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Weekly Bungie update: Frankie does Europe

Funky Papa

Well, just England and Germany. Looks like he enjoyed Berlin :D




The Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle is located in a modern office building, but to get to it, you have to walk through an especially shady looking couple of blocks. I began to suspect that Mango was having me whacked. I saw a comic array of efficient German prostitutes and a gang of actual Skinheads. My head was freshly shaved and one or two of them actually nodded agreeably. I nodded back and quickly hobbled away, the 30 pounds of Xbox and 200 million dollars of software loaded on its hard drive, weighing heavily on me, all of a sudden.

I thought it prudent at that point, to refrain from expressing my disagreement with their politics, but wondered why German skinheads put such stock in the British Union Jack flag.


Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
"“Ich Bin Ein Berliner,” might actually be German for, “I have hella spray cans yo.” Berlin is awesome, but it needs a wipe."



hyperbolically metafictive
i liked that much better than the usual vague, interchangeable implications about AWESOME NEW HALO FEATURES that he can't even directly refer to, let alone tell us about. frankie's very funny, it turns out. he just has a boring job.
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