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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Is it a thing where if you suddenly have sugar after not having it for a while that it makes you sick?
I decided to splurge the other day and get a bag of yogurt covered pretzels and they just all kinds of screwed me up.
AceBandage said:
Is it a thing where if you suddenly have sugar after not having it for a while that it makes you sick?
I decided to splurge the other day and get a bag of yogurt covered pretzels and they just all kinds of screwed me up.
It is for me. I get sick, headachy, shitty (literally), heartburn, and usually fast afterward to get back on track.
elrechazao said:
It is for me. I get sick, headachy, shitty (literally), heartburn, and usually fast afterward to get back on track.
Same here. Then suddenly low carb foods no longer appeal to me, and I eat more sugar causing me to become even more sick.

I'm trying to eliminate the root causes of these binges, which are definitely related to Guyenet's food reward theories.


I've decided to lose some weight, currently I'm built like an NFL linebacker and while I think I carry my weight well my knees don't agree. I'm 6"1 258lbs will be aiming for running back size around 220lbs. After about two decades worth of playing basketball my knees are really in no shape for me to jog long distances so cycling & basketball will be my main cardio. I lift heavy and go to the gym 5 days a week already just need to clean up my diet, I've basically been dirty bulking for a year now.

So, in about 3 months I"ll post some before and after pics.
Thought i'd post mine. This is 8 weeks progress doing P90X:

http://i56.tinypic.com/2dgkklv.jpg (Its quite large so i wont link it)

Lost 1st 2lb in this time frame. And 2 inches off my waist. I wasn't really fat to begin with, just loose in the cage.

Struggling at the minute though, god damn asthma always tries to kill me in summer!


Fitness gaf, I have a question:

How do you get abs?, i've been doing the "8 minutes abs" program for like a month and I still see no results (despite being flagged as the best abs program by many people), my body mass index is 21.5, so i'm not overweight, but i'm getting tired of this with no results, its too frustrating.
Abs are made in the Kitchen, not at the gym.

I've been doing Ab Ripper X from P90X and have gotten good results (see above). Thats a 15 min exercise with 339+ moves. Are you eating plenty of protein?


mt1200 said:
Fitness gaf, I have a question:

How do you get abs?, i've been doing the "8 minutes abs" program for like a month and I still see no results (despite being flagged as the best abs program by many people), my body mass index is 21.5, so i'm not overweight, but i'm getting tired of this with no results, its too frustrating.

That's too high. You need to get into at least the teens to see them.

(it's hard finding a reliable number when almost every search result is a marketing page)


mt1200 said:
Fitness gaf, I have a question:

How do you get abs?, i've been doing the "8 minutes abs" program for like a month and I still see no results (despite being flagged as the best abs program by many people), my body mass index is 21.5, so i'm not overweight, but i'm getting tired of this with no results, its too frustrating.
BMI is unreliable, get a bodyfat caliper to see where you stand. You need to be down around 12% bodyfat to start seeing defined abs.

BMI says I'm obese without taking into account muscle mass, body fat caliper says I'm about average with 18% body fat.


Infinite_Daremo said:
Abs are made in the Kitchen, not at the gym.

I've been doing Ab Ripper X from P90X and have gotten good results (see above). Thats a 15 min exercise with 339+ moves. Are you eating plenty of protein?

No, I eat mainly carbs (rice, nachos with cheese at weekeds, pasta), but i'm not overweighted

This one is the video that i'm talking about:


I dont do cardio or jogging, its too time consuming and it requires years to see any results, I thought that with only abs you could get a ripped belly


Achtius said:
This link say that milk is high in sugar and should be substitute with something else, but I thought the sugar is lactose , which is okay (according to one of the youtube links (i think)). So should I avoid milk or not?

I used to drink 3 liter (100 fl oz) of milk a week. That was about 150g (0.33 pound) of sugar for milk alone!

I don't like the taste of soy milk so I switched to homemade almond milk (with stevia, a pinch of salt and a little bit of heavy cream). Tastes better than normal milk, has zero sugar and no hormones which give me acne.

The downside is that it's about twice as expensive as normal milk and I need about 20 minutes to filter 1 liter.


mt1200 said:
No, I eat mainly carbs (rice, nachos with cheese at weekeds, pasta), but i'm not overweighted

This one is the video that i'm talking about:


I dont do cardio or jogging, its too time consuming and it requires years to see any results, I thought that with only abs you could get a ripped belly

Unless you can magically move your fat to underneath your muscles, you have to get rid of that first before seeing abs.
mt1200 said:
No, I eat mainly carbs (rice, nachos with cheese at weekeds, pasta), but i'm not overweighted

This one is the video that i'm talking about:


I dont do cardio or jogging, its too time consuming and it requires years to see any results, I thought that with only abs you could get a ripped belly

Carbs are good for the energy but you're not using them, so it will just convert to fat. Try adding high protein based foods to your diet (fish, chicken, nuts etc...). You'll also need a low body fat percent to even see any results.

How often do you do the 8 min abs? Most importantly, when working out does it feel like your stomach is splitting in pain and the end of each set? Thats what i regard as a good workout.
So I think I might have hit my plateau, weight loss seems to have slowed right down at around 207lbs. I haven't changed anything, still keeping my carbs low, sugar is practically zero and I'm even working to a calorie restriction (around 1800 per day). Any tips on how to get over this hump? Change anything, or just push through?
BigKaboom2 said:
Water and sleep are always the first things I look at - beyond that it gets tricky.
I'm pretty good on both I think. I drink a lot of water throughout the day - at least 2L, usually more - and sleep is fine. I'm going to cut out coffee and the diet juice (Splenda, 5 calories per glass) that I usually have with breakfast.


Infinite_Daremo said:
Carbs are good for the energy but you're not using them, so it will just convert to fat. Try adding high protein based foods to your diet (fish, chicken, nuts etc...). You'll also need a low body fat percent to even see any results.

How often do you do the 8 min abs? Most importantly, when working out does it feel like your stomach is splitting in pain and the end of each set? Thats what i regard as a good workout.

3 times per week, the routine its divided in 3 different levels, i'm on level 2 and its insanely tiring.

Yes, I feel my stomach like that at the end of each set, well not always, sometimes its more my back.
Gary Whitta said:
So I think I might have hit my plateau, weight loss seems to have slowed right down at around 207lbs. I haven't changed anything, still keeping my carbs low, sugar is practically zero and I'm even working to a calorie restriction (around 1800 per day). Any tips on how to get over this hump? Change anything, or just push through?

Your body probably got used to your workout difficulty. Its part of the reason why I only run in the morning or do elliptical in the evening even though I know I can do both everyday. I'm saving that for later.
mt1200 said:
3 times per week, the routine its divided in 3 different levels, i'm on level 2 and its insanely tiring.

Yes, I feel my stomach like that at the end of each set, well not always, sometimes its more my back.

If you're feeling back strain on ab exercises you are doing something wrong or the workout sucks.

If youre feeling the burn on the exercises the problem lies in your diet. Up the protein, get some protein bars, protein shake or just get it naturally from certain foods.
Gary Whitta said:
So I think I might have hit my plateau, weight loss seems to have slowed right down at around 207lbs. I haven't changed anything, still keeping my carbs low, sugar is practically zero and I'm even working to a calorie restriction (around 1800 per day). Any tips on how to get over this hump? Change anything, or just push through?

Change your routine. Like the above said your body is used to a set of exercises. What exercises do you do?


So I watched Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead last night on Netflix. Interesting movie, but I'm curious as to how effective consuming nothing but fruit and vegetable juice is for healthy weight loss. I have no doubt that it'd cause weight loss, especially for extremely obese people, but what about protein intake? Also, it seems like consuming the juice of the produce while minimizing the fiber you get out of it is counter-productive.

What are your thoughts?
Infinite_Daremo said:
Change your routine. Like the above said your body is used to a set of exercises. What exercises do you do?
Just treadmill cardio. I want to get into some resistance/strength but weights are scary! I have no idea how to use them.
Gary Whitta said:
Just treadmill cardio. I want to get into some resistance/strength but weights are scary! I have no idea how to use them.
I did cardio religiously for 6 months and saw NO change in my body. Forget cardio. You need high intensity training, preferably with resistance/weights.

Give P90X a go. I lost 30 lbs on that in first 3 months (along with going low carb).
Gary Whitta said:
Just treadmill cardio. I want to get into some resistance/strength but weights are scary! I have no idea how to use them.

Come to the fitness thread! We will welcome you with open arms!

Starting Strength or SL5x5 is a great introductory program for beginners to barbell lifting. If you do start this, I will suggest eating a bit more. You want to make sure you have enough energy to make it through your day.


Gary Whitta said:
Just treadmill cardio. I want to get into some resistance/strength but weights are scary! I have no idea how to use them.
Use the machines if you can go to a gym. They're easy to use and there are no free weights.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Gary Whitta said:
Just treadmill cardio. I want to get into some resistance/strength but weights are scary! I have no idea how to use them.

Start with these:

Wall Presses
Air Squats

No weights but that of your own body!

I'm up to doing about 200-250 wall presses across 4-5 sets and 100-125 air squats across 4-5 sets per day. The amount of muscle I've gained in my arms, chest and legs as a result is really quite amazing. I highly recommend starting with maybe 4-5 sets per day of 20 wall presses and 15 air squats, and then gradually work your way up. Don't do them all at once, but spread out your sets throughout the day (preferably before each meal).

Just a warning: if you don't have a lot of leg muscle, your legs will probably hurt like hell for the first week or so, though.
Gary Whitta said:
So I think I might have hit my plateau, weight loss seems to have slowed right down at around 207lbs. I haven't changed anything, still keeping my carbs low, sugar is practically zero and I'm even working to a calorie restriction (around 1800 per day). Any tips on how to get over this hump? Change anything, or just push through?
egg fast always worked for me. 3+ days of a dozen or so eggs per day and drinking water. Although sometimes that's my regular food anyway, because I freaking love eggs...
Cyrillus said:
So I watched Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead last night on Netflix. Interesting movie, but I'm curious as to how effective consuming nothing but fruit and vegetable juice is for healthy weight loss. I have no doubt that it'd cause weight loss, especially for extremely obese people, but what about protein intake? Also, it seems like consuming the juice of the produce while minimizing the fiber you get out of it is counter-productive.

What are your thoughts?
I just watched it too. It was pretty pseudo scientific. "foods are either nutrients or micronutrients"....ok.... And the whole toxins thing, and a lot of other nonsense. Eat the goddamn fruit how about if the juice is so magic?

Big shock that overweight fat guys with and approaching diabetes lose tons of weight when they stop eating pizza, drinking soda, and eating shit like donuts all the time. The magic of juice had little to do with it, and the cessation of the worst refined foods, 90% of which are carbs, has everything to do with it.
I'm a little annoyed.

To give a little background, I was always a chubby kid. My worst was probably when I was 15 and weighed 195 pounds (although to be fair I was also tall for my age). Recently, I decided to truly get skinny. I actually started reading nutrition labels, discovered that many things I thought were healthy were actually very unhealthy, and started eating more healthy foods. I immediately dropped 10 pounds in a month just from not eating crap. Later, I switched to a low carb diet (which I'm still on), and I'm currently 6 foot and 170 pounds.

What bothers me is that I still feel like I have lots of excess fat. I thought this would actually be a pretty good weight, and yet I still have excess neck fat and love handles. I'm worried that another 10 pounds lost wouldn't make a difference either. I realize a lot of it is genetic, but it's so discouraging to not be able to get the body I started dieting for in the first place.

Advice? Encouragement?
Mr. Serious Business said:
I'm a little annoyed.

To give a little background, I was always a chubby kid. My worst was probably when I was 15 and weighed 195 pounds (although to be fair I was also tall for my age). Recently, I decided to truly get skinny. I actually started reading nutrition labels, discovered that many things I thought were healthy were actually very unhealthy, and started eating more healthy foods. I immediately dropped 10 pounds in a month just from not eating crap. Later, I switched to a low carb diet (which I'm still on), and I'm currently 6 foot and 170 pounds.

What bothers me is that I still feel like I have lots of excess fat. I thought this would actually be a pretty good weight, and yet I still have excess neck fat and love handles. I'm worried that another 10 pounds lost wouldn't make a difference either. I realize a lot of it is genetic, but it's so discouraging to not be able to get the body I started dieting for in the first place.

Advice? Encouragement?

You are what is called "skinny fat". You can continue to lose fat but you will look sickly if there is no muscle. You are 170 lbs @ 6ft. Start hitting the gym and gain some mass/muscle and your fat will start to melt away.


Is anyone here a vegetarian? If so, what is your diet?

I'm a vegetarian myself (I do eat eggs, though) and my diet has been okay so far, lost about 10 pounds so far, but I have a few questions. First, my diet...

Breakfast: Veggie burger (120 calories soya patty, 160 calories wheat bun, miracle whip, some frank's red hot sauce and some onions)

Lunch: Mixed frozen vegetables, steamed first, and then fried/seasoned with spices and some hot sauce. I also mix two hard boiled vetables with it. (Probably around 300 calories total)

Dinner: Same thing as lunch.


1. Is it okay to drink whey protein even if I don't work out? I'm going to work nightshifts and I don't have time the next day to go to my gym (it's pretty damn far). I work at a grocery store though (I'm a college student, can't much better work atm) so I get some decent exercise I suppose

2. Is it alright to eat the burger for breakfast? If it's not too healthy, how can i make it healthier?

I'd appreciate it if you could comment on my diet plan and also modify it if possible to make it better.


I don't like meat. It's not some "Oh i'm trying to be conscious" thing, I gag when I see meat because I can't bear the smell/thought of eating an animal. It's been like this since I was a kid.. :x
Noirulus said:
I don't like meat. It's not some "Oh i'm trying to be conscious" thing, I gag when I see meat because I can't bear the smell/thought of eating an animal. It's been like this since I was a kid.. :x

Ah ha. I had a friend that was a forced vegetarian because his parents wouldn't let him eat meat. Now he gets violently ill when he tries it.

Anyway, I'd seriously replace the veggie burgers with Morning Star sausage patties.
The burgers are kind of gross, but the patties are awesome.
Whey protein should be fine to have with your meals. I'd also suggest tofu.

Edit: Also, ditch the bun. Carbs carbs carbs. Sadly, the veggie products are already full of them, but at least cut out the grains. You really don't need them. Just increase your portions to make sure you stay full. Don't worry as much about calories.
Noirulus said:
I don't like meat. It's not some "Oh i'm trying to be conscious" thing, I gag when I see meat because I can't bear the smell/thought of eating an animal. It's been like this since I was a kid.. :x
We can work with that then.
Drink lots of whole milk, eat cottage cheese, and cheddar, etc. Whipping cream - add that to your diet.
Can you stomach fish?
Ditch the "healthy whole grains", and other starchy foods.
Eat lots of non starchy veggies.
Eat butter on everything. Fry with lard. Fry lots of your foods.


Sadly I can't stomach fish either >_<

But the other advice is very useful. I'll try and incorporate some of it to my diet.

I'm thinking of getting rid of the veggie burger, and have some milk and one of those morning star patties (seems to have very little carbs)

The veggies I eat have very little starch. There's a little bit of corn, but i'm too lazy to seperate it from the plenty of other good vegetables.



A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Gary Whitta said:
Just treadmill cardio. I want to get into some resistance/strength but weights are scary! I have no idea how to use them.

Do some HIIT! Try it on a stationary bike. Pick a comfortably high RPM and resistance level that you feel you can maintain for a minute (don't over do it!) and use that for your high interval.

Even with HIIT, I hit 2 plateaus, lasting about a month a piece. I just pushed through them and didn't let them get me discouraged.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
elrechazao said:
corn is a grain, not a vegetable

Well, 'vegetable' is just a culinary term, so stuff like corn and mushrooms are often considered vegetables.


Okay guys. Been eating healthy for a few weeks now, but not really limiting my carbs too much. Usually I hover around 100g. Not low carb, but not bad either. I want to go low carb. Is there a primer or something I should follow? You know, something detailing good low-carb substitutes for food and what types of food I should eat?


Einbroch said:
Okay guys. Been eating healthy for a few weeks now, but not really limiting my carbs too much. Usually I hover around 100g. Not low carb, but not bad either. I want to go low carb. Is there a primer or something I should follow? You know, something detailing good low-carb substitutes for food and what types of food I should eat?
100 g is low carb. What kind of carbs are you eating?
Einbroch said:
Okay guys. Been eating healthy for a few weeks now, but not really limiting my carbs too much. Usually I hover around 100g. Not low carb, but not bad either. I want to go low carb. Is there a primer or something I should follow? You know, something detailing good low-carb substitutes for food and what types of food I should eat?

Eat less grains and less starch.
Eat more meat and cheese.

For the most part, low carb is pretty easy to follow. Just look at the Nutrition Box for stuff that has close to 0 carbs.


NomarTyme said:
100 g is low carb. What kind of carbs are you eating?
It's always little things that add up. But it's summer so we have a lot of fruit around the house. I love watermelon. We also have a ton of cauliflower because the family loves it. Apparently raw cauliflower has a decent amount of carbs.

It's like...15 here, 12 there, 9 here, 20 there...
A cup's worth (100 grams) is 5 carbs, but 3 of those are fiber.
Also, mashed cauliflower with a bit of garlic is AWESOME.
It's also extremely high quality protein.
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