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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Gary Whitta said:
So I think I might have hit my plateau, weight loss seems to have slowed right down at around 207lbs. I haven't changed anything, still keeping my carbs low, sugar is practically zero and I'm even working to a calorie restriction (around 1800 per day). Any tips on how to get over this hump? Change anything, or just push through?

I think as you approach your ideal weight the low carb diet becomes less effective by itself, because:

1. Food reward can still cause you to eat at maintenance. While insulin is the strongest way to gain fat, you aren't going to burn body fat very quickly if you're flooding your blood with free fatty acids from food. There has to be a deficit of food intake such that the body will rely on internal fat. So instead of bacon, pepperoni, sausage, eat steak lightly seasoned. Instead of prepackaged low carb products with sweeteners and sugar alcohol, eat lightly seasoned vegetables.

2. Make sure that sleep is about 8 hours per day or more. Sleep deprivation increases ghrelin, a hormone that increases hunger.

3. Ensure leptin function by avoiding grains and soy because they contain lectins which bind to the leptin receptors without suppressing appetite.

4. Lift weights and do some light cardio. Increases GLUT4 gene function, which makes lean tissue more insulin sensitive.

5. Double check your hunger by counting calories. Not for the purpose of controlling calorie intake while ignoring hunger (typical, flawed approach), but instead to make sure your hunger is correct. You should only be hungry enough to undereat until your fat % approaches a normal range.

6. Every week or so eat a few cups of plain, white rice. Sounds crazy, but low fat starches increase leptin function. Leptin will wane after prolonged ketosis. I've only read this briefly so that's all I know.

7. Unfortunately there are unknowns due to the standard caloriesIn-CaloriesOut causality/solution approach, research has been light into identifying everything.

I believe these factors are more important as you approach your idea weight because if you start out obese the only possible way to support that much fat is to have high insulin levels constantly. If you lower insulin, you lose a ton initially. But there's a bit more than can be sustained by not addressing other factors.


teh_pwn said:
6. Every week or so eat a few cups of plain, white rice. Sounds crazy, but low fat starches increase leptin function. Leptin will wane after prolonged ketosis. I've only read this briefly so that's all I know.
I'm not sure exactly what low/high leptin does (something to do with appetite?) but I suspect that the handful of sweet potato fries I had last night may have done the same thing. While I've been slowly getting hungrier over the past few days (after maybe 2 weeks of being in keto, I'd suspect) I woke up this morning and felt really good... not hungry at all.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Shaneus said:
I'm not sure exactly what low/high leptin does (something to do with appetite?) but I suspect that the handful of sweet potato fries I had last night may have done the same thing. While I've been slowly getting hungrier over the past few days (after maybe 2 weeks of being in keto, I'd suspect) I woke up this morning and felt really good... not hungry at all.

To oversimplify it, leptin is one of your body's primary fuel gauges. It's excreted by fat tissue, so ordinarily the larger your fat cells the more leptin is circulating in your blood. It crosses the blood brain barrier into the hypothalamus. Leptin among other hormones & neurotransmitters is used by the hypothalamus to orchestrate food intake and energy expenditure. When lots of leptin reaches the hypothalamus, it kills hunger and juices up metabolism.

Obese people tend to have lots of leptin, but other factors override leptin's function or inhibit it's transport to the brain or it's readability by the hypothalamus. It's not the single magic bullet cause of obesity, but it's a huge factor in many people. They can cause leptin resistance in labs by feeding rats lots of fructose over 6+ months.


Mr. Serious Business said:
I'm a little annoyed.

To give a little background, I was always a chubby kid. My worst was probably when I was 15 and weighed 195 pounds (although to be fair I was also tall for my age). Recently, I decided to truly get skinny. I actually started reading nutrition labels, discovered that many things I thought were healthy were actually very unhealthy, and started eating more healthy foods. I immediately dropped 10 pounds in a month just from not eating crap. Later, I switched to a low carb diet (which I'm still on), and I'm currently 6 foot and 170 pounds.

What bothers me is that I still feel like I have lots of excess fat. I thought this would actually be a pretty good weight, and yet I still have excess neck fat and love handles. I'm worried that another 10 pounds lost wouldn't make a difference either. I realize a lot of it is genetic, but it's so discouraging to not be able to get the body I started dieting for in the first place.

Advice? Encouragement?
I have now lost 155 pounds. I thought by the 50 pound mark the lovehandles would be gone. They are still there.

If you have lovehandles as a guy, they are usually the last thing to go. You'll get there, but you can't really tell where the finish line is from the beginning.

People ask me now, "When are you going to quit?"

I've started answering everyone the same way. "I don't know."

Press on.
Ettie said:
I have now lost 155 pounds. I thought by the 50 pound mark the lovehandles would be gone. They are still there.

If you have lovehandles as a guy, they are usually the last thing to go. You'll get there, but you can't really tell where the finish line is from the beginning.

People ask me now, "When are you going to quit?"

I've started answering everyone the same way. "I don't know."

Press on.
This is an outstandingly motivating post.


FallingEdge said:
You are what is called "skinny fat". You can continue to lose fat but you will look sickly if there is no muscle. You are 170 lbs @ 6ft. Start hitting the gym and gain some mass/muscle and your fat will start to melt away.

I'm so glad someone posted this. Being skinny fat is arguably the worst thing in the world.

I started off around 315lbs and dropped to 210. I still had fat on me and thought that dieting was the thing to do. I hit 200 and looked malnourished and ill. When I hit 180, I looked fucking terrible (I'm 6ft3). I still had fat on my belly at that weight.

Now, I'm 220 and look way better than I have in ages because I have some muscle on me.

Start lifting and start eating. If you keep on dieting the way you are, you're going to look sickly and ill, your metabolism is going to crash (in fact, I'd be surprised if it hasn't already) and you're going to be stuck with that fat.

Read the fitness thread (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=431741) for info on lifting.
Been cutting down on carbs big-time, but I'm still having 2 Weet Bix + Low-fat milk for breakfast. This will probably be the last thing I need to eliminate, even if it's realisatically a very healthy breakfast (just not great for weight-los, since the carbs amount to about 30g overall).

What's a great substitute for this? I'm thinking omelette's - I made one with just egg whites yesterday for lunch which tasted surprisingly good, but is it ok to use the yolks as well?
_Alkaline_ said:
Been cutting down on carbs big-time, but I'm still having 2 Weet Bix + Low-fat milk for breakfast. This will probably be the last thing I need to eliminate, even if it's realisatically a very healthy breakfast (just not great for weight-los, since the carbs amount to about 30g overall).

What's a great substitute for this?

I've been eating one of these every day for the past few days. Love them! Have 2, or 3 (careful of the flax though).
Note, have a glass of whole milk with this, as it is dry and you may choke and die!

The "One Minute Muffin" (not my recipe)

Serving Size: 1

¼ cup of flax (grind up in coffee grinder)
½ teaspoon baking powder
1 packet splenda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 large egg
1 teaspoon butter

Put the dry ingredients in a coffee mug.
Then add the egg and the butter. Mix.
Microwave 1 minute (or more). Take out. slice, butter, eat.
Cream cheese would go nicely, too.
The shape of this can be changed by making it in a bowl.
It can be "toasted" once it's cooked.
The cinnamon can be replaced. I would imagine that any sugar free syrup could be added.

Per serving:

235 Calories
18g Fat
12g Protein
11.1g Carbohydrate
8.8mg fiber
2.3 net carbs
_Alkaline_ said:
Been cutting down on carbs big-time, but I'm still having 2 Weet Bix + Low-fat milk for breakfast. This will probably be the last thing I need to eliminate, even if it's realisatically a very healthy breakfast (just not great for weight-los, since the carbs amount to about 30g overall).

What's a great substitute for this? I'm thinking omelette's - I made one with just egg whites yesterday for lunch which tasted surprisingly good, but is it ok to use the yolks as well?

Eggs and bacon. I've been having at a minimum a full rasher of bacon for breakfast every day for about 3 months now. I'd rather go hungry than have carbs for breakfast. The idea is to give you body time to hit ketosis.
I avoid anything grain/wheat related as much as I can, and I feel better for it.

and skip the low fat milk, go for something with fat in it. The fat will keep you fuller for longer, and fat is a better fuel for your body than carbs by a long shot.

The yolks are the best part. The fat in them is your friend.
So I guess I'm going to cut down on snacks (nuts, the occasional protein bar) and just do a really simple three-meals-a-day diet and try to stick to my original 1650 calorie restriction and see if that helps shift me over this hump.
Gary Whitta said:
So I guess I'm going to cut down on snacks (nuts, the occasional protein bar) and just do a really simple three-meals-a-day diet and try to stick to my original 1650 calorie restriction and see if that helps shift me over this hump.

I think I went through two humps that I can remember. You really just have to ride it out and you feel even better after it passes.
Like most people, I was a bit gluttonous over the holiday weekend.

But I've been good this week. So far.

But my grandfather died this morning. And though I've known it was coming for quite a while (he's been ill for over a year now), it's still a shock.

And naturally, with the grief and the demands that come with a death in the family, so too comes the food and the lack of time to exercise.

Suffice it to say July isn't off to a great start. And all of this right after I finally broke the 100-pounds lost milestone. Sigh.


The worst thing you can do during a diet is think that seeing as you've broken (insert diet rule here) a little more won't hurt. Once you fall off the horse, just get back on :)

PS. Sorry to hear about your grandfather :(


What's the best thing to eat after a workout if you're trying to lose weight? I know typically you should eat carbs and some protein but does it go for losing weight as well?
Gary Whitta said:
So I guess I'm going to cut down on snacks (nuts, the occasional protein bar)
Yeah, the other YMMV plateau breakers I read about a lot are cutting out artificial sweeteners, dairy, fruit, and nuts.
It's hard to believe the one protein bar I'm eating per day is really slowing me down though, no sugar or sugar alcohols, 4g carbs, 18g fiber!


Gary Whitta said:
So I guess I'm going to cut down on snacks (nuts, the occasional protein bar) and just do a really simple three-meals-a-day diet and try to stick to my original 1650 calorie restriction and see if that helps shift me over this hump.
Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. Just keep with whatever plan you are on. As long as you hit your macros and stay under your caloric goal you will lose weight.

The body is funny sometimes. I remember weeks where I'm working my ass off and I wouldn't lose anything, then all of a sudden I would drop 4 pounds seemingly overnight.


Gary Whitta said:
It's hard to believe the one protein bar I'm eating per day is really slowing me down though, no sugar or sugar alcohols, 4g carbs, 18g fiber!

Get an oral thermometer and check your temperature. If it's 97 degrees or below, your metabolism is crashing and has been slowed from anywhere between 7% to 20%. If it's 96 or below, then consider seeing a doctor and start eating a lot more.

If your temperature is 98.1-98.7, your metabolism is fine and you need to adjust your diet.

Judging by how quickly you've dropped the weight, I wouldn't be surprised if your metabolism is starting to slow. Low calorie diets have a habit of doing that.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Easier said than done, I know, but don't worry yourself about plateaus unless you've stayed the same weight for a month or more. I've hit multiple plateaus since February, but I eventually started dropping again without changing anything. The longest was when I stayed the same weight every morning (176.4 lbs) for a little over two weeks.


Gary Whitta said:
It's hard to believe the one protein bar I'm eating per day is really slowing me down though, no sugar or sugar alcohols, 4g carbs, 18g fiber!
Meh its too process. Cut it out for month and see where you at.


Does maths and stuff
I've lost about 8 lbs in the last 3 weeks going low-carb. Almost feels like cheating, because I'm always full.

Tonight I had Indian (with rice) as a cheat meal and damn I feel guilty. Probably consumed 150g of carbs, lol.

I'm pushing to lose another 5 pounds in the next 3 weeks to hit my goal.

Then comes the fun part trying to figure out my maintenance carbs. :)
Turns out I lost 1lb this week after all so weight loss has definitely slowed but not entirely stalled out. Onward!

Speaking of Indian, anyone know how many carbs there are in chicken tikka masala without the rice? I could easily forego the rice and just eat the chicken in that delicious creamy sauce if it's not too carb-heavy.
Is it possible to gain weight without the aid of milk? I only weigh like 55kg but I have a stomach condition and dairy products don't agree with me, the doctor told me I need to put on weight but how can I without dairy?


Gary Whitta said:
Turns out I lost 1lb this week after all so weight loss has definitely slowed but not entirely stalled out. Onward!

Speaking of Indian, anyone know how many carbs there are in chicken tikka masala without the rice? I could easily forego the rice and just eat the chicken in that delicious creamy sauce if it's not too carb-heavy.
The sauce is usually (at least, it seems) where the carbs are. I think they use plenty of flour to thicken things up but if you use it sparingly, it can add a lot of flavour without being too high carb.

For example, I bought some Nando's peri-peri sauce. It's fairly high in carbs %-wise, but because it's really only a basting, it's hardly dents my carb count for the day.


PumpkinPie said:
Is it possible to gain weight without the aid of milk? I only weigh like 55kg but I have a stomach condition and dairy products don't agree with me, the doctor told me I need to put on weight but how can I without dairy?

im not sure why you think you need dairy to gain weight. just eat more food.


ipukespiders said:
I've been eating one of these every day for the past few days. Love them! Have 2, or 3 (careful of the flax though).
Note, have a glass of whole milk with this, as it is dry and you may choke and die!

The "One Minute Muffin" (not my recipe)

Serving Size: 1

¼ cup of flax (grind up in coffee grinder)
½ teaspoon baking powder
1 packet splenda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 large egg
1 teaspoon butter

Put the dry ingredients in a coffee mug.
Then add the egg and the butter. Mix.
Microwave 1 minute (or more). Take out. slice, butter, eat.
Cream cheese would go nicely, too.
The shape of this can be changed by making it in a bowl.
It can be "toasted" once it's cooked.
The cinnamon can be replaced. I would imagine that any sugar free syrup could be added.

Per serving:

235 Calories
18g Fat
12g Protein
11.1g Carbohydrate
8.8mg fiber
2.3 net carbs

What happens if you have too much flax?
One minute muffin from the microwave, who knew!


Hmm I am gonna try that muffin recipe tomorrow have to grab some groceries later will give these a try they sound good


Day 3 of eating under 50g of carbs. First day I was at ~20, yesterday I was at ~30, and today I'm at ~5. Dinner tends to be where I get most my carbs, so I'll probably end up today around 30 again.

Am I supposed to be feeling something? If not now, when? Thought it came with grogginess or something. Maybe it hasn't been long enough.


Does maths and stuff
Einbroch said:
Day 3 of eating under 50g of carbs. First day I was at ~20, yesterday I was at ~30, and today I'm at ~5. Dinner tends to be where I get most my carbs, so I'll probably end up today around 30 again.

Am I supposed to be feeling something? If not now, when? Thought it came with grogginess or something. Maybe it hasn't been long enough.

I never felt anything, doesn't seem to affect everyone.

I'll probably be going to 50g per day now (have cravings for bananas since my work leaves these damn fruit cornucopias all over the place).
Einbroch said:
Day 3 of eating under 50g of carbs. First day I was at ~20, yesterday I was at ~30, and today I'm at ~5. Dinner tends to be where I get most my carbs, so I'll probably end up today around 30 again.

Am I supposed to be feeling something? If not now, when? Thought it came with grogginess or something. Maybe it hasn't been long enough.
I don't feel anything special, and I don't get the magic ketobreath that lots of people get either. Well, I should say, I feel good, but that's because I'm not eating shit :)


Am I eating the right amount of carbs for Ketosis? I'm 260 pounds (was 310 a year ago but worked out and lost 50 pounds, then kinda stopped), 5'11", and I usually end up somewhere between 20-30 carbs a day, leaning towards 30.

Right now my goal is under 30. Too low? Too high? Been reading everywhere and I just don't know what I need. I know it varies per person, but I WANT TO KNOW DAMMIT.

Einbroch said:
Am I eating the right amount of carbs for Ketosis? I'm 260 pounds (was 310 a year ago but worked out and lost 50 pounds, then kinda stopped), 5'11", and I usually end up somewhere between 20-30 carbs a day, leaning towards 30.

Right now my goal is under 30. Too low? Too high? Been reading everywhere and I just don't know what I need. I know it varies per person, but I WANT TO KNOW DAMMIT.

The best way to know is how much weight you're losing. If you're really obsessed with knowing whether you have lots of ketone bodies , get some ketostix. I think amazon has them.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Anyone here have some knowledge about the ingredient 'carrageenan' that seems to be in all brands of chocolate milk and cocoa powders? I've heard it's bad to have, but it seems so hard to avoid since it's in every brand of chocolate milk and cocoa powders except for chocolate malt from Ovaltine.

I just want to know if I should be freaking out about it as much as I am because I want to experiment with the chocolate milk post-workout and see how it goes, but I also want to avoid nasty chemicals/ingredients such as 'carrageenan'.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Domino Theory said:
Anyone here have some knowledge about the ingredient 'carrageenan' that seems to be all brands of chocolate milk and cocoa powders? I've heard it's bad to have, but it seems so hard to avoid since it's every brand of chocolate milk and cocoa powders except for chocolate malt from Ovaltine.

I just want to know if I should be freaking out about it as much as I am because I want to experiment with the chocolate milk post-workout and see how it goes, but I also want to avoid nasty chemicals/ingredients such as 'carrageenan'.

I was wondering about that, too. I saw it in most of the heavy cream and half-and-half brands at Safeway. I decided to go with an organic brand where the only ingredient was "grade A cream".

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Zefah said:
I was wondering about that, too. I saw it in most of the heavy cream and half-and-half brands at Safeway. I decided to go with an organic brand where the only ingredient was "grade A cream".

Do you or anyone else have recommendations for cocoa powder that mixes well with milk? I've been looking on Amazon and Hershey's Cocoa Unsweetened as well as other organic cocoas seem to be good, but wouldn't the fiber in them slow down the digestion of the chocolate milk?
Domino Theory said:
Do you or anyone else have recommendations for cocoa powder that mixes well with milk? I've been looking on Amazon and Hershey's Cocoa Unsweetened as well as other organic cocoas seem to be good, but wouldn't the fiber in them slow down the digestion of the chocolate milk?

I like Nutiva raw cocoa powder, but I mix it using a blender. I can't vouch for hand or fork mixing.
Well, I guess I arrived at maintenance.
Don't need to loose anymore bodyfat so I'm upping my carbs a bit. Been having a feeling like I got ankle weights on during my day. My job is quite active, and I've been dragging my ass. Strangely though, my weight training has been going well - no losses on my lifts, and I feel good at the gym. It's like short intense activity isn't affected by low carb.

There are some different options. A carb up day once per week, adding more carbs each day, or adding carbs around my workout schedule. I'll experiment with this.

Anyone else at maintenance?
Anyone else love when you're about to whip out some frozen veggies ( I was out of fresh and not wanting to go to the store) and you get ...

"mmmm, broccoli"
*reads label*

"Corn Syrup Solids"

First time posting on this thread and sadly don't have photographs but I've been weighing myself every four weeks on my own calorie-strict diet. And since January 23rd, I've lost a staggering sixty-four pounds.

Had two bad months because of a lot of celebrations and stuff and fatigue from dieting so it slowed down the past two months but getting back on it fully now and can't wait to lose the other five thousand pounds.

As a lurker before I got activated this thread has helped me through the process.


Impeccable said:
First time posting on this thread and sadly don't have photographs but I've been weighing myself every four weeks on my own calorie-strict diet. And since January 23rd, I've lost a staggering sixty-four pounds.

Had two bad months because of a lot of celebrations and stuff and fatigue from dieting so it slowed down the past two months but getting back on it fully now and can't wait to lose the other five thousand pounds.

As a lurker before I got activated this thread has helped me through the process.

Good work! What was your average daily caloric intake, and what kinds of foods did you eat?
I think I'm finally breaking through my plateau, weigh-in today was 204lb. The 200lb barrier is in sight, very excited to break that one!

Had a nice tall glass of organic whole milk today... GOD DAMN, after years of drinking that fat-free garbage... there really is no substitute. So good.


Age: 19

Height: 5' 11"- 6'

Weight: It's been awhile since I've been weighed but I've been consistently at 310-330 for awhile

Goal: Lose 30-50lbs. by November

Current Exercise Equipment Available: None

Comments: I'd like to lose 30-50lbs. by November for a trip that may or may not be happening. I've been overweight for most of my life and have tried dieting before. It's worked but over time I lose motivation and self-control. I love food and come from a family where cooking is top notch. I also am bored and sometimes depressed often and use food as a cure. I'm looking for some advice with weight loss and help in general. Also, if there is someone out there who would like to be a weight loss buddy where we could PM each other every few days to keep each other motivated as well as keep each other honest with our habits that would be awesome.
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