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Wasteland 2 |OT| Explode 'em like a Blood Sausage

My character build advice from previous pages may be a little antiquated, other things have changed from beta to release. Now you get 1 extra skill point at 4 int and 8 int, instead of 3, 6 and 9. So again like I had said, hover over the attributes and pay attention to the derived stat breakpoints when investing.


The amount of people yelling "NO ACHIEVMENTS NO BUY" is depressing...

Seriously? Give me a break. I never understood this attitude that achievements were a reason to buy a game. I'm probably old fashioned but in my experience all they do is give you a silly "reward" for doing what you do anyways to play the game. I thought being successful in a mission and the in game rewards you got was why you played, not for some extra meaningless trophy.
My character build advice from previous pages may be a little antiquated, other things have changed from beta to release. Now you get 1 extra skill point at 4 int and 8 int, instead of 3, 6 and 9. So again like I had said, hover over the attributes and pay attention to the derived stat breakpoints when investing.
Yeah, I'm going to double-check everything, but this is good to know. I have my builds more or less drawn up, but may need to do some tweaking.


So how does a 4 character mix of Face (charisma leadership), Muscle (melee bashing monster), Soldier (Assault rifles and something I can fit there), and Medic/Sniper sound like? Can I dump stat cha on everyone but the Face?

EVOL 100%

Played about 5 hours or so

It's a very solid game. The writing so far is pretty good, the combat is solid, ect. But getting a massive dungeon thrown at you right at the beginning of the game is kinda exhausting. Also maybe I should have picked up some ammo at the HQish place before going straight towards the next place but I fucked myself over by running out of ammo, and healing items and not picking up an NPC at one point. Had to start that dungeon all over

Slight spoler:
And why the fuck can't you buy items from the leader of the Agriculture Center when you get the red fragments but don't have the fungicide? I know he's supposed to be worried whether the cure will work or not but that's a pretty unfriendly design choice. Just really weird)

And yeah the UI is pretty clunky and the environments are a bit drab and boring (might just be the dungeon I was at though)

I'm still excited for this game but I just kinda have to stop for now. A bit frustrated at the moment

So how does a 4 character mix of Face (charisma leadership), Muscle (melee bashing monster), Soldier (Assault rifles and something I can fit there), and Medic/Sniper sound like? Can I dump stat cha on everyone but the Face?

Spoilered for those who want to go in blind
Sounds good, pretty much exactly the party I have except that my melee character is the medic of the party. I don't think it's wise to specialize in one area of weapons if you aren't using melee though, there isn't universal ammo so you might get fucked if you run out of ammo and don't have any real backup weapons. Also, it's hard to find ammo for sniper rifles so keep in that mind. I'd make your sniper use assault rifles at first, then branch out later. Keep in mind that I'm only in the beginning of the game too and my advice might be bad


So how does a 4 character mix of Face (charisma leadership), Muscle (melee bashing monster), Soldier (Assault rifles and something I can fit there), and Medic/Sniper sound like? Can I dump stat cha on everyone but the Face?

You can get a dedicated NPC medic early in the game if you choose to save the
Ag Center instead of Highpool
so you can probably get around building a medic.


People called Romanes they go the house?
So how does a 4 character mix of Face (charisma leadership), Muscle (melee bashing monster), Soldier (Assault rifles and something I can fit there), and Medic/Sniper sound like? Can I dump stat cha on everyone but the Face?

As a potential issue, having a sniper be the medic could be troublesome on higher difficulties, as you generally want to keep them from getting focused, which will probably happen if they rush over to heal someone, and end up being out of cover.

My plan is to make my melee character a (backup) medic, as at the beginning, it can be rough to keep trying to send him/her in with your limited amount of AP. Plus, from the beta,
melee damage fell off a bit come mid-game.

Also, what Sothpaw said.
So how does a 4 character mix of Face (charisma leadership), Muscle (melee bashing monster), Soldier (Assault rifles and something I can fit there), and Medic/Sniper sound like? Can I dump stat cha on everyone but the Face?
Bearing in mind I haven't played more than an hour of the beta, you probably can dump it. It's kind of an all-or-nothing stat that's great on non-combat characters (because it boosts the XP they get from using their skills), but kind of useless otherwise. It's kind of weird that it's not at all connected to the talking skills, but hey.

In general, it seems Luck and Charisma are pretty dump-y, but no one's clear on what Luck does or doesn't affect, so who knows.

The party I have in mind is mostly based out of roleplaying, with half an eye to min-maxing. So I have a high Intelligence and Charisma leader/surgeon with a range of active skills; an Old West gunslinger who'll ultimately carry a lot of the General Skills like Animal Whisperer and Outdoorsman; a sniper "rogue" who does smithing and lockpicking; and a muscle assault rifle goon who fills in some holes and can move on to heavy weapons and armor if needed. No melee tank, so hopefully there's one among the NPCs...

(I have no idea what NPCs are available except for the very first one, so I'm hoping the game really does sustain a lot of different builds and I don't end up cursing my choices 20 hours in.)
Weirdly, it seems it's better to (character creation spoilers?)
put the talking skills on your characters who don't have high Charisma, giving your charismatic characters room to carry other skills instead. This is because XP from conversations are shared no matter who does the talking, whereas skill usage outside of conversations gives XP to that character only, and your charismatic ones will need that to compensate for less combat XP.

But that's counterintuitive for roleplaying, so I'm ignoring it.


Unlimited Capacity
Played about 5 hours or so

It's a very solid game. The writing so far is pretty good, the combat is solid, ect. But getting a massive dungeon thrown at you right at the beginning of the game is kinda exhausting.

Sounds like Baldur's Gate 2 lol


That moment where you discover the existence of friendly fire in non AoE weapons, with your sniper killing the party guy he was supposed to save with that shot.

I had a guy with a shotgun blast the entire group and crit half at one point on a save a while back from a reaction shot in an event. Fucking whoops.

That sounds like a hell of a reaction shot :D

Shotguns are fucking tricky, but at least you learn fast that surrounding an enemy is NOT a good idea if you plan to blast it. They can be amazingly powerful, though.


That moment where you discover the existence of friendly fire in non AoE weapons, with your sniper killing the party guy he was supposed to save with that shot.

I had a guy with a shotgun blast the entire group and crit half at one point on a save a while back from a reaction shot in an event. Fucking whoops.


No bald cap? Lies!
Looking for good guides on party builds, I'm surprised by the hate for shotguns. I understand the raw numbers issue with their high AP cost and everything, but man they were fun to use in the Beta. Great on bunched up enemies, not so great around friendlies, had them on my medic and they just tore shit up. Might go Energy weapons on my medic though if they prove to be viable in the early game.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
So, what exactly does charisma do for you then?

I've read that having one character with high charisma and the rest at 1 is really bad, because whenever the game does a charisma check, it's against sum of the entire party's charisma?

I've also read the charisma determines how many followers in a addition to the party of 4 you can have? How is this calculated? Do I need to have everyone in the party with high charisma to get additional followers?
I played a few hours of this. I'm enjoying it so far, but this game really has some of the worse UI design I've seen in a while. The interface manages to be both an eyesore and poor at conveying information.


I'm a backer, about to start playing. I know nothing about the first Wasteland game other than that it has on e of the best video game covers ever. I LOVE Fallout and cRPGs in general.

I also know little specific stuff about Wasteland 2. I've not read any tips on character creation and such.



maybe tomorrow it rains
How many points should I be dumping into
toaster repair

Spoiler in case anyone wants to go in blind. It's a character creation option.


Seriously? Give me a break. I never understood this attitude that achievements were a reason to buy a game. I'm probably old fashioned but in my experience all they do is give you a silly "reward" for doing what you do anyways to play the game. I thought being successful in a mission and the in game rewards you got was why you played, not for some extra meaningless trophy.

It is the new generation where you get a medal just for showing up mentality. A lot of people seem to absolutely adore achievements, but they always come off as nothing more than attempts of padding out the playing time and calling it content, trying to force people into doing things that completionists would have mostly done on their own in the past anyway. At least most of the achievements anyway. Sometimes what's implemented is just silly, and not as much of an achievement, unless you count tolerance for banality as one.


I don't get the achievement thing either.
My main character has always been assault/medic/surgeon to be close enough for helping out. The first time I went in it was without someone in the group who had no computer skills, what a terrible mistake.


People called Romanes they go the house?
How many points should I be dumping into
toaster repair

Spoiler in case anyone wants to go in blind. It's a character creation option.

From what I remember in the beta....

IIRC, toaster repairs either left you with solves for miscellaneous, non-story related quests, or things you could hand in to the Ranger HQ for cash and/or xp


It is the new generation where you get a medal just for showing up mentality. A lot of people seem to absolutely adore achievements, but they always come off as nothing more than attempts of padding out the playing time and calling it content, trying to force people into doing things that completionists would have mostly done on their own in the past anyway. At least most of the achievements anyway. Sometimes what's implemented is just silly, and not as much of an achievement, unless you count tolerance for banality as one.

And that is exactly what most achievements feel to me. I really don't think you should get an achievement for doing something in the game you have to do in order to finish it, that's ridiculous. It feels exactly like you said, a medal just for showing up. Hell, Walking Dead by TellTales is horrible about this, that's all you get achievements for. Congratulations, you played the game... really?

I don't mind them when it's for finding something obscure in the game or doing something that many people might not manage to actually achieve, like it actually took skills or you actually going out of the way to do it (like doing a lot more exploration than needed for the game). Then it actually feels like something. And I do kinda like them cause it lets me know I did something actually special that wasn't supposed to be something everyone managed to do. But it's definitely not something I would even think about not buying a game over. It wouldn't even be a disappointment for a game not to have it. I just don't get why people find them that important.


One of the things that surprised me the most when messing around with the beta was how much I liked the dialogue system. It's sounds a little archaic before you try it, but it works surprisingly well. (We didn't own a PC back then, so no old pc gaming experience for me) I love trying to find some of the hidden words you can type in. I'm looking forward playing this after work!


So, what exactly does charisma do for you then?

I've read that having one character with high charisma and the rest at 1 is really bad, because whenever the game does a charisma check, it's against sum of the entire party's charisma?

That'd be an interesting check. I was planning on doing just that, but I'll see what others say.

One of the things that surprised me the most when messing around with the beta was how much I liked the dialogue system. It's sounds a little archaic before you try it, but it works surprisingly well. (We didn't own a PC back then, so no old pc gaming experience for me) I love trying to find some of the hidden words you can type in. I'm looking forward playing this after work!

That was a really fun part of Fallout. Replaying the game you could ask people about things you would normally have no business knowing about. And sometimes they would answer you!


Ended up playing a bunch of this last night since, when I activated my key, it showed up in my library. Thought maybe it was a preload option but found I could play and everything.

Woke up this morning to discover for some reason I had access to the early beta. >.<

On the plus side, my save appears to be functional. On the downside, there's been an apparent rebalancing of stats and whatnot. My already terrible party appears to be even more terrible. Alas.

I'm running on the second hardest difficulty too. I've been scraping through fights with
giant cockroaches
and dread having to fight meatier enemies.


Is there a way to tilt the camera angle? It feels a bit too top down for me.
Otherwise it looks really slick. I even like the interface so far.


Is there a way to tilt the camera angle? It feels a bit too top down for me.
Otherwise it looks really slick. I even like the interface so far.

Only way I've found so far is when you zoom in it tilts. Would also like to know if I can tilt while the camera is pulled back.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3

What's the explanation for that size with this game? Is it 100 hours long?

I imagine they just didn't optimize and compress a lot of things like art assets, sound files, and videos. Given their general mandate, that probably wasn't as useful an application of time as fixing bugs or adding content.

Just started Divinity but I'll probably play this first.

The new game feel is too much to resist.
DOS is still getting updates and additions (they just put out two new companions that would require you to restart to see them and they're talking about adding more dungeons), so I wouldn't worry about delaying on that for a month or so to see what they can come up with.


The writing is fucking good. There are some really great NPCs.

So much negative energy, man. Let's hug!


Wasteland 2 was one of my most wanted game to hit on PC and I'm very glad I now have the fortunate chance to play it.

I was trying to remain strong and focus on playing this game on Winter. It may sound silly but this just seems a great game to play in the cold winter while raining outside when you are having a great time all comfy and warm. Decided to venture today and I can see this is going to be a good time sink. I'm not exactly good at these games but I simply love them. Already created my team and I arrived to the first Quest location.

So far I would be happy if someone could help me with these questions:

1- I'm trying to take screenshots on Steam but nothing happens, is this an issue or is it my fault?

2- I don't see the pop-up if someone start to chat with me. Also, if I hit Shift + Tab to get to that Steam menu where I can see the minutes of my session, friends, etc, nothing happens.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. :)


Any suggestions for must have starting skills/attributes? I think talking/communication is important, and some shooting skills.
So, what exactly does charisma do for you then?

I've read that having one character with high charisma and the rest at 1 is really bad, because whenever the game does a charisma check, it's against sum of the entire party's charisma?

I've also read the charisma determines how many followers in a addition to the party of 4 you can have? How is this calculated? Do I need to have everyone in the party with high charisma to get additional followers?

Well, if you have one character with 10 cha and the other three with 1 cha, 13/4 is an average of 3.25 per person. That's not so bad, I probably wouldn't invest much more than that in it anyway, not when every other stat is so beneficial. Plus NPCs on the team will help increase the average.

I don't think charisma determines how many followers you can have. You can have 3, in addition to your base 4. It determines whether or not you can recruit certain people, though.


Really enjoying this. Super loads. Totes. Unf. I can see this causing many a dawn bedtime and probably some intermarital friction to boot. Who wants to wash dishes when there's a desert to be rangering!?

Scanning the Something Awful forum I found a couple of excellent bits. Looting them shamelessly for here.

First is this neat little quick-guide on character builds. I had no idea the Charisma stat was a party-wide aggregate. I was rolling with one super-charming fella, leaving the other bruisers to grunt at people and/or kill them good.

I mentioned this in the Divinity:OS thread and, sure enough, it persists: I have never played one of these games and not restarted with a better party build after a few hours. New game for me, once the sun has set and I creep out of bed to skulk over to the PC.

Secondly, well, see for yourself. It's always sunny in Arizona.


So if I bought physical and want to give a code to a friend, do I have to wait or does the physical also have a steam-redeemable key?


So far I would be happy if someone could help me with these questions:

1- I'm trying to take screenshots on Steam but nothing happens, is this an issue or is it my fault?

2- I don't see the pop-up if someone start to chat with me. Also, if I hit Shift + Tab to get to that Steam menu where I can see the minutes of my session, friends, etc, nothing happens.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. :)

Steam forums are full of people with Steam overlay not working for them, but for now the reason is not known. At least in my case I have no problem on using it or taking screenshots.

Any suggestions for must have starting skills/attributes? I think talking/communication is important, and some shooting skills.

Last night UncleSporky made a great post with advice. Is worth to check.

EDIT: Toodles guide seems great too.


My impressions so far:

Winged it on my custom character build and the other 3 characters are premades.

My first two hours went by so fast!
The combat can be skipped in the first dungeon, so I didn't find that to be too much of a problem.
Also, the writing and the VA has been excellent so far.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
What kind of RPG gamer uses pre-made characters? Come on man. Time to relinquish that Ultima avatar for a Skyrim one.


I have played this for 7 hours today and I am really enjoying it. Even better than Shadowrun which I also enjoyed.
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