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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Ripclawe said:
So eggs healthwise vs liquid egg whites? the latter is expensive without the coupons on and off. Is there a happy medium between the two I can use to save money?

Go with whole eggs; pasture-raised if you have the money.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Ripclawe said:
So eggs healthwise vs liquid egg whites? the latter is expensive without the coupons on and off. Is there a happy medium between the two I can use to save money?

I sometimes use egg whites to increase the volume of my scrambled eggs, but I don't see any reason why you shouldn't just eat more eggs. I generally eat 4-6 eggs on an average day.


Hazaro said:
From what I have heard cholesterol in your diet does not really affect your body's level of cholesterol, and in addition the connections between high/low cholesterol and heart disease are iffy. At least in my experience I had been on a low carb diet, got my blood tested, and my cholesterol was slightly below normal (probably from lack of good fats?).

Carbs are stored as fat then used as fat, so this way you are just eating... fat! (I need a refresher on this, I swear I've learned and forgot exactly how this works 3 times now)
I'm not eating that many carbs now (No more fruits, juice, cereals, etc). What I eat is something like this:
Breakfast: eggs + bacon
Lunch: My salad of tomatoes and lettuce with olive oil + piece of *animal
Dinner: piece of *animal.
* Fish, chicken or cow.

So if I understand correctly, I'm only eating carbs in my lunch from the vegetables. As far as I know, animals doesn't have carbs.

Should I just listen to my body and eat only when I'm hungry? Today I didn't feel hungry but I still ate dinner so I felt kinda bad for it haha.

teh_pwn said:
It's really easy. There's this country that is known for omelets, cheese, and dishes heavy in meat and animal fats. They have some of the lowest rates of heart disease in the modern world. It's France. Hypothesis "animal products will kill you" invalidated.

They also eat tons of local produce fresh, so consider that as well.

Slow clap. Thanks man.


relies on auto-aim
Also India has some of the highest heart disease rates in the world (or highest) despite a large percentage of them being vegetarian, but that is mainly from eating horribly unhealthy fried foods. At least that is what a very smart Indian told me.

Your diet looks fine to me. Tomatoes have some carb, but not many. Just keep in mind things you might not think have carbs actually have carbs.

Some salad dressing also can have a surprising amount of sweetener. I usually toss on Caesar or vinaigrette as those have 0 carbs, and toss on some croutons 6 of them for 5g of carb. I love crunchy, I need it.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Not to be premature because it's not conclusive, but to the best we know sugar causes heart disease (smoking too, but focusing on diet). It increases triglycerides and reduces the size and increases the density of LDL, making it easier for it to get stuck in the endothelium and oxidize starting the process of scar tissue creation. That's probably why India has high heart disease, if they do.

If you're concerned about heart disease risk get a VAP test done.
Domino Theory said:
Go with whole eggs; pasture-raised if you have the money.

I'd say eggs honestly aren't even worth it if they aren't pasture-raised. Not in a snobby way, but just because pastured eggs are so nutrient dense and normal intensively-raised eggs lead to higher levels of oxidized cholesterol in the blood.

rodrigoviola said:
I'm not eating that many carbs now (No more fruits, juice, cereals, etc). What I eat is something like this:
Breakfast: eggs + bacon
Lunch: My salad of tomatoes and lettuce with olive oil + piece of *animal
Dinner: piece of *animal.
* Fish, chicken or cow.

So if I understand correctly, I'm only eating carbs in my lunch from the vegetables. As far as I know, animals doesn't have carbs.

A few animal bits contain carbs. Liver, because that's where liver glycogen is stored in animals, and shellfish, because you're eating the entire animal which contains some glycogen for physiological processes. But both liver and shellfish are incredibly good for you, so eat them regardless.


teh_pwn said:
Not to be premature because it's not conclusive, but to the best we know sugar causes heart disease. It increases triglycerides and reduces the size and density of LDL, making it easier for it to get stuck in the endothelium and oxidize starting the process of scar tissue creation. That's probably why India has high heart disease, if they do.

If you're concerned about heart disease risk get a VAP test done.

And artificial trans fats. It's ridiculous to think that a big reason that fat was originally demonized in general is because observational studies looking at fat consumption and CHD risk pooled all fats together, including artificial trans fats. Artificial TFAs do everything that sugar does, but in much lower quantities (lower HDL, more LDL with a smaller particle size, markers of inflammation go way up, endothelial function becomes impaired)...

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Hazaro said:
Also India has some of the highest heart disease rates in the world (or highest) despite a large percentage of them being vegetarian, but that is mainly from eating horribly unhealthy fried foods. At least that is what a very smart Indian told me.

Your diet looks fine to me. Tomatoes have some carb, but not many. Just keep in mind things you might not think have carbs actually have carbs.

Some salad dressing also can have a surprising amount of sweetener. I usually toss on Caesar or vinaigrette as those have 0 carbs, and toss on some croutons 6 of them for 5g of carb. I love crunchy, I need it.

On the topic of salad dressings, I just make my own. I've been to a few super markets and couldn't find a single brand that didn't include soybean, canola, or some other wacky-ass partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.

I just mix up some olive oil, vinegar and seasoning for a pretty tasty salad dressing.


Hazaro said:
Also India has some of the highest heart disease rates in the world (or highest) despite a large percentage of them being vegetarian, but that is mainly from eating horribly unhealthy fried foods. At least that is what a very smart Indian told me.

It's the vanaspati, the fake ghee, which consists almost entirely of trans fats. I remember seeing a study that compared the risk of indians who ate ghee, which is just clarified butter, and the ones that ate vanaspati, of dying from CHD. The latter group had something like a 7x greater risk of dying of CHD.
teh_pwn said:
It's a low food reward diet. It's something they've done in controlled trials. Humans loosely a few times, but they've done it several times with rats.

Reward refers specifically to how much it encourages overeating and repeat meals. Something can be of high quality and taste great and not be high in food reward, conversely something can be high reward but poor quality and moderate taste (fast food and junk food).


It's not that insane when you thing about it. Rate how easily you could overeat the following:
1. Atkins low carb peanut butter chocolate endulge
2. Plain, cold rice, no salt or seasoning.
3. Melted cheese and pepperoni.
4. Buttered popcorn.
5. Pizza.
6. Plain, unseasoned, cold steak.

See how carbohydrate isn't exclusive? I mean lowering insulin helps, but it's not the only thing going on in the brain when it assess a food's value.

Okay, I will grant you the fact that this would "work." But there is still a question of sustainability, and of overall pleasure in life. Who would want to not enjoy food? Food is so delicious! If I can eat low-carb, with occasional sugary and carby cheating meals, while losing weight and feeling great, then why would I want to eat nothing but bland potatoes and meat instead? This seems very extreme and unhelpful in weight loss. The rats have no choice. But the human dieter has disaster all around them, and if cravings aren't satiated with fat or something tasty, then they will flip out and cheat. I just don't believe that people can stick with this type of diet. Good luck eating those 15 potatoes a day, though. Sounds great.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
ZackieChan said:
Okay, I will grant you the fact that this would "work." But there is still a question of sustainability, and of overall pleasure in life. Who would want to not enjoy food? Food is so delicious! If I can eat low-carb, with occasional sugary and carby cheating meals, while losing weight and feeling great, then why would I want to eat nothing but bland potatoes and meat instead? This seems very extreme and unhelpful in weight loss. The rats have no choice. But the human dieter has disaster all around them, and if cravings aren't satiated with fat or something tasty, then they will flip out and cheat. I just don't believe that people can stick with this type of diet. Good luck eating those 15 potatoes a day, though. Sounds great.

I've already finished my weight loss. I eat basically a paleo diet when I have the time, otherwise generally home cooked meals.

Avoiding foods that cause you to overeat during the diet is the whole point. I wasn't the least bit hungry during it or inconvenienced. The whole point of the diet is that it fixes external forces that are fucking up hunger.

Low carb worked for me up until the last 10-15 pounds, so that wasn't sustainable for me.

No need to grant me the benefit of the doubt. It has worked in a controlled lab:

I really don't understand your definition of sustainability either. Why am I required to eat this way the rest of my life? Why is this rule imposed while other diets, like Atkins or Dukans have phases? Why is this some sort of competition?
teh_pwn said:
I've already finished my weight loss. I eat basically a paleo diet when I have the time, otherwise generally home cooked meals.

Avoiding foods that cause you to overeat during the diet is the whole point. I wasn't the least bit hungry during it or inconvenienced. The whole point of the diet is that it fixes external forces that are fucking up hunger.

Low carb worked for me up until the last 10-15 pounds, so that wasn't sustainable for me.

No need to grant me the benefit of the doubt. It has worked in a controlled lab:

I really don't understand your definition of sustainability either. Why am I required to eat this way the rest of my life? Why is this rule imposed while other diets, like Atkins or Dukans have phases? Why is this some sort of competition?
I apologize if it's already been posted, but is there a good starting guide for this diet? I don't fully understand it.

I've still got about 30-40 pounds to go to my goal, and I seem to have plateaued the past couple of months. I've lost over 100 pounds on low carb, but I think I might need to change it up a bit to get to my goal.
teh_pwn said:
I've already finished my weight loss. I eat basically a paleo diet when I have the time, otherwise generally home cooked meals.

Avoiding foods that cause you to overeat during the diet is the whole point. I wasn't the least bit hungry during it or inconvenienced. The whole point of the diet is that it fixes external forces that are fucking up hunger.

Low carb worked for me up until the last 10-15 pounds, so that wasn't sustainable for me.

No need to grant me the benefit of the doubt. It has worked in a controlled lab:

I really don't understand your definition of sustainability either. Why am I required to eat this way the rest of my life? Why is this rule imposed while other diets, like Atkins or Dukans have phases? Why is this some sort of competition?

By sustainability, I mean that you will be able to continue to eat some form of the weight loss diet that will transition into a maintenance "phase." Sorry if I'm coming off as combative, but I guess I just love food so much that this seems insane to me. What is a typical day's eating on this diet when you were on it? Why not just continue with Paleo to lose at the time? That wasn't working any more?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
BertramCooper said:
I apologize if it's already been posted, but is there a good starting guide for this diet? I don't fully understand it.

I've still got about 30-40 pounds to go to my goal, and I seem to have plateaued the past couple of months. I've lost over 100 pounds on low carb, but I think I might need to change it up a bit to get to my goal.

It's a very loose diet because it's something that's been studied over the last several decades. I think it's recently become an interesting topic in medical research because brain scans show the dopamine rush from food addicts.

Here is Dr Guyenet's guide:

But really you can apply the concept to any diet. If you're on low carb, choose plain or lightly seasoned steak over atkins endulge and pepperoni/cheese. Probably a reason why this diet isn't well known is because it's hardcore, and can't really be used to sell anything.

ZackieChan said:
By sustainability, I mean that you will be able to continue to eat some form of the weight loss diet that will transition into a maintenance "phase." Sorry if I'm coming off as combative, but I guess I just love food so much that this seems insane to me. What is a typical day's eating on this diet when you were on it? Why not just continue with Paleo to lose at the time? That wasn't working any more?

Well the problem with the Paleo diet is that it's so damn hard to adhere to in the United States. It requires a lot of shopping, cooking, and preparation. I get busy at work during high churn times, so I would cave in. So it's not really the paleo diet's fault, it's me and my job. If I lived in a country like France where everyone basically eats a modernized paleo diet this wouldn't be necessary.

Part of the appeal of the low food reward diet was how simple it was to prepare. I cooked rice once every 2 weeks. I ordered bland pure protein bars for work off amazon (0 prep time, $1/bar) - shit food but it was low reward enough to keep appetite down. I cooked plain steak and bought a bunch of pre-cooked bacon, which is like 20 calories per slice as most of the fat is gone.

My theory as to why the paleo diet and low carb didn't work for me for the last 15 pounds, besides lack of adherence, is that I think the last few pounds are harder. Low carb lowers insulin, but I think that only takes you so far. To get really trim I think you need to adjust hunger to keep food intake where it should be and it seems the brain regulates hunger like temperature. So while it's hard to store fat without high insulin, the body can do it to some extent with ASP and if you're consuming lots of dietary fat you probably aren't burning a lot of body fat because they compete in the blood stream.
teh_pwn said:
It's a very loose diet because it's something that's been studied over the last several decades. I think it's recently become an interesting topic in medical research because brain scans show the dopamine rush from food addicts.

Here is Dr Guyenet's guide:

But really you can apply the concept to any diet. If you're on low carb, choose plain or lightly seasoned steak over atkins endulge and pepperoni/cheese. Probably a reason why this diet isn't well known is because it's hardcore, and can't really be used to sell anything.

Well the problem with the Paleo diet is that it's so damn hard to adhere to in the United States. It requires a lot of shopping, cooking, and preparation. I get busy at work during high churn times, so I would cave in. So it's not really the paleo diet's fault, it's me and my job. If I lived in a country like France where everyone basically eats a modernized paleo diet this wouldn't be necessary.

Part of the appeal of the low food reward diet was how simple it was to prepare. I cooked rice once every 2 weeks. I ordered bland pure protein bars for work off amazon (0 prep time, $1/bar) - shit food but it was low reward enough to keep appetite down. I cooked plain steak and bought a bunch of pre-cooked bacon, which is like 20 calories per slice as most of the fat is gone.

My theory as to why the paleo diet and low carb didn't work for me for the last 15 pounds, besides lack of adherence, is that I think the last few pounds are harder. Low carb lowers insulin, but I think that only takes you so far. To get really trim I think you need to adjust hunger to keep food intake where it should be and it seems the brain regulates hunger like temperature. So while it's hard to store fat without high insulin, the body can do it to some extent with ASP and if you're consuming lots of dietary fat you probably aren't burning a lot of body fat because they compete in the blood stream.

What bland Protein bars are you eating? Someone recommended me to try Quest Bars which they found to be quite bland. I tired them but because I'm a super-taster, they were quite tasty to me. They're expensive ($2.00/bar) and I would like to find an adequate alternative.


So I've decided that I want to lose weight, I weight about 194 lbs but I want to lose about 30 pounds.

This is the heaviest i've been and it is all because of fastfood, god damn. So for diet experts this basically my diet:

-Exercise about 20-30 mins (interval) 3-4 times a week.
-Stopped going to fastfood but I sometimes order grilled chicken sandwich from Chik-Fil-A with a side salad with Ranch dressing.
-My breakfast consist of mixing a honey Cheerios with the original one (healthiest) with Soy Milk.
-2 Coke zero everyday and two bottels of water (I can't stop the soda).

So, what you guys think !? is this the easiest, fastest way to lost weight !?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Bukana said:
So I've decided that I want to lose weight, I weight about 194 lbs but I want to lose about 30 pounds.

This is the heaviest i've been and it is all because of fastfood, god damn. So for diet experts this basically my diet:

-Exercise about 20-30 mins (interval) 3-4 times a week.
-Stopped going to fastfood but I sometimes order grilled chicken sandwich from Chik-Fil-A with a side salad with Ranch dressing.
-My breakfast consist of mixing a honey Cheerios with the original one (healthiest) with Soy Milk.
-2 Coke zero everyday and two bottels of water (I can't stop the soda).

So, what you guys think !? is this the easiest, fastest way to lost weight !?

No, it's terrible. All that wheat and soy will certainly get you a nice pair of moobs, though.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Zefah said:
No, it's terrible. All that wheat and soy will certainly get you a nice pair of moobs, though.

Yikes, no way. If he cut out caloric drinks and most junk food, and he's exercising regularly, and he sticks with that plan his body composition will improve for sure.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Bukana said:
I'm confused.

Do you think I should switch to skim milk!? But what would I have for breakfast !?

Real milk and soy milk are both okay for your breakfast cereal. Soy milk is sweetened with sucrose or equivalent (unless you get the unsweetened version obviously, but that doesn't taste very good), so it has fructose that real milk doesn't have, but it's not a disastrous amount, 9g sugar per cup of sweetened soy milk.

The idea of breakfast cereal in general is not the best for fat loss, since it's unavoidably carby and generally not going to keep you satisfied for very many hours. If it works for you though, then whatever. If you feel you're hungry within a few hours of eating your breakfast, switch to something like eggs & bacon instead.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Bukana said:
I'm confused.

Do you think I should switch to skim milk!? But what would I have for breakfast !?

If you've got to have milk, go with whole milk.

Skim milk is terrible for anyone.


The idea of breakfast cereal in general is not the best for fat loss, since it's unavoidably carby and generally not going to keep you satisfied for very many hours. If it works for you though, then whatever. If you feel you're hungry within a few hours of eating your breakfast, switch to something like eggs & bacon instead.

Well, the reason I am eating cereal is because it is fast to prepare because I go to school everyday and don't have time to cook.
Are there any alternatives for an ideal breakfast that I don't have to cook for !?

If you've got to have milk, go with whole milk.

Skim milk is terrible for anyone.
Everybody have been telling me it is the healthiest kind of milks, because it has least amount of calories.

Thank you guys for the suggestions.


relies on auto-aim
Had some kind of Reese's bar and one other chocolate thing today. 3/4 of the bar in I already wasn't feeling so good. Too rich :[
teh_pwn said:
It's a very loose diet because it's something that's been studied over the last several decades. I think it's recently become an interesting topic in medical research because brain scans show the dopamine rush from food addicts.
To get really trim I think you need to adjust hunger to keep food intake where it should be and it seems the brain regulates hunger like temperature. So while it's hard to store fat without high insulin, the body can do it to some extent with ASP and if you're consuming lots of dietary fat you probably aren't burning a lot of body fat because they compete in the blood stream.
Sounds like a hard diet to follow since you are forcing yourself blander food and everything today about food makes it delicious. Probably hard for a lot of people to do this. I love food so I don't think I could do it, I'd get depressed.
Bukana said:
Well, the reason I am eating cereal is because it is fast to prepare because I go to school everyday and don't have time to cook.
Are there any alternatives for an ideal breakfast that I don't have to cook for !?

Everybody have been telling me it is the healthiest kind of milks, because it has least amount of calories.

Thank you guys for the suggestions.
Skim milk has more sugar (iirc) than whole milk and with the goal of lowered carbohydrate intake more fat is better.


teh_pwn said:
My theory as to why the paleo diet and low carb didn't work for me for the last 15 pounds, besides lack of adherence, is that I think the last few pounds are harder. Low carb lowers insulin, but I think that only takes you so far. To get really trim I think you need to adjust hunger to keep food intake where it should be and it seems the brain regulates hunger like temperature. So while it's hard to store fat without high insulin, the body can do it to some extent with ASP and if you're consuming lots of dietary fat you probably aren't burning a lot of body fat because they compete in the blood stream.

I've been doing cyclical keto, essentially very very low carb on rest days and then raise em' postworkout/exercise days. Seen my best gains of any diet composition wise than any other i've tried.


Hazaro said:
Also India has some of the highest heart disease rates in the world (or highest) despite a large percentage of them being vegetarian, but that is mainly from eating horribly unhealthy fried foods. At least that is what a very smart Indian told me.

As a brown man i'd attribute that much more to the absurd amount of grains and sugar consumed by the average indian. My family eats some kind of complex carb with pretty much every meal. On my dad's side, they eat sweet shit with everything in the form of drinks, fried snacks covered in sugar and syrup, etc. They're all fatties with diabetes.


Bealost said:
I'm not sure where you got the bolded.

Zefah said:
People love to blow things out of proportion and sensationalize.

They read: "Weight training isn't necessary for weight loss, but can increase muscle mass and improve general health."

They interpret it as: "Weight training does nothing for weight loss!!"

From here:

Hazaro said:
In my experience exercise does jack shit for weight loss but makes you feel great..

But, ya know, just another case of GAF blowing things out of proportion. :lol

FallingEdge said:
Eating breakfast doesn't matter. If you choose to eat it, then fine. If not, then it is okay as well.

Whatever works for you, I guess. Again, GAF is the only place I've ever read where eating breakfast doesn't matter.
For me, and maybe it's just psychological, I cannot lose weight unless I exercise. I tried to lose weight 3 years with exercise, and it melted off. Later, I tried to lose weight with just diet, and I didn't see a big change.

Like I said, it's psychological. When I see that delicious brownie, I think of the hard work I put in to burn 300 Calories that day, and I just 'do a 360, and moonwalk away.'


RE: Halloween Candy Discussion

My willpower must be awesome now because we have a huge bowl of candy at the receptionist's desk (for a week now) and I haven't ate any. Took my daughter Trick or Treating last night for 2hrs+ and didn't even snag one piece of candy for myself last night.

But let me tell ya, I'm going to stuff my face with candy on my Cheat Day this weekend. :)


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I had a good amount of candy yesterday and still lost weight...and I skipped my exercise for the day on top of it!

Just ate a smaller dinner.



Bukana said:
Well, the reason I am eating cereal is because it is fast to prepare because I go to school everyday and don't have time to cook.
Are there any alternatives for an ideal breakfast that I don't have to cook for !?

Everybody have been telling me it is the healthiest kind of milks, because it has least amount of calories.

Thank you guys for the suggestions.
I make two packs of breakfast sausage on Sunday, throw them in a tupoerware, and eat five links for breakfast every day. 45 seconds in the microwave! I'm rarely very hungry before lunch these days.


LosDaddie said:
RE: Halloween Candy Discussion

My willpower must be awesome now because we have a huge bowl of candy at the receptionist's desk (for a week now) and I haven't ate any. Took my daughter Trick or Treating last night for 2hrs+ and didn't even snag one piece of candy for myself last night.

But let me tell ya, I'm going to stuff my face with candy on my Cheat Day this weekend. :)

Good for you. I had some candy and two donuts and immediately felt like shit after both. I haven't had sugar in that amount in a while. It tasted good, but wasn't worth it in the end and the donuts were of the shitty grocery store variety.


I can't drink whole milk -- it tastes extremely greasy to me. If you like the taste of leaner milks and are watching carbs you should just go with a substitute milk like Almond or Soy milk (unsweetened). That's what I do at least.


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Thanks to the advice and motivation in this thread I've managed to loose around 28lb in two months. I think I'm about 5-7 lb from my target weight so only a another 2 - 3 weeks to go. I think a month from now might actually have a start of a six pack.

A lowish carb diet was the key and no snacking. I've even managed to drink a couple of times a week and still loose the weight.

Diet is something like this:-

Breakfast: 3 Weetabix with milk.
Lunch: 3 egg omelette with cheese.
Dinner: Anything. Pizza, Pasta, etc... It doesn't matter.

A spoonful of peanut butter and milk if the cravings get to me and the odd apple or banana during the day.

I'm 6ft 5inch and 194lb.

Thanks everyone.
EschatonDX said:
I've been doing cyclical keto, essentially very very low carb on rest days and then raise em' postworkout/exercise days. Seen my best gains of any diet composition wise than any other i've tried.


As a brown man i'd attribute that much more to the absurd amount of grains and sugar consumed by the average indian. My family eats some kind of complex carb with pretty much every meal. On my dad's side, they eat sweet shit with everything in the form of drinks, fried snacks covered in sugar and syrup, etc. They're all fatties with diabetes.

What specifically are you doing, if you don't mind my asking? I'm about to start getting into weight lifting again and I've had friends who said it's been awful for them on low carb.
Bukana said:
So I've decided that I want to lose weight, I weight about 194 lbs but I want to lose about 30 pounds.

This is the heaviest i've been and it is all because of fastfood, god damn. So for diet experts this basically my diet:

-Exercise about 20-30 mins (interval) 3-4 times a week.
-Stopped going to fastfood but I sometimes order grilled chicken sandwich from Chik-Fil-A with a side salad with Ranch dressing.
-My breakfast consist of mixing a honey Cheerios with the original one (healthiest) with Soy Milk.
-2 Coke zero everyday and two bottels of water (I can't stop the soda).

So, what you guys think !? is this the easiest, fastest way to lost weight !?

The fastest, easiest way is the way that works for you :). This thread can be pretty hardcore, so don't let some of the really strict diets here put you off on making healthy choices (which you are).

Just cutting out fast food and starting up an exercise program should be really good first steps. Ditching the Coke zero would be a good call if you can break the craving, maybe try to move down to one a day, then a single half size can a day and so on. Fake or real soda is never a good thing to be loading up on.

Sausage and eggs can be really good for breakfast and without time to cook you could at least do precooked sausage links as others have suggested. I like a little whole grain toast with peanut butter myself, but then again I do eat enough carbs to make most folks in this thread blush. Works for me though as I enjoy carbs and I run a ton (30-40 miles a week) so I have no trouble keeping body fat in check with a fair bit of whole grain carbs coming in.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
LosDaddie said:
But, ya know, just another case of GAF blowing things out of proportion. :lol

Whatever works for you, I guess. Again, GAF is the only place I've ever read where eating breakfast doesn't matter.

I'm not a fan of this mindset.

GAF is not a single entity, obviously. Just because you find a couple of posts in a thread who are of a single mind about something with which you disagree with does not mean that GAF as a whole is against you.

You're posting here, too. You're a part of GAF, too.


RoninChaos said:
What specifically are you doing, if you don't mind my asking? I'm about to start getting into weight lifting again and I've had friends who said it's been awful for them on low carb.
Exercise, diet, or both?
RoninChaos said:
What specifically are you doing, if you don't mind my asking? I'm about to start getting into weight lifting again and I've had friends who said it's been awful for them on low carb.
You can still low carb and lift weights. Either load up on carbs 1 or 2 days per week, or have a little oats/blueberries before and/or after workouts which is what I do.


ipukespiders said:
You can still low carb and lift weights. Either load up on carbs 1 or 2 days per week, or have a little oats/blueberries before and/or after workouts which is what I do.
Yap, this is what i'm doing. I load carbs and lower fat on workout days, and generally taper my carb intake throughout the day.


omgkitty said:
Good for you. I had some candy and two donuts and immediately felt like shit after both. I haven't had sugar in that amount in a while. It tasted good, but wasn't worth it in the end and the donuts were of the shitty grocery store variety.

Man, if you're going to have some donuts, at least get some from Dunkin Donuts to make it worthwhile. :lol But yeah, whenever I have a ton of sugar on my Cheat Day, it makes me feel kinda shitty.

RoninChaos said:
What specifically are you doing, if you don't mind my asking? I'm about to start getting into weight lifting again and I've had friends who said it's been awful for them on low carb.

Moderate carbs are fine if you're going to be doing some weight lifting / exercising. I have a couple slices of bread (via sandwich) for lunch and work-out for an hour after work. Doing just fine with my weight loss.

Also, how long are your friends working out for? I'd recommend no more than 1 hour.

Zefah said:
I'm not a fan of this mindset.

GAF is not a single entity, obviously. Just because you find a couple of posts in a thread who are of a single mind about something with which you disagree with does not mean that GAF as a whole is against you.

You're posting here, too. You're a part of GAF, too.

For the first sentence, I don't see any difference between your use of "people" and my use of "GAF" there. For the second sentence, GAF honestly is the only place I've seen those 2 claims being made. I wasn't implying that those people were against me.

This thread is a good case study as to why there are many, many, differing voices on weight loss methods.

Also, I'm happy to be a GAFer. :)
EschatonDX said:
Exercise, diet, or both?
Both, if you don't mind my asking. I'm trying to figure out what will work best for me and these kinds of things help. If it wasn't for this thread I wouldn't have even tried low carb with any sort of seriousness.

What kind of carb count are you doing on workout days?


relies on auto-aim
LosDaddie said:
From here:

But, ya know, just another case of GAF blowing things out of proportion. :lol
Already said it was a poor choice of words. Not sure why I was so aggressive on that point.
RoninChaos said:
Both, if you don't mind my asking. I'm trying to figure out what will work best for me and these kinds of things help. If it wasn't for this thread I wouldn't have even tried low carb with any sort of seriousness.

What kind of carb count are you doing on workout days?

RC, look into StartingStrength. It focuses on the big compound lifts, Bench, Squat, OHP, and Deadlifts. Workout 3 times a week and the workouts take no longer than an hour.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Can someone knowledgeable on the subject give me an idea of the carb leptin refeeding approach? I heard it's good for losing those last 20 pounds or so of bf and that's exactly where I am.


RoninChaos said:
Both, if you don't mind my asking. I'm trying to figure out what will work best for me and these kinds of things help. If it wasn't for this thread I wouldn't have even tried low carb with any sort of seriousness.

What kind of carb count are you doing on workout days?
Well, I'm kinda just getting back into the weight lifting game, only been doing it for about a month and a half now. Do you wanna lose fat? Do you wanna lose weight? Do you want to gain muscle?

For me, i broke my back in January, almost died and then decided i'd get into the best shape of my life. As soon as I was ready to get back into the exercise game round late april/early Mayish i started it up again. I did cardio and calisthenics every other day, low intensity since my back was still healing. By the end of the summer i'd picked up boxing again and slowly started to lift weights for the first time in like 4 years. I then discovered leangains.com , which has been immensely helpful in my fat cutting, so i started Intermittent Fasting around late July. Nowadays I weight train like 2x a week, (Bent Press, Deadlift, Weighted chins Tuesday. Squat, Military, weighted chins thursday) and then i'll do boxing or muay thai like twice a week for an hour. The leangains eating protocol is on the website, not hard to find. I dont count macros cause quite frankly i dont give a fuck. Probably would help though.

Me in april recovering from injury, just about to start workouts, 187-190lbs

Like 5 minutes ago. 've been slacking due to internships, exams, and getting too fucking drunk too often, but there you go. 175ish.

EDIT: Yep, Starting Strength is a good place to get acquainted/reacquainted with the weight game.


omgkitty said:
Anyone else had some candy lately? Kind of hard to resist since it's everywhere! At least Reese's has peanut butter in them, which is protein...(I'm pulling at straws here I know)

1. Grab some leftover fun sized candy bars on way past bowl after work.
2. Eat them on way up stairs.
3. Read Thread.
4. Feel guilty now.



"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
NobleXenon said:
What bland Protein bars are you eating? Someone recommended me to try Quest Bars which they found to be quite bland. I tired them but because I'm a super-taster, they were quite tasty to me. They're expensive ($2.00/bar) and I would like to find an adequate alternative.

Well I'm not on that diet anymore. I generally eat meat, vegetables, and occasionally eat crap like pizza. My weight stays in a +/- 4 lb equilibrium.

I ate the chocolate flavor. I found it to be the most bland. The Peanut Marshmallow Eclipse was very good, so I couldn't continue eating it.
Trying to adjust my eating a little bit how does this look...

- Nothing

- Low carb wrap w/ sandwich meat, half a slice of cheese, and lettuce (meat rotates between sliced chicken, turkey, ham, and salami sandwich meat)
- Baby carrots
- Greek Yogurt (~20g of carbohydrates and sugar but 15g of protein)
- String Cheese
- Diet Soda (sorry, but I just can't lose this...)

- Meat (either a chicken breast or slab of steak)
- Cottage Cheese
- Vegetable (steamed broccoli/sliced cucumbers/dinner salad)
- Skim Milk

Before bed (and this isn't something I eat every night)
- Rotate between frozen yogurt w/ peanut butter, celery w/ peanut butter, or a small bowl of roasted peanuts.

And then I try to do about 45 minutes of cardio with 20 minutes of weights 3x a week. Does this look good to you guys? Any advice on where to lose something? I'd also really like to add some fruit in too but not sure what to replace...
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