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WEDNESDAYTON PT 3 or: How sony fans stopped worrying and learned to love the bomba

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I know we're all going "what else will they show," but to the Japanese people, KH for DS, PSP, and Mobile are megatons.

Catchpenny said:
So basically, the PS3 is really launching in spring 2008 (HOME, real controller, lower price, some good games) and Sony fans paid $600 to do beta testing.

Aside from the early adopter jab, this is probably a pretty accurate statement.


I don't even play Final Fantasy games and am disappointed. I thought there would be some sort of big announcement...but nothing.

Although I will be getting a PSP, but we already knew about all that stuff.


I should have waited until next Spring for the PS3. Warhawk was fun for two weeks and Uncharted will be too, but it just would have been a lot better to buy it full featured and at a lower price :(


Well I'm going to bed. If FFVIIremake is announced, can you guys laugh at some nintendo fanboys for me and say Tabris had faith? much appreciated :)


Aleman said:
I should have waited until next Spring for the PS3. Warhawk was fun for two weeks and Uncharted will be too, but it just would have been a lot better to buy it full featured and at a lower price :(

I agree, and when that time comes that I actually bite I want the best bang for my buck. I can wait it out as long as Sony let's me.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I'll ask this again- are we going to get any more announcements today from 3rd parties (for any platforms), or should I go to bed?


BenjaminBirdie said:
I suppose. That doesn't sound like the best idea though. Putting up a bit of a fight would at least have closed the gap a little. I still believe this is going to be a hugely critical holiday for all three consoles.

But what can Sony do? They can't create games out of thin air and have them ready within the next 3 months.


schuelma said:
I'll ask this again- are we going to get any more announcements today from 3rd parties (for any platforms), or should I go to bed?

Go to bed, if anything does get announced you'll wake up to some good news. If you stay up and nothing gets announced, you lose sleep and have nothing to show for it.


TheJollyCorner said:
these delays are just killin' me.

I can understand delays to make something better. That's great and recommended... but is RESISTANCE the only first-party Sony production that has come on schedule?
I think Ratchet and Uncharted are releasing on schedule as well.
Woo-Fu said:
You must get really pissed every time you see a car go by with round wheels. WTF? Wheels have been round forever even though materials science has come so far.

In other words, form follows function. ;)
What happens when the competition introduces a better wheel?


Junior Member
Biggest announcements:

Dualshock 3, the rumble version is not called Shockaxis or Tripleshock (coolest name). From the impressions and talk on it, the rumble isn't revolutionary. Ratchet and Clank will support it, it would be retarded to launch the controller after the game comes out (Oct.23 I think) so take that as you will. Kaz said they did it because of consumers wanting it.

A shit ton of games will support DS3, including all iterations of next-gen MGS.

GT5 Prologue December 13 in Japan. Looks like we're not getting a NA release until next year.

Home delayed until Spring.

Evolution Studios (they made Motorstorm) has been acquired by SCE.

FFVII Remake.

Afrika shown in a montage of PS3 games, no specific talk about it.

Am I missing anything?
Metalmurphy said:
for people with silly expectations

you don't consider home being delayed a disappointment? lol, well alrighty then

and oh god people the ds3 was just a matter of time, the big news was that they're not releasing it here until next year ffs!


YYZ said:
Biggest announcements:

Dualshock 3, the rumble version is not called Shockaxis or Tripleshock (coolest name). From the impressions and talk on it, the rumble isn't revolutionary. Ratchet and Clank will support it, it would be retarded to launch the controller after the game comes out (Oct.23 I think) so take that as you will. Kaz said they did it because of consumers wanting it.

GT5 Prologue December 13 in Japan. Looks like we're not getting a NA release until next year.

Home delayed until Spring.

Evolution Studios (they made Motorstorm) has been acquired by SCE.

FFVII Remake.

Afrika shown in a montage of PS3 games, no specific talk about it.

Am I missing anything?
It almost kinda sounded like FFXIII would be playable on the show floor. Kinda. Almost. And Versus is supposed to make some kind of appearance.


Mostly I just feel like SONY needs to at least announce a Final Fantasy game.

I was hoping for some announcements to stem the tide. Now the only way to get the hype train back on track would be an MGS4 demo, but of course that won't be happening.


schuelma said:
Don't mean to be a downer, but I'd assume any other Square megatons would be known now that the KH spinoffs have been announced.

if they have something to annouce but no screen shots or game videos, you wont find them on famitsu or 1up.

but however i do agree that nothing major will happen.
Steroyd said:
But what can Sony do? They can't create games out of thin air and have them ready within the next 3 months.

Of course not. But I still think a $40 GT5 would have been a massive seller this holiday, and HOME and DS3 would have at least given them some momentum. I wasn't expecting game announcements like that. Obviously no holiday games would be announced. But they actively delayed stuff to next year that some were expecting this year. It's not a doomsday scenario, but it's disappointing.


DeceitDecide said:
I can't figure this out. The entire TGS show was really Sony's stage. They had a chance to hit one out of the park with a whole bunch of unexpected announcements. Instead they play it close to the vest and we all come away saying "meh." What was the point of that? Are they waiting for a more appropriate, or rather, a more opportune time to announce a whole slew of games they have in the works for 2008 and beyond? This just makes no sense.

It's like a repeat of last year, only now the reactions are dumber because people should have known what to expect


This sums up what I felt like before and after the "keynote"... friggin Sony...



Count me as one who doesn't give a shit about rumble either...it only makes my carpel tunnel worse.

Home delay is a big disappointment for me. After that update the other day, I was excited.

So it's Uncharted, COD4, NBA 2K7, and one of the Guitar games. I guess that's really nothing to complain about---unless the 360 versions are better on COD4 and 2k7, which I'm sure they will be with the way things have been going.
well, major blue balls for everybody.

one thing tough, if they bought evolution studios, i hope to see a renewed deal with fia for WRC games. i'm sorry, but motorstorm to me is just... when i saw the 5 seconds loading screens to select the cars, i tought it was a next gen joke. anyway, just announce WRC and i'm happy


:lol title change.

I'm not sure there was much else they could have done. If they don't have the games to show, or the third parties aren't letting them have anything. What more could they have done?


Motorstorm would have a MUCH higher replay value if they had customizable soundtracks ala NBa 2k5 on XBOX...that was the shit. I hope that comes back for the NBA game as well.
Mar_ said:
:lol title change.

I'm not sure there was much else they could have done. If they don't have the games to show, or the third parties aren't letting them have anything. What more could they have done?

I don't think people were expecting the DS3 delay. I think the question isn't what they could have done, but rather what they could have avoided doing.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
So I have to import the controller if I want to play Uncharted and R&C with rumble?

I hope they reconsider that release date for US and EU, but at the end of the day I guess I'll just import :\

beermonkey@tehbias said:
All the humor about the keynote not withstanding, it's irritating as fuck that that they are giving us a controller with an almost identical form factor as the Dual Shock 1 one decade ago. Controller design has come a hell of a long way since then, analog buttons + waggle + wireless + shitty triggers is not as much progress as we should have since then. The SixAxis needs some serious work and they just blew a big chance to reinvent it.
Eh, thanks but no thanks. They did exactly with it, what I was hoping they would do. Wireless, better sticks, triggers, and now rumble (which I will use for select titles only and stick with lighter Sixaxis for most games anyways). The form factor is damn good as it is - wireless with no battery bulge and lighter than most wired controllers I used before - yes please.


Not Wario
Mar_ said:
:lol title change.

I'm not sure there was much else they could have done. If they don't have the games to show, or the third parties aren't letting them have anything. What more could they have done?


It's been two years. I want to know what's up. I wasn't here because of hype or rumors; I was here because of them. It's time to know.
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