Virtua Fighter 3 and Soul Calibur were Dreamcast launch titles. Uncharted, The Last of Us, Heavy Rain, and Gran Turismo 6 were not launch titles for the PS3. The PS3 had nothing at launch that blew people's minds (thanks to the Xbox 360) the way the Dreamcast did with its launch.
Also, how can you take a jab at the Dreamcast for not being a generational leap, and then turn around and praise the PS2 when it didn't even impress at its own launch 2 years later and was $100 more expensive? Or praise the PS3 when it also failed to impress a year after the Xbox 360 and cost $200 more? But you want to go ahead and call out the Dreamcast!?...
Virtua Fighter 3 was not a launch dreamcast game. And Soul Calibur was not a launch game for the system itself- The system was out in japan for a while which someone
reminded me of on this thread, we were not getting worldwide releases yet.
I didnt take any jabs at Dreamcast- its the weakest of the generation.
I also didnt praise PS3 at all, I praised its generation. I pointed out the PS3 because it had the biggest graphical showcases. You're drawing some kind of
lines between the systems I mentioned in a context I did not bring them up in. I brought them up to demonstrate "generational leap". the 360 is part of that
generation, I didnt claim the PS3 was a generational leap over the 360, I claimed the PS360 generation was in fact as big of, if not a bigger generational leap
than the dreamcast was over the N64/Psx. Thats literally it. That it was a one generation difference and we went from Evolution, Timestalkers, Power Stone and
such as being average examples of Dreamcast games to games like Motorstorm.
If you want to compare Apples to Apples compare a dreamcast launch title like Flag to Flag ( was it launch? I think so, if not I think its close enough)
to a PSX launch era title like Ridge Racer or Wipeout- Perfectly good leap. But compare Flag to Flag to for instance ,Ridge Racer 7 , Motorstorm.
I think the generational leap is pretty big if youre counting just whats on Dreamcast.
And LOL at trying to say PS3 was intended to be a generational leap over the 360! Literally nobody even said anything like that.
The 360 had a year head start but by the end of the generation the PS3s games were graphically much better- thats why I brought that up.
I could have made the same argument effectively just using examples from the XBOX 360 though to say that the leap from Dreamcast to its next generation
was decent compared to the previous.
By the way the PS3 was pretty impressive when it came out compared to the 360... I know a lot of people dont recall it correctly but imagine that about one year
after your console comes out the competition comes out with a machine that had: HDMI, Bluetooth wireless including controllers as standard, a bigger hard disk that is also
easily up-gradable, Standard Wi-fi, a BLURAY drive and those players cost over 500 on their own at the time, FREE online play, motion controls,
full backward compatibility to 2 generations, and Im not going to nit pick about its other connectivity or anything but the 360 had to play catch up....
And this is before the scope of the RROD was even apparent. I would say the PS3 is very impressive if you stick a launch PS3 next to the XBOX 360 as it existed at that moment.