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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


But wait!

Cellulose adds fiber to the food, which is good for people who do not get the recommended daily intake of fiber in their diets, Inman said. It also extends the shelf life of processed foods. Plus, cellulose's water-absorbing properties can mimic fat, he said, allowing consumers to reduce their fat intake.

it can help you lose weight! :(


Holy shit. Decided to get something different for lunch and grabbed a McDonald's Seared Chicken Caesar due to the relatively low-carbness of it. Probably should've checked the ingredients, holy SHIT at the actual chicken breast:

How hard is it to just get a slab of chicken and sear it in a pan?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Shaneus said:
How hard is it to just get a slab of chicken and sear it in a pan?

If you're running a global business that demands you ship massive amounts of "meat" across oceans to meet supply, it's very difficult! That's why they gotta make magic meat.
Is this normal? Today I had an omelet with cheese for breakfast and I wasn't even really hungry for another 8 hours. I didn't feel slow or tired or cold. If anything, I actually felt more energetic because I was eating less.
Shaneus said:
Holy shit. Decided to get something different for lunch and grabbed a McDonald's Seared Chicken Caesar due to the relatively low-carbness of it. Probably should've checked the ingredients, holy SHIT at the actual chicken breast:

How hard is it to just get a slab of chicken and sear it in a pan?

They are pretty tasty though.
Mr. Serious Business said:
Is this normal? Today I had an omelet with cheese for breakfast and I wasn't even really hungry for another 8 hours. I didn't feel slow or tired or cold. If anything, I actually felt more energetic because I was eating less.

There's something very satisfying about egg yolks, very filling. I can eat a plate of 4 sausages, half a pack of bacon and a couple of eggs, but it's the eggs that really fill me up.

An hour and a half ago I had one of the (recipe posted earlier) flax muffins with a generous helping of butter and 4 boiled eggs. That was maybe 2 eggs too many.
I'm a little too full. Ugh.


bodyboarder said:
They are pretty tasty though.
Oh, I agree... it was really nice. Just shocked me that something as simple as "pan-seared chicken" required so many ingredients.

Best thing about it though is that it didn't include the specified bagel bits (so, less carbs) and the bacon was real, not "bits". So it actually ended up better than on the Macca's website.


I was kinda worried today to step on the scale because I ate a lot of stuff that would be considered very bad for a normal diet (which I've been used to for 6 months). Salami, chorizo (even with mayo), sausages etc last week.

I did exercise a fair bit though.

I was amazed to see I lost 4.6lbs!


Dommel said:
I was kinda worried today to step on the scale because I ate a lot of stuff that would be considered very bad for a normal diet (which I've been used to for 6 months). Salami, chorizo (even with mayo), sausages etc last week.

This sounds like my breakfast the last 1.5 years ;)

It's always funny to go shopping and get a puzzled look from the cashier when they see that all you are buying is fat salami, sausages, cheese and full fat mayo but then buy only water and coke zero. :)

But it pays off, i lost 49kg since Jan. 2010 :)


raiot said:
This sounds like my breakfast the last 1.5 years ;)

It's always funny to go shopping and get a puzzled look from the cashier when they see that all you are buying is fat salami, sausages, cheese and full fat mayo but then buy only water and coke zero. :)

But it pays off, i lost 49kg since Jan. 2010 :)

I started in Jan 2010 as well on a low fat low calorie diet and only started low carbs 2 weeks ago. I think I lost about 15kg tops in those 6 months.

Makes me jealous to see what I could've lost if I started low carbs back then.

Oh well, still 6 months to make up for lost time.


It slowed down the last 5-6 months. I lost 45kg in 1 year and since then only 4kg. I had a very long stagnation this year as i lost 3.5 kg of those 4 in the last 2 months.
I finally open up my copy of YourShape Fitness Evolved for Xbox 360 Kinect, first thing I see is a flyer for Gatorade. Because that's what my fitness regime needs, more concentrated sugar syrup.

Anyone here use Fitness Evolved, BTW?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Gary Whitta said:
I finally open up my copy of YourShape Fitness Evolved for Xbox 360 Kinect, first thing I see is a flyer for Gatorade. Because that's what my fitness regime needs, more concentrated sugar syrup.

Anyone here use Fitness Evolved, BTW?

Of course you do! It's fat free energy, after all. Bring on the cardio!


Gary Whitta said:
I finally open up my copy of YourShape Fitness Evolved for Xbox 360 Kinect, first thing I see is a flyer for Gatorade. Because that's what my fitness regime needs, more concentrated sugar syrup.

Anyone here use Fitness Evolved, BTW?

I was using Active before I hurt my knee, I would recommend that in a heatbeat. Never head of Fitness Evolved, so I guess I'm not much help!

Can't wait to get back to it when I'm all healed up. :)
What's a good way to avoid feeling hungry all the damn time? I measured out my cereal and had a banana, and I still feel hungry. I run into this problem all the damn time.

I gained a bit of weight due to some medical issues earlier this year and I'd like to lose it again. I originally went from about 230 to 175 my sophomore year of high school, and I'd love to be that size again.. (sitting at about 220 going into my sophomore year of college)

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Notrollious said:
What's a good way to avoid feeling hungry all the damn time? I measured out my cereal and had a banana, and I still feel hungry. I run into this problem all the damn time.

I gained a bit of weight due to some medical issues earlier this year and I'd like to lose it again. I originally went from about 230 to 175 my sophomore year of high school, and I'd love to be that size again.. (sitting at about 220 going into my sophomore year of college)

Do you really want to know?

Cut the cereal and the banana (and that sandwich in your avatar while you're at it).

Eat some eggs, bacon, and/or sausage for breakfast and you will be satiated for hours.

If you're at all like me, and it sounds like you may be (I started at 220 lbs in February), carbs won't keep you full for long. I could eat a foot long at subway, for example, and be hungry again within two or three hours.
Well the food this morning was all I had, unfortunately. And the banana was more so to start eating more fruit and veggies.

Thanks for the tip.

On a side note, I do notice a lot less stress eating now that I got a new job, so I know that's going to be one way to help me avoid eating like shit.
I set up YourShape Fitness Evolved for Kinect and just did my first 20-minute workout. Man, that things kicks your ass! No resistance or weights, just a variety of aerobic reps like squat punches and knee lifts. It says I burned about the same calories in 20 minutes as I usually do on the treadmill but I feel like I worked MUCH harder - totally kicked my ass! My legs still feel wobbly!

Notrollious said:
What's a good way to avoid feeling hungry all the damn time? I measured out my cereal and had a banana, and I still feel hungry. I run into this problem all the damn time.

I gained a bit of weight due to some medical issues earlier this year and I'd like to lose it again. I originally went from about 230 to 175 my sophomore year of high school, and I'd love to be that size again.. (sitting at about 220 going into my sophomore year of college)
Yup, I hate to be another low-carb nazi but since I cut out the carbs and switched to things like bacon/sausage and eggs for breakfast instead of cereal and fruit juice, I no longer feel hungry throughout the day. It's one of the best things about this dietary change, you don't feel like you're on a diet at all.


I have been slacking off the last couple of days and was worried that I was going in the wrong direction but it seams that even without getting in my jog for the past couple of days I have continued to lose some weight. I think the best thing is that I can see results and therefore I know what I am doing is working. I just hope when I get back to school I can keep this up but I think with the roommates I have then they will only encourage me to keep it going.


Notrollious said:
What's a good way to avoid feeling hungry all the damn time? I measured out my cereal and had a banana, and I still feel hungry. I run into this problem all the damn time.

I gained a bit of weight due to some medical issues earlier this year and I'd like to lose it again. I originally went from about 230 to 175 my sophomore year of high school, and I'd love to be that size again.. (sitting at about 220 going into my sophomore year of college)

I'm starting to realize that I am forgetting how it is to be hungry, and it is the weirdest feeling. I ate 3 eggs and three slices of bacon with some ham and vegetables at 2 in the afternoon today (I'm doing interval fasting so I was supposed to start eating at about noon but didn't really felt like it). Started working out around 7, finished at about 8.30, drank some milk and ate a piece of fruit while working out. Then I realized I didn't really feel like eating at all. I did it because I knew I had to after working out, and it wasn't unpleasant or anything, but I had no hunger at all.
How do the low-carbers feel about whole milk? It feels so great to be able to go back to it, I'd love to drink a glass a day. But it has a lot of sugar in lactose. Problem?


Notrollious said:
What's a good way to avoid feeling hungry all the damn time? I measured out my cereal and had a banana, and I still feel hungry. I run into this problem all the damn time.

I gained a bit of weight due to some medical issues earlier this year and I'd like to lose it again. I originally went from about 230 to 175 my sophomore year of high school, and I'd love to be that size again.. (sitting at about 220 going into my sophomore year of college)

I was constantly hungry during the day, I helped the problem by eating 4-5 meals every 2-3 hours. A lot more bearable. Also drink water! I drink around a gallon a day. I also gained some weight like you during college :p. I was 125 since I got pretty sick one summer, but went to 164 in a few months. Should have went to the gym after I got better lol but oh well.

Started at 164 around mid june and now I'm 152. Around a pound or two a week. I know I wasn't that overboard but it does feel nice. If anything, I've learned how to not over do it with food. I use to eat until I was stuffed. For example, at Mcdonalds I would eat a large french fries,two 4 piece nuggets and a burger lol. Now if I go, i just get a med fries and one 4 piece. The most valuable lesson I learned is to eat until I'm satisfied
Guys, help me kick through the whole skinny-fat syndrome

I'm 5'10" and 165lbs - I was up around 200 about two years ago. I'm not on any sort of specific diet, nor have I ever been. After college I decided to cut the sodas out and in general just sort of chose healthier alternatives for foods (grilled instead of fried, turkey burger instead of hamburger, salad instead of french fries, less cookies and random pizza binges, simple stuff like that)... moreover I moved to New York City, went a couple of months unemployed, and even with my relatively new job just don't like to spend as much money on food so I eat less than I used to in general. During this whole thing I've never worked out, let alone went to the gym, a single day - barring the miles I walk in a given week around the city.

While I wouldn't describe myself as "skinny" I'm definitely not fat anymore - I wear medium (or sometimes small depending on the maker) shirts, size 30-32 jeans, etc... however I still have what seems like a lot of fat on me, I'm super soft and squishy with love-handles and man-boobs (albeit pretty small).

I know I should start going to the gym but I'm a bit worried because I don't think my caloric intake is high enough even now without working out. Everyone I talk to says I should skip cardio all-together... no treadmill, bike machines, or elliptical - I get enough walking in as it is and should just hit up the weights and weighted machines. I know there must me someone that was in a similar situation as me and I'm curious how you tackled this phase of cutting the fat. Should I eat more to do this? If I do eat more do I need to introduce cardio routines into my workout to keep those calories from adding to my weight?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Simplet said:
I'm starting to realize that I am forgetting how it is to be hungry, and it is the weirdest feeling. I ate 3 eggs and three slices of bacon with some ham and vegetables at 2 in the afternoon today (I'm doing interval fasting so I was supposed to start eating at about noon but didn't really felt like it). Started working out around 7, finished at about 8.30, drank some milk and ate a piece of fruit while working out. Then I realized I didn't really feel like eating at all. I did it because I knew I had to after working out, and it wasn't unpleasant or anything, but I had no hunger at all.

This is the best thing about going low-carb for me. I really don't feel all that hungry anymore except for in the mornings. After a good breakfast at 7 or 8am or so, I don't even think about food again until well into the afternoon. Depending on my lunch, I may just have some berries or something very light for dinner, although I usually try to stick to pan fried beef steak or chicken.

Gary Whitta said:
How do the low-carbers feel about whole milk? It feels so great to be able to go back to it, I'd love to drink a glass a day. But it has a lot of sugar in lactose. Problem?

Possibly? It seems that dairy in general is widely debated amongst low-carb dieting communities. From what I can tell, lots of people have no problem with it, but lots of people claim it completely stalls their weight loss.

I'd be careful with drinking too much milk due to the lactose, but I consume butter, half-and-half, heavy cream (36% stuff), and cheese on a near daily basis. I'd really like to try clotted cream (which seems to be 55% at minimum), but I've never seen it available where I am.
Gary Whitta said:
How do the low-carbers feel about whole milk? It feels so great to be able to go back to it, I'd love to drink a glass a day. But it has a lot of sugar in lactose. Problem?

I wouldn't worry too much about it. Whole milk will keep you satisfied for longer than regular milk if you're drinking it as part of your breakfast. Its about, what, 13g of carbs for a pint? Not that big of a deal considering its pretty nutrient dense.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Two things:

1) For those who workout and want a good chocolate milk drink to have post workout that doesn't have carrageenan and is lactose-free for those lactose intolerant (like me), I came up with a good combo today that I'm going to stick with:

2 8 fl oz (240ml) cups of Horizon Organic 2% Reduced Fat Lactose-Free Milk
3 Tablespoons of Ovaltine's Chocolate Malt per cup

Ovaltine mixes perfectly with milk using a spoon. I don't advocate reduced fat/fat-free food, but you'll need it in this case since fat slows he absorption of protein and carbohydrates.

Each cup (I drink 2) has:

5g fat
25.5g carbohydrates
8g protein

It has the 3:1 ratio needed post workout and it tastes fucking great. Seriously.

2) How safe is it to eat tuna? I hear from a lot of folks in the fitness thread about people eating tons of tuna, but aren't you supposed to limit it since it has tons of mercury? What's a safe amount to consume?
fadetoblack said:
I wouldn't worry too much about it. Whole milk will keep you satisfied for longer than regular milk if you're drinking it as part of your breakfast. Its about, what, 13g of carbs for a pint? Not that big of a deal considering its pretty nutrient dense.

I think it's about 5g per 100ml so that would be 28.4g per pint.


So..does anyone have any loose skin from weight loss? I have a little around my stomach area, and it's something I've struggled with since I lost weight (and it wasn't rapid weight loss either, which sucks).

From what I've heard, plastic surgery (tummy tuck) is the only way to go when it comes to skin. Truth?


Junior Member
SeanR1221 said:
So..does anyone have any loose skin from weight loss? I have a little around my stomach area, and it's something I've struggled with since I lost weight (and it wasn't rapid weight loss either, which sucks).

From what I've heard, plastic surgery (tummy tuck) is the only way to go when it comes to skin. Truth?

how much did you lose and when did you lose it?
it can take up to a year for your skin to spring back into place, I am losing weight quite quickly (lost 52lb in 3 months so far) + starting to notice a little saggyness in my arms and it's bumming me out! but I'm just hoping that toning up, waiting and maybe starting to use bio oil will help combat it!
Domino Theory said:
2) How safe is it to eat tuna? I hear from a lot of folks in the fitness thread about people eating tons of tuna, but aren't you supposed to limit it since it has tons of mercury? What's a safe amount to consume?

Unfortunately, tuna are fairly high in mercury. You can really only eat them a couple times a month (as evidenced by this guide).

Salmon is almost always a better choice.


Gary Whitta said:
How do the low-carbers feel about whole milk? It feels so great to be able to go back to it, I'd love to drink a glass a day. But it has a lot of sugar in lactose. Problem?

It depends on how much you drink. Milk has about 5% sugar.
I used to drink 2 cups a day which added up to quite a lot of sugar. So I switched to home made almond milk with stevia. Problem solved.

video recipe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAr2TpkkXPo
And remember to soak your nuts! Soak your nuts! Soak them!


SeanR1221 said:
So..does anyone have any loose skin from weight loss? I have a little around my stomach area, and it's something I've struggled with since I lost weight (and it wasn't rapid weight loss either, which sucks).

From what I've heard, plastic surgery (tummy tuck) is the only way to go when it comes to skin. Truth?

I have a fair amount of loose skin, not too bad, but very visible. On my arms it got a little better since 3-4 months and i hope it will get better on the stomach too. But i'm not finished yet, still have 8kg to go.

P.s.: Before someone asks: I'm 29 and lost 49kg in 18 month. So that could be a little bit too fast! :)


Cereal KiIIer said:
3 months later.
^ Fuck yea! Great job, CK. Keep it up. That's definitely one of the best and most motivating parts about weight loss. Also serves as a cautionary reminder of the past.


So I've discovered Silk.

Shit is SO GOOD. 6g net carbs for a cup when compared to 13g for whole milk. No cholesterol, only one less gram of protein, and less fat. You can drink a lot more Silk than milk. Not to mention more calcium.

After drinking it a few days now it tastes just as good as milk.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Einbroch said:
So I've discovered Silk.

Shit is SO GOOD. 6g net carbs for a cup when compared to 13g for whole milk. No cholesterol, only one less gram of protein, and less fat. You can drink a lot more Silk than milk. Not to mention more calcium.

After drinking it a few days now it tastes just as good as milk.

Silk Ingredients said:
All Natural Soymilk (Filtered Water, Whole Soybeans), All Natural Evaporated Cane Juice, Calcium Carbonate, Sea Salt, Natural Flavors, Carrageenan, Vitamin A Palmitate, Vitamin D2, Riboflavin (B2), Vitamin B12.

Again with that Carrageenan stuff...


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Einbroch said:
So I've discovered Silk.

Shit is SO GOOD. 6g net carbs for a cup when compared to 13g for whole milk. No cholesterol, only one less gram of protein, and less fat. You can drink a lot more Silk than milk. Not to mention more calcium.

After drinking it a few days now it tastes just as good as milk.

Just keep in mind, the carbs in milk are lactose, which is glucose+galactose.

Silk has:

All Natural Soymilk (Filtered Water, Whole Soybeans), All Natural Evaporated Cane Juice, Calcium Carbonate, Natural Vanilla Flavor, Sea Salt, Carrageenan, Vitamin A Palmitate, Vitamin D2, Riboflavin (B2), Vitamin B12.

Sugar, glucose+fructose, a considerably worse choice for health and weight loss.


So a glass of Silk is worse for low carb than a glass of whole milk? I'm not guzzling the stuff nor drinking extra Silk to get to the same carbs as milk. Just a glass a day in the mornin'.

And that Carrageenan stuff? Whatever. It's in my toothpaste and beer. Everything causes cancer nowadays.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Einbroch said:
So a glass of Silk is worse for low carb than a glass of whole milk?
yes. 6g of cane sugar is significantly worse than 13g of lactose by any metric. just cutting out carbs isn't good enough. you have to understand why you are cutting out carbs. and in understanding that you will learn that not all carbs are created equal (i.e. not just fiber)

edit - and this is from someone who doesn't really do low carb. :) but yeah, there's a huge difference in the types of carbs out there. lactose sugar from dairy aren't really the type of carbs low carb people are trying to eliminate.
Domino Theory said:
Ovaltine mixes perfectly with milk using a spoon. I don't advocate reduced fat/fat-free food, but you'll need it in this case since fat slows he absorption of protein and carbohydrates.

Each cup (I drink 2) has:

5g fat
25.5g carbohydrates
8g protein

It has the 3:1 ratio needed post workout and it tastes fucking great. Seriously.

While I'm still low carbing it, I am making it a priority to add carbs into my workout window - before and after. Went through the cupboards, found some cereal bars and wolfed 2 of them down before my workout today. Not used to that. Sugar.
Workout felt great though!
I'm also keeping the fat very low in this 3-4 hour window.

You said fat slows absorption of protein and carbs - that I did not know. My reasoning for not having the fat at that time was because I understood that the fat would be easily stored while having the carbs at the same time... I guess the 2 go hand in hand?

Also, my post workout protein is about equal to my carb intake (whey shake with oats and blueberries added). You mention a 3:1 ratio, what is the basis of that? I could easily up the oats, and lower the whey, just wondering why it's 3:1.


SeanR1221 said:
So..does anyone have any loose skin from weight loss? I have a little around my stomach area, and it's something I've struggled with since I lost weight (and it wasn't rapid weight loss either, which sucks).

From what I've heard, plastic surgery (tummy tuck) is the only way to go when it comes to skin. Truth?

(Someone PM'd me about this before, was it you?)

Eh, for some this is true. I would imagine it would be true for me in the end, but I want to reach my maximum potential without surgery before I even think about it. Mine is only really visible to the wife, and she swears it's better than having a fat husband. I'm keeping at it. I've gained more good dude-shape throughout the past 30lbs of loss than I did in the first 100, but it gets gruelingly tough at the end.

Really, it's a case by case thing. Some will be able to naturally make it all snap back into place, some won't. I think the "surgery option is only option" crowd is heavily populated with people who just want to be finished. I've been there. It's a pretty cost prohibitive procedure for me though, so I'm doing what I can for free :)

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
ipukespiders said:
While I'm still low carbing it, I am making it a priority to add carbs into my workout window - before and after. Went through the cupboards, found some cereal bars and wolfed 2 of them down before my workout today. Not used to that. Sugar.
Workout felt great though!
I'm also keeping the fat very low in this 3-4 hour window.

You said fat slows absorption of protein and carbs - that I did not know. My reasoning for not having the fat at that time was because I understood that the fat would be easily stored while having the carbs at the same time... I guess the 2 go hand in hand?

Also, my post workout protein is about equal to my carb intake (whey shake with oats and blueberries added). You mention a 3:1 ratio, what is the basis of that? I could easily up the oats, and lower the whey, just wondering why it's 3:1.

Don't shy away from fat, ever, unless you're dealing with your post workout meal (most important meal, imo) or vegetable oil.

My nutritional intake today comes from one meal which lasts me the whole day (<3 IF):

207g Total Fat (88g Saturated Fat)
~10g Carbohydrates (from cream in my coffee and a small bowl of Raspberries)
165g Protein

165g of Protein by itself would've already lasted me more than 12 hours since it's from a meat source, but since today is my rest day, all of that fat will definitely make it last more than 24 hours. 24 hours of steady amino acids being pumped into my muscles is allowing me to fast until tomorrow afternoon which wlll be my post workout meal where I'll have another 163g of Protein. :)

And the 3:1 ratio comes from a recent study done showing chocolate milk being far superior than any other post workout drink at refueling and recoverying muscles in addition to building lean mass over time and losing body fat: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=436527

The specifics of the ratio is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=29171154&postcount=205

Chocolate milk has always been one of, if not, the best post workout drink, it's just that some recent studies reconfirming this statement have brought it back into the lime light (again) such as the one linked above.


Neo Member
Early February: 192lbs ~25% bodyfat
Bench 155x5
Hi-bar Squat 205x5
Deadlift 315x5

Now: 150 ~13%ish bodyfat
Bench max 160
Hi-bar max 205
Front squat max 175
Deadlift max 275

Had an unsuccessful run with starting strength imo. Gains slowed to a crawl no matter how much I rested and ate. Really I should've stopped after 165 and just recomped. Made most of my gains in the first month of rippetoes and stupidly kept eating hoping it would eventually continue. After seeing guys not much bigger than me at my gym benching 225 and deadlifting low 400s it seems really silly when people on rippetoes forums brag about a 2 or 3 plate squats weighing over 220 pounds.

Anyways, Once I get down to 140 I plan on doing a slow bulk to get my strength ratio up instead of doing silly stuff like GOMAD.

Forgot to add, I've been doing a PSMF to lose weight. I hate doing cardio so this is perfect. Been consistently losing 3lbs/week or so.
elrechazao said:
Anyone else love when you're about to whip out some frozen veggies ( I was out of fresh and not wanting to go to the store) and you get ...

"mmmm, broccoli"
*reads label*

"Corn Syrup Solids"


What kind of Broccoli did you buy??


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Mr. Serious Business said:
How do people keep their energy up during workouts? Water is great but it doesn't provide much of an energy boost, and Gatorade is just sugar water.
honestly, IMHO working out long enough that you "need" energy is counterproductive to begin with. from "warm up to walking to the car" 30 minutes is a good solid time. It's enough where if your total program is varied enough you can get 5-6 days a week in, and you are only dropping around 2.5-3 hours a week on working out (typically thought to be a nice balanced number for medium high exertion). your muscles EASILY have enough carb stores to power you through the entire workout, and a good recovery meal ensures that they'll be refilled immediately

I'm putting in about 20ish minutes a day right now (20-30 minutes) and energy is NEVER an issue unless I'm just beat tired, but even then I can usually work through it with just poorer numbers.

don't subscribe to the "longer is better" mantra.. that's my opinion at least. a good combination of 30 minutes a day and a healthy diet will lose the weight and you won't be sitting here setting aside 60-120 minutes a day for working out. enjoy life instead.

as for programs, not being a trainer I don't really want to recommend anything outright... but crossfit, p90x, hardcore calisthenics, etc are all programs that shouldn't run you more than 20-40 minutes a day at most... shit, even just doing intervals for 20 minutes would be AWESOME and there you know you're going for exactly 20 minutes. Tabata bodyweight stuff also.. get a tabata timer for your phone and do a round with 4 exercises (say squats, pushups, situps and pullups) and it should be 16 minutes of exercise.
This sucks. I just tried Stevia a few hours ago in my Greek yogurt. It tasted pretty good, but now my left leg went numb and my body temperature went up. This is the first time I ever had a bad reaction to food, and of course, it just had to be a natural sweetener. Hopefully this numbness will go away soon.
borghe said:
honestly, IMHO working out long enough that you "need" energy is counterproductive to begin with. from "warm up to walking to the car" 30 minutes is a good solid time. It's enough where if your total program is varied enough you can get 5-6 days a week in, and you are only dropping around 2.5-3 hours a week on working out (typically thought to be a nice balanced number for medium high exertion). your muscles EASILY have enough carb stores to power you through the entire workout, and a good recovery meal ensures that they'll be refilled immediately

I'm putting in about 20ish minutes a day right now (20-30 minutes) and energy is NEVER an issue unless I'm just beat tired, but even then I can usually work through it with just poorer numbers.

don't subscribe to the "longer is better" mantra.. that's my opinion at least. a good combination of 30 minutes a day and a healthy diet will lose the weight and you won't be sitting here setting aside 60-120 minutes a day for working out. enjoy life instead.

as for programs, not being a trainer I don't really want to recommend anything outright... but crossfit, p90x, hardcore calisthenics, etc are all programs that shouldn't run you more than 20-40 minutes a day at most... shit, even just doing intervals for 20 minutes would be AWESOME and there you know you're going for exactly 20 minutes. Tabata bodyweight stuff also.. get a tabata timer for your phone and do a round with 4 exercises (say squats, pushups, situps and pullups) and it should be 16 minutes of exercise.

Thanks, that's great advice. I usually get worn out on the really long cardio (30+ minutes). Usually I find that if I do a good workout, but it's not long or tiring enough, I still have a bunch of energy and then I can't sleep (although that's a whole other issue for me).
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