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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

elrechazao said:
The lifting snobs are worse than us low carb snobs!

Yeah, kind of why I stay out of the Fitness thread.
I'm not really doing it for the lifting. I'm looking more for a runner/swimmer physique.

peterb0y said:
I'm both- 2 headed monster?

Ace- I don't wanna criticize the workout too too much considering I don't know exactly what it is you did- but just looking at it, I feel that as a beginner there are much more effective ways to get your strength up.

I'd recommend reading Starting Strength (I know, I know...)

Not going for strength, really. Maybe eventually I'll want to, but right now it's more about actually getting something there.
Maybe I'll start having them with eggs for breakfast. I always liked kippers for breakfast when I lived in England, although cooking them always stank the house out.


AceBandage said:
Yeah, kind of why I stay out of the Fitness thread.
I'm not really doing it for the lifting. I'm looking more for a runner/swimmer physique.

Not going for strength, really. Maybe eventually I'll want to, but right now it's more about actually getting something there.
Can you explain further about what you mean by actually "getting something there?" Because thats the whole basis of Starting Strength- building up a base.

You're not gonna blow up by lifting heavy... Rather, Id venture that your workout right now is a very inefficient way of getting you where you wanna be.

Edit: I really think you should post exactly what you posted here in the fitness thread (ie your current workout, your goals, etc, etc). Trust me, people will be more than willing to help you out. I'd just really hate to see you wasting your time, 90 minutes is a LONG time to be in gym.


Gary Whitta said:
Maybe I'll start having them with eggs for breakfast. I always liked kippers for breakfast when I lived in England, although cooking them always stank the house out.
Sounds good. The more fish the better.
peterb0y said:
Can you explain further about what you mean by actually "getting something there?" Because thats the whole basis of Starting Strength- building up a base.

You're not gonna blow up by lifting heavy... Rather, Id venture that your workout right now is a very inefficient way of getting you where you wanna be.

I dunno. I've got some upper body muscle, but it's basically just what I got from doing pull up and push ups for a year.
The routine that I'm doing works out the muscles in a similar way as lifting as is.
Maybe I'll start free weights, but it isn't that important for me. I can definitely feel it in the muscles that I obviously haven't been working.


AceBandage said:
I dunno. I've got some upper body muscle, but it's basically just what I got from doing pull up and push ups for a year.
The routine that I'm doing works out the muscles in a similar way as lifting as is.
Maybe I'll start free weights, but it isn't that important for me. I can definitely feel it in the muscles that I obviously haven't been working.
KK. I'll leave you with this thought- If you curled a can of vegetables 1000 times, you'd feel it and you'd be super tired- but its not gonna give you results. You can't go by "feel" as an indicator of effectiveness. Futhermore, machines may look/feel similar to free weights, but the benefits of free weights are far far superior.

If you really want to get that swimmers body, I really really recommend you look into what I've said, and at the very least, ask around the Fitness thread. How much could it hurt? Again, you really don't wanna be wasting your time. I get that your routine is from a trainer, but 99% of the shit I see trainers doing with their clients is a criminal waste of time and money.

/my $.02
peterb0y said:
KK. I'll leave you with this thought- If you curled a can of vegetables 1000 times, you'd feel it and you'd be super tired- but its not gonna give you results. You can't go by "feel" as an indicator of effectiveness. Futhermore, machines may look/feel similar to free weights, but the benefits of free weights are far far superior.

If you really want to get that swimmers body, I really really recommend you look into what I've said, and at the very least, ask around the Fitness thread. How much could it hurt? Again, you really don't wanna be wasting your time. I get that your routine is from a trainer, but 99% of the shit I see trainers doing with their clients is a criminal waste of time and money.

/my $.02
Everyone knows the first step to a swimmer's body is to eat like a swimmer - http://blogs.wsj.com/health/2008/08/13/the-michael-phelps-diet-dont-try-it-at-home/
I'd love to be able to eat like he supposedly does and not gain weight. Unless he's swimming 24/7 there's no way he can eat all those pastries.


A question for my fellow low-carbers: what's your opinion on deli turkey? I recently read on a health site that Kroger brand Honey Turkey, is actually okay for you, with barely any carbs. Turkey is one of my favorite meats and I'd love to keep it in my diet. Also, as long as I stay within carb limits, would eating things like mini-saltine crackers be alright? I find them a great alternative to chips since I hate pork rinds and they go well with most of my veggie snacks. And finally does anyone have links or suggestions for sweet treats to eat on a low-carb diet?


Shaneus said:
Saltines are pretty high in carbs, aren't they?
The brand I'm eating has about 10g per serving. Besides the crackers I don't really eat anything with lots of carbs, most of my diet is veggies, crackers, eggs, lc tortillas, chicken, fish, occasionly beef or veggies burgers, salsa, and water. Staying under 100g of carbs isn't that hard for me and some days Im close to the optimum 50g range.


ch0mp said:
The guy was probably training 6 hours a day so he needs to eat like that.
pretty much.

he does weight lifting, cardio, swimming and who knows what else. 6 hours+ per day of consistent exercise.

those calories are being used in every single way.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Currently 143 pounds, want to bring it back to around 132 pounds. Actually the weight isn't really the main goal, just get into shape and try to lose the gut.

Plan de campagne: I'm swimming one hour 2x a week, run 20-30 min 2-3x a week and I'm doing some push-ups/sit-ups/pull-ups routine 2-3 times a week. I'm already eating very healthy and almost completely sugarfree (except the sugars I get from fruits) and the biggest gain is probably made by drinking less beer :). I'm intending to keep track of the progress online. Here's a current picture.


....I'm gonna miss my special beers :|


Day 4 of my low-carb diet, I've been averaging between 15-20g of carbs a day. I FEEL LIKE DEATH! I have the fattest headache and I have ZERO energy... I don't feel like doing shit hahaha. How long until this goes away? :(
harSon said:
Day 4 of my low-carb diet, I've been averaging between 15-20g of carbs a day. I FEEL LIKE DEATH! I have the fattest headache and I have ZERO energy... I don't feel like doing shit hahaha. How long until this goes away? :(
Carb withdrawal! Give it probably 2 weeks till you feel 100% normal again. In the meantime, make sure you up your salt and or potassium intake. The massive water loss (and lowered blood pressure woot) also results in kidneys releasing sodium. Have some broth, extra salt and or salt substitute in your food, and this will help with the general feelings of malaise.

harSon said:
Day 4 of my low-carb diet, I've been averaging between 15-20g of carbs a day. I FEEL LIKE DEATH! I have the fattest headache and I have ZERO energy... I don't feel like doing shit hahaha. How long until this goes away? :(

This is what I'm talking about.

Eat. More. Fats.

Olive oil, eggs, mayo, etc. Fats are now your primary source of energy since you are eating so little carbs. More green veggies as well as you need your fiber.

elrechazao said:
Your post seems to include a presumption that one needs carbs in the diet for some reason. I'm curious why you think this is the case.

Anyway, most "low carb" people are generally 20-100 g per day.

Sorry, didn't get a chance to respond to this over the weekend. I wasn't trying to say that one 'needs' carbs and if my post came off that way, then my bad. I've done a keto style diet and I never had a problem eating that low and had no ill side effects with regards to the headaches and lack of energy. I am lucky that my body can handle that. I enjoyed that style of eating and I did lose a lot of fat but I looked way too funny. That was my fault though as I just didn't have enough muscle.

With my previous post that you quoted, my biggest concern is the amount of people who go into it "blind" and just don't have the proper research. You are obviously well informed and understand how it works and know what is the proper way of eating along with the early side effects. Many others do not. It can be dangerous eating like this if you don't know what you are doing. Combine this with lifting and bad things can happen.

My thoughts anyway. I like carbs so I'm going to eat them. I know it isn't as simple as calories in/out but I do believe that plays a huge role in how things work for your body. It would explain the twinkie diet or the McDonalds diet for a body builder ate nothing but McDonalds for 30 days, gained muscle, lost fat, lower cholesterol, etc. I wish I can find that story again, it was real interesting.
harSon said:
Day 4 of my low-carb diet, I've been averaging between 15-20g of carbs a day. I FEEL LIKE DEATH! I have the fattest headache and I have ZERO energy... I don't feel like doing shit hahaha. How long until this goes away? :(

Day 4 was the absolute worst that I felt and then it got a whole lot better/easier.


Hey weight-loss GAF. I've decided to keep a food journal of sorts to keep track of calories, protein, carbs, and fat intake. Any recommendations on calorie counters for an Android phone?


FallingEdge said:
This is what I'm talking about.

Eat. More. Fats.

Olive oil, eggs, mayo, etc. Fats are now your primary source of energy since you are eating so little carbs. More green veggies as well as you need your fiber.

I've literally eaten all of this in spades, every single day :( I'll try upping my sodium intake...

For example, yesterday I ate:

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 thick bacon slices and 3 sausage links

Lunch: 2 hamburger patties w/ a slice of colby cheese in between them cooked on a Foreman grill.

And Spring Salad Mix, 3 grape tomatoes, 1/4th of a Cucumber, and some avacado cut into it w/ a tablespoon of a Tuscan Italian dressing from Trader Joes that has 3 carbs/0 sugar.

Between Lunch and Dinner: 1 can of tuna with regular mayonaise and 2 boiled eggs mashed into it.

Dinner: Grilled/Baked Pork Chop and 1 Zuchinni

Snack: Half a bag of Hot-N-Spicy Pork Rinds
harSon said:
I've literally eaten all of this in spades, every single day :( I'll try upping my sodium intake...

For example, yesterday I ate:

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 thick bacon slices and 3 sausage links

Lunch: 2 hamburger patties w/ a slice of colby cheese in between them cooked on a Foreman grill.

And Spring Salad Mix, 3 grape tomatoes, 1/4th of a Cucumber, and some avacado cut into it w/ a tablespoon of a Tuscan Italian dressing from Trader Joes that has 3 carbs/0 sugar.

Between Lunch and Dinner: 1 can of tuna with regular mayonaise and 2 boiled eggs mashed into it.

Dinner: Grilled/Baked Pork Chop and 1 Zuchinni

Snack: Half a bag of Hot-N-Spicy Pork Rinds

Word, then you are doing a good job. As others mentioned, this is an early side effect into going low carb. Give it a few days and you should be fine. If they continue to get worse, then up the fats even more. May I ask what are your goals for this diet? Are you doing any other activities with regards to being active?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I must have been lucky that I never experienced carb withdrawal. I felt fine from the first day and never went through any of the headaches or anything.


FallingEdge said:
Word, then you are doing a good job. As others mentioned, this is an early side effect into going low carb. Give it a few days and you should be fine. If they continue to get worse, then up the fats even more. May I ask what are your goals for this diet? Are you doing any other activities with regards to being active?

I've been dieting for 18 months using calorie in/calorie out, and have dropped from 351 to roughly 225 pounds (I'm 6'1''). Basically, my weight loss has slowed to a crawl and I am trying to maximize the efficiency of my diet. I've been viewing this thread for a while now, and due to it, have been reading up a lot on the science of a low-carb diet and people's testimonials using it, so I thought I'd give it a try. I'm not sure what weight I'd like to drop to, I'll be going by appearance, but I'd image it's going to be somewhere between 180-200. I don't have a regular exercise regiment quite yet (I'll be getting a gym membership shortly, once I'm able to find a job), but I typically jog a few times a week, do Insanity when I'm up to it, play basketball/baseball with friends at least 1-2 times a week, etc. So I suppose I'm pretty active.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Sarye said:
What gut? :/

Good job man. How tall are you?
165 cm. Believe me, there's gut, lucky angle I guess. Still, I know you can't train away fat from a specific spot but the only fat I have is at my belly. Wonder if it'll change with less beer and more exercising.
harSon said:
Day 4 of my low-carb diet, I've been averaging between 15-20g of carbs a day. I FEEL LIKE DEATH! I have the fattest headache and I have ZERO energy... I don't feel like doing shit hahaha. How long until this goes away? :(

harSon said:
I've literally eaten all of this in spades, every single day :( I'll try upping my sodium intake...

For example, yesterday I ate:

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 thick bacon slices and 3 sausage links

Lunch: 2 hamburger patties w/ a slice of colby cheese in between them cooked on a Foreman grill.

And Spring Salad Mix, 3 grape tomatoes, 1/4th of a Cucumber, and some avacado cut into it w/ a tablespoon of a Tuscan Italian dressing from Trader Joes that has 3 carbs/0 sugar.

Between Lunch and Dinner: 1 can of tuna with regular mayonaise and 2 boiled eggs mashed into it.

Dinner: Grilled/Baked Pork Chop and 1 Zuchinni

Snack: Half a bag of Hot-N-Spicy Pork Rinds

That's actually a good diet plan. The only thing I may suggest is to try to slather some of those foods with Coconut Oil. 2/3rds of Coconut Oil contains fats called Medium Chain Triglycerides, which the body uses for quick energy. The details about Medium Chain Triglycerides are here.


harSon said:
I've literally eaten all of this in spades, every single day :( I'll try upping my sodium intake...

For example, yesterday I ate:

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 thick bacon slices and 3 sausage links

Lunch: 2 hamburger patties w/ a slice of colby cheese in between them cooked on a Foreman grill.

And Spring Salad Mix, 3 grape tomatoes, 1/4th of a Cucumber, and some avacado cut into it w/ a tablespoon of a Tuscan Italian dressing from Trader Joes that has 3 carbs/0 sugar.

Between Lunch and Dinner: 1 can of tuna with regular mayonaise and 2 boiled eggs mashed into it.

Dinner: Grilled/Baked Pork Chop and 1 Zuchinni

Snack: Half a bag of Hot-N-Spicy Pork Rinds

Eat yams/sweet potatoes.


After about 2-3 weeks of being in keto (if not, *ultra* low carb) I think my fat loss is slowing down. Do I need to get some into me to knock me out of ketosis so I can shock my body into losing more fat? What's the best food to do this... I'd assume sweet potatoes?

Oh, anyone know where to get flavoured pork rinds in Australia? There's only plain ones in supermarkets and I'm jealous of you Americans getting flavoured stuff.
Coconut oil, coconut flour, coconut milk... what about coconut flakes (unsweetened of course)?
I just picked some up today, low in net carbs, high in yummy fat. I'm not sure what I'll do with them... sprinkle them on something I guess, or eat them out of the bag with a spoon.


Neo Member
Ripclawe said:
Today is cheat day.... not very good but didn't stuff myself. I got to stop eating watermelon, I pretty go nuts and end up eating way more than I should.

A MFP user! Love that site. Awesome community!


Shaneus said:
After about 2-3 weeks of being in keto (if not, *ultra* low carb) I think my fat loss is slowing down. Do I need to get some into me to knock me out of ketosis so I can shock my body into losing more fat? What's the best food to do this... I'd assume sweet potatoes?

Oh, anyone know where to get flavoured pork rinds in Australia? There's only plain ones in supermarkets and I'm jealous of you Americans getting flavoured stuff.
Either that or start eliminating one food group for a month to see for any weight change. I would start with nuts or dairy(If you're consuming any of those).

Domino Theory said:


edit: comes from a pretty cool article about how you shouldn't worry too much if you're having grain-fed meat: http://healthcorrelator.blogspot.com/2010/09/low-omega-6-to-omega-3-ratio-grain-fed.html
I totally agree. Although grass fed meat contain a damn good vitamin K2 and some omega 3!


NomarTyme said:
Either that or start eliminating one food group for a month to see for any weight change. I would start with nuts or dairy(If you're consuming any of those).
After making that post, I woke up this morning after taking my usual keto megapiss and weighed myself @ 77.8kg. That's down from about 83kg on around the 22nd of June (my mum's birthday, had a chicken burrito and a shitload of black forest cake). Pretty happy considering the only exercise I'm doing is going for a brisk walk during my lunchtimes around Melbourne.

Still a LOT of fat to lose, though... particularly around my thighs. So I guess I'll keep going with what I'm doing until I can't do it anymore!
Gary Whitta said:
Got the two new flavors of Quest Protein bar in today - chocolate brownie and mixed berry bliss. So good!

Stop pimping them as I'm seriously tempted to order some. Though shipping to me is $20 a box, unless I order 6 boxes then its only $15 shipping.

What's the expiry date on the one's you've received?


bodyboarder said:
Good results so far. You going to start exercising more, or just keep on the low carb diet.
Definitely keeping on low carb (though I might raise it from <20g to maybe <50g) but I'm making a point of being more active, at least with some regular cardio and push/situps.
Shaneus said:
Definitely keeping on low carb (though I might raise it from <20g to maybe <50g) but I'm making a point of being more active, at least with some regular cardio and push/situps.

That's good to hear. I couldn't go that low carb, need my milk and weetbix of a morning.

Though I've been surprised how easy it has been cutting out alot of carbs from my diet.


bodyboarder said:
That's good to hear. I couldn't go that low carb, need my milk and weetbix of a morning.

Though I've been surprised how easy it has been cutting out alot of carbs from my diet.
I live by myself so it's REALLY easy. If I was living with a girlfriend or mates I wouldn't be able to do it. But even if you keep them below 100g (like the guy from Fat Head) you can still lose weight and it would seem pretty easy to do that. Just cut out all breads, sugars and grains. Eggs and bacon is far tastier in the morning than cereal, trust me ;)
Shaneus said:
I live by myself so it's REALLY easy. If I was living with a girlfriend or mates I wouldn't be able to do it. But even if you keep them below 100g (like the guy from Fat Head) you can still lose weight and it would seem pretty easy to do that. Just cut out all breads, sugars and grains. Eggs and bacon is far tastier in the morning than cereal, trust me ;)

Yeah, I'm well below 100g atm. Still missing bread a little. I've been having bacon and eggs for lunch whenever I've been home, so good.
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