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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

ipukespiders said:

Here is a pic today at 146, no "before" pics.
Bruce Lee theme inspired by the fitness thread!

Your upper body looks almost exactly like mine at 6' 180. How are you so light? I second seeing your legs, one of them is a peg leg isn't it? Either way nice physique.

When I used to box I had to get to 167 and I looked like a shriveled Ethiopian, super gaunt cheekbones, sullen eyes, exposed ribs, the whole nine. Pretty insane that you're taller yet weigh less and can carry that much mass, although I do have legs like a horse.


So, I've been low carbing and casually going for long walks for a week now and I lost 8lbs this week. Kinda rad, I'm joining a gym tomorrow so can do this more hardcore. I've got 70lbs to go before I hit my goal of 190lbs. Then I totally wanna get diesel, so I won't be ashamed of taking off my shirt.


I took it really easy on the carbs last week (my first week), and never once had that "ugh so full i'm gonna pop) feeling, so that was nice. Also, since I've drastically cut my portions down, it's taking very little to fill me up which is nice.

Managed to work out 6 of the 7 days, ran 15 miles and lifted weights on 3 of those days. I'm seeing immediate results (lost 4 pounds). Can't wait to see week 8 and beyond at this point =)
Really the best thing about this diet IMO is that you simply feel less hungry. When I was doing old-fashioned calorie counting I was always starving and counting the hours until the next snack or meal time. And that's really the most common diet-killer I think, most people (myself included) aren't willing or able to go around feeling hungry most of the day which they do on conventional low-fat low-calorie diets.
Gary Whitta said:
Really the best thing about this diet IMO is that you simply feel less hungry. When I was doing old-fashioned calorie counting I was always starving and counting the hours until the next snack or meal time. And that's really the most common diet-killer I think, most people (myself included) aren't willing or able to go around feeling hungry most of the day which they do on conventional low-fat low-calorie diets.
It's all about the bacon!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Gary Whitta said:
Really the best thing about this diet IMO is that you simply feel less hungry. When I was doing old-fashioned calorie counting I was always starving and counting the hours until the next snack or meal time. And that's really the most common diet-killer I think, most people (myself included) aren't willing or able to go around feeling hungry most of the day which they do on conventional low-fat low-calorie diets.

Yep! Like I said, my desire to snack has completely disappeared since starting.

I tried the whole low-fat, calorie counting thing a while back, but I just ended up eating food that wasn't very appetizing, was probably filled with toxins, and didn't keep me full at all. I'd end up cheating all the time by snacking on awful shit.

It's too bad that Atkin's stigmatized low carb diets by becoming a brand that tries to sell you a bunch of toxin-filled crap. The general opinion amongst people I know seems to be that low carb diets are just fads that aren't sustainable. I can only shake my head.


Gary Whitta said:
Really the best thing about this diet IMO is that you simply feel less hungry. When I was doing old-fashioned calorie counting I was always starving and counting the hours until the next snack or meal time. And that's really the most common diet-killer I think, most people (myself included) aren't willing or able to go around feeling hungry most of the day which they do on conventional low-fat low-calorie diets.

Eh, I never really felt that way eating ~1800-2000 calories a day. As long as you're eating relatively healthy foods to reach that 1800-2000, you should be eating plenty. Although 1-2 years into my diet, when I had dropped from 351 to 230ish, my appetite shrunk considerably from when I had started. On one hand it's a blessing, making dieting/maintaining my current weight so much easier, but there's times when I'm eating something amazing and would like to splurge for once, but physically can't. For example, I can rarely finish the portions that a typical restaurant would serve now...
Interesting - low carb, but still has added sugar (even though it tries to use the "all natural sugar!" dodge). Might be good when you need a cheat.
BamYouHaveAids said:
Your upper body looks almost exactly like mine at 6' 180. How are you so light? I second seeing your legs, one of them is a peg leg isn't it? Either way nice physique.

Sorry, no peg leg - and I agree, my lightness is kinda weird. One of my brothers is an endurance athlete, has done the Hawaii ironman a few times, been a triathlete for 30 years.
He is in the 150-160 lbs range, and inch shorter, and yes, looks like a starving marathoner. How I am lighter, stronger, and taller than him I can't figure. Perhaps my body fat is lower than it looks - I swear it's loose skin around my belly, but at my age, it will take a while for the skin to shrink (if it does at all).

Here is a link to a leg shot... me in my underwear, so probably a little gay for the forum.
Copy, paste, you know the drill.


Gary Whitta said:

First ingredient is water? :) Oh, it's just a thickened/frozen protein shake.
ipukespiders said:
Just some general info (and thanks all for the compliments).

I initially started back into weights in December, after a long long long time. I did dabble in the weights with a home set, back in 2009 - that was disorganized, and short lived... but hadn't really lifted since 1992.
I started to make some nice strength gains and was generally pleased.
After every workout, would come home and do the "flex" in the mirror thing. You guys know it, we all do it.
But Jesus Christ, I've carried this gut with me since probably grade 6. I think I would have rather been "fat" instead of "skinny-fat" - a fat guy is a fat guy, so you know what to expect, but a skinny guy with a blob of a belly just made me look ridiculous with my shirt off. And it was hardly ever off.

Anyways, I read up on calculating a calorie deficit of 500 cals per day, which for me at my Jan weight of 189, with an active work life, seemed to be 2400 cals per day.
Holy shit, I need 150+ gms of protein a day? uh, okay, so in calculating what I'm going to be eating, I'm gonna need to cut some carbs, cause I like beef too much.

No way in hell I was gonna admit to be a "low carb fad dieter"!! I just had to cut something, right? But things change, and as I started to read up on low carb, I began to realize (I truly believe) that it wasn't the deficit, but the low carb intake that has cut my fat loss. I was at probably 100 gms max per day, which is "lowish".

I actually didn't weight myself until late April, and only looked at the mirror. After a vacation in April, I decided just out of curiosity to see what the scale said. I yelled to the wife, "holy shit I'm 159lbs"... and this was after a 7 day cruise where I definitely went off my diet.

Recently, I've dropped my carbs a little more, around 60 max per day, upped my fat intake, but still take in plenty of protein. Low carb veggies. Milk and cheeses. Still have a peanut butter sandwich most work days, haven't had my raisin bran in about a week, maybe tonight. Definitely not at keto levels.

3 day workout split:
(I had been having some forearm/elbow inner joint pain, so I took a 3 week hiatus off of upper body, and stuck to legs/abs only. Just got back to doing light upper body work again earlier in the week.)
1. (presses) chest/shoulders/tris
2. (pulls) back/biceps (although biceps are on the back burner until I fully heal)
3. Legs/abs
usually 2 on, 1 off.
I make sure to do the compound exercises : squats, presses, deadlifts.

I don't do any cardio, but I won't rule it out. If the weather here (on the west coast BC) ever gets nice, I might be getting out on the bike a little. Just never been a cardio guy I guess, but things may change.

I don't know what my bodyfat is.

As you guys know, it's that damn belly fat that takes forever to disappear. My face has gotten noticeably thinner, I've had several people look at me with concern, asking if I'm okay... maybe I should invite these people to the gym with me?
Will my weight get lower? I don't know. I figure it will "settle" at what it needs to be. Obviously I wouldn't mind packing on 20-30 lbs of pure muscle, but I don't think I will do a traditional "bulk" that some guys do, as I don't want to lose my abs for that - hey, I only just got them!

Sorry for rambling on so long, I'm just writing this stuff as it comes to me and I hope it flows okay.

First off, congrats on your loss. I'd like to pick your brain if that's cool.

I recently started back to working out after being down and out for over a year because I snapped my achilles tendon. I'm thinking lowcarb is going to be the way to go since I love meat. Any suggestions or things that have helped a lot of you guys? My biggest concern is cost and getting stuff to eat at work. I'm not a big water drinker, but that has to change. It's not that I don't like I water, I hate that it doesn't TASTE like anything. I don't eat eggs, and I'm also not a big veggie guy. Got any base suggestions, tips, tricks, etc? I gotta lose some weight. I can't run around with my kid much any more without wanting to fucking die. Something's got to change.
ipukespiders said:
Here is a pic today at 146, no "before" pics.
Bruce Lee theme inspired by the fitness thread!
Great job, man! Damn, that's inspirational.

ipukespiders said:
But Jesus Christ, I've carried this gut with me since probably grade 6. I think I would have rather been "fat" instead of "skinny-fat" - a fat guy is a fat guy, so you know what to expect, but a skinny guy with a blob of a belly just made me look ridiculous with my shirt off. And it was hardly ever off.
Ya, I'm the same way. Everyone tells me I don't need to lose weight and that my weight must be cuz of muscle, but I can see and feel the fat. We're an obese society and people who are overweight are considered normal.


ipukespiders said:
Sorry, no peg leg - and I agree, my lightness is kinda weird. One of my brothers is an endurance athlete, has done the Hawaii ironman a few times, been a triathlete for 30 years.
He is in the 150-160 lbs range, and inch shorter, and yes, looks like a starving marathoner. How I am lighter, stronger, and taller than him I can't figure. Perhaps my body fat is lower than it looks - I swear it's loose skin around my belly, but at my age, it will take a while for the skin to shrink (if it does at all).

You have a small anti-gravity device implanted in your torso.


Pro-tip for the low carbers: KFC nuggets (at least in Australia) are only 13g carbs for 6 of them. Probably not much good if you're trying for keto, but if aiming for <50g or higher then they seem like a decent treat without being too bad for you... I think.
RoninChaos said:
First off, congrats on your loss. I'd like to pick your brain if that's cool.

I recently started back to working out after being down and out for over a year because I snapped my achilles tendon. I'm thinking lowcarb is going to be the way to go since I love meat. Any suggestions or things that have helped a lot of you guys? My biggest concern is cost and getting stuff to eat at work. I'm not a big water drinker, but that has to change. It's not that I don't like I water, I hate that it doesn't TASTE like anything. I don't eat eggs, and I'm also not a big veggie guy. Got any base suggestions, tips, tricks, etc? I gotta lose some weight. I can't run around with my kid much any more without wanting to fucking die. Something's got to change.

Cheap protein : tuna, ground beef, chicken legs, milk, eggs
I open up a can of tuna, throw it in a container and stick it in my lunch cooler for work.
Boil some eggs, peel them and take them to work. Unless they make you ill, start eating them.
If you go low carb, you don't worry about fat.
Drinking lots of water is a pain at times... especially find a place to piss while working - office workers won't have a problem here, and they also can have access to a fridge and microwave. What is your work lunch situation like? I do service work, so I eat in my van.

Veggies - Eat them. Just do it. I gave up the potatos and corn, which kinda sucked at first, but the carbs are too high. Eat the low carb veggies with your meat, it'll make it them down easier.


ipukespiders said:
Sorry, no peg leg - and I agree, my lightness is kinda weird. One of my brothers is an endurance athlete, has done the Hawaii ironman a few times, been a triathlete for 30 years.
He is in the 150-160 lbs range, and inch shorter, and yes, looks like a starving marathoner. How I am lighter, stronger, and taller than him I can't figure. Perhaps my body fat is lower than it looks - I swear it's loose skin around my belly, but at my age, it will take a while for the skin to shrink (if it does at all).

Here is a link to a leg shot... me in my underwear, so probably a little gay for the forum.
Copy, paste, you know the drill.


I gotta say, I wouldn't expect to see a lower body like that with the upper body you posted before :lol
Is a diet of 50% protein 25% carbs and 25% fat a good one?

I'm using my fitnesspal. I'm trying to keep Sodium at 1600mg but protein is packed in it and I'm having trouble even reaching 1400 calories at that limit.

I'm eating very clean. No bread, sugars(only natural found in veggies and fruit) or any starchy vegetables. I started eating 1 ounce of walnuts and almonds for snacks, fat free yogurt and Laughing Cow lite cheese wheels.

Protein is salmon, chicken and turkey. I had two Morning Star veggie breakfast patties this morning and I saw that they alone have 500mg of sodium in them.


VelvetMouth said:
Is a diet of 50% protein 25% carbs and 25% fat a good one?

I'm using my fitnesspal. I'm trying to keep Sodium at 1600mg but protein is packed in it and I'm having trouble even reaching 1400 calories at that limit.

I'm eating very clean. No bread, sugars(only natural found in veggies and fruit) or any starchy vegetables. I started eating 1 ounce of walnuts and almonds for snacks, fat free yogurt and Laughing Cow lite cheese wheels.

Protein is salmon, chicken and turkey. I had two Morning Star veggie breakfast patties this morning and I saw that they alone have 500mg of sodium in them.

Sodium isn't gonna kill you. Try not to eat fat free stuff, you need the fats.
Akim said:
Sodium isn't gonna kill you. Try not to eat fat free stuff, you need the fats.

ha sodium is killing me :( I have normal to normal high blood pressure and my family loves hypertension.

So do I have to up my limit on fat, what would be a good ratio?
VelvetMouth said:
ha sodium is killing me :( I have normal to normal high blood pressure and my family loves hypertension.
I think I may have the same problem. Will find out later this week, but despite losing weight and regular weights and HIIT, my bp has gone from normal to normal high. I've been eating better in the last year but the one thing I've always used liberally in my cooking is salt. I drink a lot of water and I'd always thought that I could just sweat it all out, but something's not working right.
ipukespiders said:
Cheap protein : tuna, ground beef, chicken legs, milk, eggs
I open up a can of tuna, throw it in a container and stick it in my lunch cooler for work.
Boil some eggs, peel them and take them to work. Unless they make you ill, start eating them.
If you go low carb, you don't worry about fat.
Drinking lots of water is a pain at times... especially find a place to piss while working - office workers won't have a problem here, and they also can have access to a fridge and microwave. What is your work lunch situation like? I do service work, so I eat in my van.

Veggies - Eat them. Just do it. I gave up the potatos and corn, which kinda sucked at first, but the carbs are too high. Eat the low carb veggies with your meat, it'll make it them down easier.

Any suggestions on stuff for flavoring water? I know Gatorade has that propel zero stuff. Crystal light has Crystal Light Pure or whatever it's called. Can I drink stuff like that?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
VelvetMouth said:
ha sodium is killing me :( I have normal to normal high blood pressure and my family loves hypertension.

So do I have to up my limit on fat, what would be a good ratio?

80/20? Put fats and proteins together, since they usually are together, and bring your carbs down to 20 (or less preferably).

I'm probably not helping. I hate counting calories and finding out ratios and stuff like that. I don't want to micromanage what I eat, and low carbing couldn't make it easier to avoid doing just that.
RoninChaos said:
Any suggestions on stuff for flavoring water? I know Gatorade has that propel zero stuff. Crystal light has Crystal Light Pure or whatever it's called. Can I drink stuff like that?

My wife uses packets of crystal light that she adds to water.


Zefah said:
I'm probably not helping. I hate counting calories and finding out ratios and stuff like that. I don't want to micromanage what I eat, and low carbing couldn't make it easier to avoid doing just that.
I love that. Only having to look at one number (most of the time) is pretty liberating.
parrotbeak said:
I think I may have the same problem. Will find out later this week, but despite losing weight and regular weights and HIIT, my bp has gone from normal to normal high. I've been eating better in the last year but the one thing I've always used liberally in my cooking is salt. I drink a lot of water and I'd always thought that I could just sweat it all out, but something's not working right.

Both sets of grandparents and both my parents were/are regular weight, don't eat fast food or any crap and they're on medication for high blood pressure.

I don't use much salt in cooking but I was surprised to find that foods that I never would have guessed had so much sodium in them. They recommend no more than 1500mg of salt for people who are high risk which I am.
Zefah said:
80/20? Put fats and proteins together, since they usually are together, and bring your carbs down to 20 (or less preferably).

I'm probably not helping. I hate counting calories and finding out ratios and stuff like that. I don't want to micromanage what I eat, and low carbing couldn't make it easier to avoid doing just that.

No worries we each do it our own way. It's just easy to figure out when you use a program like fitnesspal because they do everything for you. I also need to plan meals ahead of time which makes it easy.



Looking for some critique. I think my carbs are lower since it didn't minus dietary fiber from every item. Don't pay attention to breakfast/lunch/dinner. It's all screwed up.


VelvetMouth said:
ha sodium is killing me :( I have normal to normal high blood pressure and my family loves hypertension.

So do I have to up my limit on fat, what would be a good ratio?
Up your fat percentage, especially animal fat, and your blood pressure should go down.
No, really.


VelvetMouth said:
No worries we each do it our own way. It's just easy to figure out when you use a program like fitnesspal because they do everything for you. I also need to plan meals ahead of time which makes it easy.

Cutting carbohydrate has a way bigger effect on reducing BP than cutting sodium
Schlep said:
Up your fat percentage, especially animal fat, and your blood pressure should go down.
No, really.
Truth. Increased water retention from high carbohydrate in your diet increases blood pressure immensely. Not saying one can't cut sodium too, but the benefit from decreased water retention alone might really help.


Akim said:
Looking for some critique. I think my carbs are lower since it didn't minus dietary fiber from every item. Don't pay attention to breakfast/lunch/dinner. It's all screwed up.
I don't see a single vegetable or fruit on there.
Akim said:

Looking for some critique. I think my carbs are lower since it didn't minus dietary fiber from every item. Don't pay attention to breakfast/lunch/dinner. It's all screwed up.[/QUOTE]
dump some spinach and other leafy greens, some broccoli, and you're gtg.
VelvetMouth said:
I don't use much salt in cooking but I was surprised to find that foods that I never would have guessed had so much sodium in them. They recommend no more than 1500mg of salt for people who are high risk which I am.
Ya, which I find really hard, especially if you eat a lot of protein. Canned fish is a standard snack for me, and that's really high. Pretty much any processed food will be high, so I think if that's my problem, I'll just have to cook more.

MjFrancis posted a protein bar recipe in the old fitness thread that I have yet to try, but I may have to get on that (minus the sea salt) as a convenient high protein snack to replace canned tuna. My other go-to is hard boiled egg but I need some variety.

When looking back at the changes I made to my diet in the last year, one thing that stands out is the number of bananas I eat. I used to eat them constantly as a snack, but they're high in carbs, so I tried to replace them with avocados for the potassium. Good avocados are not always in the market, they take a while to ripen, and aren't as convenient to snack on. I wonder if my reduced potassium intake made my sodium levels rise.
parrotbeak said:
Ya, which I find really hard, especially if you eat a lot of protein. Canned fish is a standard snack for me, and that's really high. Pretty much any processed food will be high, so I think if that's my problem, I'll just have to cook more.

MjFrancis posted a protein bar recipe in the old fitness thread that I have yet to try, but I may have to get on that (minus the sea salt) as a convenient high protein snack to replace canned tuna. My other go-to is hard boiled egg but I need some variety.

When looking back at the changes I made to my diet in the last year, one thing that stands out is the number of bananas I eat. I used to eat them constantly as a snack, but they're high in carbs, so I tried to replace them with avocados for the potassium. Good avocados are not always in the market, they take a while to ripen, and aren't as convenient to snack on. I wonder if my reduced potassium intake made my sodium levels rise.
If you really want potassium, use salt substitute on your food.
RoninChaos said:
Any suggestions on stuff for flavoring water? I know Gatorade has that propel zero stuff. Crystal light has Crystal Light Pure or whatever it's called. Can I drink stuff like that?
I've been using Mio, the new stuff you squirt into water. It's great and zero-carb but god knows what's really in it.

Also I recently discovered that I actually like brussel sprouts! Where are they are on the "good veggies" scale?
elrechazao said:
If you really want potassium, use salt substitute on your food.
Hmm, interesting. I've never looked into that (this whole high bp thing was never on my radar before my recent doctor's visit). Have you tried it? I'm kinda particular on taste. I use sea and kosher salt right now, and would probably rather reduce the salt than add something that will alter the flavor.
parrotbeak said:
Hmm, interesting. I've never looked into that (this whole high bp thing was never on my radar before my recent doctor's visit). Have you tried it? I'm kinda particular on taste. I use sea and kosher salt right now, and would probably rather reduce the salt than add something that will alter the flavor.
I have used it, and still do sometimes. There's many varieties. I got the basic mortons which is I think 80% potassium. Tastes fine to me. Obviously not as awesome as kosher salt, which I mostly use, but it's good.


Akim said:

Looking for some critique. I think my carbs are lower since it didn't minus dietary fiber from every item. Don't pay attention to breakfast/lunch/dinner. It's all screwed up.[/QUOTE]
You have trouble losing weight?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Akim said:
Looking for some critique. I think my carbs are lower since it didn't minus dietary fiber from every item. Don't pay attention to breakfast/lunch/dinner. It's all screwed up.

If you don't lose weight, you might want to try eliminating or cutting dairy. I haven't looked into it much, but Tim Ferriss (author of the 4-Hour Body) claims that despite dairy's relatively low glycemic index, it causes a high insulin response. It might not be true for everyone, but he recommends avoiding dairy if weight loss is slow.
Thanks for the advice guys.

From my log I need about another 300+ calories, I think less carbs. I'm at 64g right now and more fat that's currently @ 49g. When you're not eating junk food you have to go work at building up good calories.



Zefah said:
If you don't lose weight, you might want to try eliminating or cutting dairy. I haven't looked into it much, but Tim Ferriss (author of the 4-Hour Body) claims that despite dairy's relatively low glycemic index, it causes a high insulin response. It might not be true for everyone, but he recommends avoiding dairy if weight loss is slow.
Milk, specifically the lactose in it - which is a sugar promotes a high insulin response. I don't think that the fermented stuff (yoghurt, kefir etc) has a similar affect.


ch0mp said:
Milk, specifically the lactose in it - which is a sugar promotes a high insulin response. I don't think that the fermented stuff (yoghurt, kefir etc) has a similar affect.

So I should be good with unsweetened lactose free milk?

Also, is there a difference in taste between Splenda (Sucralose) and Sukrin(Erythritol)? Which one do you guys prefer?
I heard that it's possible to caramelize Sukrin which would be great for creme brulee.
shamo42 said:
So I should be good with unsweetened lactose free milk?

Also, is there a difference in taste between Splenda (Sucralose) and Sukrin(Erythritol)? Which one do you guys prefer?
I heard that it's possible to caramelize Sukrin which would be great for creme brulee.

I would just drink the milk if you aren't lactose intolerant. As far as it goes, lactose isn't all that high in comparison to sucrose and, for me, if I micromanaged my diet to that point I'd go insane. Water and milk are really the only two liquids I drink regularly. That said, I will occasionally drink coffee as well but I'll drink it espresso romano style (i.e. with a lemon twist, as I often drink water) to ensure that my diet is as alkaline balanced as I can manage. So maybe you should throw my don't micromanage rule out the window?
Has anyone here tried to diet simply by eating from smaller plates?

I started switching my meals from bigger plates to smaller plates this week, and I haven't missed the bigger portions. I haven't noticed an energy defecit or anything either. My food is lasting longer too.

I always had it drilled into me when I was younger that I should eat every last scrap, "waste not want not", "there are people in the world going hungry" etc. So when I've got a plate full of food, I'll clean it up... it occurred to me, if I make less, and plate up less, it is bound to help.

There's still the problem of the way supermarkets portion things up -- even single portions are huge these days, and most stuff is designed for eating for 2, or for families... still, a bit of tin foil and some food tubs, and you can split stuff up into smaller portions no problem.


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