to send invites so I disbanded the clan to resend all invites and see if that would fix the problem.

It seemed to work at first until about halfway through the Roster when I started receiving send errors again.

Perhaps you can only have a certain number of invites out at one time?

I'm not sure but everyone accept your invites please.

If that doesn't fix the problem I'll try disbanding and reforming one more time....

So it looks like the problem is with the servers and not with unholy. It could be the immense amount of stuff going on during the day. Lots of people had the game.


TTP said:
Cannot sign-in to the PSN. Am I the only one?

Works fine for me.

I just tried to play quickly on local, oh man this is gonna be fun during the first hours :lol

Edit : clan invite Xater puh-leeze ? :x


Safe Bet said:

I kept getting send errors while trying to send invites so I disbanded the clan to resend all invites and see if that would fix the problem.

It seemed to work at first until about halfway through the Roster when I started receiving send errors again.

Perhaps you can only have a certain number of invites out at one time?

I'm not sure but everyone accept your invites please.

If that doesn't fix the problem I'll try disbanding and reforming one more time....

UnholySpectacle had the same problem last night. On his second try he almost got it all done, but then got error messages on some of the last guys on the list. I think its best to try when its cooled off a bit, Wowhawk was just packed insane last night!


Since its early morning at work and I am procrastinating I am posting like mad.

Anyway, here are some tips on becoming elite at ground combat. I take myself over most people in a rifles duel.

1. The autoaim only seems to work in the horizontal direction, so the best bet to win is to achieve a lock in horizontal, then adjust your aim to be aiming at the top 1/3rd of their body to start getting headshots. Otherwise you fire a full clip + just to kill someone.

2. Unless you are fighting, keep the knife equipped, as this makes you invisible on enemy radar I believe.

3. Standing still and crouching can have its uses. If there is no cover to break autoaim around is one, cause it improves your accuracy. Edit. Should have mentioned they better not have grenades.

4. Flamethrowers destroy vehicles and dumb low hovering warhawks.



snack said:
I have been practicing with the PRO flight control. I am starting to get used to it, but it still seems a bit alien to me. I can't wait until I am pulling off spiral barrel rolls, while blowing the crap out of the puny soldiers below.

Pro controls is the ONLY way to go. I think I get half my kills upside-down :)


Confirmed that Knife makes you invisible even after being seen by enemy. Normally you don't really see foot soldiers on radar until they fire or get in a vehicle, but once you do, they can switch to knife and they will disappear pretty fast from radar. Had this happen to me in a battle for a capture point, realized what was happening and I quickly switched to knife. We ended up circling for a while before stabbing each other at the same time. The ragdoll physics made it so that we were hugging each other falling to the ground lol.


snack said:
I have been practicing with the PRO flight control. I am starting to get used to it, but it still seems a bit alien to me. I can't wait until I am pulling off spiral barrel rolls, while blowing the crap out of the puny soldiers below.

If you really want to get good in the Hawks with pro-flight try "Dog Fighting" matches on the Sony servers, its insane but what a way to learn! (Stats am cry though!)
Hmm, why is Sony opening their PSN store to fraud? I just entered my address as xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UK and it verified fine. Even though my real is address is 10,000miles away in Japan. Live told me to piss off when I tried that.

Anyway, now that I just accidently put £19.99 into my PSN wallet, I might just have to download something. Let's see, with £19.99, I could buy 5 copies of Super Rub'a'Dub and have change left over or 1 copy of Warhawk. Decisions, decisions.


dionysus said:
Since its early morning at work and I am procrastinating I am posting like mad.

Anyway, here are some tips on becoming elite at ground combat. I take myself over most people in a rifles duel.

1. The autoaim only seems to work in the horizontal direction, so the best bet to win is to achieve a lock in horizontal, then adjust your aim to be aiming at the top 1/3rd of their body to start getting headshots. Otherwise you fire a full clip + just to kill someone.

2. Unless you are fighting, keep the knife equipped, as this makes you invisible on enemy radar I believe.

3. Standing still and crouching can have its uses. If there is no cover to break autoaim around is one, cause it improves your accuracy.

4. Flamethrowers destroy vehicles and dumb low hovering warhawks.

5. Bring a flamethrower with you on CTF runs, to take out mines. Otherwise use grenades on the mines around the flag.

Re: 1 - Yes, i'd also like to add in foot battles, it really is advantageous to be on higher ground. With the assault rifle equipped on a rooftop, you can take out invading foot soldiers in 2-3 seconds with the autoaim help since you're just hitting their head while they run. DEADLY.

Re: 3 - Only for sniping maybe? Because this is one sure way to get yourself grenaded into the sky :p

Re: 4 - They also destroy people really fast :)

Re: 5 - Nooooooo do not use flamethrowers to take out mines, the short range of the flamethrower will give you shrapnel damage from the explosion of the mine, and you need all the health you can get after you get that flag.

Question: Anyone figure out a good angle to use cluster bombs? I only managed a good drop one out of maybe seven times, but that good drop took out a ton of people :) The other runs they went waaayy off target


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Someone has to explain me how the radar works relative to foot soldiers.

I keep moving in crounch position when I dont have the knife equipped cos I assume this makes me disappear from the radar. If I run around with a rifle (not shooting), I do get seen right?


Wow, i transferred 45€ to my wirecard, Warhawk is only 30€, thats even more awesome, i also hope super puzzle fighter is coming to euro today, then itll be the best update evar.


TTP said:
Someone has to explain me how the radar works relative to foot soldiers.

I keep moving in crounch position when I dont have the knife equipped cos I assume this makes me disappear from the radar. If I run around with a rifle (not shooting), I do get seen right?

No, I don't think so. You're invisible until you attack at which point you appear on the radar for a while, unless you attack with the knife.


Still got it ;) Won 3 CTFs in a row. One o them within about 3 minutes.

I think my SIXAXIS is broke though, often when I am moving forward the left analog stick (on any game) the right analog stick seems to be stimulated right.

Any ideas? :O I'm constantly fighting it when playing. On SSDHD if I move forward, I automatically shoot right.


marvelharvey said:
Hmm, why is Sony opening their PSN store to fraud? I just entered my address as xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UK and it verified fine. Even though my real is address is 10,000miles away in Japan. Live told me to piss off when I tried that.

Anyway, now that I just accidently put £19.99 into my PSN wallet, I might just have to download something. Let's see, with £19.99, I could buy 5 copies of Super Rub'a'Dub and have change left over or 1 copy of Warhawk. Decisions, decisions.

Warhawk is fun, give it a shot!


haha, ok, after getting to grips with this game a little bit, this is THE funnest game I've played in I dont know how long.... just have one constant smile on my face.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
nofi said:
No, I don't think so. You're invisible until you attack at which point you appear on the radar for a while, unless you attack with the knife.

Ah, good to know!

So I can run freely with a rocket launcher and I wont be seen until I shoot? That's great to know for my stealthy tactics :)

I love to attack enemy bases keeping a low profile.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
belvedere said:
People keep saying this. Is it impossible to be shot upside down or something?

No. It's just the pro flight allows you to go upside-down and some people end up in that position during dogfights.


The flight game in this is about 10,000 times better than I expected. The dog fight servers are really fun, and really good for building some basic Warhawk skill. Once I started to get the weapon management and some maneuvers down, I started to place pretty well.

I sent you a PM, btw Safe, just in case the post was lost in the thread.


Junior Butler
Oni Jazar said:
No, it's just how you end up when you chase someone doing loops. It's insainely fun. :)

Ah, I see. I've been playing (even in the beta) with the standard control scheme. I messed with pro-controls a bit last night and will definitely be playing this way from now on. I think they could've been better named though. Instead of pro-controls for example, they could've just named it "normal".



nofi said:
No, I don't think so. You're invisible until you attack at which point you appear on the radar for a while, unless you attack with the knife.

Here is my theory from personal experience. I am definitely not sure about this, as I see inconsistencies all the time. Crouching makes you invisible on radar unless shooting no matter what gun. Rifle and better makes you appear all the time unless crouching. Knife you never appear. However, the shit is confusing, because I have seen white tanks moving around that were not the enemies color, and they all of the sudden they turn the enemies color. There were definitely occupied before that though. That could just be lag or a bug.


TTP said:
Ah, good to know!

So I can run freely with a rocket launcher and I wont be seen until I shoot? That's great to know for my stealthy tactics :)

Put it this way, when I played last night people were sneaking up on me with guns, and they only appeared when they fired.

Don't quote me on this, though, I'm usually wrong.

TTP said:
I love to attack enemy bases keeping a low profile.

Me too. Leave all the flying about to the other guys, I'd rather be on the ground.


TTP said:
Ah, good to know!

So I can run freely with a rocket launcher and I wont be seen until I shoot? That's great to know for my stealthy tactics :)

I love to attack enemy bases keeping a low profile.

now the question is, do you appear on radar if you start locking on? Or only until an actual projectile comes out of your weapon??


dionysus said:
I have seen white tanks moving around that were not the enemies color, and they all of the sudden they turn the enemies color. There were definitely occupied before that though. That could just be lag or a bug.

That might be scum-bags team switching. Really, really annoying.


nofi said:
Put it this way, when I played last night people were sneaking up on me with guns, and they only appeared when they fired.

Don't quote me on this, though, I'm usually wrong.

Me too. Leave all the flying about to the other guys, I'd rather be on the ground.

When I get home tonight, anyone interested in getting a password protected server, getting on neogaf with a laptop, and testing out the radar with just two people who don't attack each other. We can test knife, crouching, standing still, running around but not attacking, and the line of sight theories.


belvedere said:
People keep saying this. Is it impossible to be shot upside down or something?

well You have complete control over your Warhawk so when you move the right analog stick you can move EXACTLY on the angle the bastard is running away from you... hehehe:lol


nofi said:
That might be scum-bags team switching. Really, really annoying.

Yeah, I heard allot of rumbling about that last night. I think Incognito will soon start giving the boots to people, guys are doing it just to get match wins & points right at the end of games. But I'm sure Incognito is tracking this stuff.


Firewire said:
Yeah, I heard allot of rumbling about that last night. I think Incognito will soon start giving the boots to people, guys are doing it just to get match wins & points right at the end of games. But I'm sure Incognito is tracking this stuff.

Hopefully. I would be following a friendly jeep in my jeep, which would all of a sudden change colour and I'd see a little rocket flying towards me.

dionysus said:
When I get home tonight, anyone interested in getting a password protected server, getting on neogaf with a laptop, and testing out the radar with just two people who don't attack each other. We can test knife, crouching, standing still, running around but not attacking, and the line of sight theories.

I can, but won't be on until later. We can test it in an open game anyway, in a large map away from others.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
TTP said:
No. It's just the pro flight allows you to go upside-down and some people end up in that position during dogfights.
I love going upside down and killing people.


dionysus said:
Question: Do warhawks have more armor than tanks and jeeps in a head on collision? I see this tactic all the time. A warhawk comes blazing in afterburners on and head on collides with a ground vehicle. Ground vehicle explodes.

You can also smoosh people with your Warhawk. I know this because I looked up while I was on the ground just in time to have a Warhawk crush me than rebound into the sky.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Grayman said:
I went on the server for a few minutes but it was half full and the teams were lopsided in number. I'll try it later when more people are playing.

Did you have warhawks can carry flags on by any chance? Given my limited experiance i don't think you would ever get 5 caps unless the game was a blowout and people just wanted to play out the map before the time expired. how long was the time?

You can't have Warhawks carry flags in ranked server, plus I think it's cheap. The fun in CTF is getting beck to you base : P I also choose 5 as the score limit, because I found it optimal in the beta (1=too quick, 3=too easy, 5=equal chance for both teams), I should have lowered the time limit to 20 or 25 minutes though.
Hey, anyone want to schedule a meet-up for tonight, late, Eastern and Central US? I'm in GAFe, but it doesn't necessarily have to be with people from the same clan (not yet! :D ). I'd like to get enough people together to do a locked GAF game, or maybe we can try to meet together on one of the Sony servers.

Any takers? I'd like to get some practice time in before the real clan work begins.
I am in love with this game. I played for 10 hours in the past 2 days. I didn't want to come to work today.

I'm going to play the fuck out of it when I get home :D


Captain Glanton said:
Hey, anyone want to schedule a meet-up for tonight, late, Eastern and Central US? I'm in GAFe, but it doesn't necessarily have to be with people from the same clan (not yet! :D ). I'd like to get enough people together to do a locked GAF game, or maybe we can try to meet together on one of the Sony servers.

Any takers? I'd like to get some practice time in before the real clan work begins.

We have GAFw vs. GAFe tonight actually.
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