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Warhawk - The Official Thread


Well I didn't completly suck, managed to kill a few of you:D

But which servers a ranked? the blue ones? ore the ones with a trophy?? Couldn't get a utdate on my character nomather which one I picked... :(

And why the hell is there an other Ristlager? my name is completly made up of a bad translation of an oasis song, weird.


freethought said:
My main problem with them is their area of effect is too big. Even when I see them and try to stylishly slide past with what seem to be plenty of room they end up going off.
I requested at least a dozen times during the beta (on the official forum) to tone down the area of detonation (the trigger area) on the mines. I also think they should only be powerful enough to take a tank down 90% health. They're so small but somehow have 4x the power of a Warhawk missile.


More people need to come up in the GAF game, I just played a couple and got murked since it was me vs. two guys who had amazing teamwork. I did get my fair share of kills though:D Could capture any flags unfortunately:(


Ristlager said:
Well I didn't completly suck, managed to kill a few of you:D

But which servers a ranked? the blue ones? ore the ones with a trophy?? Couldn't get a utdate on my character nomather which one I picked... :(

And why the hell is there an other Ristlager? my name is completly made up of a bad translation of an oasis song, weird.

what room are you guys playing in? i want to show off my sucky skills


Arsenic said:
what room are you guys playing in? i want to show off my sucky skills

Name: GAF_Practice_Zone/CTF
Password: all lower case characters - the name of our best player during the beta (immortalized) who is currently banned. Starts with c. Too many guest lurkers know the other password.

User 406

dionysus said:
Die in a fire sea manky, I am never getting in a warhawk around you.


And Escalation is awesome, no doubt, but he's not immortal. We had a zones game going with his team in the lead, and we managed to take it all back and win.

Edit: Aw hell, I just switched to GAFu, and nobody's there either. :/

Safe Bet

KGKK said:
More people need to come up in the GAF game, I just played a couple and got murked since it was me vs. two guys who had amazing teamwork. I did get my fair share of kills though:D Could capture any flags unfortunately:(
Sorry to bail out on ya...

I got so frustrated I had to go smoke a cig...



Raist said:
Yeah, fuck that dude. ;_;


So just to catch up on things; motion control sucks, well anything other than pro control sucks I guess, clouds are fun to look at but ugly to get near/fly though, I suck, GoncaloCCastro is a douche, skybox is really pretty, ground fog is awful, no seriously I'm really bad at this game, dogfighting is really tough, oh god why can I not stop playing this game when I'm so bad at it.


Safe Bet said:
Sorry to bail out on ya...

I got so frustrated I had to go smoke a cig...


Don't worry, that is just what I did and now I'm back in. I'm the only one in the game though:( COME ON PEOPLE JOIN THE GAME!!:D

User 406

Gonna go do a couple chores then check the thread to see where people are playing. GAFu and GAF_Practice_Zone/CTF, sound off if you're going in!
spwolf said:
ehm, i would rather them kill the stupid mines than missiles :).... Whats so hard about dodging the missile? pretty much nothing... I am assuming you are using pro flight?

The missiles are difficult to dodge for me. I can avoid mines with ease. We live on opposite ends of the spectrum and I am proflight.

I want missiles... I just want homing missiles instead of side winders as default. Having someone tag you with five missiles that you need to dodge is tedious.


the server's ping comes up as all question marks and it's completely empty. *sigh* this game needs matchmaking, it's impossible to get into a game
Sea Manky said:

And Escalation is awesome, no doubt, but he's not immortal. We had a zones game going with his team in the lead, and we managed to take it all back and win.

Edit: Aw hell, I just switched to GAFu, and nobody's there either. :/

Yeah, an ace pilot is no match for teamwork. If you're talking about the same game I'm thinking of, TTP and I were rushing all over the place capturing zones. What's more we coordinated. That was honestly my first real team experience online. It rocked.:D


Really love this game, good suggestions by others here so far. Am I the only one who can never get into the SCEA servers outside of dogfighting only? All the ones that are there with open spaces I'm "too high a rank" to play on, and the limited amount that are playable by my rank are always full. They really need to add a hell of a lot more servers at higher ranks for larger games.

Some things I wouldn't mind seeing released or considered for DLC:

- Increased Rifle and Pistol Power
The rifle and pistol need to be a little more powerful. Too many times have I ripped into people with an entire clip and they didn't even go down.

- Missle Swap
Swap the the homing missle with the swarm for Warhawk starting weapons. It takes longer and more skill to get locks with the homing, and it'd reduce the annoying amount of lock ons during dogfights. Maybe also slightly increase the Warhawk's gun power.

- Automatic Combat Shotgun
Useful for close quarters combat. Might cut down on the strafe fests that the pistol and rifle become at close range.

- Analog Tank/Jeep Control
I'd prefer if instead of using the triggers for gas and break, we could just push up on the left analog stick to drive forward and down to reverse. Similar to Halo's.

- A Winter Map
I'm Canadian, I like snow. Get Resistance style snow effects in there.

- Airborne Troop Transport Vehicle
Slower flying obviously, but one that has side mounted chain guns and front guns for protection. A good way to fly a large mass of troops into a battlezone. You would definantly need a few Warhawks to fly as escorts for it as well. Could make for some really cool gameplay if done right. Either that, or a flying deathtrap for all those on board and a mass of kill points for some lucky player. :lol

- Ground Based Troop Transport Vehicle
Same as above, only ground based. Might have to limit the amount of troops it can carry.

- Team Radar Stations
Ok, this might not be everyone's cup of tea, but each team has a radar station on certain games and while it's running you have full radar reports for all the players like usual. However the other team can get into your station and either destroy it to cause your team to lose radar, or hack it to allow them to see all your positions and none of there's. It'd be a spot that each team would have to defend and fight in close quarters for. If destroyed you could repair it by standing near it for a certain time limit. Just a thought? Could add some more depth for certain larger scale game types.

The computer terminals for these stations could be placed in underground bunkers to keep vehicles from abusing them, and make for some real hectic close quarters combat while fighting for them.

Not saying this stuff has to go into the game, just some thoughts of things that might be cool if they could get balanced right and make a great game even better.


My suggestions would be:

Gun and pistol both upped in power a fair damn bit.

Starter packs for infantry. I don't wanna run around looking for mines if I wanna base defend, rockets if a tank is in my arena, etc. You should be able to pick a small pack of items to spawn with.

An Anti-air tank, and a extra tank or so in place of a jeep. The ratio between the two is so distraught and the jeeps are only really good for scout duty.

Mucho agreed with snow map, I love snow.

I want to see Warhawks potential nerfed a little, vehicles buffed a little, and infantry buffed a fair bit, personally.

Out of the things I want to happen, things that might actually happen:

Snow map.
Alex said:
I think there should be an anti-Warhawk vehicle. Tank with an AA turret or something. Warhawks in the hand of an ace pilot just dominate the game, it's annoying.

More tanks, less jeeps in general, also!

I also want a snow map.

No more anti-warhawk stuff! Too many damned things tailing my ass as it is.


DoctorWho said:
No more anti-warhawk stuff! Too many damned things tailing my ass as it is.

I used to think this as well, but when you play with Escalation you just sit there and bitch about Warhawks. The only time I can kill him is when I trick him out of that fucking thing.
I seem to be the only person who doesn't have a problem with the assault rifle. I think the Warhawk's machine guns are spot on too. I haven't seen anyone post it and I assume a lot of people learned in the beta but your crosshair gains half an X (hope you know what I mean) when you're bang on target. Plus, shooting in bursts practically guarantees they don't overheat.


freethought said:
I seem to be the only person who doesn't have a problem with the assault rifle. I think the Warhawk's machine guns are spot on too. I haven't seen anyone post it and I assume a lot of people learned in the beta but your crosshair gains half an X (hope you know what I mean) when you're bang on target. Plus, shooting in bursts practically guarantees they don't overheat.

The infantry rifle is way too weak, IMO, but the Warhawks MG's are perfect.


freethought said:
I seem to be the only person who doesn't have a problem with the assault rifle. I think the Warhawk's machine guns are spot on too. I haven't seen anyone post it and I assume a lot of people learned in the beta but your crosshair gains half an X (hope you know what I mean) when you're bang on target. Plus, shooting in bursts practically guarantees they don't overheat.

Yeah I pretty much always use burst fire. The guns are just like those in the Twisted Metal games. Which I love. Finding a balance that pleases most players is tricky.


Alex said:
The infantry rifle is way too weak, IMO, but the Warhawks MG's are perfect.

It was way weaker in the beta. So it was a pleasant surprise that I was able to kill someone with it on the first day. :lol


I'm really surprised to hear that, I haven't had anyone kill me very properly with one yet. 9 times out of 10, me and another infantry dude will run at each other, start shooting, realize we're doing almost no damage, huck all the grenades we have at each other, then awkwardly run around a corner and hide.


Holy shit do i suck :lol
on the ground its pretty easy, but aiming + flying in warhawk at same time is teh uber hard :p
Alex said:
I'm really surprised to hear that, I haven't had anyone kill me very properly with one yet. 9 times out of 10, me and another infantry dude will run at each other, start shooting, realize we're doing almost no damage, huck all the grenades we have at each other, then awkwardly run around a corner and hide.

Make sure you're aiming for the head. They drop like flies if you aim for the head.
Raist said:

Yeah...I'm sorry!!

It's just I'm so into those mines it's crazy, I need to have them!

GAFe UPDATE: Kaching has the list of people from GAFe who never got invites and he will form a second clan for GAFe until Incog sorts all this invite mess out.

Look for your invites tonight or tomorrow.
So, I was all happy that I ranked up again. Then I realize I can't get onto any level 1 servers anymore (ie, the majority of dedicated servers). :lol

They really need to fix this lobby situation. I spend 10 minutes just trying to find a room that isn't full. You're supposed to be able to refresh the status of an individual server but it never works. :(


DoctorWho said:
The missiles are difficult to dodge for me. I can avoid mines with ease. We live on opposite ends of the spectrum and I am proflight.

I want missiles... I just want homing missiles instead of side winders as default. Having someone tag you with five missiles that you need to dodge is tedious.

i still dont get it - it is so easy to change the missiles, whatever is default doesnt matter, even 5 missiles wont bring you down, and if they lock 5 into you, you are doing something wrong...

It might matter to newbies, but then again if you cant shake newbies off, then:

just learn how to dodge the missiles, not that hard... always have 2 chaffs with you, not that hard...

you cant expect to become expert after playing the game for single day?

and have fun :)


hukasmokincaterpillar said:
So, I was all happy that I ranked up again. Then I realize I can't get onto any level 1 servers anymore (ie, the majority of dedicated servers). :lol

Same thing happened to me last night. I ranked up, then was basically shunned from most of the Sony servers because of my rank. :lol

The majority of them are LV1...
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