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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Eat the whole egg! The yolk is where all the good stuff!
Also, worry less about total calories and more about cabr intake.
So far, it seems like you're mostly doing good for a low carb life, but if you still feel hungry, try adding in some more protein.


AceBandage said:
Eat the whole egg! The yolk is where all the good stuff!
Also, worry less about total calories and more about cabr intake.
So far, it seems like you're mostly doing good for a low carb life, but if you still feel hungry, try adding in some more protein.

I am STARVING during the evenings, but during the day I feel overfull. I have been cutting out some meals, actually, so that list wasn't even an accurate day to day take on it. Sometimes I'll cut lunch out.

As for the egg, the TCN's here actually have them all split before hand, so you can choose to get one or the other, or mix. I prefer the taste of the egg white only :\

I have been thinking about subbing in some more protein shakes though.

In 3 months my deployment will be over, so that's when I'll throw up some/before after pics. If there's enough of a change...
Try replacing the shakes with tuna/sardines.
They're better all around and have less carbs (see SUGAR) than most protein shakes.
They're also a good source of Omega 3 Fatty Acids.


I have to admit, as a guy who's been on a diet twice, the calorie counting thing is a waste of time. You should rather worry about keeping your insulin level as low as possible by keeping your carb intake to under 100g a day. If you work out a lot you can obviously increase that, just do some research to find some comfortable levels. With a low insulin level, your body is right along with you in losing all that fat and you can almost sit on your ass and still lose weight. With the carbs, you're basically just fighting against the body.

Obviously, most low calorie diets are also healthy diets so they naturally cut away a lot of carbs but I've seen it and even done it myself, you something let yourself eat stuff that contains so much crap as a "Oh I worked out today" and "Haven't had much to eat" that shoots insulin levels through the roof in no time and stagnates progress.


AceBandage said:
Try replacing the shakes with tuna/sardines.
They're better all around and have less carbs (see SUGAR) than most protein shakes.
They're also a good source of Omega 3 Fatty Acids.

I hate tuna, but I might start getting that from time to time. Sardines are out of the question.


should mention there is a HUGE streak of time between 11AM and 5PM when I have absolutely nothing. Is that good or bad?
Nekofrog said:
I hate tuna, but I might start getting that from time to time. Sardines are out of the question.


should mention there is a HUGE streak of time between 11AM and 5PM when I have absolutely nothing. Is that good or bad?

If you don't like either of those, see if your local Costco (or another store), has this:


This stuff is maybe a little too good. It's a great snack, low in mercury, and really healthy to eat. And it's too damn delicious.
Sethos said:
I have to admit, as a guy who's been on a diet twice, the calorie counting thing is a waste of time.
AceBandage said:
Also, worry less about total calories and more about carb intake.
Out of curiosity, why is this the case? Keeping the amount of (refined) carbohydrates down is a given if you don't do intensive exercise every day, but I always thought that not going over your daily limit of kilocalories and instead creating a reasonable deficit would lead to sustainable weight loss. In the case of carbs, I thought that an excess of calories derived from them would result in more weight gained as they need to be burned off through exercise. Eating protein in excess of what would be recommended for a day's worth of calories would result in weight gain as well, wouldn't it?
Necromanti said:
Out of curiosity, why is this the case? Keeping the amount of (refined) carbohydrates down is a given if you don't do intensive exercise every day, but I always thought that not going over your daily limit of kilocalories and instead creating a reasonable deficit would lead to sustainable weight loss. In the case of carbs, I thought that an excess of calories derived from them would result in more weight gained as they need to be burned off through exercise. Eating protein in excess of what would be recommended for a day's worth of calories would result in weight gain as well, wouldn't it? That's what I would have we expected if I considered the net energy, and burning more than my intake.

Unless you are basically forcing food into your body, then calories don't matter a whole lot.
Your body will use those calories one way or another, despite conventional wisdom.
See, the whole calories system is flawed because it's measured in a close system (how much energy it takes to heat up 1kg of water 1 degree Celcius).
Your body, however, is not a closed system. It's a very complex system that uses energy for a lot of functions.
By lowering your carbohydrate intake, you're reducing insulin spikes, which causes your body to store less fat and burn more energy.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Necromanti said:
Out of curiosity, why is this the case? Keeping the amount of (refined) carbohydrates down is a given if you don't do intensive exercise every day, but I always thought that not going over your daily limit of kilocalories and instead creating a reasonable deficit would lead to sustainable weight loss. In the case of carbs, I thought that an excess of calories derived from them would result in more weight gained as they need to be burned off through exercise. Eating protein in excess of what would be recommended for a day's worth of calories would result in weight gain as well, wouldn't it? That's what I would have we expected if I considered the net energy, and burning more than my intake.

The way low carb works is that it tilts the way your body attempts to partition energy such that calories are allocated for lean tissue and not fat storage. This is primarily determined by insulin levels, though fat can be stored in other ways.

Overeating protein is pretty much impossible. The way the body converts it into energy is incredibly inefficient.

It is possible overeat fat, and I think as you approach your ideal body fat % food reward is more important in controlling hunger than just low carb.

Calories do matter, but it's more complicated than food in and energy out. There's an internal metabolism going on in which body fat is caloric intake, and an internal regulation of energy out based on how much fuel the body perceives that it has stored. Then you have your hormonal issues dealing with leptin, cortisol, ghrelin, etc.
Nekofrog said:
There aren't really many Costco's in the middle east.

Whoops, sorry. I don't know where everyone is from. I don't really know that many people at all.

Well if you hate tuna I say just glob a reasonable amount of mayonnaise on it. Don't go for low-fat mayonnaise unless you want to hate the tuna.


Necromanti said:
Out of curiosity, why is this the case? Keeping the amount of (refined) carbohydrates down is a given if you don't do intensive exercise every day, but I always thought that not going over your daily limit of kilocalories and instead creating a reasonable deficit would lead to sustainable weight loss. In the case of carbs, I thought that an excess of calories derived from them would result in more weight gained as they need to be burned off through exercise. Eating protein in excess of what would be recommended for a day's worth of calories would result in weight gain as well, wouldn't it?

Yeah, Ace explained it well. The conventional wisdom behind the calories in, calories out is pretty much flawed.

If you or anyone else for that matter has got the time, recommend you watch this.


This is basically Gary Taubes explaining his entire book in a short form, he also explains the calorie thing at some point.


Mr. Serious Business said:
Whoops, sorry. I don't know where everyone is from. I don't really know that many people at all.

Well if you hate tuna I say just glob a reasonable amount of mayonnaise on it. Don't go for low-fat mayonnaise unless you want to hate the tuna.

Not from there, deployed there as the original post says.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Sethos said:
Yeah, Ace explained it well. The conventional wisdom behind the calories in, calories out is pretty much flawed.

If you or anyone else for that matter has got the time, recommend you watch this.


This is basically Gary Taubes explaining his entire book in a short form, he also explains the calorie thing at some point.

It's completely flawed and tells you nothing since there are so many different factors that determine how the various macronutrients are processed and partitioned. All calories are not alike. Even the same calories (from the same source) may be used differently depending on a variety of other factors such as exercise or stress levels, etc.
Jintor said:
Gary while you're here, I listened to the Tested podcast for the first time today, latest episode. It was fantastic! Different to the Bombcast, obviously, but still great. Good dynamics all around. Definitely going to be on my 45-minute power-walk playlist. :D
Thanks! Always glad to hear from someone who enjoys it :)

In other news, since I am stepping up my workouts I decided to add a post-workout protein shake. Ordered some of this:



LOVE IT! Mixed in with a glass of milk it's like drinking a really rich, creamy milk shake!

In other other news, what fish oil supplement do people here recommend? I take GNC Triple Strength, but is there a better alternative?


Starting back when school starts, running before class, workout later in the night around 8, definitely gonna watch what i should eat. Mainly going to be doing cardio to start reducing fat and then weights after about 15 pounds of loss, i should be down 30 pounds by december which is a good achievable goal.

I'm out of the dorm, and out of the parent's house, in the dorm shitty food was easy and cheap to come by, what meals should i be eating i can cook myself? Cutting sodas out completely besides cheat days.

I've heard grilling is good, and i can grill a good meal.

Few things i've wanted to know,

  • How bad are baked potatoes overall without the chives, bacon, sour cream, little butter, but not much.

    What are some snack foods that are just extremely unhealthy for you?

    Doesn't "low fat" "no fat" etc usually mean high carbs ?

Any other tips would be great GAF.
Deadly Cyclone said:
Getting groceries tomorrow, any suggestions for a good Sunday night meal?

Also lunch during the week?

Steak and mashed cauliflower.

Plasmid said:
Starting back when school starts, running before class, workout later in the night around 8, definitely gonna watch what i should eat. Mainly going to be doing cardio to start reducing fat and then weights after about 15 pounds of loss, i should be down 30 pounds by december which is a good achievable goal.

I'm out of the dorm, and out of the parent's house, in the dorm shitty food was easy and cheap to come by, what meals should i be eating i can cook myself? Cutting sodas out completely besides cheat days.

I've heard grilling is good, and i can grill a good meal.

Few things i've wanted to know,

  • How bad are baked potatoes overall without the chives, bacon, sour cream, little butter, but not much.

    What are some snack foods that are just extremely unhealthy for you?

    Doesn't "low fat" "no fat" etc usually mean high carbs ?

Any other tips would be great GAF.

Potatoes are starch. Starch is horrible for weight loss. Period. Avoid all chips. And candy and processed crap.

Also, low fat is usually crock.
Fat isn't inherently bad, it just depends on what kind of fat it is. Avoid transfat and hydrogenated oils.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
AceBandage said:
Steak and mashed cauliflower.

Potatoes are starch. Starch is horrible for weight loss. Period. Avoid all chips. And candy and processed crap.

Also, low fat is usually crock.
Fat isn't inherently bad, it just depends on what kind of fat it is. Avoid transfat and hydrogenated oils.
Got a recipe for good mashed cauliflower? What kind of (cheaper) steak would you recommend?
So I know weight loss is discussed a lot here, but what about weight maintenance? I'm 6 foot, and I've gone from 190 to 168 over the past couple of months. Everyone tells me I look really skinny, so I'm not trying to lose too much more weight. I've considered adding more carbs, but I don't want to balloon again. Also, I'll be starting college soon, and I don't want to gain a bunch of weight being forced to eat crap. Tips?
Mr. Serious Business said:
So I know weight loss is discussed a lot here, but what about weight maintenance? I'm 6 foot, and I've gone from 190 to 168 over the past couple of months. Everyone tells me I look really skinny, so I'm not trying to lose too much more weight. I've considered adding more carbs, but I don't want to balloon again. Also, I'll be starting college soon, and I don't want to gain a bunch of weight being forced to eat crap. Tips?

Lift weights.
You'll gain mass without it being fat.
Mr. Serious Business said:
I've started lifting weights, and I want to improve my eating habits around the new routine (I don't eat a huge amount and have low energy during and after workouts).

The Fitness thread would probably give you a better meal plan.
From what I've seen, more fats and protein is a must.


Gary Whitta said:
Thanks! Always glad to hear from someone who enjoys it :)

In other news, since I am stepping up my workouts I decided to add a post-workout protein shake. Ordered some of this:



LOVE IT! Mixed in with a glass of milk it's like drinking a really rich, creamy milk shake!

In other other news, what fish oil supplement do people here recommend? I take GNC Triple Strength, but is there a better alternative?

Do yourself a favor and switch to this.


AceBandage said:
The Fitness thread would probably give you a better meal plan.
From what I've seen, more fats and protein is a must.

The fitness thread kind of intimidates me. I have no idea what they're talking about. It's mainly an energy problem, which tempts me to eat more carbs. Protein isn't too much of a problem for me, just feeling energized enough to do a prolonged workout.
Mr. Serious Business said:
The fitness thread kind of intimidates me. I have no idea what they're talking about. It's mainly an energy problem, which tempts me to eat more carbs. Protein isn't too much of a problem for me, just feeling energized enough to do a prolonged workout.

Try a whey supplement during or after your work out. It's what I do and it helps a lot.


get some go again
Mr. Serious Business said:
The fitness thread kind of intimidates me. I have no idea what they're talking about. It's mainly an energy problem, which tempts me to eat more carbs. Protein isn't too much of a problem for me, just feeling energized enough to do a prolonged workout.
for workouts i just drink coffee. i don't add anything to it though. drink it double black. get a nice boost in energy for my weight lifting. maybe you should aim to be 180lbs but try and gain the weight back with muscle.


Mr. Serious Business said:
The fitness thread kind of intimidates me. I have no idea what they're talking about. It's mainly an energy problem, which tempts me to eat more carbs. Protein isn't too much of a problem for me, just feeling energized enough to do a prolonged workout.
If energy is the problem. Look up info on creatine. It made working out a lot better for me. It gives an energy boost so you can lift heavier weights.


cuevas said:

Artificial sweetners maybe.

ON tastes awful anyway, relative to others. But if you like/enjoy the taste, it's all good.

BertramCooper said:
I used to use EAS whey and just switched to ON. I think the rich chocolate is pretty damn good.

Yeah, if you like it then that's all that matters.


cuevas said:
Natural, no sweeteners.

The taste is okay - GNC stuff is more about the ingredients and substance over flavor. I add skim milk, ice and some fruit - rasberries, banana, or strawberries. Fat free Yogurt is also a good addition.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
NYR said:
Natural, no sweeteners.

The taste is okay - GNC stuff is more about the ingredients and substance over flavor. I add skim milk, ice and some fruit - rasberries, banana, or strawberries. Fat free Yogurt is also a good addition.

Why fat free?


cuevas said:

If you care about the health concerns of artificial sweetners, there's that. However, it also tastes a lot better; it's like night and day when you try both one after another.

It's honey powder and something else used as sweetners in the natural version, not at my computer right now so I can't look.
Price Dalton said:
Currently there. It's extremely awesome thus far.

Next year we're hoping to see it grow, so you guys should definitely try to make it.

Jealous! Do you know of any plans to stream the talks or do an east coast version?
Davidion said:
What's the difference?

NM, saw previous replies. Gonna try the Natural Strawberry!

I think my positive reaction to the vanilla protein powder might have been due to the fact that I drank it with whole milk, which makes everything awesome. Will switch to fat-free milk for my mixer (I refuse to believe mixing it with water is tolerable) and see how that goes!
Am I getting too much fat on a given day? Here's the fat I eat:

I eat 1 serving of almonds, 2tbsp of flax seeds 3x, 1 serving of peanut butter, and whatever animal fats that I eat throughout the day. What do you guys think?

Edit: And i definitely get under 60 carbs a day if that helps
Bought some awesome pork lard at the farmer's market today. Anyone got any good lard cooking tips? What can I use it for?

Also got this:

EDIT: Copied for new page

Am I getting too much fat on a given day? Here's the fat I eat:

I eat 1 serving of almonds, 2tbsp of flax seeds 3x, 1 serving of peanut butter, and whatever animal fats that I eat throughout the day. What do you guys think?

And i definitely get under 60 carbs a day if that helps


...hate me...
Vacations can be hard. While I'm definitely at the most defining moment of getting a slim shape, getting rid of the love handles, getting a slim-y stomach and shit, I'm jumping back and forth between 163 and 158 for longest time now. I just want to get to 150 god dammit. Can't be that hard, can it really.

Had my second cheat day in a row today. I'll be damned if I'm not gonna fast tomorrow.
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