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Wasteland 2 |OT| Explode 'em like a Blood Sausage

EVOL 100%

I linked this video earlier in the thread. It's slightly spoilery and very power gamery, but if you want a rundown of what the stats do, which skills are important, and some ways to build your party, it's pretty good.

As a summary of his advice, combined with my own observations (and this does get powergamey and a little spoilery):

Pay attention to the attributes' derived stat breakpoints. You can see these when you hover over the attributes. For example, you get an extra skill point for every 3 points in intelligence, so don't put 4 or 5 or 10 points in there.

Balance your action points and combat initiative, this is really important. Don't fill up on AP and ignore initiative, init is what helps you take more turns vs. the enemy's turns. It can be more beneficial overall to have higher initiative than AP, but at the same time you want enough AP to be able to use your chosen weapon efficiently (multiple shots per turn etc.).

Luck and charisma are dump stats. Luck just doesn't provide enough good benefits for its investment, too much randomness involved. Charisma is really designed just for a character who invests in the leadership skill. Higher cha can get you more XP, but it's not like you're going to run out of opportunities to earn XP throughout the game. Both of those can be lowered to 1 for most characters without really affecting much.

Heavy armors require strength of 4 to 6 to wear effectively (depending on the armor). Just keep that in mind, it would suck to get to the point where you find more heavy armors and discover that nobody can wear them!

Each weapon type requires a different amount of AP to fire. If you want to design really efficient characters, you will want to read up on these so you can have enough AP to fire your weapons twice or use burst fire, that sort of thing. For example, handgun shots are 3 AP, so you might want your handgun man to have 9 AP.

Some weapon types are less useful than others due to high AP costs or not having as much armor penetration ability, which is very important. It's subtractive, so if a guy has 2 armor and you shoot him once and deal 9 damage, you'll actually deal 7. However, if you shoot them 3 times for 3 damage each, you'll only deal 3 (1 damage from each shot that gets through). Because of this, handguns and SMGs can struggle against armor. Sniper rifles, assault rifles and blunt weapons are all very good. Shotguns take 5 AP to fire which is high, and the cone can be tough to aim so you don't hit your own party.

Almost all the non-combat skills are useful and open up new dialogue and questing opportunities. You will want all of them at some point if roleplay is important to you. Barter is an exception, apparently it doesn't provide any roleplay/dialogue options, at least in the beta. Alarm disarming is slightly less useful than other skills, being utilized less often.

Toaster repair seems very important. You will find a lot of minor quest completion items inside toasters! Weaponsmithing is also very useful for modding your weapons and also making money.

I'll put this in a separate spoiler since it's more metagamey...skills you may want to avoid because a lot of recruitable NPCs have them include
brute force and outdoorsman. Additionally, one NPC you can get right at the start of the game has brute force, outdoorsman, kiss ass and weaponsmithing, so you might be able to get away with avoiding those at the start.

You will want one character with high leadership to keep your NPCs in line. This means he probably wants high charisma, which is one of the few synergies between skill and attribute. Since he's already going to have high charisma which is not very useful in combat, you may as well go all out and give him high intelligence as well and make him your kinda non-combat guy with the speech skills.

It might be a good idea to have one character who is melee-focused, you can save a lot on ammo that way and the melee skills are quite good. Speed is very important for them, since it determines how far you can move, so they'll be able to get into the middle of combat and whack people. They will also want high strength.

You will probably want one field medic/surgeon, and then one other character with surgeon to revive the first in case of emergency.

Thanks, this is coming in handy


How do backers get their downloads? I clicked a link in the email and it redirects me to the inexile website login page (I don't have an account there).


I have a question about charisma

so it doesnt affect speaking skills? how do you improve them then? are they only perks that you raise with more perk "points", how does it work?

so charisma only seems to influence leadership? leadership is another perk I guess? can you level it effectively witthout charisma? what does leadership exactly do? I read it helps keeping your party NPCs in line? what exactly does that mean?

downloaded it at home before heading off to work. will leave early to create my party, cant wait :)


Looking forward to digging in on this later. Nice to see positive reviews. The early vibe on Early Access was kinda bad, but I guess that's all part of the beta process. Hopefully the final game is kickass.
Hmmm where are the extra portraits? Does anyone know? The original selection is kind of awful.

Did you back the game? I believe it's only available to those who pledged $30 or higher.

From the official Wasteland 2 Release FAQ

Where is my Portrait Pack and/or Backer Skill?
Check the Ranger Center Rewards page (https://rangercenter.inxile-entertainme ... ur-rewards) for these come release on September 19.

I've checked my rewards but still nothing yet.


Thanks for posting that char gen guide in this thread. Supremely useful.

Now, to those who've played more, how's the moral spectrum on the choices you can make in this game? Can I roll up a group of 'do-gooders' who are closer to Lord Humungus than actual heroes? That's going to be an important part in how I name my people!


Turn-based combat...?

*Sigh*... Another great game with a combat system i severely hate. First Divinity: Original Sin, now this.
Turn-based combat...?

*Sigh*... Another great game with a combat system i severely hate. First Divinity: Original Sin, now this.

Good luck managing 7 companions at a time in real time. You haven't played Arcanum by the looks of it: there is real-time combat, but you might imagine how hectic it's with platoon worth of allies.


Good luck managing 7 companions at a time in real time. You haven't played Arcanum by the looks of it: there is real-time combat, but you might imagine how hectic it's with platoon worth of allies.
I wouldn't mind it if the other companions were AI controlled until you decide to switch to one of them. But i see what you mean. I'm not saying the combat system is a flaw - In fact i agree that it's good for the game. Just saying i've never been a fan of turn based combat. Feels way too old fashioned, slow and simplistic to me.

More power to you guys though. Wish i could enjoy a combat system like that.
I wouldn't mind it if the other companions were AI controlled until you decide to switch to one of them. But i see what you mean. I'm not saying the combat system is a flaw - In fact i agree that it's good for the game. Just saying i've never been a fan of turn based combat. Feels way too old fashioned, slow and simplistic to me.

More power to you guys though. Wish i could enjoy a combat system like that.

I didn't imply that in your words TBC is bad, it's just it's not suited for the game like this. Go try Cold Zero if you're into real time. It's a dated game (3D), but it's still a briliant experience, with really interesting detective story and lenghty campaign with enough hours to keep you entertainted through the weekend. It's not on GOG or Steam, though. It's nowhere to find except trackers.
The combat is not as deep as jagged alliance since you can't spend more AP for increased odds of hitting or climb the environment or go prone. It does have a shit ton of weapons, and items. Stat points allocation is really important, so you want to think about if you want to put all your eggs in one basket and make a guy that does all the disarming lock picking etc.. Or spread out key abilities all over your team. High leadership give you a bonus in battle and I love how your actions in game will effect different Characters you recruit differently. So be warned if you do some "questionable" stuff you might lose a guy.

I fucking loved the beta can't wait to install the final.


I don't have an Extras folder either with my Steam copy. Backed the game via Kickstarter at $30 pledge, so qualify for the soundtrack, novellas, portait collection, etc. I have messaged them via my Ranger Centre account - hopefully I can get to the bottom of this.

In the meantime gonna start the game; looking forward to an old-school CRPG. After playing Destiny (which I am enjoying BTW), it'll be fun to be able to follow an actual storyline in-game!
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