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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Phobophile said:

This is a photo of me with Mike Scalzi, the frontman of The Lord Weird Slough Feg taken after Alehorn of Power II in June 2007, just after I graduated college. I weighed easily 305 lbs. then.


This is me last year I think it was mid-May. I was about 330 lbs.


This was just taken moments ago. I've weighed myself in at 230 lbs, putting my trackable loss at 100 lbs. I've gone from a 46" waist and a 3XL shirt size down to 38" and L. Target weight is 200 lbs.

Just an update of my progress:

A couple weeks after this post, I started doing the P90X lean supplemental regimen and I have 4 1/2 weeks to go on it. I've only lost about 11 lbs. more--my last weigh-in today was 219 lbs.-- but I've definitely built up way more muscle and lost more fat. I'm down to a 36" waist (maybe 34" but I'm not buying more clothes just yet) and I wear size medium shirts now. I'm well on track to my target weight of 200 lbs. but I can see myself getting down to 190 or 185. I'm still pretty flabby and there's only so much I can blame on loose skin. I won't post new pics until I'm done with this round of P90X. I like the program so much, that I'll probably start it over again after taking a few weeks off!

Edit: on second thought, here's a picture of me from 3 weeks ago at the Bristol Renaissance Faire because it's that badass:



...hate me...
elrechazao said:
If you ate carbs and haven't in a while, your body has now begun to retain water. Water is heavy.

and totally this -

smurfx said:
stop weighing yourself everyday. it will drive you nuts when you have these small bumps.

dejay said:
As others said, don't weigh yourself every day, or if you do, do it with the knowledge that short term variations don't mean that much, and even weekly variations can be misleading if you're putting on muscle. Look at the graph I posted above - it's all over the place but the general trend is downwards so that's all that matters. I only continue to weigh myself daily now because I think it's cool to graph it.

Also note on my graph there were times were I put on a kilo in the space of a day. This is definitely water weight. It did this twice when I was bouncing off the 100kg goal. I'm more attuned to it now - I can actually tell how much I'm pissing compared to how much I'm drinking and I know to a certain degree of accuracy how much I'm going to weigh the next day.

(edit) As to your question - I don't know the basic principals behind food processing. Don't forget that you're breathing in a shit load of gases in, so it might be possible that carbon or oxygen is combining with your food to form body tissue, but like I said I have zero idea if this is actually the case.
Thanks guys.

Now, believe me, I've been weighting myself daily for the best part of the last 8 months (i.e. since the beginning of the year) so I've developed a thick skin against small or big bumps, and actually I've started to master all my weight fluctuations... a lot of times I can guess my weight before jumping into the scale, just by determining what I've eaten so far, my weight in the morning (or the previous day value) and how "heavy" do I feel. I know the weight I lose on a fasting day, the weight I lose overnight, etc. I made this a science of sorts.

I've come to the conclusion that on my alternate day fasting cycles (which occur only on weekdays), alternating a fasting day AND a day of moderately (and usually low carb) my weight goes like this: I lose 1.4kg on the fasting day (almost like clockwork) and, as long as I don't hog out or something, I gain about 500g on an eating day, for an average of 900g lost on a couple of days... which *isn't* sustained in the long term because of my liberal weekends which bring down my global average by a lot.

What confused me the other day was how much that pattern was not verified, even if I didn't really eat that much. I mean, 400g of parma ham and cheese and a couple of slices of bread and some chocolate milk isn't really my definition of hogging out... but on the other hand, yeah, it deviates from my regular diet, which is more like 400g of chicken, or eggs, some veggies, and no bread at all. And little to no cheese or milk (esp. chocolate milk).

Monday I've woken up weighing 71.3kg. I've had that eating day and I woke up Tuesday at 72.5kg. After fasting on Tuesday I woke up this morning weighing 71.2kg. So basically my eating day on Monday almost negated completely my fasting day on Tuesday.

Another thing that occurs me is that, as I keep losing weight, I can't rely on the same quantities of food to keep losing weight at the same rate. I'm a much smaller person now than when I started doing this, and I've not exactly packed muscle since, so I burn a lot less calories per day.

Still, today is an eating day, and I'll go back to my regular diet, probably having a package of chicken breasts, and I'll see how it goes.
I love that half my office is on a "diet", yet when it comes to birthday cake/morning teas they all break their "super strict diets" and shovel food into their mouths.

Have also plateaued with regards to low carbing, might try and get under 50grams a day again and see if that helps.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Fucking hell...found this chocolate ice cream with peanut butter ripples in it...my favorite...and the peanut butter ripples were insanely dense and amazing.

One taste turned into probably five heaping spoonfuls....

Ended up immediately getting on my bike and rode around our hilly neighborhood for an hour to make up for what I did.

Had to remind my wife when I saw her that my willpower = 0 if I'm home alone and hungry. Something I need to work on. This was actually my first cheating in a long ass time. Sucks.
RubxQub said:
my willpower = 0 if I'm home alone and hungry. Something I need to work on. This was actually my first cheating in a long ass time. Sucks.

Haha. I have the same problem, that's why I try and only keep the essentials at home. Save the nice/bad stuff for when I go out.


RubxQub said:
Fucking hell...found this chocolate ice cream with peanut butter ripples in it...my favorite...and the peanut butter ripples were insanely dense and amazing.

One taste turned into probably five heaping spoonfuls....

Ended up immediately getting on my bike and rode around our hilly neighborhood for an hour to make up for what I did.

Had to remind my wife when I saw her that my willpower = 0 if I'm home alone and hungry. Something I need to work on. This was actually my first cheating in a long ass time. Sucks.

I keep frozen chicken breast pieces at home. Six minutes in the microwave baby and it fills me up nicely.

Anyway, finally under 95kg today. Tried on a t-shirt that my family had given me for a birthday some years ago but I had never worn because it was tight as hell and it showed my gut and man boobs. It's a medium. Today it fit well! I'm happy because I really like the shirt so it's going on this weekend. I'm going to celebrate this morning with a McDonalds breakfast.


Akim said:
I have the opposite problem..alone my willpower is 100%, with my girlfriend it's about .5%

I visit my girlfriend at her college every Monday and we always go out to eat for lunch and dinner. I see the healthy alternatives, but I just can't. She likes me the way I am (I don't, ~240 pounds) and doesn't really push me to the healthy alternatives. She's not like "Don't lose weight!" but she just doesn't seem to care about how serious I am in my weight loss.

I don't blame her, but it's so hard to be healthy around her. It's not fair, she was a runner at her undergrad college and can eat whatever the hell she wants and not gain a pound.


bodyboarder said:
Haha. I have the same problem, that's why I try and only keep the essentials at home. Save the nice/bad stuff for when I go out.
Pretty much. My willpower is pretty good when I'm alone, but it definitely makes a huge difference not having any junk in the house. Mainly cuz when I drink, I want to pig out. And when I'm hungover, I want my comfort food, not cans of tuna. A lot of damage that could have been prevented(well....some/most of it at least) by not having the crap in my house in the first place(and no, not drinking isn't an option - I like to party still).

So anyways, I've been off the wagon for quite a while. Been really bad. I was at 175 at my best last year, but I think I'm pushing near 200 now again(I'll find out in the morning). I'm getting fat again and I'm woefully out of shape. Time to get back on it. Today was just a light, 'get started' day, but tomorrow will be strict diet and exercise time again. I miss it a lot, to be honest. Felt really good. So I rid myself of all the junk in my kitchen and went grocery shopping(only spent $59 at Walmart and that included a few non-food items as well):


I've got a ton of fish in the freezer and some protein powder leftover from earlier in the year, too. I think I'm gonna dive right in at the gym tomorrow and do a leg day and get the pain out of the way! lol


Einbroch said:

I visit my girlfriend at her college every Monday and we always go out to eat for lunch and dinner. I see the healthy alternatives, but I just can't. She likes me the way I am (I don't, ~240 pounds) and doesn't really push me to the healthy alternatives. She's not like "Don't lose weight!" but she just doesn't seem to care about how serious I am in my weight loss.

I don't blame her, but it's so hard to be healthy around her. It's not fair, she was a runner at her undergrad college and can eat whatever the hell she wants and not gain a pound.

dude...this exactly. EXACTLY. It starts out, alright, I'm eating good. "Hey, let's go out." I agree, I'll just look at the menu before hand. JUST KIDDING ALL YOU CAN EAT SUSHI OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Seanspeed said:
Pretty much. My willpower is pretty good when I'm alone, but it definitely makes a huge difference not having any junk in the house. Mainly cuz when I drink, I want to pig out. And when I'm hungover, I want my comfort food, not cans of tuna. A lot of damage that could have been prevented(well....some/most of it at least) by not having the crap in my house in the first place(and no, not drinking isn't an option - I like to party still).

So anyways, I've been off the wagon for quite a while. Been really bad. I was at 175 at my best last year, but I think I'm pushing near 200 now again(I'll find out in the morning). I'm getting fat again and I'm woefully out of shape. Time to get back on it. Today was just a light, 'get started' day, but tomorrow will be strict diet and exercise time again. I miss it a lot, to be honest. Felt really good. So I rid myself of all the junk in my kitchen and went grocery shopping(only spent $59 at Walmart and that included a few non-food items as well):

I've got a ton of fish in the freezer and some protein powder leftover from earlier in the year, too. I think I'm gonna dive right in at the gym tomorrow and do a leg day and get the pain out of the way! lol

Good luck!

I really think you should toss that bread, though. Just about one of the worst things you can eat. Yeah, I know whole grain bread is less worse for you than processed white flour bread.


Akim said:
dude...this exactly. EXACTLY. It starts out, alright, I'm eating good. "Hey, let's go out." I agree, I'll just look at the menu before hand. JUST KIDDING ALL YOU CAN EAT SUSHI OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.


Damn that's pretty cheap for sushi. Me and my dad go out and get about half of that and it costs like $80.

Edit: OH...Canadian moneys. Now I understand.


You should join the Sushi Destruction Squad. We meet once a month and go to a local all you can eat sushi restaurant and try to out do each other by eating the most sushi rolls as possible. Every roll gets a value from .5 points per piece to 1.5. At the end of the night, the winner gets his meal comped by the others. You can't win twice in a row.

We toyed with things like you can't order the same roll twice in a row but that didn't stick. It's good fun. We also tip like crazy and try to sweet talk the chefs into making our opponents rolls as thick as possible.


Actually, I'm from Seattle/Tacoma, my girlfriend live in BC, so I'm there all the time.

Einbroch said:
You should join the Sushi Destruction Squad. We meet once a month and go to a local all you can eat sushi restaurant and try to out do each other by eating the most sushi rolls as possible. Every roll gets a value from .5 points per piece to 1.5. At the end of the night, the winner gets his meal comped by the others. You can't win twice in a row.

We toyed with things like you can't order the same roll twice in a row but that didn't stick. It's good fun. We also tip like crazy and try to sweet talk the chefs into making our opponents rolls as thick as possible.

This sounds....magnificent.


Zefah said:
Good luck!

I really think you should toss that bread, though. Just about one of the worst things you can eat. Yeah, I know whole grain bread is less worse for you than processed white flour bread.
I think you've been scared by low-carbers a little bit too much. Its not like I'm eating sandwiches all the time or anything, either. I eat a piece of toast in the morning with my eggs and bacon and I occasionally have a tuna sandwich on the weekends for lunch(I work at a cafe during the week and eat for free there). Either way, I'm getting it in earlier in the day so with my activity level and workouts, its not putting a dent in my fat-burning whatsoever. It helps my energy level in the morning, helps me meet my daily fiber needs, and tastes fantastic.

I wont go strict low-carb, sorry. Cant do it. I'd be miserable and it wouldn't be sustainable diet for me. I can lose weight and burn fat extremely effectively with a bit of whole grain bread in my diet. I appreciate the advice, but I think you've been misled a little bit on how bad it is for you.

Really, the items that I really have to keep under control in that picture are the carrots and the peanuts! Not bad for me at all, but its easy to get carried away munching on them!


Zefah said:
Good luck!

I really think you should toss that bread, though. Just about one of the worst things you can eat. Yeah, I know whole grain bread is less worse for you than processed white flour bread.

Arnold whole wheat and Martin's whole wheat potato bread lover here.

My breakfast over the last 6 months have been a variety of egg whites, tuna and other low fat, high protein stuff on 4 slices of these breads and still losing weight.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Seanspeed said:
I think you've been scared by low-carbers a little bit too much. Its not like I'm eating sandwiches all the time or anything, either. I eat a piece of toast in the morning with my eggs and bacon and I occasionally have a tuna sandwich on the weekends for lunch(I work at a cafe during the week and eat for free there). Either way, I'm getting it in earlier in the day so with my activity level and workouts, its not putting a dent in my fat-burning whatsoever. It helps my energy level in the morning, helps me meet my daily fiber needs, and tastes fantastic.

I wont go strict low-carb, sorry. Cant do it. I'd be miserable and it wouldn't be sustainable diet for me. I can lose weight and burn fat extremely effectively with a bit of whole grain bread in my diet. I appreciate the advice, but I think you've been misled a little bit on how bad it is for you.

Really, the items that I really have to keep under control in that picture are the carrots and the peanuts! Not bad for me at all, but its easy to get carried away munching on them!

It's not about low-carb--it's that wheat, especially modern wheat, is uniquely fattening, and destructive to the human body in a variety of ways. Did you know that an equivalent amount of wheat flour raises your blood sugar a good deal more than straight up table sugar?

I'll try and go into details later, but I think you should definitely take a look at the book Wheat Belly, or just Google about modern wheat for a bit. It really is one of the worst things you can eat no matter what kind of diet you are on.


Low carb gaf! What cold drinks can I consume that won't fuck me up? I'm going to assume that most carbonated beverages and juices are right out. :T

I've got a sweet hankering for some lemonde but I need to find a good replacement soon or I'mma fold!

Besides Green Tea, of course


Jintor said:
Low carb gaf! What cold drinks can I consume that won't fuck me up? I'm going to assume that most carbonated beverages and juices are right out. :T

I've got a sweet hankering for some lemonde but I need to find a good replacement soon or I'mma fold!

Besides Green Tea, of course

You should just ween yourself off sweet stuff. Squeeze half a lemon into some soda water, but don't add sugar. How about ice tea if you like tea? Keep the sugar out of it - it's actually more refreshing without.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
dejay said:
You should just ween yourself off sweet stuff. Squeeze half a lemon into some soda water, but don't add sugar. How about ice tea if you like tea? Keep the sugar out of it - it's actually more refreshing without.
I find it extremely difficult to get an unsweetened ice tea down, but I'd I just add a single packet of sweetener (no matter how big my iced tea is) it goes down a lot smoother.

Almost like iced tea without sugar is just too dry if that makes any sense?


I've pretty much only drank water (with the exception of the occasional night out) for the past two or three months, but today I've just had a hankering something fierce for something else.


Cholesterol - 194
Triglyceride - 37
HDL - 42
Low density lipoprotein calculated - 145
TSH - 1.26

I have no idea if the results are good or bad. I have a physical tomorrow though. Anyone care to comment on them?


Hit 19 lbs (and slightly more) lost this morning! :)

I've been keeping pace, losing about, eh, a little over a pound a week. Sadly, I don't notice much difference yet. I mean, my stomach is flatter and my clothes are looser, but overall, I don't feel that much different. The wifey says she notices, but I think she's being nice.

Hopefully by Oct 1st, I will have hit my first goal of losing 25 lbs, and I can allow myself to take a week off before going for another 10 lbs ( 35 lbs total) off.

Seanspeed said:
I think you've been scared by low-carbers a little bit too much. Its not like I'm eating sandwiches all the time or anything, either. I eat a piece of toast in the morning with my eggs and bacon and I occasionally have a tuna sandwich on the weekends for lunch(I work at a cafe during the week and eat for free there). Either way, I'm getting it in earlier in the day so with my activity level and workouts, its not putting a dent in my fat-burning whatsoever. It helps my energy level in the morning, helps me meet my daily fiber needs, and tastes fantastic.

I wont go strict low-carb, sorry. Cant do it. I'd be miserable and it wouldn't be sustainable diet for me. I can lose weight and burn fat extremely effectively with a bit of whole grain bread in my diet. I appreciate the advice, but I think you've been misled a little bit on how bad it is for you.

Well said.

The low-carb fanatacism sometimes goes too far, and leads some people to think any carbs are bad for you. No, they're fine. Just don't go overboard. I typically have a sandwich for lunch, and some pasta for dinner. Still losing weight.


Just thought I'd chime in. Started at around 215-220 or so back in March and now I'm down to 175. Still have another 10-15 pounds or so until I feel like I should be at about the correct weight for my height.

It feels great to know I've lost so much weight and have all this energy now. At the start of the year I couldn't even run for a quarter of a mile before getting tired. Now I'm doing 4-5 mile runs 4 days a week and it feels great. Also doing a bit of weight lifting and I can definitely start feeling some muscle definition in my arms and legs. Just need to work on my chest and stomach.

Just wanted to wish everyone luck. Weight loss is so much easier than it sounds. You just have to find what works for you and stick to it. Don't worry if you fall off the wagon every once in a while, just make sure you get back on ASAP so you don't revert to past eating habits.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Phobophile said:
Just an update of my progress:

A couple weeks after this post, I started doing the P90X lean supplemental regimen and I have 4 1/2 weeks to go on it. I've only lost about 11 lbs. more--my last weigh-in today was 219 lbs.-- but I've definitely built up way more muscle and lost more fat. I'm down to a 36" waist (maybe 34" but I'm not buying more clothes just yet) and I wear size medium shirts now. I'm well on track to my target weight of 200 lbs. but I can see myself getting down to 190 or 185. I'm still pretty flabby and there's only so much I can blame on loose skin. I won't post new pics until I'm done with this round of P90X. I like the program so much, that I'll probably start it over again after taking a few weeks off!

Edit: on second thought, here's a picture of me from 3 weeks ago at the Bristol Renaissance Faire because it's that badass:

How is the lean version of P90x? I did the full and lost 20 pounds, but it kills me to have to work out up to an hour and a half per day, 6 days a week. Plus, I need to lose some weight as opposed to adding muscle right away.

Is the lean program less time?

EDIT: Also, just wanted to say I have now been going through about 24 eggs a week. Something feels wrong about that. :p

For all you workers out there, this thing is a god-send. Take a container with some whisked eggs and veggies in it in your lunch bag, and when you get to work dump said mixture into the egg cooker and microwave for 1:45 and you have yourself a great, quick, breakfast!




The downfall of P90X is that it's way too time-consuming. I now have pretty much all the routines memorized and I do how many I want as often as I want. Yoga X is the only thing I actually go through with the video.

And on cardio days I just skip it and go do something I enjoy. Run with my dogs, go for a swim, walk in the park, play some basketball, etc.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Einbroch said:
The downfall of P90X is that it's way too time-consuming. I now have pretty much all the routines memorized and I do how many I want as often as I want. Yoga X is the only thing I actually go through with the video.

And on cardio days I just skip it and go do something I enjoy. Run with my dogs, go for a swim, walk in the park, play some basketball, etc.


Right now I am on Couch to 5k (week 7) and I love it because it is 30 min, 3 days a week. It's so much nicer to know you have a free day here and there.

P90x got me better results though, so when winter hits i'll start it again. I might just do 5 days a week and replace the Yoga day with Kenpo. I really don't like being strapped down to working out for 1:30 every single day.


RubxQub said:
I find it extremely difficult to get an unsweetened ice tea down, but I'd I just add a single packet of sweetener (no matter how big my iced tea is) it goes down a lot smoother.

Almost like iced tea without sugar is just too dry if that makes any sense?

Yeah, I know what you mean about being dry. I understand some people have a sweet tooth, but for me personally I found it more beneficial to cut out stuff that is strongly sweet. Since I cut out diet sodas I no longer feel the need to drink regular sodas. I get more enjoyment out of fruit like strawberries because my palette is less saturated by sweet foods and drinks all the time.

But yeah, finding something that works for you is the important thing. Stevia is a naturally occurring low carb sweetener that you may want to try if you haven't already.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
harSon said:
Cholesterol - 194
Triglyceride - 37
HDL - 42
Low density lipoprotein calculated - 145
TSH - 1.26

I have no idea if the results are good or bad. I have a physical tomorrow though. Anyone care to comment on them?

Very good. Your triglycerides are so low that you most likely have no small dense LDL roaming around/attached to your arteries so all the LDL you do have is just the big fluffy ones that are needed.

Eat more animal and watch that HDL go even higher. That cholesterol is the kind that people who live to be 100 have. :)

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Well, not a good exercise day for me. I had been having troubles with very sore ankles ever since starting couch to 5k. I thought it was the new reebok zigs I got being that they aren't exactly distance shoes so I bought actual running shoes, took a week off, and was great for 2 weeks.

This weekend I went golfing and tailgated wearing the zigs, because I figured I could still use them just to wear around, but Tuesday again my ankles started to get sore. Today I got about half a mile in and my ankles hurt so bad I could barely walk. I'm wondering if just wearing the zigs around re fucked up my ankles. I may stop them altogether now.

My mother believes it may be a stress fracture being that before this program I didn't run at all, and now I am running 5-7 miles a week (couch to 5k works!). I guess that could be too, But it sucks. 2 weeks of the program left and it's starting to get cold, not sure I'll finish. :(

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Deadly Cyclone said:
Well, not a good exercise day for me. I had been having troubles with very sore ankles ever since starting couch to 5k. I thought it was the new reebok zigs I got being that they aren't exactly distance shoes so I bought actual running shoes, took a week off, and was great for 2 weeks.

This weekend I went golfing and tailgated wearing the zigs, because I figured I could still use them just to wear around, but Tuesday again my ankles started to get sore. Today I got about half a mile in and my ankles Hirt so bad I could barely walk. I'm wondering if just wearing the zigs around re fucked up my ankles. I may stop them altogether now.

My mother believes it may be a stress fracture being that before this program I didn't run at all, and now I am running 5-7 miles a week (couch to 5k works!). I guess that could be too, Burgos it sucks. 2 weeks of the program left and it's starting to get cold, not sure I'll finish. :(

Go go chronic cardio!


Junior Member
Jintor said:
Low carb gaf! What cold drinks can I consume that won't fuck me up? I'm going to assume that most carbonated beverages and juices are right out. :T

I've got a sweet hankering for some lemonde but I need to find a good replacement soon or I'mma fold!

Besides Green Tea, of course

Diet sodas are fine in sane quantities. Seltzer water is my pick.


Zefah said:
It's not about low-carb--it's that wheat, especially modern wheat, is uniquely fattening, and destructive to the human body in a variety of ways. Did you know that an equivalent amount of wheat flour raises your blood sugar a good deal more than straight up table sugar?

I'll try and go into details later, but I think you should definitely take a look at the book Wheat Belly, or just Google about modern wheat for a bit. It really is one of the worst things you can eat no matter what kind of diet you are on.
You talking about the gluten in it? I'll take my chances, to be honest. Maybe I'll look into some gluten-free bread, but I dont have the ability to be perfect, sorry. As I said, my diet has to be sustainable. I cant torture myself by never eating bread again. It just wont work.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Seanspeed said:
You talking about the gluten in it? I'll take my chances, to be honest. Maybe I'll look into some gluten-free bread, but I dont have the ability to be perfect, sorry. As I said, my diet has to be sustainable. I cant torture myself by never eating bread again. It just wont work.

Wheat gluten is a big problem, especially for those suffering from Celiac disease. However, there's a lot more to modern wheat that makes it harmful for human consumption. Ancient wheat (mainly Einkorn and Emmer) is relatively safe for human consumption, but the genetically engineered dwarf wheat that began to appear during the Green Revolution and now comprises 99% of wheat grown today is downright bad for you.

I'm still learning a lot about this stuff myself, but I highly recommend you look into a little bit.

Gluten-free alternatives are often worse when it comes strictly to weight loss. Some of the only things out there with higher glycemic index values than modern wheat products are products made from the corn starch, rice starch, and tapioca starch that comprise many gluten-free products.

Eric WK

Seanspeed said:
You talking about the gluten in it? I'll take my chances, to be honest. Maybe I'll look into some gluten-free bread, but I dont have the ability to be perfect, sorry. As I said, my diet has to be sustainable. I cant torture myself by never eating bread again. It just wont work.

You should at least be educated about why it's bad for you, and make no mistake, it IS bad for you. You can watch Fat Head for free on Hulu and it's worth your time.


Follow up report from about a week ago when I said that I was coming to terms with the fact that I would have to go low-carb to see more weight loss results. Happy to report that I've made it day three @ around 20-40g/day - no keto headaches, no overwhelming cravings, etc. Feels great, I'm loving all of the food I GET TO eat now and I actually have more energy for my workouts than I did on my low-fat/low-cal diet.
Seanspeed said:
You talking about the gluten in it? I'll take my chances, to be honest. Maybe I'll look into some gluten-free bread, but I dont have the ability to be perfect, sorry. As I said, my diet has to be sustainable. I cant torture myself by never eating bread again. It just wont work.

But you are right, if you cut out 90% of the crap, and eating a slice or three of bread is what allows you to do it, then carry on. Phytates and gluten and other bad things lurk in wheat. My wife makes bitching muffins with almond flour, so maybe you could find a good replacement.


...hate me...
jts said:
Hey guys!

I've finally reached 100kg! (220.5lb)

Now that's a milestone :D

It's probably not what you're thinking though. Not a new low. It's a new high (which means that it's a new low too but hey).

In the last year I was always on the 90s, sometimes 99.something but never reached 100, which was kinda bugging me out. Now I made it, and before 2011 too.

Oddly enough, I think I'll be proud to say "I reached the 3 digits" and then start working on going down on the scale and never coming back again.

Come January 1st and I'll quit cold turkey my current unhealthy habits: hogging out all the time and not doing shit except for the ocasional couple of weeks per year that I try to exercice.

At least, that's what I hope. Tried and failed too many times. But this time... it will be different. I can feel it.

Also, to anyone lacking a motivation, let's do this GAF! 2011 will be our year! YEAH :D
^ this was me on this thread by the end of last year.

Managed to 71kg. And I'm done.

This is kinda unexpected, as I was planning to at least go below 70kg, but as I was dieting a little more hardcore than usual to go to that mark, I felt a bit like shit today and said fuck it. I realized it's not about the weight anymore. I'm at a good weight. I do have been losing a lot of muscle (especially legs) and still have a flaccid stomach so I really have to reassess my priorities.

So I'm done with ADF, I'm upping a notch my daily food intake, but never forget to eat smartly. Protein = good, fat = good, carbs = bad. Also, fiber = good.

And I'm hitting a nice fitness plan for body recomposition. And probably will do a more normal IF.

It has been a great journey, and I'm very, very, very happy with the results. I wasn't fat for a long period of my life, but I was on a very dangerous path for 2+ years which made me obese. And this year my life went back on track. And believe it or not, my weight loss journey was the fuel for a lot of other changes I made in my life during this period. All of them for the better.

I want to thank this thread and its many posters. You've all been a great help. The best help, actually.

I've always promised pics but never managed to post them. Pls don't hotlink lol :p

October '10:

August '11:

Thanks again folks, I'll keep coming to this thread, but as far as weight loss goes, this is it. I've done it :D

Now to get some muscle.
elrechazao said:

I just finished this book earlier this week. I like how it complimented what I've learned from reading the other recommended books/lectures in this thread. Also, it made me scared shitless of wheat. I don't think I could ever eat it again and I'm perfectly comfortable with that.

Before that book I was cutting it gradually out of my diet. I started to notice when I ate wheat related products I had the worst stomach cramps so it became easy to get rid of it completely. I don't miss it either. The taste of vegetables is so much better than any sort of bread/pasta/ect!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Petit Melon said:
I just finished this book earlier this week. I like how it complimented what I've learned from reading the other recommended books/lectures in this thread. Also, it made me scared shitless of wheat. I don't think I could ever eat it again and I'm perfectly comfortable with that.

Before that book I was cutting it gradually out of my diet. I started to notice when I ate wheat related products I had the worst stomach cramps so it became easy to get rid of it completely. I don't miss it either. The taste of vegetables is so much better than any sort of bread/pasta/ect!

I cut out bread and wheat completely (outside of the occasional beer) back in February, which was long before I read the book (and other books/information). I immediately started feeling a ton better. More energy, no brain fog, no grogginess, no hunger pains every few hours, haven't caught anything resembling a cold, etc. I thought this was just due to a generally low-carb diet that doesn't induce constant insulin responses, and while that is probably mostly true, more and more I believe that cutting out wheat in particular has helped improve my state of being.

Ever since, I've always felt like absolute shit within a few hours of drinking even just a few beers (always have diarrhea the next morning, too), whereas I feel perfectly fine even if I drink an equivalent amount of red wine.

jts said:
^ this was me on this thread by the end of last year.

Managed to 71kg. And I'm done.

This is kinda unexpected, as I was planning to at least go below 70kg, but as I was dieting a little more hardcore than usual to go to that mark, I felt a bit like shit today and said fuck it. I realized it's not about the weight anymore. I'm at a good weight. I do have been losing a lot of muscle (especially legs) and still have a flaccid stomach so I really have to reassess my priorities.

So I'm done with ADF, I'm upping a notch my daily food intake, but never forget to eat smartly. Protein = good, fat = good, carbs = bad. Also, fiber = good.

And I'm hitting a nice fitness plan for body recomposition. And probably will do a more normal IF.

It has been a great journey, and I'm very, very, very happy with the results. I wasn't fat for a long period of my life, but I was on a very dangerous path for 2+ years which made me obese. And this year my life went back on track. And believe it or not, my weight loss journey was the fuel for a lot of other changes I made in my life during this period. All of them for the better.

I want to thank this thread and its many posters. You've all been a great help. The best help, actually.

I've always promised pics but never managed to post them. Pls don't hotlink lol :p

October '10:

August '11:

Thanks again folks, I'll keep coming to this thread, but as far as weight loss goes, this is it. I've done it :D

Now to get some muscle.

Amazing, man!

I started this February at around 103-104kg and am down to around 73kg as of this week. I still have a good amount of flab and want to get down to 65kg or so and see how it goes. I've been doing a light amount of resistance training every day, and am hoping to get my body fat % down to a point where I have a visible six pack by next summer.
A27 Tawpgun said:
Lost 5 pounds since starting college.

Problem, Freshman 15?

Same thing happened to me. I was drinking so much (Wednesday through Sunday) the first couple months that it would cause me not to eat the entire next day so my days consisted of maybe one meal and a lot of vodka per day for 4 our of the 7 days of the week. Terrible diet, but definitely takes pounds off.


I lost a ton of weight my freshman year when I was on my "cookie diet." As in there'd be days where I'd only eat a few cookies and that was it.

Not too healthy.
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