Poor delicious carbs.
They get such a bad rap.

They get such a bad rap.
AceBandage said:Poor delicious carbs.
They get such a bad rap.
ipukespiders said:Walnuts!
Here is a pic today at 146, no "before" pics.
Bruce Lee theme inspired by the fitness thread!
Saadster said:Holy crap! Dude I am 5'10" and my legs are pretty skinny, but I am nowhere near that buff, I look much skinnier...and I'm 4 inches shorter than you! That is remarkable...unless you made a mistake converting your weight or something. But damn.
Zefah said:You can have two people at the same height and same weight, but if one of them has more muscle tissue than the other, they will look quite a bit different. It definitely seems like it's important to do resistance exercises if you don't want to end up "skinny fat".
Saadster said:That makes sense I guess, but I am a regular from the fitness thread, and I have been gaining a good amount of muscle, with like 10% body's amazing how he's so ripped.
Gary Whitta said:How much protein is too much?
Yeah I'm just trying to figure out how not to overdo it when thinking about simple weight loss since I'm eating so much protein-rich meat and fish now. I don't do weights just cardio. I know there are many people who will tell you too much protein is bad for you.ipukespiders said:I don't know that there is a number.
The general rule (for weight training) is 1 gram per lb of lean body weight. So even less for those that don't.
Gary Whitta said:Yeah I'm just trying to figure out how not to overdo it when thinking about simple weight loss since I'm eating so much protein-rich meat and fish now. I don't do weights just cardio. I know there are many people who will tell you too much protein is bad for you.
parrotbeak said:My blood test came back good -- all things are in their right range and my bad cholesterol is low, but my blood pressure is still high normal - 135/90. I have 3 months to get this thing down or my doctor is recommending meds. Fuck.
Also, my sodium is good but he said the blood test isn't a good indicator for whether my dietary sodium is too high. That's confusing. Well I'm still reducing it in my cooking, although I haven't made any changes to my social life, which involves eating out quite a bit.
Thanks, I'll look into the magnesium citrate. Was guessing low carb would help with water retention. What number of carbs do you try to keep under?Domino Theory said:Eat low-carb and take Magnesium Citrate (400mg). Trust me. There is no need for meds.
My blood pressure averaged yours prior to eating low-carb. Now I can't get it past 122/77 even if I wanted to.
parrotbeak said:Thanks, I'll look into the magnesium citrate. Was guessing low carb would help with water retention. What number of carbs do you try to keep under?
parrotbeak said:Whoa, this magnesium citrate thing is a crazy laxative huh? I already have good and fairly regular bowel movements, usually once when I wake and sometimes another before lunch. Hmm, well, I'll pick some up and play with it on a day when I'm not leaving the house.
Zefah said:Wow, I just discovered this video:
I haven't watched it yet, but apparently it's Gary Taubes explaining the stuff in his book "Why We Get Fat and What We Can Do About It", which is an absolutely fascinating book that I'm about 60% through right now.
If you don't like reading, at least give this video (1:27:51 length) a watch. You'll learn a ton about why we get fat.
Gary Whitta said:
Gary Whitta said:How much protein is too much?
Zefah said:Wow, I just discovered this video:
I haven't watched it yet, but apparently it's Gary Taubes explaining the stuff in his book "Why We Get Fat and What We Can Do About It", which is an absolutely fascinating book that I'm about 60% through right now.
If you don't like reading, at least give this video (1:27:51 length) a watch. You'll learn a ton about why we get fat.
teh_pwn said:I view this as the equivalent of statics in physics. I find it ironic how Taubes talks about how it's biology and no physics and yet shows diagrams of hormones as static forces with insulin being dominant. While it is true Insulin is king, what causes fasting insulin levels to be high (insulin resistance, diabetes) is a bit more nuanced and it is possible to overeat without having a big insulin problem. You wouldn't be mega obese, but it would make you mildly overweight. Taubes made great contributions to dismantling the Keys' lipid hypothesis and the idea that obesity just happens.
Also consider anything else that puts hormones related to metabolism in chaos:
1. Sleep deprivation. (ghrelin)
2. Leptin Resistance. (er, leptin)
3. Food reward. (dopamine)
4. Exercise (GLUT-4, androgens)
Excellent start though.
If I had to lose weight again I would attack the problem using all methods:
1. Sleep 8 hours+ per night.
2. Eat bland food.
3. Eliminate sugar.
4. Limit carbohydrates, and when you do eat them favor bland potatoes, rice.
5. Create a food log to see what foods make you overeat. Don't eat those food anymore. For example, instead of MSG seasoned peanuts with cool ranch, eat plain peanuts.
6. Gradually exercise up to 30 minutes per day, 6 days per week. Favor strength training and limit cardio to 20 minutes unless you feel good about doing more.
7. Get good lipids. Limit soybean oil and other omega6 fats and get fresh animal fats, olive oil, coconut oil, fish oil.
8. If all else fails, apply short term caloric restriction.
Schlep said:For anyone as into Mexican food as myself, these tortillas aren't too bad. Basically they taste like whole wheat tortillas, except they're 10g carb/7g fiber for 3g net each.
I use those and they're great.Schlep said:For anyone as into Mexican food as myself, these tortillas aren't too bad. Basically they taste like whole wheat tortillas, except they're 10g carb/7g fiber for 3g net each.
pharmboy044 said:So, I'm trying to cut rice out of my diet but it's so hard. I've been eating it as long as I can remember and just don't know what to replace it with.
pharmboy044 said:So, I'm trying to cut rice out of my diet but it's so hard. I've been eating it as long as I can remember and just don't know what to replace it with.
ipukespiders said:Did some grocery shopping earlier today as I was running low on a few things.
Here I am with my 3 big blocks of cheese (2kgs worth), several packages of ground beef, a head of cabbage, celery, and tomatos.
As I am waiting, this huge lady (with her skinny husband) behind me is unloading her items onto the conveyor belt. You can tell she's trying, but just doesn't get it.
Kashi "lean"? cereal
All bran cereal
quaker rice cake thingys
"vegetable" oil
sugar free jello
2 bags of chips
Basically, an entire cart full of carbs.
An observational study, yes. Doesn't mean the food is what she eats. Actually it doesn't prove anything, other than that I was bored and need to mind my own business - of course, I didn't say anything, so no harm done.
Looking at people's body types and the contents of their carts will be my new "bored waiting in line" grocery store pastime.
Shaneus said:There have been several references to Brawndo in this thread, haven't there? :lol
PS. Has to be said again... 6 KFC nuggets, no sauce, 13g carbs. Can't believe that's acceptable with *any* diet.
I shop at a Trader Joe's like store, and I haven't had anyone say anything. Like today I rolled up to the counter with eggs, grass fed NY strip (1.5 lbs), 2 lbs of pollo asado (thighs), giant brick of butter, whole milk, 1.25 lbs of colby jack, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, roma tomatoes, romaine, cucumber, oranges, low carb tortillas, and the lowest carb organic bread they have (7g net). Not a single word. This has been going on for a while now.teh_pwn said:I've given up on trying to explain to people that what I'm eating is healthy. The Keys lipid hypothesis is really integrated into culture. Whether it's bacon, lard, steak, butter, etc there are constant references to these being unhealthy. Commercials, TV shows, movies, conversations.
Not grossly overweight, but there's definitely flab. I just thought it was essentially as simple as counting carbs and making sure you don't consume an excessive amount... knowing it's not quite that simple, I think I have some more research to do! And will keep those down to a one-every-few-weeks treat rather than a semi-regular thing.teh_pwn said:That's still shitty food. If your case of being overweight is more complex that statics insulin load, you could improve things. I'm betting those nuggets had fillers, were fried in soybean oil so it's likely the lipids were damaged. Also could have some vegetables, makes it easier on the body in multiple ways.
Berries. I buy the frozen one from target or walmart.Ripclawe said:I am trying to get into greek yogurt but the taste is awful to me. any way to spice it up?
I used to eat these a lot, but ultimately they are too stiff and easy to break. They felt a lot like a substitute.Schlep said:For anyone as into Mexican food as myself, these tortillas aren't too bad. Basically they taste like whole wheat tortillas, except they're 10g carb/7g fiber for 3g net each.
teh_pwn said:EDIT: Sorry for the rant. I have a poor filter and it's been overloaded by bottling this up in real life. neogaf was my livejournal.
I just gave them youtube links and its up to them if they want to watch.ipukespiders said:Not at all.
I enjoy the rants from like minded people. The healthy grains bullshit, and evil saturated fats nonsense frustrates me, and this is all calming therapy for my well being.
I would like to get a spindle of blank dvds, burn a bunch of videos, links, and documents on them, and start giving them out like candy to people.
NomarTyme said:I just gave them youtube links and its up to them if they want to watch.
teh_pwn said:I've done this in real life. Doesn't work so well. Nutritionist at my company thinks the solution to obesity is to charge 50% more for soda. I tried explaining this won't work because it's already expensive, because people will just bring it from the grocery directly to work, and that it totally misses the point (she was trying to get people to lower calories, I provided full text studies on how chronically high amounts of fructose breaks down the leptin system causing the drive to over consume calories implicitly). I didn't change her mind.
I mean think about it. I'm just some random guy. She's got a fancy nutritionist degree with classes that told her to limit calories.