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Wasteland 2 |OT| Explode 'em like a Blood Sausage


So far I would be happy if someone could help me with these questions:

1- I'm trying to take screenshots on Steam but nothing happens, is this an issue or is it my fault?

2- I don't see the pop-up if someone start to chat with me. Also, if I hit Shift + Tab to get to that Steam menu where I can see the minutes of my session, friends, etc, nothing happens.

Brother None (one of the WL2 team) posted on the Something Awful forums about this. The game launches without the Steam DRM wrapper, which is the reason why users have experienced issues with the Steam-only functions not working. Odd choice to make tbh. These launch parameters apparently add the overlay manually.
Anyone else gpu running hot with this? My 570 was on 90c solid (judging from the evga monitor) at 75% fanspeed. Usually I only see that in games where it isnt vsync'd. But I have it enabled in game.

Fun game but i'd rather not damage my gpu, if possible.
Really enjoying the game so far but the UI is a nightmare in terms of general usability. For example, I picked up a valve for a piping system and used it on one of the four that all look identical. Thought the valve was gone and came across one that needed one so I spent 20 minutes looking for another valve before realizing that it was still in my inventory. Then needed to double click and drag.

Combat is a bit simple but it's really fun and the deaths are nice and gory.


Well put in a few hours today and plan to put in some more tonight. Either way I am enjoying what I played of the game, but the UI is really a pain. It reminds me of UI from games 15+ years ago and not in a good way. A lot of the annoying things from those games is pretty much present in this game. Besides that I made it to Highpool, but am low on ammo and low on health and have at least one more firefight ahead of me. I think I am going to restart and build my party a slightly different way. Not a big deal as i expect a few restarts in any RPG worth its salt.
Question about starting act 2:

Vargas is not in his usual spot. Where do I go in the poorly designed labrynth that is the Citadel to go to California?


Wow, my first gaming session and... I have 2 characters created
that I'll probably change before I'm done
. Love the distinct lack of points that really make you feel like you're making hard decisions from the getgo. Add an extra point of sniper to make sure you hit that shot? Or will I regret not giving her a bit of alarm disabling instead?

Extremely underwhelmed by the default images -- some are so blurry it was almost negligent to include them... I almost feel like something is wrong with my computer.

Are there any good character image sets?


Sad to see this game isn't getting anywhere near the fan support Divinity got, at least here on gaf.

Its not as polished and Divinity got a good week to get hyped with an OT thread while Wasteland 2 had some confusion on that front.
Geez, I think I got a Windows 8 version of a BSOD from Wasteland 2. It happened as I marched through radiation on the overland map for the first time.

I guess I'll have to update my GPU drivers and hope that fixes things.



15 pages... hmm !??!

But if bethseda released fallout 4 they've would number in thousands at least. I will never understand that, sure different mindsets and all that. But bethseda really really really fucked up fallout, fallout 3/nw is oblivion with weapons, it certainly shows in the story department and not to mention how baby easy the games are.

Enter Wasteland 2 and the hype here is basically non-existen :D

Well quite frankly, this game doesn't sound as polished. The UI comments are a big turn-off to me

So because the UI is not working for you the entire game is at fault? BTW you can completly re-arrange the UI but okay


Wow, my first gaming session and... I have 2 characters created
that I'll probably change before I'm done
. Love the distinct lack of points that really make you feel like you're making hard decisions from the getgo. Add an extra point of sniper to make sure you hit that shot? Or will I regret not giving her a bit of alarm disabling instead?

Extremely underwhelmed by the default images -- some are so blurry it was almost negligent to include them... I almost feel like something is wrong with my computer.

Are there any good character image sets?

Grab em here https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.781722505188171.1073741836.349361458424280&type=3

put them in ..Documents/MyGames/Wasteland 2/Custom Portraits
15 pages... hmm !??!

But if bethseda released fallout 4 they've would number in thousands at least. I will never understand that, sure different mindsets and all that. But bethseda really really really fucked up fallout, fallout 3/nw is oblivion with weapons, it certainly shows in the story department and not to mention how baby easy the games are.

Enter Wasteland 2 and the hype here is basically non-existen :D

So because the UI is not working for you the entire game is at fault? BTW you can completly re-arrange the UI but okay

The UI and presentation, while charming, leave a lot to be desired. Presentation in general is amateurish and old fashioned, mainly because of the fonts and fancy-dancy trimmings. And area transition orbs are so 2002. Some of it will be fixed, but most of it will likely endure forever. I'm not saying it kills the game or anything like that, but it is definitely less than ideal, and definitely a detraction from an otherwise superb game.

It is especially clear when comparing Wasteland 2 to some of the other RPGs released this year. Divinity did a great job with its presentation and UI, and Shadowrun Dragonfall recently relaunched, revamping both of those things for the better.

It's stiff competition all around, so I can't blame people for being critical of W2's shortfalls.
Grab em here https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.781722505188171.1073741836.349361458424280&type=3

put them in ..Documents/MyGames/Wasteland 2/Custom Portraits

I missed this before. It's great!

Now to wait for modders to add a bajillion more avatar combinations so I can make the avatar and portrait match up (as it should be).

I also hope to God that inXile add a zoom-in option during character creation so I can more easily see the avatar's face. Squinting in the weird lighting is a bother.


The UI and presentation, while charming, leave a lot to be desired. Presentation in general is amateurish and old fashioned, mainly because of the fonts and fancy-dancy trimmings. And area transition orbs are so 2002. Some of it will be fixed, but most of it will likely endure forever. I'm not saying it kills the game or anything like that, but it is definitely less than ideal, and definitely a detraction from an otherwise superb game.

It is especially clear when comparing Wasteland 2 to some of the other RPGs released this year. Divinity did a great job with its presentation and UI, and Shadowrun Dragonfall recently relaunched, revamping both of those things for the better.

It's stiff competition all around, so I can't blame people for being critical of W2's shortfalls.

I don't care how much they pretty it up... Shadowrun is still inferior to this. Of course, Shadowrun is inferior to a lot of things, so I guess that's not really saying much.
I'd say Divinity is superior in some aspects, but I wouldn't say Wasteland is inferior, or inferior to any noticeable degree. Then again, I also don't have any problems with the UI, and old-fashioned doesn't sound like a very weighty negative.


I'm progressing through Highpool, and I'm finding it a bit draining. You arrive there, get bombarded with radio messages, explore the area a bit, and immediately you're trust into combat... after combat... after combat... feels a bit dull. I was hoping for a lot more talking and role-playing here honestly. The fact that you can't even talk to any of the raiders so far, or find creative ways to get around the combat is a bit disappointing.
WL2 is fun so far, basically a party based Fallout 3 we should have gotten in 2002 (for better and worse)

Shadowrun was a total letdown, that whole game/engine felt like I was playing a glorified flash game. Like you were running across photographs, and nothing was really interactive. The UI sucked, the models sucked, I would have rather the game been pixel art to be honest.

I loved Divinity except for the god awful item/character/switching management. I swear when I click on a portrait, just cycle the current inventory screen to the clicked portrait, and the stupid "PUT AWAY YOUR SWORD IF YOU WANT TO TALK" got old fast, talking to animals was fun though.
I'm progressing through Highpool, and I'm finding it a bit draining. You arrive there, get bombarded with radio messages, explore the area a bit, and immediately you're trust into combat... after combat... after combat... feels a bit dull. I was hoping for a lot more talking and role-playing here honestly. The fact that you can't even talk to any of the raiders so far, or find creative ways to get around the combat is a bit disappointing.

It gets way better after the initial "set piece" (because that's honestly what Highpool and AG Center are). There are at least four or five optional areas in Arizona, and California at this point is just a bunch of non-linear but connected side-quests gearing up for the big finale.

It's like two different games, basically.



Finally managed to set up a team really liked. Playing for a good 3-4 hours before realizing I took the wrong skill on one of my guys. Back to the start.

As for my brief experience with the... the camera is a nightmare... truly horrible stuff. Hopefully we get some relief. I don't mind the UI at all. As for the good. EVERYTHING ELSE. THIS GAME IS AMAZING.


So, initial impressions.

+I like being able to make notes below the quests objectives in the journal.

+When you beat an encounter all the bodies show up on one screen, and you can select to distribute loot and it will give the right guns and the right ammo to the right characters

+Any character can talk at any time

+The situational skills (lockpick, hacking, engineering) are pretty easy to figure out from context, when they should be used and on what.

+No handholding, and surprisingly intuitive. Wasteland looks really obtuse from the outset, but everything "makes sense."

+dat CRPG oldskool jank :)

-Too many skills?

-Using skills related to the environment is clunky

-moving characters around, trying to get them in position before combat/disarming is clunky

-Using skills like weapon smithing is janky

-dat CRPG old school jank :(

Overall it is much much improved in terms of polish and UI from the very first beta :)

I like it more than I thought I would. They did a good job of making the unity engine feel pretty close to what Fallout felt like. Not crazy about the cellphone game look and floatiness, but they got the "tone" right.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
It's a bit annoying that when you tell a Ranger to shoot an enemy (to get a head start on an encounter) you need to go into solo mode first otherwise everybody will shoot and waste their ammo. A bit annoying.

As for the Divinity comparison:
I kept playing Divinity for the truly amazing combat
I keep playing Wasteland for everything but the combat. It's not terrible or anything, just nothing really special. But the other skills, writing, world etc are much stronger.

Well, the game isn't anywhere near as good or polished as Divinity.

Not as polished? Yes
Not as good? I think it's way better tbh.


I don't really get most of the complaints so far. I haven't found it particularly tedious to swap party members, use the correct skills with the correct people, etc. The ONLY thing I've found annoying is how slow combat is - a byproduct of basically using Fallout style combat but with 6 characters instead of 1.

I'm not insanely far in or anything, but we're talking a good 5 hours of solid play (I did the Ag center, haven't done highpool).

I mean, I wish you could avoid combat more easily but it all stems from a party system, the game would be a joke if you could just have 4 people covering every possible skill you'd need, it already feels pretty easy most of the time with 2 'skill' hoarding characters and 4 combat savvy types for me.

Shrug, going in blind besides the kickstarter itself and some early footage, I feel like this is the EXACT game I would've wanted instead of the Fallout 3 we got (forgive me, I never played the original wasteland and I'm a Fallout kiddie :p).


yes I dont care about using certain crew members for certain tasks either. I even think the game, combat and the UI are very accessible.

btw: anyone else got unsmooth camera panning and managed to fix it?


Anyone know how to get nice AA to this game? Downsampling not work, ingame AA is just post-effect FXAA, SweetFX not work on DX11... Maybe Nvidia Inspector have some nice compatibility AA?


The UI and presentation, while charming, leave a lot to be desired. Presentation in general is amateurish and old fashioned, mainly because of the fonts and fancy-dancy trimmings. And area transition orbs are so 2002. Some of it will be fixed, but most of it will likely endure forever. I'm not saying it kills the game or anything like that, but it is definitely less than ideal, and definitely a detraction from an otherwise superb game.

It is especially clear when comparing Wasteland 2 to some of the other RPGs released this year. Divinity did a great job with its presentation and UI, and Shadowrun Dragonfall recently relaunched, revamping both of those things for the better.

It's stiff competition all around, so I can't blame people for being critical of W2's shortfalls.

I'll agree the font leaves something to be desired, have no idea what they we're thinking here. Can only imagine the nightmare if you're playing w2 on a HDTV. Nothing wrong with a bit of competition, divine divinity is one of the best/polished rpg i've ever played... and look they just released 2 FREE companions as a DLC, can't do wrong there. Shadowrun however i'm not that happy about, they took to long to release the game on ios/android for me to start carrying. Although the new interface in the dir cut does look a lot better

No facebook for me, but thanks, I'll try to sort out a way to get them... somebody must have mirror'd them by now.

I don't use facebook either, but you don't need fb to access an open album.

I missed this before. It's great!

Now to wait for modders to add a bajillion more avatar combinations so I can make the avatar and portrait match up (as it should be).

I also hope to God that inXile add a zoom-in option during character creation so I can more easily see the avatar's face. Squinting in the weird lighting is a bother.

Agree on all accounts, also annoying how the camera resets everytime there's a situation. Should be able perma set camera settings.

In my opinion there's no such thing as choosing a wrong skill. Even making a bad choice is roleplaying. I've left a few areas because none in my party had the skill to engineer/fix etc. But I can always attempt that at a later account.

Fallout 3 however there's no need to do anything, the game engine is playing a prank on you. Even with 1% in lockpick you can accomplish everything, game was and still is a joke, doesn't even deserve to bear the fallout name. Can't wait to see how they fuckup fallout 4 with it's terrible writing and kidmode (easy mode)


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Can we change character portraits after starting the game, or are we stuck with our choices?

Just a thought but maybe you can just replace the image file and name the new file the same? Other than that I don't think there is a way.

Too bad the Joystiq reviewer had so many bugs, I really didn't encounter a notable one yet.
One thing I really don't see the complaint about is having to "micro" the skills on each character, especially when the F keys select the characters and the number keys select hotbar skills. I don't have an issue remembering who is useful for what, and I don't think that's a "fiddly" or "annoying" requirement of a thinking player.


Ok, I'm really really REALLY fed up with combat at this point. Finished AG/Highpool, moved on to
The Prison
while doing some other side-quests at the way (
the mine, infected farm/village/pump station
) and it is just a shootout after shootout after shootout and it's getting really tiresome because the combat is a) not really that great and b) not really that rewarding (the loot is mostly crap, with no ammo and medpacs in sight) Please tell me it's get better after this point, because the game is truly great otherwise :(

Oh, and what's up with those radiation clouds? I can't go through them, there doesn't seem to be a way around them, are they the game's version of invisible walls and the rest of the world gets "unlocked" once I do something?


Maybe I'm not looking in the right place but I didn't see any premade characters when I launched the final version a few hours ago.

edit: Relaunched the game and the premade characters are back. They're still stuck with the awful replacement portraits though.

edit edit: inXile apparently created a few new portraits for the final release. They look like they're from the original character artist so they're pretty great.

I use the custom portratit feature. It's kind of fun playing with my wife and 2 dogs.

gratuitous dog pic:



Ok, I'm really really REALLY fed up with combat at this point. Finished AG/Highpool, moved on to
The Prison
while doing some other side-quests at the way (
the mine, infected farm/village/pump station
) and it is just a shootout after shootout after shootout and it's getting really tiresome because the combat is a) not really that great and b) not really that rewarding (the loot is mostly crap, with no ammo and medpacs in sight) Please tell me it's get better after this point, because the game is truly great otherwise :(

Oh, and what's up with those radiation clouds? I can't go through them, there doesn't seem to be a way around them, are they the game's version of invisible walls and the rest of the world gets "unlocked" once I do something?

there is a tutorial tip for them. you can buy radiation suits (1 for the whole party). the first one can be bought at the female merchant in the starter camp.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
I like what I've played this far, but I agree with the complaints. It's all just battles.

I'm also too used to opening everything up, so having to forego some loot is a bit grating.

I haven't really made use of any of the ass talk skills yet either. What's the fuggin point?

Levelling up is kinda boring.

Battles are ok but kinda repetitive. I use the same strats all the time. I also have a monk character and it's not working out that well...


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I just found a Billion
E.T. Cartridges
burried in a stash on the worldmap -____-
They weigh a ton and are worth nothing. Well played, inXile, well played.


Is it better to make a whole party, or just one guy and use the rest as prefabs? I am trying to plan out my party in general. I know it has taken a while, but I have 10 month old!
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