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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Domino Theory said:
Cycling is excellent. Just make sure you have BCAAs prior to the workout so that your body taps into those as well as fat for energy rather than needing to burn your own muscles for an immediate supply of energy. That's assuming that your cycling sessions are intense.

Drink chocolate milk or have a nice meal aftewards, too.
Thanks, is soy chocolate milk suitable? I can't drink cows milk, it makes me sick.
abuC said:
Thanks, is soy chocolate milk suitable? I can't drink cows milk, it makes me sick.

If it's legal in your state, you could just try raw milk. Raw milk contains lactase enzymes that aren't destroyed by pasteurization.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
abuC said:
Thanks, is soy chocolate milk suitable? I can't drink cows milk, it makes me sick.

You can do what Noble said or you could try lactose-free pasteurized milk (Clover Organics) and mix your favorite cocoa powder with it.

AFAIK, Soy increases estrogen production in men, but only in large quantities, I think.
There's also Almond milk.
Personally, I'd avoid most pre-made chocolate milk itself.
Most has HFCS. Just get good whole milk and add cocoa powder.

Speaking of HFCS, I took a look at some Arizona Green tea... That shit was even in there! That's all sorts of wrong.
Had a morning meeting at work. This is pretty rare, but had the regional boss visiting from out of town.
Donuts and muffins from tim hortons and orange juice.
I had already eaten my high fat egg salad before hand, so I sat there quietly as my coworkers ate and drank donuts, muffins and juice.
I actually didn't find it hard to do, especially when my boss (he's in his late 50s, looks 14 months pregnant) mentioned that since tim hortons first opened up last summer, he has gained 20 lbs. He's one flight of stairs away from a heart attack. I think he has seriously "found" all the weight that I lost.
ipukespiders said:
Had a morning meeting at work. This is pretty rare, but had the regional boss visiting from out of town.
Donuts and muffins from tim hortons and orange juice.
I had already eaten my high fat egg salad before hand, so I sat there quietly as my coworkers ate and drank donuts, muffins and juice.
I actually didn't find it hard to do, especially when my boss (he's in his late 50s, looks 14 months pregnant) mentioned that since tim hortons first opened up last summer, he has gained 20 lbs. He's one flight of stairs away from a heart attack. I think he has seriously "found" all the weight that I lost.

See this all the time at work.
I seriously want to say something, because I like these people and I want to help them.
But sadly, in this society, you just can't say "Hey... you're fat because you eat shit like this."
And it's always proceeded by a "I'm on a diet, but I'll just have a donut or two."


I've seen that at meetings at my work too... someone has their 10 years, out come the scones, cakes and slices. I used to almost gorge myself on them (sometimes having 3-4 helpings) but now... nothing. Even during the regular Tuesday/Thursday biscuit (cookie) tearoom thing I always pass.

Feels good, man.
AceBandage said:
See this all the time at work.
I seriously want to say something, because I like these people and I want to help them.
But sadly, in this society, you just can't say "Hey... you're fat because you eat shit like this."
And it's always proceeded by a "I'm on a diet, but I'll just have a donut or two."

I actually talked to my boss about low carbing - get this, as Santa Claus looking as he is, he was concerned about my "sudden" weight loss. He seemed to be interested in what I was talking about.
I emailed him the youtube "How Bad Science and Big Business Created the Obesity Epidemic" video but all I got in return was a "what's your cholesterol?" and "well that's his opinion".
So I gave up.
ipukespiders said:
I actually talked to my boss about low carbing - get this, as Santa Claus looking as he is, he was concerned about my "sudden" weight loss. He seemed to be interested in what I was talking about.
I emailed him the youtube "How Bad Science and Big Business Created the Obesity Epidemic" video but all I got in return was a "what's your cholesterol?" and "well that's his opinion".
So I gave up.

People rarely actually want help, and that's the problem.
This is why smoking and drinking are still so big in much of the world.
They don't care that it's killing them, it feels good.
I mean, I can understand it on some level. I spent pretty much all of high school eating nothing but McDonalds and drinking nearly a litre of soda a day.
But I just woke up one morning and said enough was enough.
I just don't think many people will do the same, though, and it makes me sad.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
ipukespiders said:
Had a morning meeting at work. This is pretty rare, but had the regional boss visiting from out of town.
Donuts and muffins from tim hortons and orange juice.
I had already eaten my high fat egg salad before hand, so I sat there quietly as my coworkers ate and drank donuts, muffins and juice.
I actually didn't find it hard to do, especially when my boss (he's in his late 50s, looks 14 months pregnant) mentioned that since tim hortons first opened up last summer, he has gained 20 lbs. He's one flight of stairs away from a heart attack. I think he has seriously "found" all the weight that I lost.

I simply decline all food at work. It's insidious. It's like mad men, but instead of booze it's cake. It's like people can't go 15 minutes without snacking.


So I have a question: I've been doing the low-carb thing for a little while and I feel great and I am losing weight and everything. However, what is the science behind eating all these saturated fats and not having cholesterol problems? Is their a good source that shows a diet like this won't make you croak of heart disease when you're 50?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
YagizY said:
So I have a question: I've been doing the low-carb thing for a little while and I feel great and I am losing weight and everything. However, what is the science behind eating all these saturated fats and not having cholesterol problems? Is their a good source that shows a diet like this won't make you croak of heart disease when you're 50?

Find a single study showing saturated fat causing heart disease. The closest thing you'll find is Ancel Keys' Seven Countries study, where he correlated dietary fat intake (of all types) and heart disease. There wasn't actually any correlation, Keys just threw out some 15 countries that didn't fit his curve. This charlatan's "study" evolved into the Keys lipid hypothesis.

If you dig through medical research of the last 20 years you'll see it's all about the pattern B LDL:

Because they oxidize and start the process in which scar tissue forms.

Saturated fats increase pattern A LDL only, which your body REQUIRES to supply your adrenal glands and nervous system. Cholesterol isn't a toxin, it's a nutrient.

I used to have bookmarks, but there's a study of polynesian tribes that eat 50% of their calories from saturated fat (from coconuts) and have virtually no heart disease. There's the entire country of France, which eats way more animal fats that Americans do and yet have one of the lowest rates of heart disease.


Ah, found my favorite study to debunk Keys bullshit. An American Heart Association study in which total LDL was only 49% accurate in predicting heart disease:

In other words it doesn't cause it at all. oxLDL though was above 80%.
Simply put:
Our bodies were created/evolved to absorb fat and convert it into energy to be used.
You think we had bread hundreds of thousands of years ago?
No, we ate mostly meats and stuff we found growing in trees or on bushes.
Somewhere along the line, scientists thought "Hey, we get fat, and there's fat in food, so that fat must make us fat and kill us! So we should only eat things that have no fat in them!"
And this trend caught on like wildfire. I suppose mostly because it was a simple idea.
I'm trying to think about what set me onto low carb / high fat.
I think it was the movie fathead that finally got the ball rolling, and then it snowballed from there.
Burn a bunch of copies, label it "Porn!!" and leave them at the office?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
AceBandage said:
Simply put:
Our bodies were created/evolved to absorb fat and convert it into energy to be used.
You think we had bread hundreds of thousands of years ago?
No, we ate mostly meats and stuff we found growing in trees or on bushes.
Somewhere along the line, scientists thought "Hey, we get fat, and there's fat in food, so that fat must make us fat and kill us! So we should only eat things that have no fat in them!"
And this trend caught on like wildfire. I suppose mostly because it was a simple idea.

I forget all of the details, but there was actually far more scientists opposing the policies enforced on fats in the 1970s than there were for it. Some douchebag Senator McGovern just liked his low fat diet and pulled strings to get that to public policy.

There were already several scientists like John Yudkin insisting that sugar was the problem.
teh_pwn said:
I forget all of the details, but there was actually far more scientists opposing the policies enforced on fats in the 1970s than there were for it. Some douchebag Senator McGovern just liked his low fat diet and pulled strings to get that to public policy.

There were already several scientists like John Yudkin insisting that sugar was the problem.

I wouldn't doubt it. Stupid people with power are dangerous.
YagizY said:
So I have a question: I've been doing the low-carb thing for a little while and I feel great and I am losing weight and everything. However, what is the science behind eating all these saturated fats and not having cholesterol problems? Is their a good source that shows a diet like this won't make you croak of heart disease when you're 50?

learn about the spanish, french, swiss, and russian paradoxes of cholesterol!

also this:


Ok so i need advice. I was shot when i was younger and thus my legs are in the best shape they could be. I cant really do much work on them without them hurting. My doctor really wants me to lose weight but i have no idea what to do seeing as everyone always recommends cardio when i cant do much of it. I weight about 320 i'm 5,9 and about 25.

Any tips guys?
Delio said:
Ok so i need advice. I was shot when i was younger and thus my legs are in the best shape they could be. I cant really do much work on them without them hurting. My doctor really wants me to lose weight but i have no idea what to do seeing as everyone always recommends cardio when i cant do much of it. I weight about 320 i'm 5,9 and about 25.

Any tips guys?
weight loss is 90ish percent diet, 10 percentish exercise.

read this and get going

Delio said:
Ok so i need advice. I was shot when i was younger and thus my legs are in the best shape they could be. I cant really do much work on them without them hurting. My doctor really wants me to lose weight but i have no idea what to do seeing as everyone always recommends cardio when i cant do much of it. I weight about 320 i'm 5,9 and about 25.

Any tips guys?

Weight lifting and elliptical. Weight lifting basically eats up fat/energy quickly and you can use the elliptical machine fairly easily with out having to put a lot of weight on your legs.
But yeah, a change in diet is the biggest thing you can do to lose weight.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Delio said:
Ok so i need advice. I was shot when i was younger and thus my legs are in the best shape they could be. I cant really do much work on them without them hurting. My doctor really wants me to lose weight but i have no idea what to do seeing as everyone always recommends cardio when i cant do much of it. I weight about 320 i'm 5,9 and about 25.

Any tips guys?

Focus on nutrition.

Do some weight training to strengthen your legs and do some light cardio. But fat loss is all about food. If you're eating doughnuts, cakes, pizza, it takes very little effort to undo hours of cardio.

I recommend a low food reward, low carb diet if you can handle it. Easiest if you live alone so you aren't tempted with bad food constantly.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Delio said:
Thanks guys. I've never done a low Carb diet and it's hard since i dont live alone.

Low carb is doable with others.

It's low food reward that's hard because it works on removing flavor, color, and texture to foods that cause you to overeat. Like plain, unsweetened yogurt. Plain rice. Plain steak. Steamed broccoli. If you limit yourself to these sorts of foods, your body will adjust hunger until you lose the weight. Problem is that the smell of the foods you cannot eat will trigger rabid hunger, and that's why it's easier to do it alone.


oatmeal said:


BTW, these are fucking dope. They taste like less greasy BK fries to me some how.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Delio said:
Ok so i need advice. I was shot when i was younger and thus my legs are in the best shape they could be. I cant really do much work on them without them hurting. My doctor really wants me to lose weight but i have no idea what to do seeing as everyone always recommends cardio when i cant do much of it. I weight about 320 i'm 5,9 and about 25.

Any tips guys?

  • Use olive and coconut oil ONLY when cooking.
  • Lift free weights; do low intensity cardio
  • Eat a lot of animal fat.
  • Avoid anything with flour (limit daily carb intake to <50g for a few months if you can; <100g if you can't handle <50g)
  • Have more protein than usual.
  • Cut out any and all food containing any vegetable oil (safflower, sunflower, palm, canolia, peanut, vegetable).
  • Avoid anything with partially hydrogenated oil and high fructose corn syrup.
  • Do not buy any low-fat/fat-free products (unless you need it for quick absorption post workout which is another story).
  • Limit intake of nuts.
  • No soda of any kind, no fruit juice of any kind. Your drinks should be water, coffee and tea only.

Supplements (optional, but recommended):

  • Vitamin D3 5,000IU daily (NOW Foods is the best brand, imo)
  • Magnesium Citrate 400mg daily (credit to teh_pwn for this. Oh and take it before bed for better sleep)
  • 1 Tablespoon of Carlson's Fish Oil (credit to teh_pwn for this)

Sit back and enjoy the weight fly off of you. I know where you've been, dude. I was only 17 years old when I was 320 pounds. It was horrible. Do the bulleted, keep coming back here or going to your friends and family for constant support and I promise you, you will lose the weight and feel fucking great.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Domino Theory said:
  • Use olive and coconut oil ONLY when cooking.
  • Lift free weights; do low intensity cardio
  • Eat a lot of animal fat.
  • Avoid anything with flour (limit daily carb intake to <50g for a few months if you can; <100g if you can't handle <50g)
  • Have more protein than usual.
  • Cut out any and all food containing any vegetable oil (safflower, sunflower, palm, canolia, peanut, vegetable).
  • Avoid anything with partially hydrogenated oil and high fructose corn syrup.
  • Do not buy any low-fat/fat-free products (unless you need it for quick absorption post workout which is another story).
  • Limit intake of nuts.
  • No soda of any kind, no fruit juice of any kind. Your drinks should be water, coffee and tea only.

Supplements (optional, but reccomended):

  • Vitamin D3 5,000IU daily(NOW Foods is the best brand, imo)
  • Magnesium Citrate 400mg daily (credit to teh_pwn for this. Oh and take it before bed for better sleep)
  • 3 Tablespoons of Carlson's Fish Oil (credit to teh_pwn for this)

Sit back and enjoy the weight fly off of you. I know where you've been, dude. I was only 17 years old when I was 320 pounds. It was horrible. Do the bulleted, keep coming back here or going to your friends and family for constant support and I promise you, you will lose the weight and feel fucking great.

I think we had a few posts about the fish oil. Turns out only 1 TB is needed (Prince Dalton pointed this out).


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Domino Theory said:
Edited. Link please? :)

Somewhere in this thread. Not sure how to search for it without brute forcing it (probably between pages 50 and 120).

I used to favor more than 1 TB because Robb Wolf recommended that during initial fat loss to combat with the n-6 released during fat burning. But then Prince Dalton pointed out too much PUFA of any type is bad, and recommended 1 TB.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
teh_pwn said:
Somewhere in this thread. Not sure how to search for it without brute forcing it (probably between pages 50 and 120).

I used to favor more than 1 TB because Robb Wolf recommended that during initial fat loss to combat with the n-6 released during fat burning. But then Prince Dalton pointed out too much PUFA of any type is bad, and recommended 1 TB.

Holy shit I just had a brain fart. Can't believe I asked for a link when I just realized I've been taking 1 TB this whole time. For some odd reason I thought I had been taking 3 TB this whole time and was wondering why I should lower it to 1, haha. My bad. :p

@Exodus: Those oils are hgh in Omega 6 which causes inflammation which causes heart disease, obesity, cancer, etc. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_tMgToYs_o...AATg/51Pee7Uz_VI/s1600/Kock_Omega6content.PNG


Domino Theory said:
  • Use olive and coconut oil ONLY when cooking.
  • Lift free weights; do low intensity cardio
  • Eat a lot of animal fat.
  • Avoid anything with flour (limit daily carb intake to <50g for a few months if you can; <100g if you can't handle <50g)
  • Have more protein than usual.
  • Cut out any and all food containing any vegetable oil (safflower, sunflower, palm, canolia, peanut, vegetable).
  • Avoid anything with partially hydrogenated oil and high fructose corn syrup.
  • Do not buy any low-fat/fat-free products (unless you need it for quick absorption post workout which is another story).
  • Limit intake of nuts.
  • No soda of any kind, no fruit juice of any kind. Your drinks should be water, coffee and tea only.

Supplements (optional, but recommended):

  • Vitamin D3 5,000IU daily (NOW Foods is the best brand, imo)
  • Magnesium Citrate 400mg daily (credit to teh_pwn for this. Oh and take it before bed for better sleep)
  • 1 Tablespoon of Carlson's Fish Oil (credit to teh_pwn for this)

Sit back and enjoy the weight fly off of you. I know where you've been, dude. I was only 17 years old when I was 320 pounds. It was horrible. Do the bulleted, keep coming back here or going to your friends and family for constant support and I promise you, you will lose the weight and feel fucking great.

I would not use olive oil as much for cooking because it oxides at high temp, so use lard instead. Olive oils are good for salad dressing though.

Also Magnesium, I would lean towards Magnesium Gylcinate instead because its better absorption and less chance of bowel movement...


Domino Theory said:
  • Use olive and coconut oil ONLY when cooking.
  • Lift free weights; do low intensity cardio
  • Eat a lot of animal fat.
  • Avoid anything with flour (limit daily carb intake to <50g for a few months if you can; <100g if you can't handle <50g)
  • Have more protein than usual.
  • Cut out any and all food containing any vegetable oil (safflower, sunflower, palm, canolia, peanut, vegetable).
  • Avoid anything with partially hydrogenated oil and high fructose corn syrup.
  • Do not buy any low-fat/fat-free products (unless you need it for quick absorption post workout which is another story).
  • Limit intake of nuts.
  • No soda of any kind, no fruit juice of any kind. Your drinks should be water, coffee and tea only.

Supplements (optional, but recommended):

  • Vitamin D3 5,000IU daily (NOW Foods is the best brand, imo)
  • Magnesium Citrate 400mg daily (credit to teh_pwn for this. Oh and take it before bed for better sleep)
  • 1 Tablespoon of Carlson's Fish Oil (credit to teh_pwn for this)

Sit back and enjoy the weight fly off of you. I know where you've been, dude. I was only 17 years old when I was 320 pounds. It was horrible. Do the bulleted, keep coming back here or going to your friends and family for constant support and I promise you, you will lose the weight and feel fucking great.

Thank you so much! I already stay away from Soda but i will take all of your other suggestions and work with it. It's hard when i live with grandparents who insist on cooking but i will do it.
Okay, its not me but its a before and after pic and its a pretty motivating story. This guy didn't go to the gym at first, instead choosing to walk at night. nor did he have fancy diets. He just resolved to lose weight and made it happen.


(CNN) -- When Jamil Macias looked down at his new sports uniform, he felt embarrassed by the size on his tag -- he knew it was the largest one on his middle-school baseball team.

Still, Macias' friends called him a giant "teddy bear," and he had gotten used to being one of the bigger kids.

But by seventh grade, his lifestyle was changing dramatically because of his weight. After years of team sports, he started looking for excuses to skip practice and games. As his interest dwindled, he chose to drop out altogether -- first from baseball, then, soccer and finally basketball. From then on, the gain accelerated. As a junior in high school, he weighed more than 300 pounds.

While his peers were trying out the latest Abercrombie & Fitch fads, he was trying to find pants large enough to fit his 44-inch waist.

"I felt a little bit isolated from society," he said. "After school, people would get ready for sports practices, and I would go home and do homework."

Yet it wasn't until Macias vacationed in Hawaii at age 17 that he really grasped the reality of his size.

While looking at the digital photos from the trip -- initially intending to show them to friends -- he was shocked by his appearance. "I never took very many pictures of myself," he said. "When I looked at them, I was too embarrassed to post them online. ... I (thought), 'Whoa, this is what I look like?' "

And soon after, during a routine physical, the doctor's scale showed 313 pounds.

That number, and the Hawaii photos, convinced him that he had to change.

But resolving to lose weight was nothing new -- on previous visits, his doctor had talked to him about going on a diet or getting a referral for a dietitian. Throughout high school, he'd sporadically headed to the gym, aware of his expanding size, except the habit never stuck.
But now he had motivation. Macias went home that night and began exercising in his garage to avoid being seen at a gym.

Unfortunately his third session on the elliptical ended badly; the strain of his weight broke the machine almost in half and landed him on the floor. His family wasn't there to witness it, but he felt humiliated when he thought about going inside to face them.

"I was really embarrassed because I had never thought in my mind that I would be big enough to break an exercise machine," he said.

So he began to work out by walking at night. After the disastrous session with the elliptical, he was careful to keep a cover between himself and any potential stares.

It was on one of his first evening jogs that Macias specifically remembers feeling hurt as teenagers in a truck drove by and called him, "Fatty."

"Stuff like that wasn't common, but it did happen," he said. "I used that as a motivator to keep going -- I wasn't going to let something like that stop me."

Macias pushed himself further each night, progressing from walking to running, in addition to eliminating fast food and replacing processed, sugary foods with fruits and vegetables. His family -- especially his mother -- was supportive, keeping track of the number of pounds lost right along with him.

"I did the research on my own," he said. "I never followed a specific diet or book. ... I explored other (food) options that I knew were better substitutes."

He starts out breakfast with protein-rich dairy, such as cottage cheese and yogurt. Lunch and dinner always include salad and vegetables in addition to an entrée that's high in protein.

"I didn't have a set amount of how much I wanted to lose -- I just wanted to keep going until I felt good about myself," he said.

After about three years, Macias had dropped nearly 130 pounds and weighed in at 185 in September 2010. "I felt really good," he said. "It took me awhile to really understand my body and know what I can do to it, change it, help it grow and become stronger."
Moving forward

Every day of the week at 5:30 a.m., Macias, now 22, wakes up to hit the gym, usually running for about half an hour on the treadmill and then lifting weights.

Since graduating from college in April, Macias has gained 10 pounds of weight from training to build up muscle. He ran a half marathon in February and is training to run another in August.

"We can all make time to exercise," he said. "You have to stay motivated and positive and pretty much eliminate the excuses."

Besides his physical appearance, Macias said, his lifestyle changes have affected how he interacts with people.

During high school, he would have described himself as reclusive -- shy and unengaged.
But thanks to a healthier lifestyle, Macias said he feels a higher self-esteem and -- if placed in a group -- would immediately identify himself as the leader, filled with confidence he once lacked.

"That was really the theme that kept me going -- I wanted to be more engaged in life, and I knew that (losing weight) would help me do it," he said.


NomarTyme said:
I would not use olive oil as much for cooking because it oxides at high temp, so use lard instead. Olive oils are good for salad dressing though.

Also Magnesium, I would lean towards Magnesium Gylcinate instead because its better absorption and less chance of bowel movement...
MDA has a good article on olive oil. Draw your own conclusions. Personally I cook with ghee or coconut oil, depending on what flavour I'm after.
Teh Hamburglar said:
Okay, its not me but its a before and after pic and its a pretty motivating story. This guy didn't go to the gym at first, instead choosing to walk at night. nor did he have fancy diets. He just resolved to lose weight and made it happen.

Inspirational... but...
I mean, I know a lot of private ones aren't made for more than 300 pounds, but damn...
Poor kid...
AceBandage said:
Inspirational... but...
I mean, I know a lot of private ones aren't made for more than 300 pounds, but damn...
Poor kid...

Yeah, i thought that was kind of odd. But i think I would have called it quits there and went and found me some ice cream.
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