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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

agm2502 said:
I drink quite a bit recently maybe a litre of beer a day. my healthy meal would be some beef mince with some spices mixed with rice. I really need to sort something out cause i'm going down the path to obesity I feel. I need some healthy meals that are easy to cook. boiled potatoes maybe?!?1 heard they were better than rice/pasta.

A liter a day? That's over 60 carbs from just your beer. And since it's alcohol (aka sugar) it's stored as pure energy.
I'd seriously recommend cutting out the alcohol period from your diet.

Deleted member 17706

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agm2502 said:
I drink quite a bit recently maybe a litre of beer a day. my healthy meal would be some beef mince with some spices mixed with rice. I really need to sort something out cause i'm going down the path to obesity I feel. I need some healthy meals that are easy to cook. boiled potatoes maybe?!?1 heard they were better than rice/pasta.

How about a big ass steak? A plate of bacon and sausage? Some seasoned chicken? Baked salmon?

The beer's really going to have to go, though. I was drinking two or three 350ml/12oz bottles of beer a night before I abruptly stopped in February to go low-carb. I like beer, but I'm glad I stopped. I feel much better for it, and I can still enjoy it on the weekends.
Yeah quit drinking all that ale. There's a reason they call it a beer gut. I'm still carrying mine from years of abuse but I have since quit drinking for good and health-wise it's probably the best thing I ever did.


Yeah really think the beer is gonna have to go, thanks for the advise. Gonna have a kid in November and don't wanna be a dad who can't beat his kid in a race lol.


Can you guys tell me if I'm crazy or not?

Since I started this new low carb diet last Thursday, I've been severely depressed. Usually I'll have some little spurts of feeling down, but never anything this bad. My diet went from ~2500 calories a day and ~150g carbs to ~1800 calories a day and 30g carbs. For the last few days I've felt just completely lethargic and depressed. I feel like I can hardly move. I don't have motivation to do anything. Basically, I feel like shit.

Is this because of my diet? Or am I just insane?


While it's certainly not good for you, it's possible to lose a lot of weight while drinking a lot of alcohol. I was drinking at least two times a week (Beer Pong, King's Cup, Quarters, Shots, Mixed Drinks, etc.) and I still managed to lose a shit ton of weight (Somewhere around 30+ pounds in a quarter, or 12 or so weeks) Granted I was on a fairly strict diet outside of that, and I probably would have lost a lot more had I not drank, but it's possibly none the less. I wasn't all that active physically either...


Akim said:
Can you guys tell me if I'm crazy or not?

Since I started this new low carb diet last Thursday, I've been severely depressed. Usually I'll have some little spurts of feeling down, but never anything this bad. My diet went from ~2500 calories a day and ~150g carbs to ~1800 calories a day and 30g carbs. For the last few days I've felt just completely lethargic and depressed. I feel like I can hardly move. I don't have motivation to do anything. Basically, I feel like shit.

Is this because of my diet? Or am I just insane?

Give it some more time. You should feel great once your body become adapted to ketosis


Does maths and stuff
Cut back my portions and lost 3 pounds in 2 weeks...I eat fairly healthy, but usually too much.

Just did day 1 of insanity and hope to lose another ten to twelve pounds.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Akim said:
Can you guys tell me if I'm crazy or not?

Since I started this new low carb diet last Thursday, I've been severely depressed. Usually I'll have some little spurts of feeling down, but never anything this bad. My diet went from ~2500 calories a day and ~150g carbs to ~1800 calories a day and 30g carbs. For the last few days I've felt just completely lethargic and depressed. I feel like I can hardly move. I don't have motivation to do anything. Basically, I feel like shit.

Is this because of my diet? Or am I just insane?

Weird, I had the exact opposite effect. Of course, I wasn't counting calories or anything, so I don't know how that aspect compares. How are your fat levels? I've read that fat can help against depression.
Akim said:
Can you guys tell me if I'm crazy or not?

Since I started this new low carb diet last Thursday, I've been severely depressed. Usually I'll have some little spurts of feeling down, but never anything this bad. My diet went from ~2500 calories a day and ~150g carbs to ~1800 calories a day and 30g carbs. For the last few days I've felt just completely lethargic and depressed. I feel like I can hardly move. I don't have motivation to do anything. Basically, I feel like shit.

Is this because of my diet? Or am I just insane?
Your body can take up to 2 weeks to adjust. It's called the low carb flu. You can google a lot about it. It happened to me too. Remember, don't restrict your calories, eat enough to be full. You should bump back up over 2k calories while you're feeling this way. The principle of low carb is that you don't have to calorie restrict, and shouldn't.

One of the suggested treatments for low carb flu is to make sure you're getting enough sodium and potassium. Broth or just extra salt on your food is recommended. Soldier through it and you'll feel so much better. Remember, you're changing the fundamental chemistry of your body . Quitting smoking and heroin aren't pleasant either.

We could go back 100 pages or so and find where I made this exact post when I was in your position :)


It's just weirding me out. This didn't happen to me the last time I started low carb. I mean, I felt a bit run down, but depression wasn't part of it.
So I'm down to around 173lbs, when I started I weighed about 300lbs. I'm really happy with my weight, but I'm still not happy with my overall physique (although my chest has improved dramatically over the past 1-2 months and I've put on a lot of muscle throughout the rest of my body). To get to my point, I want to lose this stomach fat and I feel like I need to change my diet to make it happen. Should I cut out carbs completely? My only major source of carbs is a bowl of oatmeal in the morning.
Akim said:
It's just weirding me out. This didn't happen to me the last time I started low carb. I mean, I felt a bit run down, but depression wasn't part of it.
Probably just breaking your dependency of junk food.

I understand the feeling down part but have never felt lethargic, and if you feel run down you should eat more (good) calories.
GoodMorning said:
So I'm down to around 173lbs, when I started I weighed about 300lbs. I'm really happy with my weight, but I'm still not happy with my overall physique (although my chest has improved dramatically over the past 1-2 months and I've put on a lot of muscle throughout the rest of my body). To get to my point, I want to lose this stomach fat and I feel like I need to change my diet to make it happen. Should I cut out carbs completely? My only major source of carbs is a bowl of oatmeal in the morning.

Stomach fat is pretty much always the last to go.
You can try cutting more carbs, but maybe you should start a core workout routine to help tighten up that area.


GoodMorning said:
So I'm down to around 173lbs, when I started I weighed about 300lbs. I'm really happy with my weight, but I'm still not happy with my overall physique (although my chest has improved dramatically over the past 1-2 months and I've put on a lot of muscle throughout the rest of my body). To get to my point, I want to lose this stomach fat and I feel like I need to change my diet to make it happen. Should I cut out carbs completely? My only major source of carbs is a bowl of oatmeal in the morning.
how tall are you?

Buckethead said:
Probably just breaking your dependency of junk food.

I understand the feeling down part but have never felt lethargic, and if you feel run down you should eat more (good) calories.

I wasn't eating junk. I was just doing a short bulk with carbs.

I just found this article: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/nutrition/carbohydrate-intake-and-depression-qa.html

AceBandage said:
Stomach fat is pretty much always the last to go.
You can try cutting more carbs, but maybe you should start a core workout routine to help tighten up that area.

Yeah idk. I feel like I have a solid routine and I do HIIT couple times a week. I just don't know what to do haha

Akim said:
how tall are you?


Hey Weight Loss-GAF, guess I should finally introduce myself to this thread even though I've been on GAF for a few months now. For just a little background info about me, I'm currently 19, 195 lb. and 5'8. At my heaviest, I was around 260ish two years ago. During the summer of '09 the whole weight loss thing clicked for me and I changed my total diet and started running 2 miles on the treadmill everyday and playing EA Sports Active for Wii. I was eating wheat toast and egg whites for breakfast every morning, drinking only water, no candy/soda and eating only salads, celery and grilled chicken breasts with other assorted veggies. Thanks to this regimen, I got down to 188 pounds for my Senior Year of HS and it was great hearing comments from everyone about the change in my body.

However, somewhere along the way, I just stopped working out. School got stressful with our Senior Project, graduating, college, etc. I didn't really workout much during my first year at Uni either but amazingly, my current weight is only 195 lb. It's probably because I maintain much the same diet I had back during that summer. But the past few months I've sorta lost my way with liberal eating of candy, the occasional fastfood pizza or burger. That brings me up to now, I'm finally ready to move on from the halfway point in my weight loss and get the body I know I deserve. I'd love to lose about 30 lbs. in the next 3-4 months but I'm not trying to aim to high only to meet disappointment. Reading through this thread the past few weeks, I've decided to go low-carb like most users here are doing. I started last Friday and I'm doing alright so far, had a minor setback on Sunday b/c of BBQ, but it just made me workout that much harder this week. What do you guys think of the meals I ate today:
-1 La Tortilla Low-Carb Wrap w/ 4 Egg Whites
-TBSP of Salsa
-1 Roma Tomato
-5 Celery Stalks
-2 Chicken Breasts (Boneless, Skinless), 4 Egg Whites, 1 Cup of Yellow and Red Bell Peppers, 2 TBSPs of Salsa all mixed together
-Fish Oil
-1 La Tortilla Low-Carb Wrap w/ 2 Slices of Honey-Glazed Turkey, Lettuce, Yellow Bell Peppers & TBSP of Salsa
-6 Celery Stalks
-Cup of Lettuce on the side
-A Few Wheat Thins
-Water and some Fish Oil

Sorry for the long post guys but I'm happy to join the thread and look forward to posting my updates. I'll post a pic soon to show where I'm starting.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Kaizer said:
Hey Weight Loss-GAF, guess I should finally introduce myself to this thread even though I've been on GAF for a few months now. For just a little background info about me, I'm currently 19, 195 lb. and 5'8. At my heaviest, I was around 260ish two years ago. During the summer of '09 the whole weight loss thing clicked for me and I changed my total diet and started running 2 miles on the treadmill everyday and playing EA Sports Active for Wii. I was eating wheat toast and egg whites for breakfast every morning, drinking only water, no candy/soda and eating only salads, celery and grilled chicken breasts with other assorted veggies. Thanks to this regimen, I got down to 188 pounds for my Senior Year of HS and it was great hearing comments from everyone about the change in my body.

However, somewhere along the way, I just stopped working out. School got stressful with our Senior Project, graduating, college, etc. I didn't really workout much during my first year at Uni either but amazingly, my current weight is only 195 lb. It's probably because I maintain much the same diet I had back during that summer. But the past few months I've sorta lost my way with liberal eating of candy, the occasional fastfood pizza or burger. That brings me up to now, I'm finally ready to move on from the halfway point in my weight loss and get the body I know I deserve. I'd love to lose about 30 lbs. in the next 3-4 months but I'm not trying to aim to high only to meet disappointment. Reading through this thread the past few weeks, I've decided to go low-carb like most users here are doing. I started last Friday and I'm doing alright so far, had a minor setback on Sunday b/c of BBQ, but it just made me workout that much harder this week. What do you guys think of the meals I ate today:
-1 La Tortilla Low-Carb Wrap w/ 4 Egg Whites
-TBSP of Salsa
-1 Roma Tomato
-5 Celery Stalks
-2 Chicken Breasts (Boneless, Skinless), 4 Egg Whites, 1 Cup of Yellow and Red Bell Peppers, 2 TBSPs of Salsa all mixed together
-Fish Oil
-1 La Tortilla Low-Carb Wrap w/ 2 Slices of Honey-Glazed Turkey, Lettuce, Yellow Bell Peppers & TBSP of Salsa
-6 Celery Stalks
-Cup of Lettuce on the side
-A Few Wheat Thins
-Water and some Fish Oil

Sorry for the long post guys but I'm happy to join the thread and look forward to posting my updates. I'll post a pic soon to show where I'm starting.

Just a quick question: can you really see yourself eating that type of stuff for the rest of your life?
It's a good menu, but in order to stick to any diet plan, you really need to mix it up.
Also, for heavens sake, turn that water into tea at the very least!




Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Srsly said:


They are a great way to increase volume, though! I mix in some egg whites with two big eggs every morning.


Zefah said:
Just a quick question: can you really see yourself eating that type of stuff for the rest of your life?
Well I've basically been eating this way for the past few years. After I cut out sugary juice/soda, drinking only water feels natural and I have 0 desire towards drinking anything else most days. However I do have some soy milk on occasion. I do live a little on some days with regards to my food choices but when I get serious about losing weight I tend to adhere to a strict diet plan as I feel it keeps me honest. I enjoy eating veggies now, my parents were shocked when I made the switch to mostly eating raw vegetables most days but I'm very used to it now. Now being weened off of crackers/grains/bread is going to take some getting used to. Also can someone explain Egg Whites/Whole Eggs to me as I've heard conflicting reports from numerous sources and I've been eating only egg whites for about two years now. My diet before doing low-carb was generally low saturated fat/low calorie and I'm new to low-carb.
This has really turned into a low-carb thread, which I think is a good thing :)

Srsly said:

Not to mention the yolk is the only part that is tasty! :)

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Kaizer said:
Well I've basically been eating this way for the past few years. After I cut out sugary juice/soda, drinking only water feels natural and I have 0 desire towards drinking anything else most days. However I do have some soy milk on occasion. I do live a little on some days with regards to my food choices but when I get serious about losing weight I tend to adhere to a strict diet plan as I feel it keeps me honest. I enjoy eating veggies now, my parents were shocked when I made the switch to mostly eating raw vegetables most days but I'm very used to it now. Now being weened off of crackers/grains/bread is going to take some getting used to. Also can someone explain Egg Whites/Whole Eggs to me as I've heard conflicting reports from numerous sources and I've been eating only egg whites for about two years now. My diet before doing low-carb was generally low saturated fat/low calorie and I'm new to low-carb.

I'd recommend reading the last few pages of this thread carefully, but obviously everyone has to come to their own realization.

I wasn't asking if you were okay not consuming sugary drinks; that kind of stuff is definitely bad for you. I just don't understand why you seem to be avoiding fat and dietary cholesterol in favor of boring veggies and carb-heavy crackers/bread, etc. Veggies are great, but I wouldn't be able to enjoy life nearly as much if my staple was celery sticks with salsa.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Making pastured eggs with pastured butter (from last August, froze it). Good stuff.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
elrechazao said:
where are you getting the whites alone?

There are plenty in any supermarket where I live (Seattle). They tend to come in small cartons. You have to be careful, though. A lot of them will be full of weird shit in addition to egg whites. Just get the ones that list only egg whites as their ingredient.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
God damn those eggs were good.

But yeah the yolk is the part that is healthy. The Keys' lipid hypothesis is total bullshit. The oxidized lipid hypothesis (oxLDL) has some actual science behind it. Basically when your liver is fucked up from diabetes or too much sugar it tends to make deformed LDL that's small and dense and tends to get stuck in arteries. It oxidizes. Specialized white blood cells try to clean up the oxLDL and fail. It then repeats until you accumulate more junk that becomes scar tissue. That scar tissue causes heart disease.

You can have really high total cholesterol or LDL and it tells you nothing about how much high risk small, dense LDL you have.

Nothing to do with yolks or saturated fat. Has to do with liver health, and the liver can crap out for various reasons. Prime suspects are sugar and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.


Zefah said:
I'd recommend reading the last few pages of this thread carefully, but obviously everyone has to come to their own realization.

I wasn't asking if you were okay not consuming sugary drinks; that kind of stuff is definitely bad for you. I just don't understand why you seem to be avoiding fat and dietary cholesterol in favor of boring veggies and carb-heavy crackers/bread, etc. Veggies are great, but I wouldn't be able to enjoy life nearly as much if my staple was celery sticks with salsa.
Well yeah I guess I could be considered a little boring in my food choice but at the time when I was 260ish and I made my change, my main thoughts were, "I need to eat the least amount of calories possible while still filling myself up and getting essential vitamins/etc. to maximize the burn from my workout". For me that meant basically snacking on celery sticks, cucumber throughout the day and eating salad for every meal with chicken that had low calories. Seeing as how I went from 260ish to 188 in about a year, I was obviously thinking whatever I've been doing I should just keep doing from now on. I stopped working out for quite a while, but the diet had become an ingrained part of my daily life so it was no longer boring, just routine.

Some choices I've seen listed on the last few pages I just don't like though. I'm allergic to some nuts and I already hate them. Whether its peanuts, almonds, walnuts, pecans or pistachios, I've never liked their taste or consistency. I also can't stand things like pork rinds and I was never a big eater of lots of meats. My days of eating Double Quarter Pounders w/ Cheese and loads of fries and a giant milkshake on a weekly basis or the fried chicken basket that was only $2.00 in the HS cafeteria scared me away from lots of meats and anything that came close to having any sort of fat in it whatsoever. Of course now I'm learning about polyunsaturated fats, monounsaturated fats and the rest of things low-carb diets entail.
Zefah said:
There are plenty in any supermarket where I live (Seattle). They tend to come in small cartons. You have to be careful, though. A lot of them will be full of weird shit in addition to egg whites. Just get the ones that list only egg whites as their ingredient.
I was just curious, I love my yolks . I ate egg beaters once and hated them.


Kaizer said:
My days of eating Double Quarter Pounders w/ Cheese and loads of fries and a giant milkshake on a weekly basis or the fried chicken basket that was only $2.00 in the HS cafeteria scared me away from lots of meats and anything that came close to having any sort of fat in it whatsoever. Of course now I'm learning about polyunsaturated fats, monounsaturated fats and the rest of things low-carb diets entail.
The amount of fat you're getting is low, but not terrible. I ate the way you do once, and I'd just suggest taking small steps if the thought of a ribeye is a bit too much (man...making myself hungry).

It seems like you're into southwest style food, try adding some avocado into what you're eating, especially at lunch and dinner. For breakfast, have at least 1 whole egg to your 3 egg whites. For your chicken breasts, marinate them with juice from an orange, juice from a lime, a couple tbsp of olive oil or avocado oil, cilantro, a little chili powder, and a little cumin. Eventually I would use whole eggs and chicken thighs instead.

All that said, you've made awesome progress. Hopefully you're hitting the weights? High carb/low fat tends to catabolize muscle as I unfortunately found out.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
elrechazao said:
I was just curious, I love my yolks . I ate egg beaters once and hated them.

Yeah, I love yolks, too. I still like adding in a bit of egg whites to increase the volume of my two eggs in the morning. I usually take two large omega-3 eggs and crack them into a bowl, add a bit of egg whites and then mix them up. I'll often use coconut oil to fry up some sausage, then fry up my eggs in that same oil. Alternatively, if I'm having bacon, too, I'll just throw some bacon slices on a pan, cook the sausages along with the bacon in its oil, and then cook my eggs in the remaining bacon oil. Eggs with some bacon flavor are quite nice!
Gary Whitta said:
This has really turned into a low-carb thread, which I think is a good thing :)

It inspired me to give it a go. However I'm already up to 70grams (roughly) of carbs and I haven't even had dinner :( Stupid subway for lunch, it's a bad(good) habit I need to break.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Kaizer said:
Well yeah I guess I could be considered a little boring in my food choice but at the time when I was 260ish and I made my change, my main thoughts were, "I need to eat the least amount of calories possible while still filling myself up and getting essential vitamins/etc. to maximize the burn from my workout". For me that meant basically snacking on celery sticks, cucumber throughout the day and eating salad for every meal with chicken that had low calories. Seeing as how I went from 260ish to 188 in about a year, I was obviously thinking whatever I've been doing I should just keep doing from now on. I stopped working out for quite a while, but the diet had become an ingrained part of my daily life so it was no longer boring, just routine.

Some choices I've seen listed on the last few pages I just don't like though. I'm allergic to some nuts and I already hate them. Whether its peanuts, almonds, walnuts, pecans or pistachios, I've never liked their taste or consistency. I also can't stand things like pork rinds and I was never a big eater of lots of meats. My days of eating Double Quarter Pounders w/ Cheese and loads of fries and a giant milkshake on a weekly basis or the fried chicken basket that was only $2.00 in the HS cafeteria scared me away from lots of meats and anything that came close to having any sort of fat in it whatsoever. Of course now I'm learning about polyunsaturated fats, monounsaturated fats and the rest of things low-carb diets entail.

I see. Like I've said a dozen times or so in this thread, I hate counting calories, and I refuse to do it. I really don't think total caloric intake is the thing that people should focus on.

It's too bad you don't like meats, but there's a big difference between a cheeseburger or chicken deep fried in what is probably some terrible seed oil and a nicely seasoned steak cooked on the grill or even in a pan. At least for me there is. Maybe try starting out with smaller and leaner cuts?

How about full eggs? I'd definitely recommend giving two eggs a try in your breakfast.

Then again, if you're diet is working for you and you're satisfied with it, you should probably just stick with it.
bodyboarder said:
It inspired me to give it a go. However I'm already up to 70grams (roughly) of carbs and I haven't even had dinner :( Stupid subway for lunch, it's a bad(good) habit I need to break.
Yeah the Subway is what killed you right there :)

I use this as my bread now and cannot recommend it enough:


I usually make a tuna or a chicken wrap for lunch with one of these and they are fantastic. They're big and taste great and the stats are really impressive:

Per wrap:

Calories: 90
Carbs: 16g (6g net)
Fiber: 9g!
Protein: 9g!


You can even use them as a thin-crust pizza base! So good!

You can find them in the produce section at Target, FYI.
Gary Whitta said:
Yeah the Subway is what killed you right there :)

I use this as my bread now and cannot recommend it enough:


I usually make a tuna or a chicken wrap for lunch with one of these and they are fantastic. They're big and taste great and the stats are really impressive:

Per wrap:

Calories: 90
Carbs: 16g (6g net)
Fiber: 9g!
Protein: 9g!


You can even use them as a thin-crust pizza base! So good!

You can find them in the produce section at Target, FYI.

Sounds good. I'll have a look for an aussie alternative next time I'm out shopping. With the carbs bit, whats it mean by 6g net? Do the other 10 grams not count?
bodyboarder said:
Sounds good. I'll have a look for an aussie alternative next time I'm out shopping. With the carbs bit, whats it mean by 6g net? Do the other 10 grams not count?
Fiber doesn't count because it's not digested the same way so basically you subtract the fiber grams from the overall carbs and you're left with the actual number of carbs your body has to deal with. There are also other types of carbs (like sugar alcohol) that get deducted for the same reason.
Kaizer said:
Whether its peanuts, almonds, walnuts, pecans or pistachios, I've never liked their taste or consistency. I also can't stand things like pork rinds and I was never a big eater of lots of meats. My days of eating Double Quarter Pounders w/ Cheese and loads of fries and a giant milkshake on a weekly basis or the fried chicken basket that was only $2.00 in the HS cafeteria scared me away from lots of meats and anything that came close to having any sort of fat in it whatsoever.

I can see that you aren't a fat eating kind of guy, yet I'll throw out some suggestions you might not have considered : various types of fatty cheeses and whipping cream

and bacon (sorry)
Gary Whitta said:
Fiber doesn't count because it's not digested the same way so basically you subtract the fiber grams from the overall carbs and you're left with the actual number of carbs your body has to deal with. There are also other types of carbs (like sugar alcohol) that get deducted for the same reason.

So with the pic below, the 18g's of sugar doesn't count towards carbs if I'm trying to limit my intake?

bodyboarder said:
So with the pic below, the 18g's of sugar doesn't count towards carbs if I'm trying to limit my intake?

No, the sugar DOES count in fact that is the worst kind of carb there is 0_o

Sugar alcohol != sugar

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
bodyboarder said:
So with the pic below, the 18g's of sugar doesn't count towards carbs if I'm trying to limit my intake?


I don't know much about it, but sugar and sugar alcohol are not the same thing.

Personally, I just avoid processed/refined carbs as much as possible, regardless of fiber quantity.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
bodyboarder said:
Gotcha. Why must everything have carbs.

Farm subsidies.

Shop on the edge of the grocery, and for packaged stuff be careful. Might try amazon or another online retailer to buy bulk in whatever you end up liking.
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