A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Phobophile said:Before:
This is a photo of me with Mike Scalzi, the frontman of The Lord Weird Slough Feg taken after Alehorn of Power II in June 2007, just after I graduated college. I weighed easily 305 lbs. then.
This is me last year I think it was mid-May. I was about 330 lbs.
This was just taken moments ago. I've weighed myself in at 230 lbs, putting my trackable loss at 100 lbs. I've gone from a 46" waist and a 3XL shirt size down to 38" and L. Target weight is 200 lbs.
Just an update of my progress:
A couple weeks after this post, I started doing the P90X lean supplemental regimen and I have 4 1/2 weeks to go on it. I've only lost about 11 lbs. more--my last weigh-in today was 219 lbs.-- but I've definitely built up way more muscle and lost more fat. I'm down to a 36" waist (maybe 34" but I'm not buying more clothes just yet) and I wear size medium shirts now. I'm well on track to my target weight of 200 lbs. but I can see myself getting down to 190 or 185. I'm still pretty flabby and there's only so much I can blame on loose skin. I won't post new pics until I'm done with this round of P90X. I like the program so much, that I'll probably start it over again after taking a few weeks off!
Edit: on second thought, here's a picture of me from 3 weeks ago at the Bristol Renaissance Faire because it's that badass: