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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Menelaus said:
Tuna + mayo is a godsend. A perfect pre-run snack or meal on the go.
I've just bought some whole egg mayo and some different flavoured tunas. I assume you just squeeze a shitload of juice out, squeeze in some mayo = profit? I've never had the two together before and didn't realise mayo was low carb :/

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I wish I could find a commercial brand of mayo that used actual olive oil and not soybean trash. I'll have to go searching at some point. Maybe I'll try making it myself.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Just for the record, I'm just as much creeped out how much Zefah reminds me of myself 1 year ago. It's like I invented time travel on GAF and forgot about it. GAF seems way more low carb friendly and anti-sugar too.

As for the mayo I had the same problem, same question. I ultimately stopped using it. Making it was too much work. After you eat some lightly seasoned steaks and salads for a while, you lose the drive to add flavors to everything. I think it's part of the problem - supersaturating taste. Kind of like how porn addicts only get off on the crazy taboo stuff, or how alcoholics need a bit of beer to feel normal and tons to get a buzz. Or how after you stop drinking soda it takes like superfluously sweet shit.


teh_pwn said:
Just for the record, I'm just as much creeped out how much Zefah reminds me of myself 1 year ago. It's like I invented time travel on GAF and forgot about it. GAF seems way more low carb friendly and anti-sugar too.

As for the mayo I had the same problem, same question. I ultimately stopped using it. Making it was too much work. After you eat some lightly seasoned steaks and salads for a while, you lose the drive to add flavors to everything. I think it's part of the problem - supersaturating taste. Kind of like how porn addicts only get off on the crazy taboo stuff, or how alcoholics need a bit of beer to feel normal and tons to get a buzz. Or how after you stop drinking soda it takes like superfluously sweet shit.

I'm not really a low-carb zealot, I just think it's the best way to deal with an insulin resistant obese person.

Check out the difference in insulin sensitivity and the response to either a low carb or low fat diet:



"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Srsly said:
I'm not really a low-carb zealot, I just think it's the best way to deal with an insulin resistant obese person.

Yeah, I think it's one of the best approaches for most people. If you're diabetic you need to avoid a high glucose load until your body can handle glucose again. It's caused by a high chronic fructose load most frequently, and there's other unknowns. But after fructose breaks stuff you need to heal. Many carbs are also positive with food reward.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
K2Valor said:
Amazing progress man. What's your height? What was/is your diet/routine like?

I'm 6' 0". I've always eaten pretty balanced diet when I cook for myself. All I did was simply cut my portions in half. After a few weeks, my stomach shrunk enough to where I wasn't hungry. I satiated my hunger between breakfast and lunch with a high fiber snack, whether it was an apple or some instant oatmeal, with plenty of water. I'll drink easily over half a gallon of water just at work alone. I never really counted calories but I'd estimate my average daily intake to be roughly 1500 kcal. Anything goes on weekends, within reason. I'll go out to dine on weekends since I don't spend any money on restaurants during the week. But I'll still follow my practice of portion control so I'll often bring back leftovers or I just won't finish my food because I'm satisfied. I'll also just try to pick smarter options when I dine out. My exercise routine built up gradually.

I didn't really start exercising until August of 2010. I lost 10 lbs alone just from cutting intake. But when I started exercising, I needed to strengthen my heart and just get acclimated to high heart rate activity. So for the first month or so, I just did 30-45 minutes of straight high heart rate cardio on an elliptical machine 5 days a week, keeping my heart rate above 160 bpm, if those gauges on the machines are worth two shits. After a while, that got boring/easy so I stepped up to another cardio machine that was more challenging, but still easy on the knees because I still weighed about 300 lbs. Once I dropped to 290 lbs, I wanted to step it up a notch since I'd been doing straight cardio for like 3 months at that point and I can't stand repetition for 3/4 hr. I remember reading about HIIT on the Something Awful forums a few years prior and decided to give it a shot on the bike, since running was still to hard on the knees at my weight at the time. So I continued to lose another 30 lbs. doing HIIT. Simply 6 intervals (1 minute high, 1 minute low) @ a max. heart rate of ~170 bpm 5 times a week. Around 280-290 lbs., I started to run on the treadmill. Pretty slowly, just about 4.5 mph, but enough to run a full mile without having to stop to walk in the middle.

Pretty much I've been continuing with the same HIIT schedule 4-5 times a week. I've thrown in actual sprinting into my HIIT occasionally, if I don't feel like going to the gym. Running around the neighborhood for only roughly 15 minutes seems pretty good if I don't want to go to the gym. Everyone recommends HIIT mixed with weight lifting but I haven't lifted weights since my last roommate tried starting going back to the gym. He didn't stick with it so I continued with my personal regimen since it was working. So honestly, all my weight loss can be attributed to eating less and incredibly vigorous exercise 5 times a week (typically Monday-Thursday and Saturday morning).


teh_pwn said:
Yeah, I think it's one of the best approaches for most people. If you're diabetic you need to avoid a high glucose load until your body can handle glucose again. It's caused by a high chronic fructose load most frequently, and there's other unknowns. But after fructose breaks stuff you need to heal. Many carbs are also positive with food reward.

Check out the difference in insulin sensitivity and the response to either a low carb or low fat diet:



"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Srsly said:
Check out the difference in insulin sensitivity and the response to either a low carb or low fat diet:


Yeah I've posted that before, probably in between 8-12 months ago.

I think low carb allows ideal conditions for reversing diabetes. But insulin alone isn't the cause. See Japan, Kitavans, and even America prior to 1950 (somewhat heavy on grains, but corn meal and sourdough instead of today's grains).

After you reverse diabetes and you lose weight, I don't think bland rice/potatoes are an issue. It's more seasoned, buttered, salted, sweetened rice/potatoes.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Srsly said:
Check out the difference in insulin sensitivity and the response to either a low carb or low fat diet:


teh_pwn said:
Yeah I've posted that before, probably in between 8-12 months ago.

I think low carb allows ideal conditions for reversing diabetes. But insulin alone isn't the cause. See Japan, Kitavans, and even America prior to 1950 (somewhat heavy on grains, but corn meal and sourdough instead of today's grains).

After you reverse diabetes and you lose weight, I don't think bland rice/potatoes are an issue. It's more seasoned, buttered, salted, sweetened rice/potatoes.

Very interesting stuff! Once (if?) you can get your insulin sensitivity high enough, bland carbs may not be a problem. I'm gonna have to read up about leptin now!


Menelaus said:
Do you not live in the US or something? 3 bucks at Walmart.


Or do you not want ANY soybean oil? And I've tried making mayo. It's a pretty disgusting process, and did not turn out well at all for me.

Paleo people probably have objections to oils made from legumes (Soy bean oil). Olive Oil isn't quite paleo, but it's probably more accepted. I've been using Smart Balance Omega-3 Mayo, because my only objection to other mayo's is the omega3:6 ratio.


Pork rinds are full of saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt. I am not sure I would incorporate those into my diet. Beef jerky, despite being super high in salt, is a far better option since the meat they use is so lean.
Cheech said:
Pork rinds are full of saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt. I am not sure I would incorporate those into my diet. Beef jerky, despite being super high in salt, is a far better option since the meat they use is so lean.

I've been having them as a snack on a lot of days and it doesn't seem to have done my any harm so far.


Mayo + tuna = win
Tartare sauce + tuna = SO MUCH WIN

Unfortunately, couldn't find anything that had good oil so I'm just going to have to hit the fish oils a bit more intensely to try and undo any badness from that nasty shit.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Cheech said:
Pork rinds are full of saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt. I am not sure I would incorporate those into my diet. Beef jerky, despite being super high in salt, is a far better option since the meat they use is so lean.

And why are saturated fat and dietary cholesterol bad for you? I'm not for or against pork rinds, just wondering where you're coming from with a statement like that.
Cheech said:
Pork rinds are full of saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt. I am not sure I would incorporate those into my diet.

That's exactly why you should incorporate them into your diet.

Just had a nice breakfast of sausages and eggs fried up in pile of butter. Forgot to take the bacon out of the freezer to thaw last night, and it's too hard to mess with when its frozen.


I understand that the pendulum has swung hard away from carbs and that fat/protein is now the preferred dietary staple, but honestly? Regular snacking on pork rinds? Is this crazy world?
Draft said:
Regular snacking on pork rinds? Is this crazy world?

Well, I've never actually eaten them (or even seen them for sale).

MoxManiac said:
What's a good snack or drink immediately after a workout?
(a workout that consists of intense cardio and resistance/lifting)

A whey protein shake.


Zefah said:
And why are saturated fat and dietary cholesterol bad for you? I'm not for or against pork rinds, just wondering where you're coming from with a statement like that.

because it's still being taught that dietary cholesterol and saturated fat is bad for you. Heck, we still have doctors who will tell their patients that.

If you're eating a low carb diet, you need your fats though if people are still scared of them then take them from unsaturated fats instead... but if you're eating a calorie restricted diet, I wouldn't eat both carbs and fats.
For all the other lower carbers here. While weight is important for many, overall health is obviously more important.

Domino Theory touched on this earlier, regarding omega 6 content in nuts, and thereby the omega 3/6 ratio.
This has made me consider making sure I am paying attention to things other than just the fat/protein/carb macros.
What other foods are you making sure you get a good supply of considering:
vitamins, minerals, omega 3, sodium, anything else?
I would hate to be the guy that was "LOL eating low carb and look what happened to him LOL"

I generally eat leafy greens, like spinach, broccoli, leaf lettuce. I usually have a tomato a day, 3 or 4 bell peppers a week, and usually some strawberries in my cottage cheese. No real grass fed meat (at least affordable) in these parts.
I have flax seed, but haven't ground up any into my shakes recently - I keep forgetting. I would rather get my essentials from foods if possible, but I do take a daily fish oil cap.


Phobophile said:
I'm 6' 0". I've always eaten pretty balanced diet when I cook for myself. All I did was simply cut my portions in half. After a few weeks, my stomach shrunk enough to where I wasn't hungry. I satiated my hunger between breakfast and lunch with a high fiber snack, whether it was an apple or some instant oatmeal, with plenty of water. I'll drink easily over half a gallon of water just at work alone. I never really counted calories but I'd estimate my average daily intake to be roughly 1500 kcal. Anything goes on weekends, within reason. I'll go out to dine on weekends since I don't spend any money on restaurants during the week. But I'll still follow my practice of portion control so I'll often bring back leftovers or I just won't finish my food because I'm satisfied. I'll also just try to pick smarter options when I dine out. My exercise routine built up gradually.

I didn't really start exercising until August of 2010. I lost 10 lbs alone just from cutting intake. But when I started exercising, I needed to strengthen my heart and just get acclimated to high heart rate activity. So for the first month or so, I just did 30-45 minutes of straight high heart rate cardio on an elliptical machine 5 days a week, keeping my heart rate above 160 bpm, if those gauges on the machines are worth two shits. After a while, that got boring/easy so I stepped up to another cardio machine that was more challenging, but still easy on the knees because I still weighed about 300 lbs. Once I dropped to 290 lbs, I wanted to step it up a notch since I'd been doing straight cardio for like 3 months at that point and I can't stand repetition for 3/4 hr. I remember reading about HIIT on the Something Awful forums a few years prior and decided to give it a shot on the bike, since running was still to hard on the knees at my weight at the time. So I continued to lose another 30 lbs. doing HIIT. Simply 6 intervals (1 minute high, 1 minute low) @ a max. heart rate of ~170 bpm 5 times a week. Around 280-290 lbs., I started to run on the treadmill. Pretty slowly, just about 4.5 mph, but enough to run a full mile without having to stop to walk in the middle.

Pretty much I've been continuing with the same HIIT schedule 4-5 times a week. I've thrown in actual sprinting into my HIIT occasionally, if I don't feel like going to the gym. Running around the neighborhood for only roughly 15 minutes seems pretty good if I don't want to go to the gym. Everyone recommends HIIT mixed with weight lifting but I haven't lifted weights since my last roommate tried starting going back to the gym. He didn't stick with it so I continued with my personal regimen since it was working. So honestly, all my weight loss can be attributed to eating less and incredibly vigorous exercise 5 times a week (typically Monday-Thursday and Saturday morning).

Wow, that sounds a lot like what I just started doing in the last few weeks. Glad it actually will produce incredible results. Congrats!
_Alkaline_ said:
Nice work on the weight loss, but why da fuck were you running for 2-3 hours? You only need to do around 20-30 minutes (combined with general daily activity such as walking). Sounds like absolute overkill to me, even if it worked for you.
I like running :)


ipukespiders said:
For all the other lower carbers here. While weight is important for many, overall health is obviously more important.

Domino Theory touched on this earlier, regarding omega 6 content in nuts, and thereby the omega 3/6 ratio.
This has made me consider making sure I am paying attention to things other than just the fat/protein/carb macros.
What other foods are you making sure you get a good supply of considering:
vitamins, minerals, omega 3, sodium, anything else?
I would hate to be the guy that was "LOL eating low carb and look what happened to him LOL"
Honestly, I don't pay that much attention to it. I rotate between meats: beef, chicken, pork, lamb. I eat eggs almost every day.

For vegetables, I rotate between those as well. Ones I can remember having recently: cauliflower, romaine, yellow bell, broccoli, sweet potato, green beans, carrots, red bell, yellow onion, white onion, red onion, cucumber, yellow squash, italian squash, and spinach.

Recent fruits: peaches, watermelon, avocados, tomatoes, cherries, oranges, apples, blueberries, and limes.

For cooking fats, I pretty much only use butter and avocado oil. I couldn't tell you if I'm getting absolutely everything I need, especially on a daily basis. However, pretty sure I'm in the upper percentile of healthy eating, heh.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I just tried blueberries and raspberries in heavy cream last night for the first time. It was absolutely delightful! I never really feel the urge to snack, so I'll have to incorporate this into the occasional meal.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
ipukespiders said:
For all the other lower carbers here. While weight is important for many, overall health is obviously more important.

Domino Theory touched on this earlier, regarding omega 6 content in nuts, and thereby the omega 3/6 ratio.
This has made me consider making sure I am paying attention to things other than just the fat/protein/carb macros.
What other foods are you making sure you get a good supply of considering:
vitamins, minerals, omega 3, sodium, anything else?
I would hate to be the guy that was "LOL eating low carb and look what happened to him LOL"

I generally eat leafy greens, like spinach, broccoli, leaf lettuce. I usually have a tomato a day, 3 or 4 bell peppers a week, and usually some strawberries in my cottage cheese. No real grass fed meat (at least affordable) in these parts.
I have flax seed, but haven't ground up any into my shakes recently - I keep forgetting. I would rather get my essentials from foods if possible, but I do take a daily fish oil cap.

Yeah, I noticed that once I started refocusing from weight loss to overall health, my weight loss naturally followed and increased in addition to reversing negative health factors such as bad cholesterol, high blood pressure, high fasting glucose, insulin resistance, etc. All of which I had, but have now been completely reversed in addition to losing 123 pounds.

Oh and here's a chart for the amount of Omega 6 in certain nuts for every 1/4th cup:

Omega-6 Content Various Nuts (1/4 cup)

Walnuts – 9.5 g

Almonds – 4.36 g

Cashews – 2.6 g

Macadamias – 0.5 g

Brazil nuts – 7.2 g

Hazelnuts – 2.7 g

Pistachio – 4.1 g

Pine nuts – 11.6 g

Pecans – 5.8 g


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Domino Theory said:
Yeah, I noticed that once I started refocusing from weight loss to overall health, my weight loss naturally followed and increased in addition to reversing negative health factors such as bad cholesterol, high blood pressure, high fasting glucose, insulin resistance, etc. All of which I had, but have now been completely reversed in addition to losing 123 pounds.

Oh and here's a chart for the amount of Omega 6 in certain nuts for every 1/4th cup:


123 pounds! Goddamn! How long did that take you?

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Zefah said:
123 pounds! Goddamn! How long did that take you?

Hehe, well, in Summer '07 when I graduated from high school, I was 320 pounds. I went to my doctor at that time and she told me if I continued my bad eating habits, I would get diabetes. That statement scared me shitless so I cut out all soda and junk food (still ate some fast food) and lost 60 pounds over that summer to 260.

Then I stopped caring again for a while and became 295 pounds in Summer '09 which is when I went on a calorie deficit diet until Summer '10 where I lost 30 pounds to be at 265. From last summer is when I noticed all of teh_pwn's posts in this thread and other health threads and started my weight loss efforts again, only this time emphasizing overall health.

Intermittent fasting was incorporated half way through and still is a part of my routine and I've lost 67 pounds since last summer. As of today, I'm 197. :D

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Domino Theory said:
Hehe, well, in Summer '07 when I graduated from high school, I was 320 pounds. I went to my doctor at that time and she told me if I continued my bad eating habits, I would get diabetes. That statement scared me shitless so I cut out all soda and junk food (still ate some fast food) and lost 60 pounds over that summer to 260.

Then I stopped caring again for a while and became 295 pounds in Summer '09 which is when I went on a calorie deficit diet until Summer '10 where I lost 30 pounds to be at 265. From last summer is when I noticed all of teh_pwn's posts in this thread and other health threads and started my weight loss efforts again, only this time emphasizing overall health.

Intermittent fasting was incorporated half way through and still is a part of my routine and I've lost 67 pounds since last summer. As of today, I'm 197. :D

Well, congrats on all of that!

I'm going to have to go back in this thread and check out some of teh_pwn's older posts. He always seems to find really interesting studies.
I've officially lost 100 pounds.

I've gone from 335 to 235 in the past year and a half. FEELS REALLY FUCKING GOOD, MAN.

When I get down below 200, I think I'm going to roll around on the floor, crying tears of glorious joy. I'm not going to stop until I get the body I've always wanted - the six pack, the defined chest, all of it. I've come this far and I'm not going to look back.

I still can't believe I've done this. It's been the toughest thing I've done in my entire life, and it honestly just overwhelms me. I've been struggling with my weight since my early teens, and I never thought I'd be able to overcome it.

All that said, I'm eating badly this weekend - very badly. I had my first Subway sub in six months. But it's a holiday, so fuck it, right? :lol


Shaneus said:
If it's just the ratio, I take a few grams of fish oil... would that bring it back okay?
No you're better off lowering your Omega six intake rather than upping your omega 3 intake. You're gonna a need a lot of fish oil if you gonna go that route.
Price Dalton said:
It's not just the ratio. Absolute amounts matter more.
Totally. I also I like to add you're better off eating food with omega 3 than take the pill.
Shaneus said:
Is sunflower oil bad? That's the one used in the mayo I just picked up (in Australia).

You're better off making your own with olive oil. Its a simple process.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
BertramCooper said:
I've officially lost 100 pounds.

I've gone from 335 to 235 in the past year and a half. FEELS REALLY FUCKING GOOD, MAN.

When I get down below 200, I think I'm going to roll around on the floor, crying tears of glorious joy. I'm not going to stop until I get the body I've always wanted - the six pack, the defined chest, all of it. If I can come this far, I'm not going to look back.

I still can't believe I've done this. It's been the toughest thing I've done in my entire life, and it honestly just overwhelms me. I've been struggling with my weight since my early teens, and I never thought I'd be able to overcome it.

All that said, I'm eating badly this weekend - very badly. I had my first Subway sub in six months. But it's a holiday, so fuck it, right? :lol

Congrats man! Splurge a little on the weekend to celebrate, but don't freak out when you weigh yourself on Tuesday and see that you're back up to 240 or something! You sound determined (had to have been to get this far), so I doubt it will be a problem.

I'm down a little over 50 pounds since early February, so it's been about five months. It feels great, and I'm almost down to a weight I used to be comfortable with (160lbs), but I plan on taking it further this time. A six pack is definitely a goal of mine, so I'm probably going to have to drop down to around 140-130 or so to achieve it.
Zefah said:
Congrats man! Splurge a little on the weekend to celebrate, but don't freak out when you weigh yourself on Tuesday and see that you're back up to 240 or something! You sound determined (had to have been to get this far), so I doubt it will be a problem

And I'm not worried about the scale on Monday, because I don't weigh myself often. I actually haven't weighed myself in about three months. I'm visiting my parents for the holiday weekend and they have a scale in their bathroom, so I figured, "What the hell?" and jumped on it.

I've found that I prefer gauging my weight loss by how I look and how my clothes fit rather than weighing myself every single week. It's so easy to get discouraged when you weigh yourself on a regular basis, and it's often natural weight fluctuations, muscle gain, or even calibration issues in the scale that can cause unexpected readings.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
BertramCooper said:

And I'm not worried about the scale on Monday, because I don't weigh myself often. I actually haven't weighed myself in about three months. I'm visiting my parents for the holiday weekend and they have a scale in their bathroom, so I figured, "What the hell?" and jumped on it.

I've found that I prefer gauging my weight loss by how I look and how my clothes fit rather than weighing myself every single week. It's so easy to get discouraged when you weigh yourself on a regular basis, and it's often natural weight fluctuations, muscle gain, or even calibration issues in the scale that can cause unexpected readings.

I agree with this method!

A few pairs of pants and some shirts/jackets I couldn't wear at all back when I started in February are now too big for me! Feels good, but I don't want to splurge on new clothes until I lose at least another 10-15 pounds, so I'm in a weird spot right now.
Domino Theory said:
Yeah, it's his fascinating posts that motivated me.

Oh and to answer the other part of ipukespiders' post, BLUEBERRIES! EAT BLUEBERRIES!

edit: And broccoli: http://www.ergo-log.com/broccolidiet.html

Blueberries, yes good call - raspberries too.

Already on the broccoli. I have to say, I'm 38 and I only started eating it this year. My instincts were correct though... I don't like it, but I still eat it.

Maybe I'll try it with something fatty on it, like mayo or something.

AceBandage said:
There is nothing quite like the feeling of suddenly needing pants that are 5 sizes smaller.

There is also nothing quite like buying pants mid weight loss, and then having them too big a month later. DOH!!
ipukespiders said:
Blueberries, yes good call - raspberries too.

Already on the broccoli. I have to say, I'm 38 and I only started eating it this year. My instincts were correct though... I don't like it, but I still eat it.

Maybe I'll try it with something fatty on it, like mayo or something.
soaked in butter

A+++++++ would eat again!!!


BertramCooper said:
I've officially lost 100 pounds.

I've gone from 335 to 235 in the past year and a half. FEELS REALLY FUCKING GOOD, MAN.

When I get down below 200, I think I'm going to roll around on the floor, crying tears of glorious joy. I'm not going to stop until I get the body I've always wanted - the six pack, the defined chest, all of it. I've come this far and I'm not going to look back.

I still can't believe I've done this. It's been the toughest thing I've done in my entire life, and it honestly just overwhelms me. I've been struggling with my weight since my early teens, and I never thought I'd be able to overcome it.

All that said, I'm eating badly this weekend - very badly. I had my first Subway sub in six months. But it's a holiday, so fuck it, right? :lol

Congrats bro!

It is an awesome feeling isn't it? I've dropped from 351 to the low to mid 220s, and there's no better feeling than running into people that haven't seen you since you were at your heaviest and their subsequent reactions.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
ipukespiders said:
Blueberries, yes good call - raspberries too.

Already on the broccoli. I have to say, I'm 38 and I only started eating it this year. My instincts were correct though... I don't like it, but I still eat it.

Maybe I'll try it with something fatty on it, like mayo or something.

There is also nothing quite like buying pants mid weight loss, and then having them too big a month later. DOH!!

Yup, I just got back from my local Target and bought new workout clothes, each of which (pants and shirt) are two sizes smaller than their predecessors. :D

Also, I have my veggies steamed and I fucking LOVE IT. Steamed veggies FTW! I'll definitely try it with butter, though, asap.
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