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was it ever realistically possible that halo 2 could or would live up to the hype?

i'm reading impressions here and at various other boards. while most everyone "likes" halo 2, there is always a tone of disappointment. "they left this this and this out, but the game is still awesome". its like they are already apologizing that they are disappointed (even if very slightly) with the game by having an insult followed by a "but still!".

i dont have halo 2 and i wont play it until tuesday. who knows how i will personally feel about it, but my question is this: now that the majority of the people that have it so far are finding little things that are disappointing them (lack of co-op online, plot holes or ending disappointments, graphics disappointment etc), was it ever feasible to think that halo 2 would live up to the ridiculously large expectations? has any MAJOR game ever really lived up to expectations?


the first level sucks, just like in Halo 1.

The rest of the game is the best first person shooter to ever grace a console! :)


Ocarina of Time lived up to my expectations for the game, and they were insanely high. Probably higher than some peoples' for Halo 2. Just a personal thing though.


I've always believed that the minute you start believing the hype, then you've already set your self up for disappointment. I think its best to go into every game with an open mind and judge it on its own merits, regardless of its pedigree.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
It's easier to live up to the hype if you don't reveal anything about the game. So, yes, as Dark said, it lived up to some of the hype but it would have not if Bungie wasn't mute on the solo campaign. I'm mean, it's easier to go wow if you don't know what to expect. Same thing happend with the first Halo come to think about it.

I'm not sure what I just wrote makes any sense. Anyway GTA: San Andreas truly lived up to the hype despite the endless previews that came before its release.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I'd say the single biggest disappointment I've ever encountered was Shenmue, though...

The game was really nothing like I had imagined and it was a crushing disappointment for me. I still managed to enjoy the series, but it took some recovery time before I could accept the game for what it was...


We all know it won't ...how could it? Hopefully the reaction to it will be good enough or else reaction to the Matrix sequel's will pale in comparison on all the videogame messageboard's.


there havent been too many announcements regarding the game that have actually gotten me excited except for the one where it was announced and maybe the 4 player split screen on Live. everything else to me is pretty much either gravy or expected. Im sure Ill be disappointed by something being left out but thats part of gaming in general it seems. theres never been a game that did EVERYTHING right.


If you were one of those that thought Halo was the greatest FPS of all time (still boggles my mind to this day,) you'll love Halo 2! It's more of the same 'greatest FPS of all time' action.

For everyone else, don't bother. It's more of the same 'what's so special?'
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