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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

No pics yet of the after, but I finally have a good weight loss story.

Seven years ago when I graduated high school, I was at 155 pounds (I'm 5'7" by the way). Looked good, felt great, was a two-sport athlete for four years in high school, whole package.

College hit, and I avoided the freshman 15, jumping to 160 my first year. Then things went ... well, downhill. And quick. By the time I graduated, I'd ballooned to barely under 180 pounds. I looked awful, felt miserable. Only for one brief period was I back below 160 (on my trip to Japan when I wasn't eating a ton of shit and walking pretty regularly), but when I weighed myself and realized how much I'd gained, I'd decided I had to do something.

Over the summer, I dropped 15 pounds down to 165 and started feeling better. Got my first job, stress kicked in because it was awful, and things swung back the other way. Now I was up at 175 pounds and I felt bad again.

Last summer (2010), as I was working my way down to 170, I got a new job back near where I went to school at. I also decided that it'd be a good chance to get a fresh start altogether and try to get back down to 160. I've spent the better part of the last year keeping active, changing my diet habits and cutting out the bullshit I didn't need to be eating in favor of more healthy, less processed carb and sugary stuff.

Tonight, I weighed myself for the first time in almost a year (I don't actually own a scale, by visiting my folks and they do). The good news? I'm back to just under 155 pounds. There's a little bit of pudge to deal with (silly love handles, lol) but I'm feeling great, I look a whole lot better (and my family has noticed) and I've finally wiped out all that weight I gained in college, for better or worse.

Man, it feels good. :)

EDIT: Actually specifics: In the last weekend of June 2008, I was 178.6 pounds. In the last weekend of November 2011, I'm down to 152.6 - 26 pounds lighter. It's been a long long hard road but I'm finally in control and it's great. :)


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
What multivitamins or supplements should I take on my keto diet? I'm not taking anything at the moment :/

Eating enough green veggies? Getting enough fiber in general? The most critical thing on keto, I've found, is to consistently get enough fiber, or emergency situations are possible on the other end if you're all like steak and eggs and cheese some days. Not fun, and aside from those sorts of mishaps AFAIK you run higher risk for things like diverticulitis in the long run if you neglect the fiber on a high protein diet, like Brock Lesnar did. If there's any question, there are unsweetened mostly tasteless fiber supplements that you can add to a bottle of water or whatever, I used that just to smooth things out when I was ketoing, helped greatly.

Omega-3's always a good idea.

Multivitamin, *shrug*, more a matter of preference probably, I do 'em since my nutrition can be questionable at times and I tend to not eat a large variety of different foods.


Eating enough green veggies? Getting enough fiber in general? The most critical thing on keto, I've found, is to consistently get enough fiber, or emergency situations are possible on the other end if you're all like steak and eggs and cheese some days. Not fun, and aside from those sorts of mishaps AFAIK you run higher risk for things like diverticulitis in the long run if you neglect the fiber on a high protein diet, like Brock Lesnar did. If there's any question, there are unsweetened mostly tasteless fiber supplements that you can add to a bottle of water or whatever, I used that just to smooth things out when I was ketoing, helped greatly.

Omega-3's always a good idea.

Multivitamin, *shrug*, more a matter of preference probably, I do 'em since my nutrition can be questionable at times and I tend to not eat a large variety of different foods.

Well, I don't think I'm eating enough vegetables, I always eat them for lunch (but not plenty), definitely not for breakfast and occasionally dinner. In the fiber department, I think I'm covered, I put flax seeds all over my meals.

I'm gonna buy a multivitamin and Omega-3 supplement then just to make sure everything is covered.

Thanks for the input.


Whats the deal with multis? I've heard some people criticize them and some people recommend them. I know they aren't a replacement for eating actual food. Is there any downside do just taking one every couple of days? Any recommendation for brands etc?
Remember this guy? from this thread LOL

That was him at 235lbs.

My brother is down to 188


I have had him on a low carb diet since September 11th 2011. Hes gone down tremendously.

I promised him abs by next spring.

Im doing low carb too, I am expecting some new pics by the end of December =D
Congrats to him.

I'm still doing the low carb thing but I'm not making the progress like he is. 47 pounds is a lot in two months.

Hrm. This is getting frustrating.


I don't have any before and after pics, but I was always in decent shape. Then a couple years ago I tore my achilles and just put on the pounds. Got up to 205-210 (When I started putting on weight I was around 160).

Well, this summer I decided I needed to lose weight. So as of this morning, when I weighed myself on the scale I'm back down to 167.7. 7.7 lbs to go.


Kinda debated posting these but maybe it will help someone else appreciate how deceptive "weight" can be. I'm on kind of a roller coaster for overall weight but I feel like I'm finally on the right track. I'll try and find a shot of myself when I was 200+ lbs and purely out of shape because I think that will tie it together well but for now I can only find the intermediate stuff.

This is a before and after of me a bit over a year ago. In the before I'm around 180ish and the after 172 or so. Sorry for the cheesy no shirt pics:


The compliments I got at the after pics were along the lines of "You look great. You're so skinny!" "You're so thin!" With a shirt on (size small) I did look nothing more than thin and skinny. Here s me 2 weeks ago, back at just over 200 lbs after training with heavy weights:


This is more where I want to be now. I do have some fat to shed but I’ve also gained enough lean mass that I feel and look much better now with the added benefit of a lot more strength!

So I suppose the takeaway point here is that 200 lbs, or 300, 350, 400 whatever… is a number that can be very deceptive. When I was overweight I wanted to just be thin, then having gotten there I found it’s not what I wanted either. My goal now is to see how a lean 185 looks and feels on me. The goal for all of us should be health….. and to look good naked OBVIOUSLY.


What a great weekend! Fried turkey (so delicious!), mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, candy yams, cornbread casserol, cheesecake, soda, beer, wine. sogood.gif. Black Friday I took my daughter out shopping and we ate out during the day, too. Saturday was leftovers while we watched college football all day. So, 3 days (Thurs-Sat) of eating whatever I wanted, and I loved it.

Damage from the extended holiday weekend is 2 lbs, which is about what I "gain" on a typical weeknd anyways. Gain in quotes there because I don't consider that I gained weight when I'm at a lower weight by mid-week.

Going to hit the diet and gym hard this week.
Congrats to him.

I'm still doing the low carb thing but I'm not making the progress like he is. 47 pounds is a lot in two months.

Hrm. This is getting frustrating.

I am on keto as well, I have lost half of what he has. Hes losing more and I think its cause he had a lot more to lose. We have been on it together since day one.


Will drop pants for Sony.
What a great weekend! Fried turkey (so delicious!), mashed potatoes, stuffing, grazy, candy yams, cornbread casserol, cheesecake, soda, beer, wine. sogood.gif. Black Friday I took my daughter out shopping and we ate out during the day, too. Saturday was leftover while we watched college football. So, 3 days (Thurs-Sat) of eating whatever I wanted, and I loved it.

Damage from the extended holiday weekend is 2 lbs, which is about what I "gain" on a typical weeknd anyways. Gain in quotes there because I don't consider that I gained weight when I'm at a lower weight by mid-week.

Going to hit the diet and gym hard this week.

You and me both.


last week i posted how i was stuck at 152 for a few weeks. even after thanksgiving and eating out earlier i've managed to get to 149-150. i cut out some more carbs, which wasn't a lot in the first place. i think the main thing was switching to Quest Bars. They are without a doubt the best protein bars you can get. 20g protein, 18g fiber, only 4-5 carbs. they fill you up and are quite tasty. You can take the Chocolate Brownie flavor, put it in the microwave for 10 seconds, put a tbsp of peanut butter on it for an amazing desert. The Chocolate Brownie flavor actually tastes like a giant tootsie roll, not a brownie. I ordered 2 more boxes, 1 Vanilla Almond, 1 Peanut Butter. I highly recommend them if you are looking to increase protein/fiber without getting a lot of carbs. They are almost double the price of my old bars, but worth it - http://www.questproteinbar.com/ - I get them through amazon, unfortunately not prime eligible
last week i posted how i was stuck at 152 for a few weeks. even after thanksgiving and eating out earlier i've managed to get to 149-150. i cut out some more carbs, which wasn't a lot in the first place. i think the main thing was switching to Quest Bars. They are without a doubt the best protein bars you can get. 20g protein, 18g fiber, only 4-5 carbs. they fill you up and are quite tasty. You can take the Chocolate Brownie flavor, put it in the microwave for 10 seconds, put a tbsp of peanut butter on it for an amazing desert. The Chocolate Brownie flavor actually tastes like a giant tootsie roll, not a brownie. I ordered 2 more boxes, 1 Vanilla Almond, 1 Peanut Butter. I highly recommend them if you are looking to increase protein/fiber without getting a lot of carbs. They are almost double the price of my old bars, but worth it - http://www.questproteinbar.com/ - I get them through amazon, unfortunately not prime eligible

20 grams of protein for $2?
I think I'll stick with meat.


Convenience? I don't always have time to cook meat, probably like a lot of other people. Even if you're not a protein bar person, they make great low carb snacks. Cut it in half, put a little peanut butter on it and you're good to go, save the other half for later.
Takes me 10 seconds to open a can of tuna. Pretty convenient - I don't even need a fishing license. No artificial sweeteners either.
Peanut butter on the other hand, I go for that. Spoon it from the jar.


Neo Member

Left pic was taken during 2009 where I weighed in at about 120kg. Right pic is pretty current at around 85kg (and apparently I just woke up!). I dropped under 70kg for a period of time but I started to look sickly. Still looking a bit frail but doing my best to try and stick to some resistance training to build mass.

Left pic was taken during 2009 where I weighed in at about 120kg. Right pic is pretty current at around 85kg (and apparently I just woke up!). I dropped under 70kg for a period of time but I started to look sickly. Still looking a bit frail but doing my best to try and stick to some resistance training to build mass.

Good results.


I keep getting bigger and telling myself "tomorrow". It's hard when you're unemployed and depressed, home all day with the kid and not really wanting to do anything but sit.

I know my moment is coming soon, the moment when I finally break and lose weight.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Question for all of you:

I can't decide what I really should be doing to lose the bit of belly fat I have left that drives me nuts. I'm continuing with my rotating strengthing/cardio schedule throughout the weeks and cutting calories a bit. I'm pretty sure I'm making progress, it's just frustrating that my entire body looks pretty damn awesome and I just have the slightest bulge in my stomach and love handles with a bit of extra thigh fat.

Eating roughly 1200-1500 calories a day of clean foods (meat, eggs, vegetables, nuts, etc)
4 days of cardio a week (burning at least 600 calories in 45 minutes a day, sometimes more)
3 days of strengthening (Chest, Arms, Shoulders, Back, Abs...not doing legs since I do resistance-based elliptical and tennis for my cardio)

Down to 185 and I'm 6'1", and I just want to finally ditch this damn stomach. I think it's coming off slowly but surely...and I know the stomach is the most stubborn area in the body to lose fat...and I know you can't spot reduce fat...

I guess I'm just bitching because there's really nothing else I can do but wait this thing out and keep on keeping on.
I keep getting bigger and telling myself "tomorrow". It's hard when you're unemployed and depressed, home all day with the kid and not really wanting to do anything but sit.

I know my moment is coming soon, the moment when I finally break and lose weight.

my limit was 200lbs. lol. just think of putting on fat and then slowly converting it to muscles lulz.
3 days of strengthening (Chest, Arms, Shoulders, Back, Abs...not doing legs since I do resistance-based elliptical and tennis for my cardio)

That's really not a good idea to ignore legs as there is a lot of muscle there that you are ignoring to work out. Doing resistance-based elliptical is not enough. If anything, I suggest at least doing squats.

What is your routine actually like? And can you give out stats on your compound lifts? More muscle worked = more muscle gained = more calories burned = less fat.


Alright GAF. After a year of putting it off today I am Signing up for a gym. 34.95/month. But I'm probably 210-215 pounds and I'm wanting to lose weight for the summer and to help depression. I am mainly interested in losing weight and will then start working on building muscle. I've started eating healthy, dropping soda etc. What's the best way to start losing weight? I've got some ideas such as running on a treadmill every day. I'm going to be going probably 5 days a week.

When is the best time to workout? After dinner? Early in the morning?

Any advice?


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
That's really not a good idea to ignore legs as there is a lot of muscle there that you are ignoring to work out. Doing resistance-based elliptical is not enough. If anything, I suggest at least doing squats.

What is your routine actually like? And can you give out stats on your compound lifts? More muscle worked = more muscle gained = more calories burned = less fat.

Doing P90X routines, so all body weight or free weight based exercises for about an hour on my resistance days.

Probably right on the leg routines...Hmm...maybe I'll start those up again. My legs were getting beasty when I finished my first 90 days :p
Canned tuna is so vile :(

I'm with you on the nut butter though.

When I was cutting weight for wrestling in college I pretty much lived on canned tuna. Would splash a bit of BBQ sauce on it just to give it a bit of taste and have a big bowl of it for lunch and dinner (I'd mix other stuff with it along side, but it was always the main part). I think I had a period of like three years after I finally stopped wrestling before I could look a can of tuna in the eye again, I was so sick of it.
When I was cutting weight for wrestling in college I pretty much lived on canned tuna. Would splash a bit of BBQ sauce on it just to give it a bit of taste and have a big bowl of it for lunch and dinner (I'd mix other stuff with it along side, but it was always the main part). I think I had a period of like three years after I finally stopped wrestling before I could look a can of tuna in the eye again, I was so sick of it.

Mmm BBQ...I usually put a slice of american cheese on it but i think i'll try this.


Alright GAF. After a year of putting it off today I am Signing up for a gym. 34.95/month. But I'm probably 210-215 pounds and I'm wanting to lose weight for the summer and to help depression. I am mainly interested in losing weight and will then start working on building muscle. I've started eating healthy, dropping soda etc. What's the best way to start losing weight? I've got some ideas such as running on a treadmill every day. I'm going to be going probably 5 days a week.

When is the best time to workout? After dinner? Early in the morning?

Any advice?

When you first wake up is the best time to work out. You benefit from it the rest of the day, and you wont boost your energy late at night and have a hard time sleeping.

Ive always had trouble working out in the morning though, and have been much more consistent at night. Do what time works with you and fits your schedule. I wouldn't eat an hour or two before, and when doing weights eat clean food right after. For cardio wait 30 mins or a half hour to eat after.


Kicked my thanksgiving weight gain. 175lbs the day after and 171.5lbs as of today! Very happy with this weeks results :)


Im having a really hard time getting motivated to eat low carb and work out again. I lost about 20 or 30 pounds early in the year, and got a girlfriend around May...so I completely got lazy and starting eating bad and stopped working out.

Im trying to jump back in to no carb 6 days a week and working out 5-6 days a week, but im having a really hard time. I need some motivation guys :(

I feel weak and helpless. I hate this feeling.


Weight Loss-GAF, I'm kinda worried about my new job that I start on Dec 12th. I'm worried that my schedule / diet / exercise will be thrown off as I adjust to the new job. I'm pretty regimented right now with my current job, and as I've posted about here, I'm doing great with my weight loss. Ugh...

Well at least I only have 9 lbs more to go before I hit my target weight, and can go on a maintain routine. And damn if it that the holidays are already here...

You and me both.

How did you do this week?

I lost another pound. :) Now at 31 lbs lost total. So, I guess no damage was done during Thanksgiving afterall.

Probably right on the leg routines...Hmm...maybe I'll start those up again. My legs were getting beasty when I finished my first 90 days :p

I agree with FallingEdge there. At least do some squats, but be careful. It's easy to injure your back doing squats.


relies on auto-aim
Decided to go back on <25g carbs as <50g and <40g weren't doing anything. Been a while since I saw that deep purple.
Trying to add some P90(X) in as well.


I keep getting bigger and telling myself "tomorrow". It's hard when you're unemployed and depressed, home all day with the kid and not really wanting to do anything but sit.

I know my moment is coming soon, the moment when I finally break and lose weight.
Lame. You sit at home all day and don't work out? Super lame. Put your stupid kid on your back and go run a few miles. Strap him to one of those demeaning kangaroo pouch things and do pull ups. Put the brat on your shoulders and carry him to the park, and like the legendary Milo of Croton, become more powerful as he grows.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Do any of you guys stick to grass fed beef and pastured eggs, like paleo and primal suggest? Any difference?

I can't do grass fed beef because of the price, but I go through a carton of pasture-raised eggs every other weekend. The taste of pasture-raised eggs is godly compared to your average store-bought eggs.

@bengraven: Perfect time to start getting into a bunch of TV shows. When I started my diet in Summer 2009, I started watching Dexter, continued The Office, caught up on Entourage, marathoned The Sopranos for the first time, and a lot more. It was the perfect thing to tune me out of my life and eating habits and tune me into a fictional world that absorbed me at every turn. When I rebooted my diet in Summer 2010, I started Mad Men and Chuck.

This past year I've been doing the same with True Blood, Breaking Bad, and more The Office. I find it really helpful during diets when you're at home most of the time to just watch a bunch of TV shows (or read a bunch of books if that's your thing).


Hi all, I already posted here, I went from 103kg to 75kg, since June 2011. I'm doing the Dukan diet. Basically it's a no sugar, oil or butter diet for a certain time.

I've lost some weight, you can do it too. Good luck.
I can't do grass fed beef because of the price, but I go through a carton of pasture-raised eggs every other weekend. The taste of pasture-raised eggs is godly compared to your average store-bought eggs.

@bengraven: Perfect time to start getting into a bunch of TV shows. When I started my diet in Summer 2009, I started watching Dexter, continued The Office, caught up on Entourage, marathoned The Sopranos for the first time, and a lot more. It was the perfect thing to tune me out of my life and eating habits and tune me into a fictional world that absorbed me at every turn. When I rebooted my diet in Summer 2010, I started Mad Men and Chuck.

This past year I've been doing the same with True Blood, Breaking Bad, and more The Office. I find it really helpful during diets when you're at home most of the time to just watch a bunch of TV shows (or read a bunch of books if that's your thing).
I'll have to try some pastured eggs, then. Thanks for the rec. I've been eating like shit since Thanksgiving. I have to redouble my efforts for the rest of the year. I'd like to lose 10 lbs this month.


Just popping in for some advice. Do any gaffers have any experience dealing with weight gain caused by medication? Specifically beta blockers. I've been trying to lose weight for 2 years now and though I'm down about 60 pounds, I can't seem to get under 215. My goal is 185-190. I'm so close, but no matter what I do I can't seem to break through and any missteps in my diet are damn near instantaneous on the scale.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Can anyone give me a good low carb plan !?
List of meals and tips will make me happy :).

All animals (chicken, beef, fish, pork, other seafood)
Green veggies (spinach, broccoli, brussel sprouts, other green veggies I can't name)
Nuts (Almonds, Walnuts)
Fruits (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, apples)

Drinks: Water, coffee, whole milk

Cooking oil: Coconut, Lard, Olive


All animals (chicken, beef, fish, pork, other seafood)
Green veggies (spinach, broccoli, brussel sprouts, other green veggies I can't name)
Nuts (Almonds, Walnuts)
Fruits (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, apples)

Drinks: Water, coffee, whole milk

Cooking oil: Coconut, Lard, Olive

Great, thanks.

But how does this work, I need a plan specifying how much can I eat and what to expect.


Eventually you will realize how much food it takes to make you feel full, than you can plan meals/snacks accordingly. Remember, things high in fat, protein and/or fiber make you feel longer, you won't need to consume massive amounts of food high in them.

I've recently been cutting down on my lunch, been eating a lot salads, and I feel just as full as I did as when I was eating larger, heavier foods. You just gotta keep trying things until you feel you have a diet that's healthy and keeps you full throughout the day. It will take some time, just stay patient and it will eventually click.

Also, if you're really cutting a lot of carbs you will start to feel weak as your body needs time to adjust to the new diet. For me it lasted only a few days, just keep that in mind.


For weight loss i'm mainly doing cardio, how much cardio should i be doing if i go 5-7 days a week?

I usually use an elliptical, or i'll use a treadmill, i usually switch it up.


For weight loss i'm mainly doing cardio, how much cardio should i be doing if i go 5-7 days a week?

I usually use an elliptical, or i'll use a treadmill, i usually switch it up.

If you're not doing HIIT, you should be doing anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour per session.

Most people are going to tell you that you need to lose weight through diet though.
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