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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Domino Theory said:
Not really pushing you to take so many vitamins, they're just saying that people shouldn't be afraid to take them. Vitamins are natural minerals that are on our planet and are something our bodies fully recognize.

Not prozac, zoloft, statins and all these other chemically made garbage.

They even said in the documentary that 3000mg of Niacin helps suicidal behavoir, depression, mood, etc. We always hear people say "oh no I would never take that much of a natural mineral, I'll just take whatever garbage my doctor prescribes me that's made from hundreds of artifical and dangerous ingredients."

It's so weird to think that I used to be like that, too. Makes me feel so stupid when I see it in context and apply some common sense.

Every time I get a headache (which is rare ever since I started taking 10,000 IU Vitamin D3 every day a few months ago and still do), I just put a sublingual Vitamin B12 + Folic Acid tablet underneath my tongue and it helps my headache faster than any aspirin since they're both blood thinners. Only one is natural and safer to use.

Nature Made and Rainbow Light make good multi-vitamins.

Just make sure that it has the "USP" label on it because that indicates that the manufacturer of the multi-vitamin had the product sent to a third party to test it and see if what they say is in the tablet is actually in the tablet and is optimally absorbable. :)

Nature Made is a decent brand, then? Is there any type of pill I should avoid? For example, is there any reason to go for gel tablets rather than another type?
got down to 88kg last September but weighed myself today and are back up at 95kg...will be hitting the gym and steaks hard for the next month.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Zefah said:
Nature Made is a decent brand, then? Is there any type of pill I should avoid? For example, is there any reason to go for gel tablets rather than another type?

Yep, Nature Made is a good brand. This is what I bought in September of last year: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001G7QU32/?tag=neogaf0e-20

When I buy it again next time, I'm going to go with the liqud softgels for better absorption. If that's what you want to do now, then get this: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0029O0BQ8/?tag=neogaf0e-20

If you don't want Nature Made, try Rainbow Light: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0007YCC7S/?tag=neogaf0e-20


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Wow. Guess I will look for recipes then. Nothing beats tuna and mayo... nothing.
I make tuna salad with sour cream now. It's different than mayo but I prefer it now.


Zefah said:
You've been running enough to burn 1690 calories a day, or did I read that wrong?
Negative, my diet consists of 1690 calories, i usually exercise around 200-400 calories a day.

Seanspeed said:
Need to know a bit more to give any specific tips. Height, weight, goals, current diet, etc.

Assuming you're not a really tall or large person, you're probably doing good. If you're over 200lbs or so, 1700 calories a day might be a bit light.

Perhaps might want to mix in some weight lifting in order to promote optimum fat loss. Every day you lose weight, your body is burning fat and muscle. Maintain your muscle and you'll know that your weight loss will primarily be coming from your fat reserves. Depends on your goals, though, I guess.

I'm around 6"1, i'm pretty sure i weigh around 195, my goal is to hit 170 by summer beginning, my diet consists mainly of general food, i stay away from greasy stuff, i usually hit up a hibachi place, or just burgers etc, but nothing excessive. I've done lifting before, and in general i love exercising, i just need to do it more i'm guessing?


I'm on prescribed Aderall for school, so usually i'm not hungry until late at night, i usually eat at least 1200 calories a day, but most of the time it's small meals.
Plasmid said:
Negative, my diet consists of 1690 calories, i usually exercise around 200-400 calories a day.

I'm around 6"1, i'm pretty sure i weigh around 195, my goal is to hit 170 by summer beginning, my diet consists mainly of general food, i stay away from greasy stuff, i usually hit up a hibachi place, or just burgers etc, but nothing excessive. I've done lifting before, and in general i love exercising, i just need to do it more i'm guessing?
Remove sugar and any refined grains from your diet, and you'll see a lot more mileage on the weight loss. Lots of carbs like pastas and noodles and rice at a hibachi place are keeping the weight on you.
276 - Spring 2010.. fat face even fatter body lol


239 - Now (14 more pounds away from being at my HS weight)
Ripclawe said:
so I went all in on a whole grain diet(Brown rice, whole wheat spaghetti, quaker oats oatmeal every day..etc..etc) and I have lost 6 pounds in 3 weeks. I still eat my value junk food(snack wrap here, a mcdouble there) but I am kinda stunned...
The Anti-Paleo diet? lol


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
~Kinggi~ said:
those areas take ages to get rid of. I dropped from 210 to around 165 and am currently around 158. It has taken me almost the same amount of time to get from 165 to 158 and see some progress in those areas as it did to go from 210 to 165.

Yes, it gets harder to lose the more you lose. It's harder to create a caloric deficit. I can't get under 165. I started out ~225 about a year ago and got to 165 by the beginning of fall and have stayed between 165-170 since then (167 this morning).

I am 5'8'' and 33 years old. I stopped growing taller when I was around 16 probably and I weighed 155. Once you have your body chemistry fixed and drop the easy weight, all you can do is strive for a consistent but modest caloric deficit and be patient.


Water is not wet!
So ive been doing the low-carb/paleo/whatever thing for a while and been having great results. i dont stop in here much but i found an easy recipe for a great tasting sugar-free low-carb BBQ sauce.



1 cup prepared yellow mustard
1/2 cup granular no-calorie sucralose sweetener (e.g., Splenda ®)
3/4 cup cider vinegar
2 tablespoons chili powder
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon ground white pepper
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon soy sauce
2 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon liquid smoke flavoring


In a saucepan over medium heat, stir together the mustard, sweetener, cider vinegar, chili powder, black pepper, white pepper, and cayenne pepper. Simmer for 30 minutes.
Stir in the soy sauce, butter, and liquid smoke; simmer for 10 more minutes. Cool completely, and refrigerate overnight to blend flavors before using.

Its so yummy. i havent picked up any white pepper (too $$$) but its still awesome.
Guileless said:
Yes, it gets harder to lose the more you lose. It's harder to create a caloric deficit. I can't get under 165. I started out ~225 about a year ago and got to 165 by the beginning of fall and have stayed between 165-170 since then (167 this morning).

I am 5'8'' and 33 years old. I stopped growing taller when I was around 16 probably and I weighed 155. Once you have your body chemistry fixed and drop the easy weight, all you can do is strive for a consistent but modest caloric deficit and be patient.

165 really doesn't seem like a bad weight to be at to be honest with you.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
It's a vast improvement over where I was a year ago for sure. But my midriff still wouldn't be mistaken for Marky Mark circa 1991.


Plasmid said:
Negative, my diet consists of 1690 calories, i usually exercise around 200-400 calories a day.

I'm around 6"1, i'm pretty sure i weigh around 195, my goal is to hit 170 by summer beginning, my diet consists mainly of general food, i stay away from greasy stuff, i usually hit up a hibachi place, or just burgers etc, but nothing excessive. I've done lifting before, and in general i love exercising, i just need to do it more i'm guessing?


I'm on prescribed Aderall for school, so usually i'm not hungry until late at night, i usually eat at least 1200 calories a day, but most of the time it's small meals.
If you're only eating 1200 calories a day, you dont need to be exercising. If you want to keep running for other fitness goals, you NEED to start eating more. Even burning 200-400 calories a day with an intake of 1700 calories a day is a pretty big calorie deficit for somebody who weighs 195.

Like somebody else said, cutting out sugar and other bad carbs will do you a world of good in terms of burning fat. Simply put, they raise your insulin levels rapidly, which makes your body go into 'fat storing' mode, which is of course opposite of what you want. Drinking alcohol will have the same effect, so you'll want to minimize that as well.

If you can eat more, I definitely recommend lifting weights. Cardio is good, but if you're on a calorie deficit PLUS running a lot, you're bound to be losing a lot of muscle. Lift weights at least moderately(maybe do 1/2 cardio, 1/2 lifting) and eat lots of protein(at least 100 grams a day) to maintain muscle mass, and not only will you burn more fat, but you'll also look much better as that fat comes off. Plenty of people lose a bunch of weight, but still dont ever look 'fit' as there was little muscle underneat all that fat(or they burned off what muscle they had).

If you're insistent on eating the foods you like and not lifting weights, you'll still lose weight on a calorie deficit. Its definitely better than doing nothing, and there's no shame in that. But following this advice will assuredly give you better results. Just depends on how 'into it' you want to get. Good luck!


I'm on day 8 of keeping my carbohydrate intake to sub-50g per day (usually under 40 or sometimes 30g). Ketostix are on the way, and I'll use them when they arrive, but I wanted feedback on how long is too long to stay in a ketogenic state? I suppose what I'm doing is close to a cutting phase, as I've lifted six out of the past eight days and ran a few times as well. Goal is, of course, losing excess body fat (of which there is still plenty around my stomach and thighs). I just don't want to overdo it. I've read a few places where people will do five or six days of very low carb intake followed by one day where they carb load, but I imagine that will kick me out of ketosis (assuming I'm in it)... so I've neglected to carb load or cheat.

Current plan was to do this for a solid three weeks and see how the results are, but if that's unsafe I'd appreciate feedback on it from those familiar with ketogenic or low carb diets.
LaneDS said:
I'm on day 8 of keeping my carbohydrate intake to sub-50g per day (usually under 40 or sometimes 30g). Ketostix are on the way, and I'll use them when they arrive, but I wanted feedback on how long is too long to stay in a ketogenic state? I suppose what I'm doing is close to a cutting phase, as I've lifted six out of the past eight days and ran a few times as well. Goal is, of course, losing excess body fat (of which there is still plenty around my stomach and thighs). I just don't want to overdo it. I've read a few places where people will do five or six days of very low carb intake followed by one day where they carb load, but I imagine that will kick me out of ketosis (assuming I'm in it)... so I've neglected to carb load or cheat.

Current plan was to do this for a solid three weeks and see how the results are, but if that's unsafe I'd appreciate feedback on it from those familiar with ketogenic or low carb diets.
It's not unsafe at all, even as a long term diet. If you engage in many activities that really need glycogen stores (lots of lifting, endurance running), you might want to add some more carbs, but ketosis is a natural state and is not dangerous at all.

As with all things, go with what your body tells you.
So I've been doing a lot of cardio with very light weight training say 80-20, but I'd like to start building some muscle. I got accustomed to my really fancy gym with weightlifting equipment but now I mostly just have access with free weights. Which means that I have no idea what the hell I'm doing other than bicep curls. Does anyone have any links to good beginner stuff that I can do with free weights?


Junior Member
LaneDS said:
I'm on day 8 of keeping my carbohydrate intake to sub-50g per day (usually under 40 or sometimes 30g). Ketostix are on the way, and I'll use them when they arrive, but I wanted feedback on how long is too long to stay in a ketogenic state? I suppose what I'm doing is close to a cutting phase, as I've lifted six out of the past eight days and ran a few times as well. Goal is, of course, losing excess body fat (of which there is still plenty around my stomach and thighs). I just don't want to overdo it. I've read a few places where people will do five or six days of very low carb intake followed by one day where they carb load, but I imagine that will kick me out of ketosis (assuming I'm in it)... so I've neglected to carb load or cheat.

Current plan was to do this for a solid three weeks and see how the results are, but if that's unsafe I'd appreciate feedback on it from those familiar with ketogenic or low carb diets.

Ketosis is not unsafe at all, but if you're doing a cutting phase on a standard bodybuilding bulk-cut-cycle, just staying in ketosis for the entire duration of it is not wise. Ketones make for great sources of energy, but you need glycogen in order to lift weights to your full potential. This is important to retaining the muscle you currently have, else you will have a reduction in muscle mass in the long term. (Note: you've probably already experienced a slight reduction in muscle mass as it is. Don't worry, it just means that your glycogen stores are being emptied; think of your muscles as tanks of glycogen.)

What you've heard about is called a CKD, a Cyclical Ketogenic Diet, where you after a period of time in ketosis, you open a 36-hour window to eat as many carbs as you can to refill your stores. Kicking you out of ketosis is completely normal and all part of the diet. Since you've already entered ketosis, a lot of those enzymes are still swimming around in your body, so re-entering will be much faster. Doing cardio right after your carb-up helps A LOT.

Outside of these carb-ups, you want to try staying under 20g of carbs per day. That's a slice and a half of bread worth per day, so be careful!

The norm for a carb-up is once per week, but everyone is different. I tend to do mine every two weeks, but there are those who go for two months before doing one. It's up to you to experiment and find what works best for you. Overall, it's a very effective diet that's easy to do, good luck!

By the way, did you ever get around to making those mozzarella balls I posted about earlier? :)
fadetoblack said:
So I've been doing a lot of cardio with very light weight training say 80-20, but I'd like to start building some muscle. I got accustomed to my really fancy gym with weightlifting equipment but now I mostly just have access with free weights. Which means that I have no idea what the hell I'm doing other than bicep curls. Does anyone have any links to good beginner stuff that I can do with free weights?
cryptic said:
I'm a binge eater and I can't stop thinking about food 24-7.
reward yourself with stuff that won't spike your insulin. A diet soda or even 5 of them is better than a big bag of chips and a half gallon of mountain dew or whatever. Start to transition to rewarding your urges to binging with a nice steak, or berries with heavy cream or something.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
cryptic said:
I'm a binge eater and I can't stop thinking about food 24-7.
Throw away all the crap in your pantry. Go buy a week's worth of food that you're going to actually cook. Eat slowly and savor every bite. If you're thinking about food, you should spend the time preparing quality meals that taste good and are healthy. Much better than watching Taco Bell commercials for 20 minutes, driving to Taco Bell and back in 30 minutes, and spending 10 minutes wolfing it down while you watch Pizza Hut commercials.


Its true. After like 4 or 5 months of abandoning your favorite staples, you even wonder how you got hooked on them in the first place.

Anyway, I apologize for the thread hijack but I do wish to add that I've lost a significant amount of weight since September. I'm still not quite used to it either since I lost 4 pant sizes since.

I've abandoned soda completely and took up water and imposed vitamins as well as taking up a few easy staples dry goods. Restrict sweets and restrict the super processed and restrict from frozens and etc etc.

My typical breakfast is a slice of toast or two or a kiddy bowl of cereal. Lunch would be toasted tuna sandwich with mustard or honey roasted bq sauce (amazing). I also substitute tuna with natural lunchmeat on occasion or to keep tuna on a weekly basis instead of a daily thing. My dinners are sometimes healthy and sometimes isn't. And when it isn't, I'd keep it way smaller portion. IE Wendy's 5 piece nuggets. That's it. Pizza? Two thin crust with light cheese triangle slices. And if possible get grilled chicken sandwich/Fresno instead. On the flip side, I'd cook whipped potatoes with green beans or couscous with pan-fried chicken with olive oil or rice with shrimp scampi or more rarely some form of pasta. Again, my portions are always kiddy bowl size and sometimes half that on foods I was iffy on. The upside to all this portion thing, I tend to have plenty of leftovers for myself AND my SO the next day at no cost. :D

Even with this diet, I'm still losing weight every week or so. Ensuring I'd drink water before/after meals is just as important. I do treat myself out every once a while with my SO like once a week but its getting harder to bother with going out because of the portion/wasting money thing.
cryptic said:
What do you do when you crave desert?

I've been on a low carb kick for a few months, but now I'm really getting serious, and found this recipe on the Atkins site... sounds tasty and I have all the ingredients. Going to try it next time I feel like dessert:

Chocolate “Pudding”: Mix together 2 tablespoons heavy cream, 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder, and 1 packet of Splenda. Using a fork or a spatula, blend for a couple of minutes until it reaches the consistency of soft ice cream. Add a drop or two of vanilla extract if desired.

Mocha “Pudding”: Add 1 teaspoon instant coffee granules to the above recipe.


Thanks for all the help.

Unfortunately, I ended up binging and eating two 125 calorie cookies, two mini apple turnover pastries, two bowls of cereal, 3/4 lb. chicken cordeon bleu, a serving of almond butter with celery, a few bowls of cereal, multiple blackberries/raspberries, 700 calories of nuts, some bite size cookies, a small banana, and all the stuff I ate hours before but never exercised off. It's now 10:00 o clock and I'm once again feeling the need to exercise for the entire night. unfortunately, my parents told me I keep them awake with the treadmill so i don't know what to do. i can't sleep and I have work tomorrow at 7. I think this has gone on too long and I'm just gonna cut my wrists. I can't find any help, there isn't any, and I can't live like this. We'll see if this is my last post. Really stuck right now.


cryptic said:
Thanks for all the help.

Unfortunately, I ended up binging and eating two 125 calorie cookies, two mini apple turnover pastries, two bowls of cereal, 3/4 chicken cordeon bleu, a serving of almond butter with celery, a few bowls of cereal, multiple blackberries/raspberries, 700 calories of nuts, some bite size cookies, a small banana, and all the stuff I ate hours before but never exercised off. It's now 10:00 o clock and I'm once again feeling the need to exercise for the entire night. unfortunately, my parents told me I keep them awake with the treadmill so i don't know what to do. i can't sleep and I have work tomorrow at 7. I think this has gone on too long and I'm just gonna cut my wrists. I can't find any help, there isn't any, and I can't live like this. We'll see if this is my last post. Really stuck right now.
Woah... calm down bro. Please get some help. Talk to your parents about your situation.


NomarTyme said:
Woah... calm down bro. Please get some help. Talk to your parents about your situation.

Parents just blame me for it. They think it's something I can control. I've tried my best but I keep relapsing. i don't know what to do. The only help I can get is out of our price range.
cryptic said:
Thanks for all the help.

Unfortunately, I ended up binging and eating two 125 calorie cookies, two mini apple turnover pastries, two bowls of cereal, 3/4 chicken cordeon bleu, a serving of almond butter with celery, a few bowls of cereal, multiple blackberries/raspberries, 700 calories of nuts, some bite size cookies, a small banana, and all the stuff I ate hours before but never exercised off. It's now 10:00 o clock and I'm once again feeling the need to exercise for the entire night. unfortunately, my parents told me I keep them awake with the treadmill so i don't know what to do. i can't sleep and I have work tomorrow at 7. I think this has gone on too long and I'm just gonna cut my wrists. I can't find any help, there isn't any, and I can't live like this. We'll see if this is my last post. Really stuck right now.

Have you tried doing Atkins? Try the Induction phase for two weeks. That will give you a goal, and two weeks is nothing. See if it works for you. On the site you can even register for a "starter kit" that has some neat things... 3 free Atkins bars (not necessary at all, but fun), a carb counter book, and a "quick start" guide. Here is the link, look on the right hand side (and no I'm not viral marketing). I got my kit in about a week... http://www.atkins.com/Homepage.aspx

Order these two books off Amazon...


And watch Fat Head on Hulu or Netflix...


Will change the way you think about things. I hope.

I started eating low carb months ago, and I don't get binge-happy anymore. Lord knows I used to.
cryptic said:
Parents just blame me for it. They think it's something I can control. I've tried my best but I keep relapsing. i don't know what to do. The only help I can get is out of our price range.

Wait, blame you for what? I'm assuming there's back story I'm missing? Is there somewhere in the house you can move the treadmill so it doesn't wake them up? Don't most have wheels so you can move it pretty easy?


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Wait, blame you for what? I'm assuming there's back story I'm missing? Is there somewhere in the house you can move the treadmill so it doesn't wake them up? Don't most have wheels so you can move it pretty easy?

They believe my lack of self control leads to my binging. They're both older and can't understand my problem is equivalent to that of a drinkers. They don't understand how simple things they say can make me very self conscious and depressed. My mother just wants me better so I don't bother her, my father cares but he feels helpless and can't help speaking his mind sometimes.

Unfortunately I can't move the treadmill. I'm just gonna stay up the night and go to work tomorrow stressed as I am and try to make it through. When I get home I'll get on the treadmill. I'm too much the coward to kill myself, I can only push myself very hard and hope to die of exhaustion or some sickness.
cryptic said:
They believe my lack of self control leads to my binging. They're both older and can't understand my problem is equivalent to that of a drinkers. They don't understand how simple things they say can make me very self conscious and depressed. My mother just wants me better so I don't bother her, my father cares but he feels helpless and can't help speaking his mind sometimes.

Unfortunately I can't move the treadmill. I'm just gonna stay up the night and go to work tomorrow stressed as I am and try to make it through. When I get home I'll get on the treadmill. I'm too much the coward to kill myself, I can only push myself very hard and hope to die of exhaustion or some sickness.
Wow, get some help man, your body shape isn't worth your life.


cryptic said:
Parents just blame me for it. They think it's something I can control. I've tried my best but I keep relapsing. i don't know what to do. The only help I can get is out of our price range.
I go on binges myself. My problem is I drink, and when I drink, I EAT. And then when I feel like crap the next day, I eat more and then say fuck it and drink more and then I eat a ton of junk and so on and so on.

Its all about breaking the cycle and getting into a habit of eating and living healthy. Its hard, but I find that once I start eating right and working out for a few days, I start feeling better about myself and I have more motivation to continue and not give in to temptation. And the more I resist temptation, the more I feel empowered. Its a cycle, but a very positive one.

You've really just gotta dig deep and commit yourself. Maybe it wont happen today or tomorrow or the next day, but you've gotta wake up one day and just DEMAND to yourself that you're gonna change and then DO IT. Your parents are right. It is something you can control. Might be really difficult at first, but this thread should be a testament that people can do some seriously incredible things when they set their mind to it. Honestly, whenever I start slipping up, I like to come to this thread and see all the people that are changing their lives for the better. You CAN do it, dude. Definitely dont give up. Change your life.


I'm not actually trying to lose a lot of weight, since I'm actually at a pretty ideal spot right now (6'4" 170lb), though I would like to see my abs a bit more. Anyway, I've been trying to eat healthier and exercise more just so that I never do actually need to go on a huge diet and exercise kick. It'll already be ingrained in me.

I've been running on my treadmill. That's been made easier through netflix and other online shows, and sometimes I even play my psp on it. I've also been doing a lot of crunches and free weight lifting (with a bag of books... I'm too cheap to go buy free weights, lol) I've been at it since the beginning of the year and my body has really never looked better. My wife has definitely noticed my much flatter stomach, and my arms have a lot of really nice muscle tone to them now.

Only problem is that a few weeks ago my downstairs neighbor complained about my treadmill, so I've had to cut back on that quite a bit... I can only do it during the day, so now instead of running quite a few times per week I get only my days off, and a lot of times I go do things on my day off during the day, so I can't do it. That really kind of sucks and pisses me off, especially since the weather isn't near nice enough for me to go play basketball.

Seanspeed said:
Its all about breaking the cycle and getting into a habit of eating and living healthy. Its hard, but I find that once I start eating right and working out for a few days, I start feeling better about myself and I have more motivation to continue and not give in to temptation.

Realizing that you are a person of habits can be a big deal. My tip on this is to start slowly. When I first wanted to start eating healthier I didn't just go on a big diet right off the bat. I did it one meal at a time. Later last year I started with breakfast. I told myself that I would eat a healthy breakfast every day. That was the easiest part to change for me, since I mainly just ate whatever cereal to begin with. After breakfast was a habit for me, and there wasn't really anything changing that, I moved to lunch. Now every lunch I eat is healthy, and every second break snack I have at work is healthy. Now I've moved on to dinners, though those are a bit of a wild card since the wife makes the food for the most part. But, I'm still slowly making healthier choices there. Switching slowly like that made things incredibly easy for me. After making a habit of one or two meals it's so much easier to make those choices throughout. You're a lot more motivated.

The other thing that really helps is not buying those things that you know you'll be tempted on. I can eat a box of cookies in a snap if they're around. I can eat a bag of chips in two days. If we buy those things I'll do just that. I do not have the will power to just eat one or two cookies or just a tiny bit of chips. So I don't buy them. They're not in my apartment at all. Now the only thing for me to snack on is nuts, fruits, and vegetables.
cryptic said:
They believe my lack of self control leads to my binging. They're both older and can't understand my problem is equivalent to that of a drinkers. They don't understand how simple things they say can make me very self conscious and depressed. My mother just wants me better so I don't bother her, my father cares but he feels helpless and can't help speaking his mind sometimes.

Unfortunately I can't move the treadmill. I'm just gonna stay up the night and go to work tomorrow stressed as I am and try to make it through. When I get home I'll get on the treadmill. I'm too much the coward to kill myself, I can only push myself very hard and hope to die of exhaustion or some sickness.

What is an average week of meals for you?

How's your sleep? Even a single night of poor or nonexistent sleep will spike your stress hormone, cortisol, and make you insulin resistant. These are both terrible things for losing weight.

A lot of binge eaters are deficient in certain micronutrients. What types of food do you typically crave?


cryptic said:
They believe my lack of self control leads to my binging. They're both older and can't understand my problem is equivalent to that of a drinkers. They don't understand how simple things they say can make me very self conscious and depressed. My mother just wants me better so I don't bother her, my father cares but he feels helpless and can't help speaking his mind sometimes.

Unfortunately I can't move the treadmill. I'm just gonna stay up the night and go to work tomorrow stressed as I am and try to make it through. When I get home I'll get on the treadmill. I'm too much the coward to kill myself, I can only push myself very hard and hope to die of exhaustion or some sickness.
Only thing I can suggest re: overeating (which I ALWAYS do... I'm almost in the same boat) is that you should only ever keep foods around which are good for you (whether you're low-carbing or calorie-deficiting). When I'm low-carbing I only ever keep shit around that I can snack on without guilt. Try and do the same. If you think "I'll just keep this cookie around to prove how tough I am" it won't last long.

Oh, and what Seanspeed as well :)

FWIW, I've never had much luck with my home exercise equipment (situp machine, exercise bike and dumbells) as it's very easy to find an excuse to "just do it later". If you can, find 30 mins to go for a walk, either wake up earlier or find time at lunch. It's better than nothing and you'll actually get a sense of accomplishment after you've walked around a few blocks or made it to the park and back (or whatever).

Best of luck!


Thanks to all those that posted feedback on the ketosis question I posted earlier. The bodybuilding.com link is going to be super useful I think.

And cryptic, it's by no means the best suggestion, but since you said money was a problem don't be afraid to look to GAF for help. Professionals or people you know are likely better, but seriously, like someone said... don't let your body image issues get you down that much. You can beat those problems, it's just a matter of wrapping your mind around it. Give it time.



I have been updating in this thread off and on for awhile now, but now I have a picture I'll finally share.

Started on 8/1/10 @ 290 pounds (Stats: Age 31, Height 6'2, Shoulders 52', Chest 42')

Present - @ 213 pounds

I went to visit my mother in Florida last week and this is me after going to the beach for a bit and grabbing something to eat after. I dont have any pictures of myself when I was 290, just use your imagination, I looked horrible.

OK, I'm starting to get a little concerned here. My weight loss has suddenly increased quite dramatically. I have lost 4 lbs in the past 4 days. After averaging losing 2 lbs a week for the past 12 weeks, now I am losing 1 lb per day! My diet hasn't changed, nor has my exercise routine.

I don't recall running over any gypsies lately...

What the hell is causing my weight to drop so quickly all of a sudden?


Thanks guys. If it wasn't so late, I'd respond thoroughly to every post. Just know you're really giving me hope when I feel like I have none.

Sean, I have been doing what you've suggested for a few weeks. Just going day by day and considering each an accomplishment, but-to Dalton also- I just crave those foods I grew up withand I relapse and feel so down. Funnily enough I no longer crave pizza after cutting it for months but sugar cravings returned after being reintroduced over the holidays. I almost feel like no meal is complete without something sweet.

I typically eat mostly kale, brocooli, chicken, egg whites, turkey, fish, and most recently red meat. Unfortunately after work I get these cravings and end up eating these unhealthy foods. I'll binge on nuts(fat deficiency?) and after a while I lose all control, and say why not some sugar rather than why more. Then I exercise to unholy levels and get a huge high at the end. Maybe as I'm naturally depressed my body seeks that seratonin rush and sets me up for these binges so I exercise. I actually binge more on the days where I lift weights.

Thanks for your help again, but it's two and work looms so I need to sleep. Thanks again.
jfoul said:

I have been updating in this thread off and on for awhile now, but now I have a picture I'll finally share.

Started on 8/1/10 @ 290 pounds (Stats: Age 31, Height 6'2, Shoulders 52', Chest 42')

Present - @ 213 pounds

I went to visit my mother in Florida last week and this is me ( Picture )after going to the beach for a bit and grabbing something to eat after. I dont have any pictures of myself when I was 290, just use your imagination, I looked horrible.

That's awesome dude. I'm the same height and was about 280, currently 260, and want to get down to 210 or so. Unfortunately, since I gained my weight really quickly, I've got a lot of stretch marks. Was this an issue for you? If so, how do they look now? Otherwise, is extra skin an issue?


Punchy4486 said:
That's awesome dude. I'm the same height and was about 280, currently 260, and want to get down to 210 or so. Unfortunately, since I gained my weight really quickly, I've got a lot of stretch marks. Was this an issue for you? If so, how do they look now? Otherwise, is extra skin an issue?

I do have some stretch marks. Things Ive notice about the marks is that they no longer itch, are a bit smaller but at the same time just as noticeable because they are no longer being stretched to be flat(hard to explain). I also dont have any loose skin, but I carried my weight well and never got saggy.

I have come to terms with having stretch marks, its a reminder to keep staying healthy or I'll get more. Having the marks is a small price to pay to feel way better. If it really ends up bothering me in the long run I can always go the surgical route to remove or lessen the appearance.
jfoul said:
I do have some stretch marks. Things Ive notice about the marks is that they no longer itch, are a bit smaller but at the same time just as noticeable because they are no longer being stretched to be flat(hard to explain). I also dont have any loose skin, but I carried my weight well and never got saggy.

I have come to terms with having stretch marks, its a reminder to keep staying healthy or I'll get more. Having the marks is a small price to pay to feel way better. If it really ends up bothering me in the long run I can always go the surgical route to remove or lessen the appearance.

I know what you meant about not being stretched. As I lose, they become more pronounced. I'm not saggy either, I look more like a bouncer/than a roly-poly, so hopefully skin won't be an issue for me. I think I'll probably go the surgical route someday, but first things first.

I'm eating healthy and riding the exercise bike during all my shows, reading, video games, etc. and that seems to work for me. How'd you lose?


Punchy4486 said:
I know what you meant about not being stretched. As I lose, they become more pronounced. I'm not saggy either, I look more like a bouncer/than a roly-poly, so hopefully skin won't be an issue for me. I think I'll probably go the surgical route someday, but first things first.

I'm eating healthy and riding the exercise bike during all my shows, reading, video games, etc. and that seems to work for me. How'd you lose?

I started going to the gym 5-6 days a week, changed what I ate and cooked all of my meals.

Gym: 5-6 days a week.
Elliptical: 4 miles daily @ 10-15 resistance/8.0-13mph average.
Treadmill: 2 miles daily @ Random Incline/4.0 mph walk speed and 8.0 mph run speed.
Muscle Training: 3 days a week.

Meals: 3-6 meals a day.
Breakfast: Oats with Milk(Non Fat/Skim), Honey and Whey Protein Powder.
Lunch: Brown Rice with Tuna. Side of Veggies or Fruit.
Dinner: Skinless Chicken Breast with Brown Rice, Steamed Broccoli and 1 hard boiled egg.
Snacks: Salad, Protein Shake, Apple, Banana, Natural Yogurt.
Drinks: Milk(Fat Free/Skim), Water, Protein Shake, Water with Lemon.
Condiments: Fat Free Ranch Dressing, Fat Free Italian Dressing, Honey, Lemons/Limes.

I pretty much stuck to that, but now I eat some different foods if my girlfriend makes something or I go out to eat on the weekend. I also cut down gym time to 3-4 days a week to help muscle recovery and reduce overuse injuries.


cryptic said:
I typically eat mostly kale, brocooli, chicken, egg whites, turkey, fish, and most recently red meat. Unfortunately after work I get these cravings and end up eating these unhealthy foods. I'll binge on nuts(fat deficiency?) and after a while I lose all control, and say why not some sugar rather than why more. Then I exercise to unholy levels and get a huge high at the end. Maybe as I'm naturally depressed my body seeks that seratonin rush and sets me up for these binges so I exercise. I actually binge more on the days where I lift weights.

Thanks for your help again, but it's two and work looms so I need to sleep. Thanks again.
If you're craving nuts, try almonds. Shitloads of fiber, fat (non-saturated) and next to fuck-all carbs. You might not like the taste at first, but after a while you start tasting a certain sweetness from them... better to go apeshit on those than any other nut out there.
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