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We have obviously long since passed the point of diminishing returns in the arms race for “better graphics”

Yawn. This is SO silly. You have all been duped by lazy devs. This is the result of a bunch of whiney bitches demanding 60fps modes. You can have a generational leap, or you can have 60fps. But not both.

Here’s a basic, incontrovertible refutation of this erroneous ass postulation. Do games look as good as avatar 2009? Not the recent one, the one from 15 years ago. They don’t? Not even close? Oh okay. How about say wall e from 2008? King Kong 2005? No? Okay now how about avatar 2? Or incredibles 2? Not even in the same galaxy? What about those cgi trailers for games like Batman Arkham, mass effect, halo from a decade ago? Oh not close to those either?

Okay so then we can agree there is a wide chasm between current gen graphical rendering and top of the line graphical rendering… and top of the line computer rending from over a decade ago in a lot of cases. Thus, graphics are a looooong way from this “diminishing returns” plateau
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Put on the flame retardant suits, you're in for a bumpy ride from the 32K 120fps cyborgs.
flame thrower fire GIF


You are mixing stuff here
Big games rarely innovate, because innovation is a risky business - for one to succeed tens will fail, and big games with their 100+mil budgets simply can't afford it
It's completely natural that small games innovate and then proven mechanic absorbed by bigger games. Their loss in failure are much smaller. Bigger games by default playing it safe as they should be, they represent the current liking of majority and tailored as such
Except that many very safe and very expensive games are now seriously underperforming, because dominating a space you're too scared to innovate within actually leads to long term stagnation and decline. Innovation is a long-term growth requirement and a portfolio of endless remasters, safe sequels and IP ties-ins, however pretty you make them, is a recipe for diminishing returns.

Minecraft, Fortnite and Dark Souls aren't some obscure loss leaders that paved the way for other, bigger studios to make the real money, they're literally the best in class at what they do and represent some of the most well-known and valuable IPs in the entire industry.
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Except that many very safe and very expensive games are now seriously underperforming, because dominating a space you're too scared to innovate within actually leads to long term stagnation and decline. Innovation is a long-term growth requirement and a portfolio of endless remasters, safe sequels and IP ties-ins, however pretty you make them, is a recipe for diminishing returns.

Minecraft, Fortnite and Dark Souls aren't some obscure loss leaders that paved the way for other, bigger studios to make the real money, they're literally the best in class at what they do and represent some of the most well-known and valuable IPs in the entire industry.
CoD, FIFA, Diablo4, Spiderman2 etc underperforming?
Some games will underperform and some games will get their place, it's a normal competitive market.

Minecraft, Fortnite and Dark souls started as small-scale indi/b-tier/pet projects. Like everybody were very surprised about runaway success of Demon Souls which was viewed as B-tier filler title (like Kings Field was).
Some games can get really big on it's own runaway success (see GTA), it's doesn't mean that they didn't started small. And you can't just pushh 100+ mil to a random idea and hope that it will stick - 99.9% of these "ideas" are complete sh*t, so much that they can't even get past basic weeding and get to a console, so they just float in those "100,000 PC-exclusive 1$ indies". There is no receipt for success, so big games play it safe and small games push their luck and some of them are lucky enough to get a place in the big guys league.


The ambitiously bankrupt Sony output this gen has put me off from buying the pro day one.

Seeing PS4 games being announced yesterday is just sad.

Upressed PS4 games is not what I had in mind when I bought the PS5 years ago :/


CoD, FIFA, Diablo4, Spiderman2 etc underperforming?
No, they're all barnstorming successes - that's why we've had tens of thousands of layoffs in the past six months from the largest publishers in the industry...

And there are still publishers willing to take risks on a tent pole IP - Breath of the Wild was a huge departure from the winning formula that made the series an initial success, God of War was much the same.

What's notable is that both of those games were followed up with safe, iterative sequels that had far less impact and generated far less excitement, despite reviewing just as well.
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