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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Gary Whitta said:
Don't diss KFC their grilled chicken is great!

Be that as it may, everything about that chain has pissed me off lately.
From the way they treat their chickens, to the fact that they are inferior to Popeyes, to this:


Ugh, that makes me want to puke...
The Double Down is actually pretty decent from a low-carb perspective!

If you're looking for chain chicken Boston Market and Koo Koo Roo are both good. El Pollo Loco is cheap but I've always found their chicken too dry.


Zefah said:
I disagree. You'd have to hit the weights pretty hardcore to not look a bit fat at 170 and 5'8".

I'm 5'11" and 168 or so and still have a good amount of fat around the waist.

I'm aiming to hit around 130 or 140.

I was 132 lbs at 5'10" for most of the past year and it is a very skinny weight to be near that height. Once you hit that, you will definitely want to weight train and get to around 170, this time with less fat.
One other thing I want to say about the low-carb/paleo diet. Many of the benefits have already been discussed at length here. Weight loss? Check. Less hungry? Check. Improved mood/energy? Check. But the other thing I love is that the diet is also a huge move back toward eating WHOLE, NATURAL foods, not processed junk. I can't tell you how good it feels to drink whole milk and eat real cheese and butter, none of those low-fat bullshit substitutes that they have to process the hell out and add all kinds of garbage to to make up for the natural fats they remove.
Gary Whitta said:
One other thing I want to say about the low-carb/paleo diet. Many of the benefits have already been discussed at length here. Weight loss? Check. Less hungry? Check. Improved mood/energy? Check. But the other thing I love is that the diet is also a huge move back toward eating WHOLE, NATURAL foods, not processed junk. I can't tell you how good it feels to drink whole milk and eat real cheese and butter, none of those low-fat bullshit substitutes that they have to process the hell out and add all kinds of garbage to to make up for the natural fats they remove.
So true - it's gotten me back into (or into for the first time) eating tons of vegetables and real food that I never ate much of before.
NomarTyme said:
Ohh nice. There is a store that is pretty close to me that sells it.
The first time I opened a bottle and tried to pour some out I thought there was still a protective film over the top because nothing came out. Turns out there was just a thick layer of cream that I had to break up first! Takes a while to get used to after drinking weak-ass skim milk.


Gary Whitta said:
The first time I opened a bottle and tried to pour some out I thought there was still a protective film over the top because nothing came out. Turns out there was just a thick layer of cream that I had to break up first! Takes a while to get used to after drinking weak-ass skim milk.
Yeah that is what I heard. I've increased my weight lifting activity and I thought of adding dairy back to my diet.


Toki767 said:
I really want to try the low-carb diet but I feel like everything I eat save for chicken/pork/seafood has carbs in it.

Eggs? Cheese?

Of course some stuff will HAVE carbs, but it might not have a ton.

Almonds? Veggies? Peanut butter? The list goes on and on, man.
Toki767 said:
I really want to try the low-carb diet but I feel like everything I eat save for chicken/pork/seafood has carbs in it.

Probably because almost every type of food does have carbs in it. I'd estimate that 90% of everything in a grocery store is loaded with carbs.

Basically all you're left with is meat.


Toki767 said:
I really want to try the low-carb diet but I feel like everything I eat save for chicken/pork/seafood has carbs in it.
But when bacon falls under the "meat" umbrella, does it really matter? BACON! WOO!
ArachosiA 78 said:
Probably because almost every type of food does have carbs in it. I'd estimate that 90% of everything in a grocery store is loaded with carbs.

Basically all you're left with is meat.
It's really amazing to realize just how carb-loaded the typical supermarket is once you're on the alert for it. CARBS EVERYWHERE!


Gary Whitta said:
It's really amazing to realize just how carb-loaded the typical supermarket is once you're on the alert for it. CARBS EVERYWHERE!
When I was in the supermarket the other day I had a look around for all carb-heavy stuff... I estimate that around 98% of everything is loaded with the stuff. The only notable exceptions are the deli (other than most crumbed/marinated meats) and dairy sections. It's amazing.

Just on the low-carb note, I've been doing it steadily for a few weeks now, lost a shit-ton of weight (I'm just over 76kg now, was sitting on 83kg about a month ago) and it's so much easier to stay away from bad food. My last efforts have had the "cheat day" included and I just couldn't control myself :(

Nephew's birthday coming up this week, though... there'll be cake, carby food (probably fish and chips or pasta) and probably other bad stuff. I hope it doesn't knock me off the wagon.
My GF had a minor car accident yesterday and went to doctor to get checked out for back pain. Doc said she had very high blood pressure, but is too young to take meds so he recommended she start exercising, which made her laugh since she is your typical thin Korean girl.

The reason I bring this up this thread is because she eats HORRIBLY but just won't get fat. I could post some images, but that will get me killed so just trust me, she is VERY fit (she use to dance professionally). But in her fridge today, I only saw chocolate (I know... weird but she like them cold), beer, iced coffee drinks, coke (not diet), and water. Soon as she woke up this morning, I saw her grab a chocolate bar... I'm afraid she is sugaring herself into diabetes, and I can't convince her to stop since she doesn't show the results visually...


What's a good way of working a lot of fiber into a low-carb diet? I used to suffer from chronic constipation, but eradicated it through dietary changes, but unfortunately, a lot of the foods I did it with (Oatmeal, Fiberish whole grain breads, etc) cannot be eaten on a low carb diet. As a result, my stools have been difficult as of late and now I have Hemorrhoids...

On the plus side, I've lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks :/


harSon said:
What's a good way of working a lot of fiber into a low-carb diet? I used to suffer from chronic constipation, but eradicated it through dietary changes, but unfortunately, a lot of the foods I did it with (Oatmeal, Fiberish whole grain breads, etc) cannot be eaten on a low carb diet. As a result, my stools have been difficult as of late and now I have Hemorrhoids...

On the plus side, I've lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks :/
Flax seeds are insane for fiber. For actual food, celery, raspberries, and yes, high fiber cereals are all good. I have this generic brand cereal that has twice the fiber of the rest of the non-fiber carbs.


Einbroch said:
Flax seeds are insane for fiber. For actual food, celery, raspberries, and yes, high fiber cereals are all good. I have this generic brand cereal that has twice the fiber of the rest of the non-fiber carbs.

What's it called?
harSon said:
What's a good way of working a lot of fiber into a low-carb diet? I used to suffer from chronic constipation, but eradicated it through dietary changes, but unfortunately, a lot of the foods I did it with (Oatmeal, Fiberish whole grain breads, etc) cannot be eaten on a low carb diet. As a result, my stools have been difficult as of late and now I have Hemorrhoids...

On the plus side, I've lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks :/

Pretty much nuts and non-starchy vegetable have all of the fiber for low-carb dieters. Yogurt and lacto-fermented foods can help the gut flora too.
Zoe said:
Does it run in her family? I seem to know lots of Asians where that's the case.
I'm not sure. But then again, she does have other bad habits too, like smoking.

But I don't want to turn this into Hypertension thread. I was just observing how her extreme carb heavy diet may have gave her bad hypertension.


Shogmaster said:
I'm not sure. But then again, she does have other bad habits too, like smoking.

But I don't want to turn this into Hypertension thread. I was just observing how her extreme carb heavy diet may have gave her bad hypertension.

Might also be some other medical condition, my understanding was hypertension related to weight was due to belly fat putting pressure on the kidneys.
low-G said:
Might also be some other medical condition, my understanding was hypertension related to weight was due to belly fat putting pressure on the kidneys.
My dad's hypertension began way before he got belly fat...
Gary Whitta said:
Pro tip: Straus Family Creamery organic whole milk - SO FCKN GOOD.

Trader Joe's cream-top organic milk is actually this stuff relabeled (and cheaper). Same for their organic whole milk yogurt (red container) - Strauss makes it.
Nothing better than the first week of dieting/exercise, when the weight falls off super fast due to the loss of retained water and feces. "Whoa... I've lost 5 pounds!" lol

What is the GAF consensus on taking dietary fiber supplements?
Domino Theory said:
What's the difference between pasteurized and ultra-pasteurized milk?

Ultra pasteurization subjects the milk to incredibly high temperatures for a brief amount of time. This also oxidizes the cholesterol and, some anecdotal reports suggest, make the casein protein less digestible and more likely to mess with one's intestinal lining (opening up tight junctions that normally block proteins from getting into the bloodstream). Vat pasteurization, which is what companies like Strauss use, employs a much gentler heat for longer. It's kinda like what you might do to heat up some milk for chocolate milk on your stove. Pretty mild.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Price Dalton said:
Ultra pasteurization subjects the milk to incredibly high temperatures for a brief amount of time. This also oxidizes the cholesterol and, some anecdotal reports suggest, make the casein protein less digestible and more likely to mess with one's intestinal lining (opening up tight junctions that normally block proteins from getting into the bloodstream). Vat pasteurization, which is what companies like Strauss use, employs a much gentler heat for longer. It's kinda like what you might do to heat up some milk for chocolate milk on your stove. Pretty mild.

Cool beans. I bought Clover Organics 1% Lactose-Free Milk yesterday and it made a huge note on the back about their milk being pasteurized and not ultra-pasteurized so I was curious.

Looks like my chocolate malt milk ingredients will change from Horizon Organics to Clover Organics. Pasteurized and half the fat (for quicker absorption post-workout)!
Still haven't stepped on a scale (been over a month), but I feel fucking great and I've been getting compliments from everyone.

I'm dirt poor, so cutting carbs is unrealistic if I want to eat. Instead, I'm just going to cut sugars and eat reasonable amounts (both portions and meals) each day. Also, keeping processed stuff to a minimum, and only consuming whole grains (not that hard). No soda, obviously.


You know what really sucks being brought up in an asian family, chinese in particular, is that you're taught that you should eat a lot of rice more than meat and vegetables. It really goes against how to actually lose weight though since for the past few months I've kept rice to maybe once or twice a week and have eaten more meat and vegetables and ended up losing about 20 pounds or so.


So I've started cycling, I was wondering if its just as effective in losing weight as jogging. I have bad knees so at my current weight jogging wouldn't be a very good idea, but I'd do it if its considerably more effective than cycling.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
abuC said:
So I've started cycling, I was wondering if its just as effective in losing weight as jogging. I have bad knees so at my current weight jogging wouldn't be a very good idea, but I'd do it if its considerably more effective than cycling.

Cycling is excellent. Just make sure you have BCAAs prior to the workout so that your body taps into those as well as fat for energy rather than needing to burn your own muscles for an immediate supply of energy. That's assuming that your cycling sessions are intense.

Drink chocolate milk or have a nice meal aftewards, too.


Price Dalton said:
Trader Joe's cream-top organic milk is actually this stuff relabeled (and cheaper). Same for their organic whole milk yogurt (red container) - Strauss makes it.
Ahhh even better news. TJ is only few miles away from my house.

Toki767 said:
You know what really sucks being brought up in an asian family, chinese in particular, is that you're taught that you should eat a lot of rice more than meat and vegetables. It really goes against how to actually lose weight though since for the past few months I've kept rice to maybe once or twice a week and have eaten more meat and vegetables and ended up losing about 20 pounds or so.
Yep, but everybody is different. I know my cousin eat way more rice than me and not gain any weight, but for me we're in the same boat.


Well, after my morning piss I weighed myself this morning... sitting on 76kg :D Still plenty of chub BUT when visiting my parents my mum said I should stop losing any more weight. I still have lovehandles, a belly and massive thighs. At 6'2"ish even though that weight *sounds* healthy, I still think I could go to about 70kg with the same muscle mass I have now.


That 1-Minute muffin recipe is a godsend, and a good source of fiber. Thank you for posting it! Any other recommendations for low-carb secret/recipes that are relatively easy/quick to make?


Shaneus said:
Well, after my morning piss I weighed myself this morning... sitting on 76kg :D Still plenty of chub BUT when visiting my parents my mum said I should stop losing any more weight. I still have lovehandles, a belly and massive thighs. At 6'2"ish even though that weight *sounds* healthy, I still think I could go to about 70kg with the same muscle mass I have now.

I can't imagine being 154 pounds at 6'2" I'm 6' 1 1/2" and 227 pounds, and while I certainly have a lot more weight to lose, I can't imagine another 70 pounds off my body. I'd look unnaturally thin...


Shaneus said:
Well, after my morning piss I weighed myself this morning... sitting on 76kg :D Still plenty of chub BUT when visiting my parents my mum said I should stop losing any more weight. I still have lovehandles, a belly and massive thighs. At 6'2"ish even though that weight *sounds* healthy, I still think I could go to about 70kg with the same muscle mass I have now.
HAHAHAH same here bro.


harSon said:
I can't imagine being 154 pounds at 6'2" I'm 6' 1 1/2" and 227 pounds, and while I certainly have a lot more weight to lose, I can't imagine another 70 pounds off my body. I'd look unnaturally thin...
I can't remember the guys name, but there was someone here who weighed even less at around the same height and was lean (and cut) as fuck. Can't remember who it was, but we all had a go at him for being anorexic until he posted photos. I guess the bottom line is that you shouldn't have a predefined idea of how you'll look at a certain weight until you're there.
I weigh the same as I did two weeks ago but my dad commented that he thought I was losing weight. I switched from elliptical to outdoor running two weeks ago. I hardly ever notice weight loss unless it is drastic. Could I have increased leg muscle mass to account for looking lighter despite weighing the same?


Shaneus said:
I can't remember the guys name, but there was someone here who weighed even less at around the same height and was lean (and cut) as fuck. Can't remember who it was, but we all had a go at him for being anorexic until he posted photos. I guess the bottom line is that you shouldn't have a predefined idea of how you'll look at a certain weight until you're there.

His legs were sticks though.
Zoe said:
His legs were sticks though.

Hey wait a sec, that's me you're making comments about.

Are my legs sticks?
Are my legs sticks considering I'm tall?
Are my legs sticks compared to your ideal?
All of the above?
My legs are bigger than the dis-proportioned guys I see that bench twice what I can.

Sorry, you brought out the tiger in me. Yeah, I don't squat 3 plates, but I do pretty good for my height and weight.
And it was leg day today, so "stick" comments are demotivating (not really).

Go eat a fucking flax muffin :)
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