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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Cosmic Bus said:
And now a friend randomly sends me five pounds of candy in the mail. Jesus! Not that I don't appreciate the thought, but I'll have to find someone to unload most of this on and toss out the rest. Such a waste.

Just toss the whole lot - it's just sugar with some colouring and flavouring. Perhaps send them back 5 pounds of lard as a thankyou gesture?

infiniteloop said:

Took me a while to work out that acronym (Mike's Daily Apple). Sure, if you subscribe to paleo then it's a food pyramid supporting that lifestyle. Personally I think it's a little restrictive representative only of a sub-set of low-carb.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
BertramCooper said:
I'm taking another shot at IF to hopefully restart my weight loss. I tired it a few months ago but kind of half-assed it; this time I'm really going to do it in earnest.

I did my first fast yesterday and it went very well. I definitely think it's something I could maintain.

It's a great regime. I average 17 hours of fasting every day with the other 7 hours for feeding where I have 1-2 meals (depends on the day; mostly 2).
infiniteloop said:
MDA posted a modified food pyramid:

what? no poptarts?
Seriously though, don't like the use of supplements on there. Oh gee, MDA sells a supplement line.
(and yes, i use fish oil and whey powder)


Ugh I just won 20 burritos from Chipotle. How bad would 1 burrito per day be (probably in the morning since it's carbs)?

For the most part I eat several meals/snacks throughout the day but not a lot of calories (tear off pieces of rotisserie chicken and throw it on a spring mix salad with basalmic vinaigrette. Maybe a yogurt/banana in the morning. Throw a couple of fish on the George Foreman or eat sunflower seeds. Maybe Turkey sausage. Drink green tea throughout the day.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Do they have to be burritos? Can you not make them burrito bowls or salad bowls?


SmokeMaxX said:
One can of beer is on average ~150 calories. Each beer you drink is 150 excess calories that your body doesn't need. Considering some people eat ~1000 calories per day, you could easily drink 50-75% of your average daily intake even with light drinking.

I'd be shocked if any healthy person, aside from the smallest female out there, actually ate 1000Cal a day and maintained weight.


Zefah said:
Do they have to be burritos? Can you not make them burrito bowls or salad bowls?
Not sure, but I'll ask next chance I get.

EviLore said:
Typical chipotle burritos are 1000+ calories each. The tortilla alone is 300 calories.
****! Mannnnn I might just have to give all of them away :(
I planned on throwing away the tortilla anyway since I was trying to cut back on carbs.

Although maybe I could eat half of one for Breakfast and then another half for another meal.... damn.

Bealost said:
I'd be shocked if any healthy person, aside from the smallest female out there, actually ate 1000Cal a day and maintained weight.
I put ~1000 even though it's on the low end just to emphasize the effect of beer on total calories. Having one beer could be 10% of your total recommended caloric intake for the day (~1500 cals). The other numbers made it more pronounced and who knows, maybe the other guy weighs 50 lbs or something haha.


relies on auto-aim
Gary Whitta said:

Started at 238lbs, weighed in today at 188lbs :)
Train don't stop at 200!

I'm back on board as well. Seems like my carb tolerance is lower, either that or my body is mad that I shove all my daily carbs in at dinner. Seems to pickup 20 hours after though so I guess it's like an on/off thing in the morning and evening based on dinner carbs?

Don't know if that is possible.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Bealost said:
What exactly is in a burrito from Chipotle? is it all beans and rice and crap?

You can go in and customize it. I rarely go, but when I do, I'll get a salad bowl without the dressing, get black beans, meat and then extra meat, mixed sauteed veggies, tomato salsa, guacamole and lots of hot sauce. It's pretty damn good.

Gary Whitta said:

Started at 238lbs, weighed in today at 188lbs :)

Awesome, Gary!

Keep it up!


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Gary Whitta said:
Paleo and low-carb diets dismissed as ineffective and unhealthy by US News. According to them you're better off drinking Slim-Fast.


Dietary reviews are fun. The media favorites change every year, which testifies to their credibility.

Says paleo diet is incomplete and dangerous, which is impossible because it's a diet that mimics foods eaten by humans for 99.9% of human history. If the paleo diet is incomplete, then evolutionary science is wrong. Hmmmm...evolutionary science....tabloid science...decisions...

Consumer reports recently ranked their top diet one that is a prepared food system. Very expensive, teaches the person nothing, only works if they buy the product for the rest of their lives.

In truth there are dozens of high quality, sustainable diets to choose from. Rather than listening to "experts" from the media of the fattest nation in the world, I would recommend people look at scientific research or simply pick the dietary habbits of any nation that has an average rate of obesity lower than 10% and a longer lifespan than the United States. There are several to choose from:


Gary Whitta said:
Paleo and low-carb diets dismissed as ineffective and unhealthy by US News. According to them you're better off drinking Slim-Fast.


That article tilted me beyond belief.

"The recurring theme across the diets that excelled in healthiness is adequate calories supplied by a heavy load of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, a modest amount of lean protein, nonfat dairy, healthy fats, and an occasional treat. "

"The theory:

Nutrients like potassium, calcium, protein, and fiber are crucial to fending off or fighting high blood pressure. You don’t have to track each one, though. Just emphasize the foods you’ve always been told to eat (fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean protein, and low-fat dairy), while shunning those we’ve grown to love (calorie- and fat-laden sweets and red meat). Top it all off by cutting back on salt, and voilà!"

I honestly don't know what to say. How does a news organization decide its a good idea to put out their own dietary guide promoting the idea the grains are good for you, and red meat is bad for you. Oh, also, don't eat too much salt.

They are stepping outside of just trying to be sensationalist to increase their ratings, and doing something that is genuinely harmful to people. This upsets me.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Don't try to understand the recommendations. It's like a religion. Just look at how they distort what France and Italy eat as "mediterranean diet" while simultaneously using that to explain why not to eat the things that France and Italy actually eat, like salted meat, butter, eggs, offal. I mean sure they eat lots of vegetables, but I don't think they eat as much fruit. They actually deep fry vegetables for their school lunches to get the kids to eat it. Few cultures ate fruit year round. They are very seasonal and spoil quickly. Probably a relic of the sugar addiction people don't know they have.


Got to America and put on 40lbs, just cannot drop it. Think i'm going to cancel a meal plan next year, the Caf is full of shit food and plenty of it.
For a laugh I just watched a documentary called "Forks over Knives".
Vegan bullshit at it's best.
Gonna have me some sausages and eggs to cleanse myself of the experience.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Buckethead said:
It's impossible to eat less than 50 grams of carbs per day.


I don't think I consume more than 50 grams of carbs in one day more than once or twice a month.

grumble said:
The use of supplements in a food pyramid is silly, and if you don't prescribe to paleo-dieting (ie are comfortable in eating moderate carbs) then the pyramid's wrong.

You can easily get 'moderate carbs' from vegetables, fruits, nuts, and tubers.

ipukespiders said:
For a laugh I just watched a documentary called "Forks over Knives".
Vegan bullshit at it's best.
Gonna have me some sausages and eggs to cleanse myself of the experience.

I was totally with them for the first part of their trailer, but then they shifted to pure anti-meat vegan propaganda.


Zoe said:

It's really not that bad if you count it as your complete meal.

Heh, that calculator is pretty broken. I'm sure if you have a small 6" burrito it'd be fine. When I check guacamole in there, it assumes I would put 4oz of it in a 6" burrito. :eek:

That being said, no Chipotle in Canada. :(

Gary Whitta said:
Paleo and low-carb diets dismissed as ineffective and unhealthy by US News. According to them you're better off drinking Slim-Fast.


That article makes me angry. No scientific evidence whatsoever.


ipukespiders said:
For a laugh I just watched a documentary called "Forks over Knives".
Vegan bullshit at it's best.
Gonna have me some sausages and eggs to cleanse myself of the experience.
the guy behind that's coming to my school. I'm going to the lecture for laughs.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
EschatonDX said:
the guy behind that's coming to my school. I'm going to the lecture for laughs.

You should bring a large sign that says "Citation needed" any time he says some bullshit, so it'll probably be every second he's not talking about how fast food is bad for you.

Or if you wanted to be serious you could collect a few simple facts on dietary habits and the rates of chronic illnesses around the world. Compare say France, Italy, Spain, or Germany to India. Ask why their lower animal product diet failed to produce the results of the higher consuming.


relies on auto-aim
Buckethead said:
* Unless you want to spend tons of money on meat

I've seen that. One of my family members knows the guy who made that.
Yeah I only buy Bacon when it is $3 a pack. Usually it is $6 :(


"In every direction, around every corner there await weak and hungry souls desperate to tear others down for any amount of pathetic self-validation.

They obsess over how they walk, how they talk, what they dress in, what they drive, what they listen to. Posers, haters, pussies, whores, fools.

They think strength is looking strong. They don't know they difference between attitude and ego. They look down on hard work, they value that which does not last. They demand respect because they cannot command it.

The walking dead. Pretty failures, still virtually new in their packaging being consumed by vanity and atrophy.

But you and I, we know better. We heal so that we may bleed. We drink so that we may sweat. We sleep so that we may strain. We fight so that we may conquer. We Breathe so that we may work.

Millions of years of strife and starvation, thousands of generations; war, disease, disasters, struggle, and endless misery, but always survivors, always victors.

The human victory cry is in the screams of a newborn as much as the roaring yells and cheers of a bloodied but still-standing army. How many battles were fought before language? Before stone and bronze tools? Before history was committed to writing?

And yet here we are.

Our limits are the greatest gifts given to us by our ancestors gone before. Reaching our limits is the closest we can come to feeling their victories. Surpassing our limits is the closest we can come to honoring them.

I will not stop. I will not relent. When the weak and the mean-spirited look upon my face they will withdraw and become silent. They will see what I know, and they will stand aside."

-Random 4chan motivational picture.
infiniteloop said:
I've eaten 20-30g a day for months.

Can I ask what types of food you've been eating and how much weigh you've lost.

I apologise if you've already answered this, if you could point me in the direction of the post/s where you've detailed everything, that'd be great.



Will drop pants for Sony.
Started weight watchers last week and actually found out my weight, 288lbs. Cannot believe it. Since then I've given up dunkin donuts (big n' toasty and coffee rolls), soda and candy bars. I've also started using the weight watchers etools on my iphone. Its hard to keep up with the foods i am eating. Going back to the gym after a long hiatus. Hopefully I can get back into shape by PAXEast and my trip to Japan during golden week. Hoping to get down to 150-160lbs and a size 32-33 waist. Too bad there isn't a formula to get taller.


I'm on my second week of low carb, is it normal that I'm not hungry? I eat breakfast every day at 7 am, then lunch at 1 pm, and usually have dinner at 9 pm, but that's not the case recently, I'm just not hungry anymore at night. Yesterday I didn't eat dinner, today I did because my mother think I'm starving on purpose.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
rodrigoviola said:
I'm on my second week of low carb, is it normal that I'm not hungry? I eat breakfast every day at 7 am, then lunch at 1 pm, and usually have dinner at 9 pm, but that's not the case recently, I'm just not hungry anymore at night. Yesterday I didn't eat dinner, today I did because my mother think I'm starving on purpose.

Yes. Whether it be reduced reward or lower trig/insulin optimizing leptin function, it's an expected effect. In my experience the hunger suppression waned as I approached my goal. Others didn't have this problem.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
rodrigoviola said:
I'm on my second week of low carb, is it normal that I'm not hungry? I eat breakfast every day at 7 am, then lunch at 1 pm, and usually have dinner at 9 pm, but that's not the case recently, I'm just not hungry anymore at night. Yesterday I didn't eat dinner, today I did because my mother think I'm starving on purpose.

Higher fat/higher protein food will definitely make your full quicker and for longer than higher carb/sugary food that actually stimulates your appetite.


noire said:


White iPhone? Sorry left pic is much better.

Just kidding, truly amazing work!


teh_pwn said:
Yes. Whether it be reduced reward or lower trig/insulin optimizing leptin function, it's an expected effect. In my experience the hunger suppression waned as I approached my goal. Others didn't have this problem.

So it's normal, that's good to hear.

Zefah said:
Higher fat/higher protein food will definitely make your full quicker and for longer than higher carb/sugary food that actually stimulates your appetite.

So do you guys listen to your bodies and skip a meal if you're not hungry? Or just eat a snack instead?



if the body prioritizes fat before muscle/organs for energy use when fasting, why not just do progressively longer water fasts?
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