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Wasteland 2 |OT| Explode 'em like a Blood Sausage


wasn't I supposed to make more money by selling broken weapon parts? I actually don't make more money, I tried earlier and by selling weapons I get the double of what I'd get by stripping them. might be that it's the weaponsmithing skill that it's too low? It's at 3-4 on the character I was using. also I don't really want to save-reload every time I get a mod instead of broken parts.
should I do that for 'advancing' on his quest instead of getting the money? Not sure what it does, maybe it unlocks new gear.

I had a pistol user, dropped that shit and converted her into another Assault Rifler.
Didn't regret it one bit, once you have enough money to buy ammo if needed, it's just much better.
so far Rose is great with pistols, might be that I'm still at the lower-levels though.

Recruit Ralphy and take one of those evil bastard with you for extra Awareness. You'll get used to the screm.
They stop as soon as you enter a new are though
yeah I know, too bad that it doesn't stack since I'm running around with 3 goats now. any more useful animal that I could get?

by the way, I got the ending
at the citadel, I pressed the BUTTON.
lol, that was nice.


Later on they started feeling like a waste of a slot for me.
The damage potential of assault rifles and sniper rifles combined with the insane ranges they covered made the decision pretty damn easy.
I mean the distance at which I could setup my firing squad was ridicolous.


little combat tweaks I'd like to see:

- adjust speed/movement values so characters aren't as capable of clearing the combat area in one turn. Doubly so for enemies.

- lower accuracy bonuses for weapon skills.

- increase AP cost per shot of assault rifles and snipers, including burst fire for ARs. Lower armor penetration for assault rifles.

- add demolition skill requirements for explosive usage.

- energy weapons are too useless early on - adjust armor threshold ranges to better fit them for combat against low armor enemies.

- combat initiative is too powerful.

- lower crit chance for brawling.

- lower AP costs for bladed weapons. Remove the weapon mod that lowers AP cost.

- increased emphasis on luck as a stat - cut down misfires with high luck, with bigger bonuses for crit (and less crit chance bonuses from the actual skills). Right now it's basically worthless.

- not really combat related, but random world encounters for characters with both high and low luck would be great.

- Leadership as a skill needs to be affected more by charisma, rather than just adjusting its radius. 2x hit bonus with 10 Charisma as opposed to losing accuracy bonuses from leadership with 1 charisma? So with 5 charisma, 10 leadership ranks would grant 10% bonuses in accuracy, with 10 chr/10 ldr granting 20%, while 10 ldr/1 chr grants 5%.


I would honestly prefer if they buffed the other weapons rather than nerfing the strong ones.
The combat can already be a bit too much at times even if I enjoyed it overall, and prolonging the fights by making your aim shittier and actions take longer may not be the best idea.
But I support the idea of enemies not being able to just come out of the fog and travel through half the map to come sit in the face of your sniper, somehow.

What I want is probably something they couldn't do in a patch, and that is having some more utility in the game, instead of having the whole point of combat being just a matter of outputting as much damage as possible every turn.
Flashbangs, smokes, suppression, pinning enemies down.


Cut down movement and you need to cut down the efficiency of long range weapons, too.

Agreed on the latter half of your post. Ambush alone isn't enough, and it's a really crude bandaid for now, anyways.


Cut down movement and you need to cut down the efficiency of long range weapons, too.

Agreed on the latter half of your post. Ambush alone isn't enough, and it's a really crude bandaid for now, anyways.
Yeah, I should've been more clear, my issue is not with their normal walking distance, I'm fine if I can see a dude and he comes close because I can account for it.
My issue is with the fact that sometimes, when an enemy shows up from the fog, they walk very very very very far. Unreasonably far.
More than all the other enemies that I can already see do. Or at least it feels so.
It's kinda silly.

I agree that as a result they may have to tweak some things because that may be the way they balanced enemies that are that far, but honestly, the range on some of my weapons felt kinda idiotic at the end anyway so I guess they could curb that a little.
I could just snipe 80% of the last room from the stairs.
If they give me good close range alternatives, I'm ok with it.


I think it was by the point I got to the Canyon of Titan that I realized I basically had NONE of those old issues. It probably happens sooner than that, but I think the key thing is to remember to loot as much valuable stuff as possible and pawn it off whenever you get the chance. You should do pretty fine making money for ammo if you're selling every random raider's weapons.

I think part of my issue is, I have like 2 people with assault rifles and 1 heavy weapons guy and the machine gun he has uses the same ammo as the assault rifle so I seem to be constantly running out. I thought about speccing some of those guys into something else but at this point I already invested skill points into what I had and don't want to waste more to re-spec...


I already have 1 sniper and 4 assault riflers already, as long as the enemies is not blocked by line of sight they'll go down as fast as target practice. Having another assault rifler is kinda excessive :p
Plus, there are just type of enemies that can walk from the corner of the map to right in front of your sniper with no apparent reason. Santa Fe proved that Rose still can use her weapon to deal with those enemies beside my shotgunner. Also pistol is good to finish off leftover enemies.

As far as the game goes, it clears that Wasteland 2 heavily favors snipers and assault rifles. It is because those two weapon types are overpowered beside assault rifle burst shot, it is another weapon type that is severely underwhelming. I have few combat tweak ideas that I think should make other weapon more preferable, at least in certain situation:

-Handguns should have the lowest AP by default, (like 3AP at most for 9mm pistols or there should be a mod to reduce AP), and highest critical rate (at least could get past 49%).
-Increase raw damage of shotguns, like 1.5x of their current value, preferably double since it have low critical rate and actually rather hard to use.
-Increase the accuracy penalty for assault rifles burst fire, or even hardcapped it to 70%
-Separate AI behavior for melee and range enemies. Gunners should use their weapon to shoot you within optimal range instead of going personal against your sniper

yeah I know, too bad that it doesn't stack since I'm running around with 3 goats now. any more useful animal that I could get?
Cow gives =1 coordination and Rat gives you +1 intelligence. Both are pretty useful for Ralphy as he 1 point short in those attributes and can be severely handicap him. I prefer cow though since it at least don't go gungho like the rat did.


]blacky[;133857905 said:
Has this game a soundtrack like FNV?

If you mean licensed music (Jingle Jangle Jingle) then no, but it has ambient background music composed by Mark Morgan, who scored Fallout 1 and 2. You would have heard several of those tracks in FNV as they reused them in certain scenarios. I loved this one in particular, and it played when you found the Wrecked Highwayman near Novac.

Personally, I don't think the Wasteland 2 music ever really comes close to the original Fallouts, but is still ultra atmospheric. Favourite track from it is the theme that plays in Damonta (first track in this link).


I want to enjoy playing this game... But, right now, it just isn't the case. The beginning with the AG Center is just a nightmare, and my characters die very easily. Well, we have Angela, but even she can't carry the whole group on her own. Enemies are also able to reach our troups very quickly. Sure, I was able to ambush one of the first pack of monsters (rabbits) when I arrived in the center by putting some characters on the second floor of a nearby building, but underground? It's trickier.


I want to enjoy playing this game... But, right now, it just isn't the case. The beginning with the AG Center is just a nightmare, and my characters die very easily. Well, we have Angela, but even she can't carry the whole group on her own. Enemies are also able to reach our troups very quickly. Sure, I was able to ambush one of the first pack of monsters (rabbits) when I arrived in the center by putting some characters on the second floor of a nearby building, but underground? It's trickier.
get Rose and try to avoid as much battles as possible if you are infected. finish the whole thing and be sure that you have some med kits and ammo AFTER you kill the boss because it ain't over yet. if you're low on ammo you could try to go back at beginning but I don't know how the infection timer is going to behave.

My issue is with the fact that sometimes, when an enemy shows up from the fog, they walk very very very very far. Unreasonably far.
More than all the other enemies that I can already see do. Or at least it feels so.
It's kinda silly.
that is true. it happens really often to me and it's pretty stupid.

also some enemies seem to have infinite granades/tnts, so much for the wasteland.


When going to sell junk, sometimes the items have a scrolling background. Does that mean anything or should I still sell the junk piece?

Also, I have some random items with white print but do not say quest items. Do I keep those?


Wow this is a pretty long game. I just finished Damonta last night, really liked that area quite a bit. Then I discovered the levelup mines and cleared that out before heading to bed. Excited to finish off AZ before heading into CA this evening.

Rolling with Rose (awesome npc, heals, surgeon, comp sci), Chisel (outdoorsman and brute force) and Lexicanium (mech repair, alarm disarm and backup healer). Party feels really well put together and I am happy with how it turned out.
I want to enjoy playing this game... But, right now, it just isn't the case. The beginning with the AG Center is just a nightmare, and my characters die very easily. Well, we have Angela, but even she can't carry the whole group on her own. Enemies are also able to reach our troups very quickly. Sure, I was able to ambush one of the first pack of monsters (rabbits) when I arrived in the center by putting some characters on the second floor of a nearby building, but underground? It's trickier.

Enjoy the difficulty. Once you leave AG Center, it drops off a cliff for the rest of the game.

How much cat litter and zeolite do I need to upgrade my rad suit?

28lbs. of cat litter, i think. Woodson or whatever his name is tells you how much you need once you bring him some. As for Zeolite, no idea, haven't collected more than one bag and he doesn't know how much you need until you bring him enough.


Enjoy the difficulty. Once you leave AG Center, it drops off a cliff for the rest of the game.
that is true but it didn't seem like a very big issue to me. you can just explore random places and don't follow the main story quest (e.g. the red scorpions in the prison are quite hard if you take on them right after you finish ag center/highpool) or you can just increase the difficulty and the game should be more challenging. I'm probably going to increase it soon enough.


Enjoy the difficulty. Once you leave AG Center, it drops off a cliff for the rest of the game.

28lbs. of cat litter, i think. Woodson or whatever his name is tells you how much you need once you bring him some. As for Zeolite, no idea, haven't collected more than one bag and he doesn't know how much you need until you bring him enough.

Seriously? -_-

Enjoy the difficulty. Once you leave AG Center, it drops off a cliff for the rest of the game.

I must be playing a different game o_O
Quick question. I'm in a pc rpg mood, and bough shadowrun.

I backed up Torment Tides of Numerena a while ago and was disappointed when they announced combat was turn by turn, but actually I find it is not that bad in Shadowrun. As Torment dev did Wasteland, my question is the following : is Wasteland combat system similar to Shadowrun ?


Assault rifles and sniper rifles should be the best weapons, because they are so in reality. There's a reason that soldiers use them as their primary weapons and only use pistols and SMGs in certain circumstances.

Indeed, they try to model this by having rifles have worse aim at nearby enemies.

If you mean licensed music (Jingle Jangle Jingle) then no.

There's actually at least one licensed track that plays on the radio at a certain part of the game.

Quick question. I'm in a pc rpg mood, and bough shadowrun.

I backed up Torment Tides of Numerena a while ago and was disappointed when they announced combat was turn by turn, but actually I find it is not that bad in Shadowrun. As Torment dev did Wasteland, my question is the following : is Wasteland combat system similar to Shadowrun ?

It's extremely similar to Shadowrun's.


Assault rifles and sniper rifles should be the best weapons, because they are so in reality. There's a reason that soldiers use them as their primary weapons and only use pistols and SMGs in certain circumstances.

Indeed, they try to model this by having rifles have worse aim at nearby enemies.
Sure, but I don't know if I really care about realism when it makes some of the customization avenues pointless.


Assault rifles and sniper rifles should be the best weapons, because they are so in reality. There's a reason that soldiers use them as their primary weapons and only use pistols and SMGs in certain circumstances.

Indeed, they try to model this by having rifles have worse aim at nearby enemies
I know that, but the problem is other weapon,especially guns that supposed to be better in close range combat (as so does in reality), too underwhelming to be reliable in those cases. Both shotguns and handguns are doesn't do any for a weapon that supposed to be deadlier at close range, which is shotgun should have the highest raw damage among any other weapon.


I tried looking online but I could not find an answer to my two questions. Anyone know?

When going to sell junk, sometimes the items have a scrolling background. Does that mean anything or should I still sell the junk piece?

Also, I have some random items with white print but do not say quest items. Do I keep those?


To the second point, as far as I know anything that fits in the "useable items" window and is not specifically labeled as "junk" has a purpose in the world.

Certain conversations will pop up if you have certain items. Other items are for use.


Finally! I got all the cat litter!

now how long do i need to wait until my suits are upgraded? Is it an in game time thing or do I need to do a certain amount of more quests?
Just bought this, downloading now.

What's the best advice for starting out, ie, character stats and skills? Anything else I should know?


Just bought this, downloading now.

What's the best advice for starting out, ie, character stats and skills? Anything else I should know?

You get a companion right when you start that has ranks in assault rifles and blunt weapons. You don't get to keep her all the way through the game but you will for a decent amount of time. I underestimated leadership. Computer Science works on the robotic enemies. Try to make it so that your team uses different ammo so you don't run out so quickly. There's probably a bunch of other stuff but I can't remember right now.

I restarted four times.
You get a companion right when you start that has ranks in assault rifles and blunt weapons. You don't get to keep her all the way through the game but you will for a decent amount of time. I underestimated leadership. Computer Science works on the robotic enemies. Try to make it so that your team uses different ammo so you don't run out so quickly. There's probably a bunch of other stuff but I can't remember right now.

I restarted four times.

Yeah I expect to restart a few times


Just bought this, downloading now.

What's the best advice for starting out, ie, character stats and skills? Anything else I should know?

-Spread your utility skills like demolition, computer, lock/safe picking, and mechanical repair among your parties
-Plan which skills you'll have so it doesn't overlap with companion's skill (companion list here if you want to know)
-Luck and charisma are dump attributes, but the latter is important for recruiting so you might want to focus it on the leader ranger
-Animal whisperer is very useful for extra attributes, but mind you that animals aren't controlable in combat so in order to avoid getting shot, its better for your sniper
-Assault rifles and snipers are the best weapon, but since it'll be hard to search for ammos early game, its better to put some point to secondary weapon skill, preferably melee
-Handguns and shotguns have their own uses, but really fall shorts in overall usability
-Highpool is generally easier, but Ag Center have one of the best companion


Finally! I got all the cat litter!

now how long do i need to wait until my suits are upgraded? Is it an in game time thing or do I need to do a certain amount of more quests?

You have to leave the base and do a single mission you will learn about when you leave. Be prepared for a tough fight.
So I guess when playing for fhe first time there's no point spending a ton of time making custom characters? Seems like most people end up restarting the game after a few hours, so all my customized characters would be lost anyway...


Your customized character could be save on the creation screen for future use/edit. It's not lost at all as long as you remember to save it.


This is a bug, btw, and should be fixed in the next patch.
Honestly, I assumed as much at the start, but with how often it happend to me and it not being mentioned in the first patch and the fact that it was at times the only way for the enemies to have a chance to hit me, I just accepted it as maybe a clumsy attempt at nerfing a bit the insane killboxes you can setup.



- Large amount of memory optimizations, particularly with audio, to improve performance and stability on lower-spec systems and 32-bit operating systems.
- Fixed enemy “unlimited AP” movement bug that allowed them to sometimes move much farther than intended.
- Extensive improvements and fixes to California questlines, particularly in Hollywood and Griffith Park. May require you to load an older save file before Hollywood to fully benefit.
- Added a travel speed toggle to the world map, allowing you to zip and zoom around if you so please (doesn’t affect encounters, only travel speed).
- Added a new UI when CNPCs are recruited. This lets you more easily compare their stats and choose to dismiss one when a new one offers to join.


yay now I can start playing again

I was early in California and reading about all the bugs and just kinda stopped playing for a while to get a better experience playing through it

nice to see the travel speed thing too


Has anyone bought this game via Gamesrocket?

I received two keys separated by a semicolon. One of them was Wasteland 2 the other one Wasteland 2 – Ranger Edition. In my library is now Wasteland 1 and 2. Is that a mistake by the retailer or what does that mean?
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