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Warhawk - The Official Thread


Hey, has anyone else been unable to use Warhawk?

I was just playing not 20 minutes ago and the screen went blank, then it said the network was down. Now every time I try to return, the game says "Authentication server failed to initialize." It's not my connection to the PSN, because I'm posting from my browser right now. It won't even show the terms of play or whatever. It's just blank, and when you choose accept, it gives an error message.

User 406

Do we have a list of people with good connections who can host for some GAF-only games tonight? I'd host but I can only handle 8. :/

Of course all this could be moot if those authentication servers don't come back. :p

Edit: Just got in, maybe you just need to keep trying.
GAFe UPDATE: Firewire is currently trying to log in as leader and send out invites since I can't. I have to leave now to pick up my fiancee but should be back in an hour or so. For now I vote we postpone our official skirmish till Saturday since a lot of folks just got their copy today anyways.

I'll be back in a bit. Hopefully Incog gets everything worked out.


the_id said:
question: how are we supposed to be playing as a clan? there's no party system like resistance? somehow the community system in Resistance is much better than warhawk's. but great game nontheless...

someone care to answer this?

Uncle AJ

Seriously, I'm ready to crush this flimsy headset into pieces. How come it's recognizing my voice in the PS3 Accessory Settings test, but it does jack shit when the actual game starts?


For some reason, sometimes when I try to join a game on SCEA servers, it says the game is full, even though there are 6 or more open spots. Anyone else have this issue?


spwolf said:
go to community, go to clan, you will be able to join games that your clansman are playing...

what about all of the clan going into one ranked sever and on the same side? it'll be difficult to organise clan matches without a proper party system don't you think?


Mo the Hawk said:
Seriously, I'm ready to crush this flimsy headset into pieces. How come it's recognizing my voice in the PS3 Accessory Settings test, but it does jack shit when the actual game starts?

make sure you are holding down L3 to talk. You have to hold it while you talk to. The speaker thing by your name will turn yellow i think when you are transmitting. If the speaker thing is not by your name try pressing the button and it should come up.

I wish there was a way you could set it so you didn't have to press it and hold it when you talked.



UnholySpectacle & GAFe Members:

Ok my attempt to invite people has failed! UnhollySpectacle gave me a list of all those needed to be invited. Some come up as "Don't Exist" & others it failed to send the invites over several attempts.
When Unholy gets back on I will transfer ownership of GAFe back to him.
We only have two options, wait for Wowhawk to cool down (maybe its to packed to allow invites) or wait for some kind of word or fix from Incognito!
AsUnholySpectacle said, we can still play latter on, just not as a clan I guess, we can have the official squirmish Sat. even though I won't be around this weekend! :(

PS: UnholySpectacle: I transfered leadership back to you! And your Username has the stamp thingy next to it.
Sorry it didn't work, I made about 20-30 attempts, nothing worked, ony User doesn't exist, or Message not sent!
Raist said:
Sigh, I still can't figure how to efficiently dodge missiles... I've tried several ways, but nothing works :/

Yeah, I'm getting tired of this. I'm starting to think there are too many missile turrets on the maps. I barely get off the ground in some of these games and then suddenly "MISSILE LOCK" and the shits right on me. I don't even have an opportunity to get away.

Yet, I see people dodging them all the time.


when i hear that i'm targeted, i start driving or pulling up while banking with the right knob, then try to boost my way around or boost away. if youre close to water, you can actually dive towards the water the pull up really close to it and most of the time the missiles hit the water and can't follow you anymore.


the_id said:
what about all of the clan going into one ranked sever and on the same side? it'll be difficult to organise clan matches without a proper party system don't you think?
Every game before party systems managed it.

Ranked might be a problem with warhawk because you can't have ranked without enforced balance?

It can be done on private servers really easily and isn't an issue though.
Raist said:
Sigh, I still can't figure how to efficiently dodge missiles... I've tried several ways, but nothing works :/

I've had some success [using Pro controls] with Right stick left for a second, then right for a second, then left. That will break the lock, I think. Unfortunately, some people are pretty good at staggering their missles, so that you just fly right into another lock-on, and they just pile up from there. That, I haven't figured out yet.
SSJChar said:
when i hear that i'm targeted, i start driving or pulling up while banking with the right knob, then try to boost my way around or boost away. if youre close to water, you can actually dive towards the water the pull up really close to it and most of the time the missiles hit the water and can't follow you anymore.

I've done every banking maneuver I can think of and nine times out of ten I still get hit.


there is joy in sucking dick
Captain Glanton said:
I've had some success [using Pro controls] with Right stick left for a second, then right for a second, then left. That will break the lock, I think. Unfortunately, some people are pretty good at staggering their missles, so that you just fly right into another lock-on, and they just pile up from there. That, I haven't figured out yet.

I've dodged a couple by doing all that and Boosting but yeah, sometimes I'll run into another.

Safe Bet

UnholySpectacle said:
For now I vote we postpone our official skirmish till Saturday since a lot of folks just got their copy today anyways.

I'll be back in a bit. Hopefully Incog gets everything worked out.
I agree...

Its best to hold off until everything gets sorted out properly.
One more thing on breaking missle locks: if you have chaff, save it for the second wave of missles, or whatever the last wave that you can dodge is. I dodge as many as I can, then use chaff, then blast turbo and head for the nearest save haven [powerups, mountains, allies, etc.].


SSJChar said:
when i hear that i'm targeted, i start driving or pulling up while banking with the right knob, then try to boost my way around or boost away. if youre close to water, you can actually dive towards the water the pull up really close to it and most of the time the missiles hit the water and can't follow you anymore.

Well yeah, I've mostly tried this, but it never works :|

I can't believe how easily people manage to dodge my shots, and when I try to do the same stuff I just eat a bunch of missiles and burn ._.

btw, do you guys constantly use the regular thrust (not the boost) ?


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Firewire said:

UnholySpectacle & GAFe Members:

Ok my attempt to invite people has failed! UnhollySpectacle gave me a list of all those needed to be invited. Some come up as "Don't Exist" & others it failed to send the invites over several attempts.
When Unholy gets back on I will transfer ownership of GAFe back to him.
We only have two options, wait for Wowhawk to cool down (maybe its to packed to allow invites) or wait for some kind of word or fix from Incognito!
AsUnholySpectacle said, we can still play latter on, just not as a clan I guess, we can have the official squirmish Sat. even though I won't be around this weekend! :(

PS: UnholySpectacle I'm going to stay on Wowhawk till 8:15, then I'll check with you, so you can tell me how to give ownership back to you!

Make a thread at the official boards, it's the fastest way to find out what the hell is going on/get a response from Incog.

the_id said:
what about all of the clan going into one ranked sever and on the same side? it'll be difficult to organise clan matches without a proper party system don't you think?

Until Home launches or Incog. patches a party system, we'll have to provide the hosting server if we want to play as a clan in a ranked server. The Host can kick or ban anybody from his server.

BTW, my server is up and running (GAF-CTF/ZNS [probably only for the next couple of hours]) :D

DoctorWho said:
I've done every banking maneuver I can think of and nine times out of ten I still get hit.

Start by using chaff as soon as the missiles start locking on. Then do three quick turbo boost (double tap R2) while staying low and doing sharp turns (R2+L2) around the landmarks. Do not use the right stick maneuvers until you can control them 100% and even when you have mastered them only use them as a last resort. You should be able to get out of most lockon's by doing this.

If the enemy Warhawk is right behind you, do a quick 180 sharp turn (R2+L2) and turbo boost the opposite way. Then do another 180 and blast him while he tries to regain his bearings.
I've gotten a lot better at missile dodging after playing a couple lengthy air only sessions. The things that helped me stay alive were(in order):

1) Always bring my health back up to full first
2) Then grab a chaff or two
3) Stay low as possible, anyone flying around above mountain or building level is nothing more than missile fodder for the good players
4) Staying low both prevents missile locks as line of sight keeps getting blocked and can be used to lead missiles into the sides of mountains or buildings saving chaff for emergencies
5) Save the turbo for last resort or a mad dash to grab the nearest health
6) Then reload missiles

Doing these things has gotten me into the middle of the pack or higher for most games now, but still not close to the top one or two flyers.


when i'm chasing someone and trying to lock on, i use thrusters as little as possible because for me its easier to lock onto them. when i'm just flying around i'll hold it down or turbo boost my way around depending on the amount of enemies there are around or if i have to fly by an enemy territory.
have you tried turbo boosting during the banking maneuvers? i probably randomly doubletap the thrusters during dodging and that might be what saves me from the missiles. hell ive even dodged missile turrets like that without taking any damage at all. of course it doesn't happen often against the turrets.
anyone else find it incredibly hard to hit guys on the ground when you're in a warhawk? i think they have to lower the health of infantry units, or atleast make them take more damage when a warhawk hits them with the guns.


Use a swarm missile against guy on the ground if you can, it has a fairly big blast radius and knocks their health down more than machine guns would have in the same time.

re: Flying tips;
-I usually don't save my turbo because it refills so fast
-I fly with R2 to approach warhawks but slow down if we are going to cross paths because I get more time to shoot at them if I am flying slower


SSJChar said:
anyone else find it incredibly hard to hit guys on the ground when you're in a warhawk? i think they have to lower the health of infantry units, or atleast make them take more damage when a warhawk hits them with the guns.

Yea they really need to crank up the Warhawk machine gun power. It's so annoying when you're trying to kill a flag carrier in a jeep and you have to shoot him up half way across the map.

I usually have to use my missiles to take out dudes/vehicles, but then it seems like I always get taken out by a another Warhawk as soon as I'm out of missiles.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
MachoInfinity said:
I've gotten a lot better at missile dodging after playing a couple lengthy air only sessions. The things that helped me stay alive were(in order):

1) Always bring my health back up to full first
2) Then grab a chaff or two
3) Stay low as possible, anyone flying around above mountain or building level is nothing more than missile fodder for the good players
4) Staying low both prevents missile locks as line of sight keeps getting blocked and can be used to lead missiles into the sides of mountains or buildings saving chaff for emergencies
5) Save the turbo for last resort or a mad dash to grab the nearest health
6) Then reload missiles

Doing these things has gotten me into the middle of the pack or higher for most games now, but still not close to the top one or two flyers.

Thats what I used to do in the beta, but then I realized that using the turbo boost in short burst (you can do 3 short ones before you run out of fuel) was much more effective than saving it or using it all in one boost. Doing a quick turbo boost allows me to cover a greater distance than normal and since I haven't used it all up, I'm still able to perform a mad dash towards health in emergency situations. It's the best of both worlds.

Aleman said:
Yea they really need to crank up the Warhawk machine gun power. It's so annoying when you're trying to kill a flag carrier in a jeep and you have to shoot him up half way across the map.

I usually have to use my missiles to take out dudes/vehicles, but then it seems like I always get taken out by a another Warhawk as soon as I'm out of missiles.

Make sure you always have a TOW missile or a full Energy Shot anytime your doing aerial support in a CTF game. If you have the TOW missile, creep up behind the vehicle and launch it for a one hit kill. If you have the energy shot, charge it up to full power, get as close to the vehicle as possible, and shoot it (if you hit it directly it will tag onto the vehicle and destroy it 5 seconds later, if you shot the storm in front of the vehicle it will usually either destroy it or take at least half of its health)


Alright, I'm already sick of people dropping their games. The last four matches I played, including one where I had five kills three minutes into a match, all dropped in mid-match. Grrr.

Edit: Six in a row now.


besada said:
Alright, I'm already sick of people dropping their games. The last four matches I played, including one where I had five kills three minutes into a match, all dropped in mid-match. Grrr.
play on the blue SCEA servers


Grayman said:
play on the blue SCEA servers

So full...so very, very f-f-full.

Edit: Just got dropped server from a SCEA game, demmit.

Maybe the wireless is shittier than I thought, time to go run some cable.

Uncle AJ

afrosensei said:
make sure you are holding down L3 to talk. You have to hold it while you talk to. The speaker thing by your name will turn yellow i think when you are transmitting. If the speaker thing is not by your name try pressing the button and it should come up.

I wish there was a way you could set it so you didn't have to press it and hold it when you talked.

I've been doing that. There was a brief 1-2 hour period yesterday where I heard a "bloop!" noise in my headset when I pressed L3 to indicate that my comms were open. Now I hear nothing.


wow, dodging missiles is incredibly easier in normal control mode :lol

Problem is, it's way harder to hase and maneuver through canyons :/


CTF is impossible without friends.

I went through a game that was 0-0 the whole time because no one by themselves could get the flag out of a building of 5 guys camping with flamethrowers.


To rank up again I need warhawk recruiting. My question is do I need to get the kills while in a warhawk or can I just fly around for 4 minutes and then kill one ground troop and 1 vehicle. As you can see, I much prefer the ground game in Warhawk....


Bebpo said:
CTF is impossible without friends.

I went through a game that was 0-0 the whole time because no one by themselves could get the flag out of a building of 5 guys camping with flamethrowers.

Tanks work well if they are camping.
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