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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

I've completely fell off my schedule. I quit P90X, and I've been doing nothing. Ugh I feel like a loser. I just have no motivation. I was thinling of going to a gym but all the dudebros from my school go there and its just embaressing. I have awful stretchmarks. I'm really hating myself right now.


Chef Cat said:
I've completely fell off my schedule. I quit P90X, and I've been doing nothing. Ugh I feel like a loser. I just have no motivation. I was thinling of going to a gym but all the dudebros from my school go there and its just embaressing. I have awful stretchmarks. I'm really hating myself right now.
1st, stop caring what anyone else thinks. Your only goal is to do your best and improve yourself. Do you have anyone that you can go with to hold you accountable? Nothing gets you in the gym more than someone depending on you.


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Angry Fork said:
^That's amazing dude, your face looks like a completely different person before and after. Good shit. That p90x workout is a beast.

Thanks man. It's weird looking at fat pictures of me, because I never thought I looked that bad. But there it is. :lol

Chef Cat said:
I've completely fell off my schedule. I quit P90X, and I've been doing nothing. Ugh I feel like a loser. I just have no motivation. I was thinling of going to a gym but all the dudebros from my school go there and its just embaressing. I have awful stretchmarks. I'm really hating myself right now.

P90X is a hard program to stay on, no question. I ran into bits where I'd stutter a bunch of times throughout because sometimes life gets in the way. Sometimes you just don't have the motivation you need.

All I can say is that weight loss is mostly a thing of diet. I was losing weight dramatically faster while on diet alone (those pictures a few posts up have me losing close to 12-15 pounds a month), so if your'e just trying to trim down overall just adjusting your diet will help you out the most.

Exercise on top of adjusted diet together is a lot to pile on together, so maybe stick with one or the other? Are you dieting at all by any chance?

Mike M

Nick N
Think I'll get in on this action...

Here's a couple pictures my wife took to share on Facebook:


So on the left is me at my worst, just a hair shy of 360 pounds. On the right, me after working on it for about a year, down 100 pounds. I actually got all the way down to 239, but stalled out, lost my discipline, and started to backslide over the subsequent year until I was back up to 259. Over the past month I've revitalized my efforts and I'm currently at 249.8 this morning.

All of this was strictly through diet control, as I'm ridiculously adverse to exercise. The more I lose though, the better I feel and the more exercising doesn't seem quite as much of a struggle as it used to.

The initial weight loss effort was (kinda) done with Weight Watchers, I was keeping track of their points system in solidarity with my wife, but never paid for membership and don't need to go to weekly meetings for support (Ironic that I'm posting in this thread now...). Eventually I figured out that their points formula was little more than Total calories/50 + 1 and just started with calorie counting.

Currently I'm using LoseIt, which is working pretty well for me, though eating out at restaurants that have no available nutrition info anywhere is a pain in the ass as I try and ballpark it by entering guesstimates of the individual components of a meal. But hey, all the more incentive to cook at home.

Ideal weight for a guy my height is 190 I believe. Currently I'm just shooting for 200, but once I make it there (And having already come this far along, I'm confident I will), I don't see a reason to stop. It's just a nice round number for the time being.
I have the worst diet ever. I'm super picky about food (it is mostly a texture thing) and my mom can only go shoppin every once in a while because she's so busy. I hate making excuses for it, but I'm only a poor 17 year old on a seasonal job salary. I wouldn't even know where to start with fixing my diet unless someone put healthy recipes in front of me and I could go shopping for the ingredients. Sorry for any mistakes I'm on my phone.

Mike M

Nick N
Chef Cat said:
I have the worst diet ever. I'm super picky about food (it is mostly a texture thing) and my mom can only go shoppin every once in a while because she's so busy. I hate making excuses for it, but I'm only a poor 17 year old on a seasonal job salary. I wouldn't even know where to start with fixing my diet unless someone put healthy recipes in front of me and I could go shopping for the ingredients. Sorry for any mistakes I'm on my phone.
If you've got a smart phone, Epicurious does exactly this, I use it all the time.
Chef Cat said:
I have the worst diet ever. I'm super picky about food (it is mostly a texture thing) and my mom can only go shoppin every once in a while because she's so busy. I hate making excuses for it, but I'm only a poor 17 year old on a seasonal job salary. I wouldn't even know where to start with fixing my diet unless someone put healthy recipes in front of me and I could go shopping for the ingredients. Sorry for any mistakes I'm on my phone.

Don't need recipes. Just eat whole foods.
Milk, eggs, meat, cheese, leafy green veggies, meat, butter, water, meat.
Reading about people who have succeeded motivates me.
Reading about people who have failed motivates me.
I hope my P90X arrives in the mail today :}
RubxQub said:
Alright...so I think I'm finally going to post my before/after pictures even though I'm not yet done with where I want to be.

They are pretty gruesome at the start, so my apologies up front

RubxQub @ 254 Pounds...March 23rd, 2011

How I let myself get to this point, I'll never know. I'm a married man and have been with my wife for almost 10 years now (married for 3). I guess I just stopped maintaining my body since I was a claimed man. I was about 180 in early high school, although I had hardly any muscle.

RubxQub @ 227 Pounds... May 15th, 2011

My wife and I decided to go on what is referred to in the "40 Hour Body" book as a Slow Carb diet. Basically eating clean foods: meats, vegetables and beans primarily. I probably was eating close to 1000 calories a day, if that. We would have cheat days every Sunday and go nuts, as well. I could never have been able to adjust my lifestyle without the help of my wife. She's awesome (and lost a crap ton of weight herself although she looked much better than I did weight-wise, comparatively...no you can't see her :lol).

RubxQub @ 203 Pounds... August 8th, 2011

Nothing new being done, just continuing our diet. It was at this point that I decided that I wanted to start working out in addition to properly dieting. Started doing P90X on this day.

RubxQub @ 197 Pounds... August 30th, 2011

I started doing P90X, and this is my Day 30 picture. Admittedly it's a bit of a bullshot, since I have my boxers pulled up over my love handles a bit and covering the bottom of my stomach. I only include it since it was one of my official progress pictures I took. My diet changed at this point to include a lot more calories...but eating the same types of clean foods as mentioned before.

RubxQub @ 188 Pounds... November 13th, 2011

This was me yesterday. I'm calling this my P90X complete picture since I'd finished my 90 days going through the process. I have all sorts of arm/back muscles that don't show up here, but to keep the look consistent this is the picture I took.


So there it is, my transformation in almost 8 months. I'm hoping that by my 1 year mark I continue to make great progress and go from looking "OK" to "awesome". The goal that I've set for myself is that I want people who don't know I used to be huge to look at me and think I look great....meaning I just want to look great. By the time the summer rolls around I want to be the guy that's shirtless on the beach for the first time in literally over 5 years and have people check me out, or at least blend in with all the other great bods there. I know that sounds vain, but I've always considered myself to be a decently attractive person (I wasn't always 254 pounds), but have never had the body to match my mind.

I'll update again along the way, but had always told myself that I'd post my results in this thread post P90X.

Be gentle, GAF. I'm not done yet!

Amazing really. Really amazing. To see where you came from! Keep it up, dont quit! Also low carb or CKD is amazing isn't it?


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SnakeSlashRO said:
Amazing really. Really amazing. To see where you came from! Keep it up, dont quit! Also low carb or CKD is amazing isn't it?
Thanks man, and yeah...low carb is pretty much a godsend. I'll be some form of low carb the rest of my life now knowing what I know.


RubxQub said:
Alright...so I think I'm finally going to post my before/after pictures even though I'm not yet done with where I want to be.

They are pretty gruesome at the start, so my apologies up front

Are you me? No really though, I'm in about the same boat as you. I started at 260 and am now down to 202 this morning. I've been debating about doing some before/after pictures for here, but I'm definitely saving my progress pictures (I took one every 10 lbs lost) for when I'm a beast, still a bit self-conscious I guess. My only regret is taking them with my iphone 3g in terrible lighting, so the quality is mediocre at best.

Its motivating to see someone else doing the exact same thing. Great work, keep it up.


RubxQub said:
Alright...so I think I'm finally going to post my before/after pictures even though I'm not yet done with where I want to be.
Be gentle, GAF. I'm not done yet!

Holy shit! Great job, man!!


Will drop pants for Sony.
Azzurri said:
Good Job to everyone who get off their ass and does something about their weight.

I second this. I need to get off my ass right now and go to the gym. ..waiting for my sister we usually go together.


RubxQub said:
Thanks man, and yeah...low carb is pretty much a godsend. I'll be some form of low carb the rest of my life now knowing what I know.

How tall are you? Im starting at the EXACT same weight you are now. I'm 6'2''.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
alternade said:
How tall are you? Im starting at the EXACT same weight you are now. I'm 6'2''.
I'm 6'1", so should be pretty darn comparable.

...and thanks guys :p


Since the beginning of October I've lost 15 lbs by cutting the crap from my diet, just eating healthier and doing cardio 1 hour a day, 5x a week. At first the pounds were dropping quickly, but for the past 2 weeks its been sitting at around 185 lbs. My goal was 180 by the end of the year.

Here's the thing though, I can tell that I'm still getting thinner as my clothes are still getting looser, and the fat around my joints, waist and face is decreasing. The past few weeks my workouts have been getting more intense as I've really been pushing myself, so is it possible that I've been gaining muscle mass at a faster rate then I'm losing fat? I haven't started weight lifting yet but I have been alternating between rowing, cycling and running, and there have been plenty of days when my muscles are sore.

I'm not too worried about the numbers as my main goal is just to be in shape, but I was wondering if I maybe I hit a plateau of some sort or something.


RubxQub said:
Alright...so I think I'm finally going to post my before/after pictures even though I'm not yet done with where I want to be.

They are pretty gruesome at the start, so my apologies up front

RubxQub @ 254 Pounds...March 23rd, 2011

How I let myself get to this point, I'll never know. I'm a married man and have been with my wife for almost 10 years now (married for 3). I guess I just stopped maintaining my body since I was a claimed man. I was about 180 in early high school, although I had hardly any muscle.

RubxQub @ 227 Pounds... May 15th, 2011

My wife and I decided to go on what is referred to in the "40 Hour Body" book as a Slow Carb diet. Basically eating clean foods: meats, vegetables and beans primarily. I probably was eating close to 1000 calories a day, if that. We would have cheat days every Sunday and go nuts, as well. I could never have been able to adjust my lifestyle without the help of my wife. She's awesome (and lost a crap ton of weight herself although she looked much better than I did weight-wise, comparatively...no you can't see her :lol).

RubxQub @ 203 Pounds... August 8th, 2011

Nothing new being done, just continuing our diet. It was at this point that I decided that I wanted to start working out in addition to properly dieting. Started doing P90X on this day.

RubxQub @ 197 Pounds... August 30th, 2011

I started doing P90X, and this is my Day 30 picture. Admittedly it's a bit of a bullshot, since I have my boxers pulled up over my love handles a bit and covering the bottom of my stomach. I only include it since it was one of my official progress pictures I took. My diet changed at this point to include a lot more calories...but eating the same types of clean foods as mentioned before.

RubxQub @ 188 Pounds... November 13th, 2011

This was me yesterday. I'm calling this my P90X complete picture since I'd finished my 90 days going through the process. I have all sorts of arm/back muscles that don't show up here, but to keep the look consistent this is the picture I took.


So there it is, my transformation in almost 8 months. I'm hoping that by my 1 year mark I continue to make great progress and go from looking "OK" to "awesome". The goal that I've set for myself is that I want people who don't know I used to be huge to look at me and think I look great....meaning I just want to look great. By the time the summer rolls around I want to be the guy that's shirtless on the beach for the first time in literally over 5 years and have people check me out, or at least blend in with all the other great bods there. I know that sounds vain, but I've always considered myself to be a decently attractive person (I wasn't always 254 pounds), but have never had the body to match my mind.

I'll update again along the way, but had always told myself that I'd post my results in this thread post P90X.

Be gentle, GAF. I'm not done yet!

Dude amazing. You look like a different person by the last pic, and your wife is going to have to keep a closer eye on you ;)


timnich said:
Since the beginning of October I've lost 15 lbs by cutting the crap from my diet, just eating healthier and doing cardio 1 hour a day, 5x a week. At first the pounds were dropping quickly, but for the past 2 weeks its been sitting at around 185 lbs. My goal was 180 by the end of the year.

Here's the thing though, I can tell that I'm still getting thinner as my clothes are still getting looser, and the fat around my joints, waist and face is decreasing. The past few weeks my workouts have been getting more intense as I've really been pushing myself, so is it possible that I've been gaining muscle mass at a faster rate then I'm losing fat? I haven't started weight lifting yet but I have been alternating between rowing, cycling and running, and there have been plenty of days when my muscles are sore.

I'm not too worried about the numbers as my main goal is just to be in shape, but I was wondering if I maybe I hit a plateau of some sort or something.

The way you cloths fit is a far better indication of fat loss than scale weight is. That is only true, of course, if you are being honest with yourself.

Also doms (delayed onset muscle soreness) isn't really an indication of a good workout. Most people rarely experience them once they work out for a few weeks.


I've had to start wearing a belt with all my pants to keep them on now, so I'll take that as a good sign. Also, my shoulders and legs have gotten more muscular in addition to being sore. Not by huge amount, but noticeable. I'm just wondering if significant muscle gain is possible through cardio.
Chef Cat said:
I have the worst diet ever. I'm super picky about food (it is mostly a texture thing) and my mom can only go shoppin every once in a while because she's so busy. I hate making excuses for it, but I'm only a poor 17 year old on a seasonal job salary. I wouldn't even know where to start with fixing my diet unless someone put healthy recipes in front of me and I could go shopping for the ingredients. Sorry for any mistakes I'm on my phone.

I lost 20 pounds last year when I lived at home and before I went to college. You can make a lot of great meals out of staple foods like eggs, chicken, sausage, and spinach.


timnich said:
I've had to start wearing a belt with all my pants to keep them on now, so I'll take that as a good sign. Also, my shoulders and legs have gotten more muscular in addition to being sore. Not by huge amount, but noticeable. I'm just wondering if significant muscle gain is possible through cardio.
No but cardio help lose the fat which makes muscles look cut and thus look bigger. But without weightlifting you're not going to actually gain mass.


timnich said:
I've had to start wearing a belt with all my pants to keep them on now, so I'll take that as a good sign. Also, my shoulders and legs have gotten more muscular in addition to being sore. Not by huge amount, but noticeable. I'm just wondering if significant muscle gain is possible through cardio.

It depends on how much training you have done in the past. If you are completely untrained, then it absolutely is. However, the more training you do, the harder it is to gain muscle by any means. So in an untrained person, yes you can gain a small amount of muscle through cardio. But it will be a small amount and you will stop quickly.


RubxQub said:
My wife and I decided to go on what is referred to in the "40 Hour Body" book as a Slow Carb diet. Basically eating clean foods: meats, vegetables and beans primarily. I probably was eating close to 1000 calories a day, if that. We would have cheat days every Sunday and go nuts, as well.
Out of curiosity, did you maintain your ~1000 calories/day even while doing P90X?


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nekura said:
Out of curiosity, did you maintain your ~1000 calories/day even while doing P90X?
Nadda. I eat roughly 1500 - 2000 calories now that I'm exercising regularly. You really do gas quickly if you don't have some fuel I'm the tank.


RubxQub said:
Nadda. I eat roughly 1500 - 2000 calories now that I'm exercising regularly. You really do gas quickly if you don't have some fuel I'm the tank.
Hence my curiosity; I do Insanity myself, and my mind would've been blown if you maintained such a low caloric intake while doing that much exercise. :b
RubxQub said:
Alright...so I think I'm finally going to post my before/after pictures even though I'm not yet done with where I want to be.

They are pretty gruesome at the start, so my apologies up front

RubxQub @ 254 Pounds...March 23rd, 2011

How I let myself get to this point, I'll never know. I'm a married man and have been with my wife for almost 10 years now (married for 3). I guess I just stopped maintaining my body since I was a claimed man. I was about 180 in early high school, although I had hardly any muscle.

RubxQub @ 227 Pounds... May 15th, 2011

My wife and I decided to go on what is referred to in the "40 Hour Body" book as a Slow Carb diet. Basically eating clean foods: meats, vegetables and beans primarily. I probably was eating close to 1000 calories a day, if that. We would have cheat days every Sunday and go nuts, as well. I could never have been able to adjust my lifestyle without the help of my wife. She's awesome (and lost a crap ton of weight herself although she looked much better than I did weight-wise, comparatively...no you can't see her :lol).

RubxQub @ 203 Pounds... August 8th, 2011

Nothing new being done, just continuing our diet. It was at this point that I decided that I wanted to start working out in addition to properly dieting. Started doing P90X on this day.

RubxQub @ 197 Pounds... August 30th, 2011

I started doing P90X, and this is my Day 30 picture. Admittedly it's a bit of a bullshot, since I have my boxers pulled up over my love handles a bit and covering the bottom of my stomach. I only include it since it was one of my official progress pictures I took. My diet changed at this point to include a lot more calories...but eating the same types of clean foods as mentioned before.

RubxQub @ 188 Pounds... November 13th, 2011

This was me yesterday. I'm calling this my P90X complete picture since I'd finished my 90 days going through the process. I have all sorts of arm/back muscles that don't show up here, but to keep the look consistent this is the picture I took.


So there it is, my transformation in almost 8 months. I'm hoping that by my 1 year mark I continue to make great progress and go from looking "OK" to "awesome". The goal that I've set for myself is that I want people who don't know I used to be huge to look at me and think I look great....meaning I just want to look great. By the time the summer rolls around I want to be the guy that's shirtless on the beach for the first time in literally over 5 years and have people check me out, or at least blend in with all the other great bods there. I know that sounds vain, but I've always considered myself to be a decently attractive person (I wasn't always 254 pounds), but have never had the body to match my mind.

I'll update again along the way, but had always told myself that I'd post my results in this thread post P90X.

Be gentle, GAF. I'm not done yet!

Very inspiring, I'm at about 231.5lbs and your before and after pictures have given me an amazing boost of motivation. I can imagine how excellent I will look once I get down to about 187.

Great job dude (PS: First time using GAF off topic)


Reached my first goal of losing 30 lbs this week!! :) I've been keeping pace, losing ~1 lb a week, which I'm happy with since I'm also weight lifting / exercising.

I'm going to strive for 10 lbs more, and then go into maintain-mode. My wife thinks I should just go into maintain-mode now (she's very happy with the results), but I want my six-pack again....at least for a little while. Kinda sucks because I'm at the weight I was during my peak fitness ~2yrs out of college, but damn it, I've lost some muscle mass since then. :(

You know what also sucks? Having your regular clothes fit loose, but then you find some old (years old) cargo shorts in the drawer, try them on, and they be TIGHT AS HELL! :mad: Just another reminder of how I let myself go.

Zefah said:
6' and 155lbs definitely isn't incredibly skinny. Unless the guy has a decent amount of muscle, they almost certainly won't have a visible six pack and will most likely have a slight spare tire. At least, that's how it is for me. I'm 5'11" at that weight and still have a good amount of flab to lose.

That's true. It's all about perspective, I guess. I'm 5'8" (~5'9" on a good day) and I haven't been under 150 lbs since my freshmen year at FSU. But I've been athletic most of my life, and really got into weight lifting my senior year in HS and through college. At my peak fitness, I was at 165 lbs and felt really strong. People used to ask me if I played football at FSU. :lol

Kingbrave said:
I'm down to about 180...
So the moral of the story is, don't get diabetes (but yay for not being fat!!)!

Congrats! That's some great work there, man. I'd recommend weight lifting to tighten that loose skin.

Gary Whitta said:
Paleo and low-carb diets dismissed as ineffective and unhealthy by US News. According to them you're better off drinking Slim-Fast.


I love it! :) Goes to show why losing weight can be intimidating for a lot of people when there are many differing voices on how to do it.


You know what's awesome? One and a half hamburger patties, bacon, cheese, all on a Mission carb control wrap. Their wraps taste AMAZING for 5 net carbs with a shitload of fiber.


So when you guys do have to grab something fast, where do you go/what do you get?

if i have to, then i'll just grab a burger with only cheese and toss the bun. or eat some tuna.

this weekend and next week i'm just not going to worry about watching carbs. my birthday is tomorrow and then there's thanksgiving on thursday and left overs friday. but then going low carb again. gonna get more strict too. i'm at 172lb and 160lbs is my goal. probably bacon and eggs for breakfast and lunch and dinner will be chicken, spinach and green beans. i need more fiber. on low carb, i don't use the bathroom as frequently and when i do it's serious business, haha.

question, how long will cooked chicken last refrigerated? like if i cooked a bunch of breasts sunday night, would they be good all week?


question, how long will cooked chicken last refrigerated? like if i cooked a bunch of breasts sunday night, would they be good all week?

It should be good for the full week, but I wouldn't wait any longer than that. I grill a bunch on weekends and then eat over the course of the week.


It should be good for the full week, but I wouldn't wait any longer than that. I grill a bunch on weekends and then eat over the course of the week.

Yea was going to cook enough to last til Thursday night. Then maybe do a steak friday. Thanks!


love thankgiving because I can get a couple of cheap whole turkeys to eat over the next month or so for cheap protein :)

food on the go? I get the Mcdonalds grilled snack wraps


I posted the second pic in the Picture thread before, but now that I finally started loosing some weight and made considerable progress in the last few months, I'll share it here, too.

Me at roughly 142 kg (313 lb)

Me currently at roughly 124 kg (273 lb)

You don't really see it that much in the pix that I lost around 18 kilo (40 lb), but when I look into a mirror, it's feeling f*cking great. Even though I'm far from done, I recently went on a mini shopping spree because it's that great to not have to shop in the oversize department anymore :D

Target is somewhere around 100 kg (220 lb)


Will drop pants for Sony.
I posted the second pic in the Picture thread before, but now that I finally started loosing some weight and made considerable progress in the last few months, I'll share it here, too.

Me at roughly 142 kg (313 lb)

Me currently at roughly 124 kg (273 lb)

You don't really see it that much in the pix that I lost around 18 kilo (40 lb), but when I look into a mirror, it's feeling f*cking great. Even though I'm far from done, I recently went on a mini shopping spree because it's that great to not have to shop in the oversize department anymore :D

Target is somewhere around 100 kg (220 lb)

Congrats! Looking good. One of the best things about weight loss is shopping for new clothes.


I would like to thank GAF user The Last Wizard because of his thread The Contest: Junk Food Ed.#2 that made me go on a diet, just for fun at first, but then I kept losing weight and started feeling better so I kept going. On November I changed my diet completely to low-carb/high fat/high protein instead of just cutting all junk food (I was still having lots of "good" carbs from orange juice, etc)

I have lost 10 kg (22 pounds) in 7 weeks. I just don't care for junk food anymore. Feels really good and you know what? Salads are fucking tasty :p. My idea is to start Starting Strength to add some muscles now. Can I keep eating low carb and do weight training or should I add more carbs?
I have lost 10 kg (22 pounds) in 7 weeks. I just don't care for junk food anymore. Feels really good and you know what? Salads are fucking tasty :p. My idea is to start Starting Strength to add some muscles now. Can I keep eating low carb and do weight training or should I add more carbs?

COming from someone who is on the advanced version, yes, you need carbs. Probably not as much in the early days, but I am on around 500grams a day
I have lost 10 kg (22 pounds) in 7 weeks. I just don't care for junk food anymore. Feels really good and you know what? Salads are fucking tasty :p. My idea is to start Starting Strength to add some muscles now. Can I keep eating low carb and do weight training or should I add more carbs?

First off, great job!

For carbs, I'm currently taking about 50 grams on rest days, and 70 to 100 grams on workout days. The extra carbs on workout days I take before/after my workout.
So it finally happened... my body can no longer tolerate splurging on junk.

I've been eating right since Feb. and now my body seems to just reject a lot of the awful fast food and junk I used to down by the dozens. I decided to just go crazy this weekend as a treat since I had a super shit week (breakups are always fun, huh?).

As for my progress...it has significantly slowed down since I lost my first 100 earlier in the year, but I guess that's to be expected.
Last week I finally bought a pair of pants that wasn't from the 'fat-guy' section.

Feels pretty good.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Started with 145.5 pounds (66 kg) early august, now at 132.25 pounds (60 kg). Main reason was to lose the pot belly ( I know, can't lose fat in one place). Seems to head in the right direction although it isn't gone yet. I'll just keep on this track and see where it goes :).


relies on auto-aim
So it finally happened... my body can no longer tolerate splurging on junk.

I've been eating right since Feb. and now my body seems to just reject a lot of the awful fast food and junk I used to down by the dozens. I decided to just go crazy this weekend as a treat since I had a super shit week (breakups are always fun, huh?).

As for my progress...it has significantly slowed down since I lost my first 100 earlier in the year, but I guess that's to be expected.
Last week I finally bought a pair of pants that wasn't from the 'fat-guy' section.

Feels pretty good.
For sure. A lot of those lovely processed pleasures really show how awful and artificial they are after you've been eating real food.
It helps when you crave or see something you used to like, then realize what it tastes like and can just say no.
I have never been a big eater of fast food and the times I want to try a hamburger from a chain... is a pretty harsh reminder. Even the chicken sandwiches make me feel heavy or icky after. No fun.

Too bad carbs are an exception to this. DON'T BUY THESE. I just cave in, they are too good.
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