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WataMote |OT| Depression Moe~

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BTW did her brother even visit a doctor/clinic for his cold? I know this sounds strange to ask, but it just seemed like he just had that wet towel on his head and they don't even mention using any medication.
Are clinic's like too pricey in japan or something?


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
BTW did her brother even visit a doctor/clinic for his cold? I know this sounds strange to ask, but it just seemed like he just had that wet towel on his head and they don't even mention using any medication.
Are clinic's like too pricey in japan or something?

Medical care in Japan in general is a lot cheaper than the US for example on various levels. Even without insurance.
BTW did her brother even visit a doctor/clinic for his cold? I know this sounds strange to ask, but it just seemed like he just had that wet towel on his head and they don't even mention using any medication.
Are clinic's like too pricey in japan or something?

He's a teenager, not a 90-year-old man.
BTW did her brother even visit a doctor/clinic for his cold? I know this sounds strange to ask, but it just seemed like he just had that wet towel on his head and they don't even mention using any medication.
Are clinic's like too pricey in japan or something?

Who goes to a doctor/clinic for a common cold?


Who goes to a doctor/clinic for a common cold?

To be on the safe side maybe? I had a sour throat when i watched the 3rd ep. having gone to a clinic for some medication which helped to get rid of it.
The scene just seemed a little odd to me since he spent the whole day in bed.


Decided to watch the first episode (I'd read the manga before and planned to watch this, but didn't notice it was already started) and it's not nearly as cringeworthy as I remember. Still have to feel for her though, I remember trying to avoid people I knew from school in public when I was younger lol.

I have to say, I'm liking the sound design in this show the most (though the art style for some moments is great too)like the weird and awkward music, and Tomoko not just sounding generic (to me anyways, I don't watch enough anime to tell the difference between most female VA's).

Also the conversation between her and her brother hit a bit too close to home for me lol besides the drop dead part, conversations with most of my brothers normally end up like that.


I fucking love this series, I can actually relate to Tomoko a lot. Already pre-ordered all the Blu-rays from CD Japan.


Episode 3


The visual motif of her slowly Drowning due to sheer embarrassment was a nice touch. I do wonder if this is gonna stay faithful to the source material or if it's gonna diverge and turn into some sorta Onani Master Kurosawa-esque social redemption thing and aim for a fairly satisfying conclusion. I'm fine with either tbqh.


I cant relate all that much to Tomoko but I love her to death. She is completely adorable. A precious little ball of hate and embarassment.
Ive rewatched each episode at least five times. Im fascinated by it.


I fucking love this series, I can actually relate to Tomoko a lot. Already pre-ordered all the Blu-rays from CD Japan.

I'm not really a big enough fan to buy it under normal circumstances, but I'm pondering doing so anyway for b/a/ndwagoning purposes.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Watamote 4

Oh god...it started out uncomfortable as hell, and got AMAZINGLY awkward by the end...

I don't think I'll ever stop cringing...

That whole "train molestation" thing was SO uncomfortable to watch. And then at the end when Tomoko's father walks into her room...holy fuck awkward (and yet, kinda sweet at the same time).

BRB, cringing forever.


Watamote 4

This show is amazing. The scene
when her father walks in on her with the massager and the ero game, I was laughing so much.


Episode 4


Umm wow, I never thought they'd adapt the rain chapter but the fact they crammed in some of the most wahjah parts of the series into one episode made this the most cringeworthy thing I've seen in ages and I subscribe to most of those MLP/Brony Cringe Youtube channels. Fucking hell.
the way they showed this made me laugh

So yeah, they are just starting to show how amazingly horny Motoko is. She doesn't care if it's her female friend or her brother...


To be on the safe side maybe? I had a sour throat when i watched the 3rd ep. having gone to a clinic for some medication which helped to get rid of it.
The scene just seemed a little odd to me since he spent the whole day in bed.

First anime? Its a common trope in Japanese media. Or maybe its just a cultural thing but a cold to the japanese can be deadly but bed rest will usually make it better.

I'd just take something over the counter for colds and sore throats like tylenol cold and flu and go about my day.



Yo this ep. was all kinds of weird and crazy, I don't think I have the words to properly describe that final scene in the ep., but the fact that he put her in bed was rather heartwarming.
Still fucking awkward and bizarre though.

A few things though-
1- What did BL mean?
2- I'm a little confused by when people say the series makes them 'cringe', what does this mean exactly?


Watamote: 4

Would Tomoko watch her own show?

Anyway, the talk about molestation on the train for some reason reminded me of my old high school principal, who actually came out and said "bullying is a right of passage". I bet he'd say that of train-molestation, too, the bastard.

Also, its bad for me when I'd rather be Tomoko than myself....
I can't decide whether this or Monogatari Series Season 2 is my favorite this season.

I wanna say Monogatari because I'm a total Shaft fanboy, but this just has that wonderful combination of being both hilarious and extremely cringeworthy.

I'm assuming the manga is worth reading?

This episode was pretty funny but the next one is gonna be soooo depressing. Poor tomoko. She feels so alone and she doesn't even realize that she's doing it to herself.


^Come on bro the Duckface!


Dear god, was her brother an utter jerk, like FF8 Squall levels of jerk.
The Red Light District scene was freakin' hilarious too, I did feel really bad for her halfway through the ep. though =(

What was the outro song a parody of BTW?
This is my favorite show of the season. I feel slightly depressed for identifying with her, but it's pretty hilarious

Ok, so it's tied with Free! of best of the season for me


lol not really. Tomoko was fucking with him a lot.

True, but come on the one time she tries to be nice to you...he could've at least told her that it won't do any good and just leave him...
She did deserve it for the coffee thing though, GET YOUR OWN GLASS DAMNIT!
Nah, I like their relationship. I think it goes out of its way to discourage creepy incest plot bits (which isn't the case in a lot of shows) and is pretty on the mark about the love/hate relationship many similarly aged siblings have.


Try TunnelBear. That should work. Just turn it on before you open your browser and turn it off after you're on cr

VPN break my internet. Whats weird I was able to get through to Pandora with a chrome extension called media something..maybe I can see options for it.

You made me remember this!

Nope =(


Ep. 6
I half expected that panel from the manga to show up in this ep. lol
Hilarious ep., and the ants thing was just...weird...

The final scene was too much XD


Episode 6


Now that it's summer break, they better touch upon the
voice actor chapter
the cousin arc
. Maximum wahjah incoming.
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