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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

So how much bread/grain is okay for maintenance? I've been eating low carb for a while but I don't really need to lose any weight (6 foot, 155 lbs). I don't want to gain weight, but I can't avoid carbohydrates forever.


So it's 4 months since surgery, I'm good to go to start working out more again. :) I hope to lose at least the 3 inches in my waist I gained.. Though it would be nice if I lost 4-5 inches again but I figure 3 inches is the more reasonable goal to work towards for now. So hard to start up again when your stamina is so low but hopefully it will get better soon.


New Haven Sandstorm said:
So how much bread/grain is okay for maintenance? I've been eating low carb for a while but I don't really need to lose any weight (6 foot, 155 lbs). I don't want to gain weight, but I can't avoid carbohydrates forever.
I don't eat any grains at all.


Nothing embarrassing there BigBlue, that's what this thread is for right? Good job. How tall are you for reference? I find it a little hilarious your first image lists every other number imaginable except that.

What is this thread's thought on diet soda or artificial sweeteners? I've done pretty well at switching to not many carbs, and when I do it's almost always whole grain something or other. But I still have cravings for sweets throughout the day and take care of it with a considerable amounts of Coke Zero and coffee with some skim milk and Splenda in it. Wondering how that might be holding my weight loss back.

I went from 240 to 190 in the last year but the last ten pounds or so have been very slow. I'm 5'8" and now pretty muscular but like everyone else my stomach and thigh fat is being obnoxious and seems to either not be going away at all or taking a really long time to go away. When I exercise, which as of late has only been 3-4 times a week due to a busy schedule, I focus on weight training almost exclusively now with cardio every so often (or maybe 5-10 min warmup/cooldown elliptical work thrown in).

Any suggestions? I think I want to get down to 175 but I also think that's going to take me another year unless I get a little more drastic with my workouts.


To LaneDS....

Try to go cold turkey on the sweetner stuff for 1 or 2 weeks to see if it really has a effect on your weight. Some people are sensitive to the stuff.
LaneDS said:
Nothing embarrassing there BigBlue, that's what this thread is for right? Good job. How tall are you for reference? I find it a little hilarious your first image lists every other number imaginable except that.
Haha, yeah I didn't make that first pic, just the only one I had of the before pics. I'm 5'11


Koshiba said:
So it's 4 months since surgery, I'm good to go to start working out more again. :) I hope to lose at least the 3 inches in my waist I gained.. Though it would be nice if I lost 4-5 inches again but I figure 3 inches is the more reasonable goal to work towards for now. So hard to start up again when your stamina is so low but hopefully it will get better soon.

They always get better. Being stuck in a rut sucks but the feeling you have after digging yourself out is so worth it. Good luck.

NomarTyme said:
To LaneDS....

Try to go cold turkey on the sweetner stuff for 1 or 2 weeks to see if it really has a effect on your weight. Some people are sensitive to the stuff.

That stuff kills ya. Everytime I feel like a soda and I end up going with something with a sweetener in it, It screws everything. I end up craving sweets (soda, candy, anything) for days and have to force myself to drink nothing but water. I think Im one of those people that just shouldnt touch the stuff.

I gotta get back into the dieting habit. Ive been straying off that path far too much lately and its killing my goal to drop this last 20 lbs or so. Nows the perfect time to do it too since Im pretty active in the summer. I just need to get my eating in check.
This is killing me...

I used to be in great shape. I worked out daily and was very in shape.

Now I am working up North at a camp, and lately I cannot find the time to eat right or work out.

I feel like I do alright overall with my eating habbits, but I could definitely do better (more on this in a second). But I simply cannot find the motivation to work out anymore, I would rather just come back to my rooom and browse GAF.

As for my eating habbits, it is nearl impossible to eat well here. The food they made is absolutely horrible for you, I am sure. The bagged food has health labels on them, and I quite honestly wish they did not. Before there never used to be labels and I would eat food that I assumed was healthy. Well now everything has labels and it is disgusting how unhealthy all of this food is. The average sandwhich or wrap has close to 100% of your daily sodium, and half of the stuff here has more calories than a big mac.

I eat a whole wheat bagel in the morning, Bananas/Oranges (two each usually) during the day, left overs for lunch, and then yogurt for an afternoon snack. Is that diet horrible?


edit: before picture


after = less toned


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Devin Olsen said:
I used to be in great shape. I worked out daily and was very in shape.

I eat a whole wheat bagel in the morning, Bananas/Oranges (two each usually) during the day, left overs for lunch, and then yogurt for an afternoon snack. Is that diet horrible?


Not particularly. But you could still do body weight based exercises even if you don't have access to a gym or the time/will.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
LaneDS said:
What is this thread's thought on diet soda or artificial sweeteners? I've done pretty well at switching to not many carbs, and when I do it's almost always whole grain something or other. But I still have cravings for sweets throughout the day and take care of it with a considerable amounts of Coke Zero and coffee with some skim milk and Splenda in it. Wondering how that might be holding my weight loss back.

I avoid them just to be safe. I don't have a sweet tooth either, so it works out.

I do recall one study (without details, more of an article about at study so take it as a grain of salt):


Basically rats that ate artificially sweetened food overeat. Maybe the body prepares for a sweet taste by releasing some insulin?

I eat a whole wheat bagel in the morning, Bananas/Oranges (two each usually) during the day, left overs for lunch, and then yogurt for an afternoon snack. Is that diet horrible?


Not to be a broken record, but yes. Those foods all increase blood glucose (particularly the bagel), to which to body responds by secreting insulin, and insulin internally redirects a good portion of those calories into body fat regardless of total daily caloric intake. If you choose to overeat to supply enough energy to your muscles/organs or if you don't (and your body will reduce metabolism -- cause fatigue) you tend to store fat regardless.

You want healthy proteins and fats as the foundation for your diet.

Use the Primal Blueprint food pyramid:

So I thought I'd give an update on low carbing it. I've had 2 very solid weeks of less than 50g of carbs per day, often much less. Eating tons of lettuce, spinach, eggs, beef, fish, broccoli, nuts, cold cuts, etc.

I had about 3 weeks in a row where I had plateaued at 1 pound lost per week. Since going to no carb, and eating more net calories than before, I've lost 3 and 4 pounds the last two weeks, respectively. (6'0, 180 for reference - and dropping)

For exercise I run about 20-25 miles a week, mostly distance, but some intervals. Bodyweight exercises and some lifting with dumbells and whatnot. Working out nicely. As of next week I should be 80 pounds down since January.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
LaneDS said:
Any suggestions? I think I want to get down to 175 but I also think that's going to take me another year unless I get a little more drastic with my workouts.

In my opinion, weight training 3-4 times a week is plenty when you're trying to lose weight. If you get more drastic than that you'll probably start stimulating your appetite. If you've been doing this for a year, your body has gradually adapted so you should switch things up. You could try cutting out Coke Zero (I was addicted once too, it's not so bad after the first week or so) and grains completely and eating all of your daily meals within a certain time window, e.g. a 5 hour window, and fast the rest of the day.


hsukardi said:
How do asians stay thin while eating so much rice? Serious question.

I've heard one theory that using chop sticks you can't collect as much food as a spoon so you're eating slower than usual which is always recommended.
hsukardi said:
How do asians stay thin while eating so much rice? Serious question.

They eat a lot less meat, processed foods and simple sugars as well. Low-carb dieting isn't the only way. I'm 5' 10", a vegetarian and I've gone from 175 lbs to 157.4 just by limiting my calories to 1500/day and my fat intake to 40g/day.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
hsukardi said:
How do asians stay thin while eating so much rice? Serious question.

As I understand it the Japanese traditional diet is loaded with vegetables, sea vegetables (the excessive iodine from sea vegetables allows a high soy diet without thyroid issues), fish, meat, fermented soy, and brown rice. It's not Panda Express.

Rice is a bit better of a carbohydrate than what we eat:
-doesn't have fructose, which some theorize speeds up insulin resistance and creates leptin resistance. The "sugar bitter truth" guy points this out.
-Unlike wheat, the western equivalent to rice (sort of), rice doesn't have as much lectin:


What is not so speculative is that once you're leptin-resistant, you become obese and insulin resistant, and at that point you are intolerant to any type of carbohydrate. This may explain the efficacy of carbohydrate restriction in weight loss and improving general health.

If it really is the sugar first (fructose), and then grains like wheat causing the isssue, then I'm betting we'll see China get really fat over the next 10-20 years as pepsi/coke, and various American fast food chains continue to explosively expand.
teh_pwn said:
As I understand it the Japanese traditional diet is loaded with vegetables, sea vegetables (the excessive iodine from sea vegetables allows a high soy diet without thyroid issues), fish, meat, fermented soy, and brown rice. It's not Panda Express.

Rice is a bit better of a carbohydrate than what we eat:
-doesn't have fructose, which some theorize speeds up insulin resistance and creates leptin resistance.
-Unlike wheat, the western equivalent to rice (sort of), rice doesn't have as much lectin:


Also they use short grain rice right? not the usual Western stuff, I am lead to believe


First tragedy, then farce.
So, I'm down to 185!

Have about 10 more pounds to go to get where I want to be. I ordered the P90x stuff to add to my running..

but I have to stress.. if you want to lose weight, take up running. I run about 30 miles a week (half on Saturday, the rest spread out on Monday, Tues, Wed with Mon and Wen being about 80% of the remainder and Tuesday being a short run).

I burn about 4000 calories a week running... I count calories, but I can cheat and still lose 2-3 pounds a week.

I'm doing starting strength training as well, which is great for muscle but minimal in fat burning other than upping my metabolism in the long run.

I'm hoping at 175 @ 6'2" with the toning that P90x will give me I'll look pretty defined.


First tragedy, then farce.
teh_pwn said:
As I understand it the Japanese traditional diet is loaded with vegetables, sea vegetables (the excessive iodine from sea vegetables allows a high soy diet without thyroid issues), fish, meat, fermented soy, and brown rice. It's not Panda Express.

Rice is a bit better of a carbohydrate than what we eat:
-doesn't have fructose, which some theorize speeds up insulin resistance and creates leptin resistance. The "sugar bitter truth" guy points this out.
-Unlike wheat, the western equivalent to rice (sort of), rice doesn't have as much lectin:


If it really is the sugar first (fructose), and then grains like wheat causing the isssue, then I'm betting we'll see China get really fat over the next 10-20 years as pepsi/coke, and various American fast food chains continue to explosively expand.

I know we've been around this before.. and while I agree that limiting carbs is really important whole grains really aren't as bad. They don't convert to sugar as easily and their GI number means they aren't "empty" calories.. they make you feel full faster because it takes longer for your body to breakdown the fiber in them.

Also, like I stated. Run. I did a 17 mile stint today (had to take care of stuff on my normal Sat run). I can carboload to my little hearts content without any real worry :D I keep most of my carb intake to my longer run days (Saturday, Monday, Wed). If I burn 1000+ calories running I can pretty much load up on all the carbs I want after the fact.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
StoOgE said:
I know we've been around this before.. and while I agree that limiting carbs is really important whole grains really aren't as bad. They don't convert to sugar as easily and their GI number means they aren't "empty" calories.. they make you feel full faster because it takes longer for your body to breakdown the fiber in them.

Also, like I stated. Run. I did a 17 mile stint today (had to take care of stuff on my normal Sat run). I can carboload to my little hearts content without any real worry :D I keep most of my carb intake to my longer run days (Saturday, Monday, Wed). If I burn 1000+ calories running I can pretty much load up on all the carbs I want after the fact.

Yeah, low carb is an oversimplification. There are cultures that eat moderate levels of carbohydrates without any issue, and the biggest thing missing from these cultures that are healthy is fructose which is in sugar/corn syrup.

I lost quite a bit of weight in 2005 on a low GI diet, ate whole grain bread, fruits, vegetables, meat, and I did 1-3 hours of cardio a day.

So while Stephan may have a point about non-fermented grains being bad for you due to phytates blocking mineral absorption, inflammation, I know from personal experience that you can manage to be healthy with some grains. Like how the Japanese can eat lots of soy and not have thyroid issues because they get so much iodine from sea vegetables, other cultures may be able to eat grains but have something else in their diet counteract the health issues caused by grains.

However, I'm taking more of Mark Sisson's approach to exercise because his experience kind of reflects mine - chronic cardio causing injury. In 2008, something about my knees/tendons wore out. I get inflammation from doing prolonged periods of cardio around my knee cap. I've minimized it by strengthening my legs, and avoiding more than 20 minutes of cardio. I may go to a doctor again to get a better diagnosis/physical therapy.

Mark was some sort of athlete that dropped out because he kept getting sick, injured. Now he claims to only do about 60 minutes of training per week, and doesn't get injured often in his late 50s. His approach seems to be easier & more sustainable.

Also they use short grain rice right? not the usual Western stuff, I am lead to believe

I'm not sure. Any Japanese gaffers reading this thread?


First tragedy, then farce.
Yeah, if my legs ever went out on me I would balloon because my diet is pretty dependent on 10-15 hours of working out a week.


Just wanted to tell you guys that I havent felt this good in years. This is partly due to the fact that I feel the need to stay on the straight and narrow just so I can keep posting progress on here. :lol I continue to lose weight and am gaining 1) Better lifestyle habits 2) A social life (one that stays within the boundries of my diet/gym work). I do have to say I am amazed at the amount of customers in my job and friends who I have not seen in months who are complimenting me on my new found size. You would not believe how much easier it makes losing weight just to have someone tell you that you look good and that you are headed in the right direction. I have had a spring in my step for the last few weeks because of this kind of stuff. You guys included.

There is nothing I can give you guys to repay you for these kind words, other than the knowledge that even if your comment seems insignificant, its not. it means alot to me and it makes me want to push harder.


Teh Hamburglar said:
going through last few pages of this thread I now feel like a fatty. Thanks alot GAF :(

Ah, don't be like that. We are all good people just trying to make a change in our lifes. You are welcome to join. :D


Messi said:
Just wanted to tell you guys that I havent felt this good in years. This is partly due to the fact that I feel the need to stay on the straight and narrow just so I can keep posting progress on here. :lol I continue to lose weight and am gaining 1) Better lifestyle habits 2) A social life (one that stays within the boundries of my diet/gym work). I do have to say I am amazed at the amount of customers in my job and friends who I have not seen in months who are complimenting me on my new found size. You would not believe how much easier it makes losing weight just to have someone tell you that you look good and that you are headed in the right direction. I have had a spring in my step for the last few weeks because of this kind of stuff. You guys included.

There is nothing I can give you guys to repay you for these kind words, other than the knowledge that even if your comment seems insignificant, its not. it means alot to me and it makes me want to push harder.
Good job, man. Continue to do what you're doing now.


no pics to show really. I just have a lot of youtube vids I did when I was big so maybe I will post them later. Anyway I began running on Feb. 17th once I found out I might be headed to e3. since then I've worked myself up to running 4 miles almost daily and have gone from 280 lbs to 218. its the least I've weighed in my adult life and since probably my sophomore year in high school. I'm 27 now. I'm 6'1" too so I wear the weight generally well even though I'm still trying to get to 200.


scitek said:
no pics to show really. I just have a lot of youtube vids I did when I was big so maybe I will post them later. Anyway I began running on Feb. 17th once I found out I might be headed to e3. since then I've worked myself up to running 4 miles almost daily and have gone from 280 lbs to 218. its the least I've weighed in my adult life and since probably my sophomore year in high school. I'm 27 now. I'm 6'1" too so I wear the weight generally well even though I'm still trying to get to 200.

Getting in shape for the booth babes or something? :lol

Anyways, keep it up. Great job. Youll get there in no time. :D
derder said:
I don't think you could be considered fat anymore.

Thanks. I guess it may be my body type plus my height that makes it seem that way. I could stand to lose another 50. One of my friends thought I weighed way less than I am.

santouras said:
you looked happier before. Could just be the different locations tho :)

The second one is at work, Im never happy there.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
I find its a good guide for different workouts, shows you how to do stuff etc. I do some of it then do my own shit after that bench, curls and all that.


Alright I figure this may be the best place to ask. I'm not fat (190-195 pounds and I'm 6"3) but I am interested in getting more fit. Lately I've just been doing the bicycle exercise for a little bit everyday. Any other good exercises?


whitehawk said:
Alright I figure this may be the best place to ask. I'm not fat (190-195 pounds and I'm 6"3) but I am interested in getting more fit. Lately I've just been doing the bicycle exercise for a little bit everyday. Any other good exercises?


Well, it's been about a month now since I started exercising and watching what I eat...and I have to say that I'm pretty happy with the progress I'm making. I only weigh six less pounds than I did when I started, but I went from a 40-42 size pants to a 38. I haven't bought a size 38 pair of jeans since junior year of high school.

I also have gotten comments from some of my co-workers that give me a boost of confidence. Just today someone told my friend that I looked cute. I feel amazing, but this si only the beginning! Thanks for the encouragement, this thread is awesome.



So I went... 80% of a day with low carbs. I can eat healthy, whole wheat grains in moderation, but when I try to really cut the carbs, oh man does it drive me crazy. I think I am going to try to slowly ween myself off them as opposed to going to under 50-80g a day all at once.

I struggle to find tasty things to eat when I try to go "primal". I think I should pick up Mark Sisson's book, does it have good details on what exactly I can and can't eat? A list would be fantastic.
Ok, I eat a decent breakfast, fruit or yogurt and then I eat a solid protien heavy low carb, if I can, lunch. Most of the time if eat a late lunch I just have a small snack like dinner. Is a skimpy dinner bad? I always heard that a small breakfast is bad?
I tend to also exercise at night. I have plenty of fat to burn still, I don't see how my body would store more fat from eating less late and burning calories late. Am I dead wrong?


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LaneDS said:
So I went... 80% of a day with low carbs. I can eat healthy, whole wheat grains in moderation, but when I try to really cut the carbs, oh man does it drive me crazy. I think I am going to try to slowly ween myself off them as opposed to going to under 50-80g a day all at once.

Yeah it is hard at first, because it seems like everything that gets put in front of you (at least in the USA) is carbs carbs carbs.

I haven't regularly eaten over 100g of carbs a day in years. Most days I fall around 50, and while I'm not real muscular my body fat % is extremely low. I don't actively diet either, just passively limit carbs/sugars, so it does have a lot to do with it.

I mostly started young because blood sugar issues run in my family. Several years ago I used to get light headed a lot, when I was eating 2-300g/carbs a day or more.

Good luck with it. :D

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
teh_pwn said:
Not to be a broken record, but yes. Those foods all increase blood glucose (particularly the bagel), to which to body responds by secreting insulin, and insulin internally redirects a good portion of those calories into body fat regardless of total daily caloric intake. If you choose to overeat to supply enough energy to your muscles/organs or if you don't (and your body will reduce metabolism -- cause fatigue) you tend to store fat regardless.

You want healthy proteins and fats as the foundation for your diet.

Use the Primal Blueprint food pyramid:

As I understand, insulin makes you first store your carbs as glycogen (in the liver and then in the muscles) and then once your glycogen stores are filled up, then it converts the carbs into fat energy. You also burn glycogen before fat during exercise.

Assuming you keep your calorie count reasonable, why have a fat-centric diet?

teh_pwn said:
As I understand it the Japanese traditional diet is loaded with vegetables, sea vegetables (the excessive iodine from sea vegetables allows a high soy diet without thyroid issues), fish, meat, fermented soy, and brown rice. It's not Panda Express.
Rice is a bit better of a carbohydrate than what we eat:
-doesn't have fructose, which some theorize speeds up insulin resistance and creates leptin resistance. The "sugar bitter truth" guy points this out.
-Unlike wheat, the western equivalent to rice (sort of), rice doesn't have as much lectin:
If it really is the sugar first (fructose), and then grains like wheat causing the isssue, then I'm betting we'll see China get really fat over the next 10-20 years as pepsi/coke, and various American fast food chains continue to explosively expand.
Why would it speed up insulin resistance when it has a much lower glycemic index than glucose?


This losing weight shit is becoming annoying, mostly cause i bust my ass doing high-intensity cardio/eliptical machines for 40 minutes 5 out of the 7 days of the week, and the last week ive lost like a pound. My first week working out i went from 209 to 200.5 at 5'11. Now im breaking even and its pissing me off.

I have changed my eating habits since the start. I dont drink the sodas anymore, only carbonated water like Perrier, and on occasion ill have diet soda maybe 2 times a week. During lunch i have whole grain half-foot subs with no mayonnaise and shit. In the morning i either have yogurt and orange juice or sometimes cereal with low-fat milk. Before working out i usually have an orange. Ive been eating a lot of fruit like oranges, strawberrys, and bananas on occasion.

Either way i am definitely not taking in more calories than i am burning. Im not starving myself since that helps store fat.

So how exactly is someone supposed to lose weight more than a pound a week?


~Kinggi~ said:
This losing weight shit is becoming annoying, mostly cause i bust my ass doing high-intensity cardio/eliptical machines for 40 minutes 5 out of the 7 days of the week, and the last week ive lost like a pound. My first week working out i went from 209 to 200.5 at 5'11. Now im breaking even and its pissing me off.

I have changed my eating habits since the start. I dont drink the sodas anymore, only carbonated water like Perrier, and on occasion ill have diet soda maybe 2 times a week. During lunch i have whole grain half-foot subs with no mayonnaise and shit. In the morning i either have yogurt and orange juice or sometimes cereal with low-fat milk. Before working out i usually have an orange. Ive been eating a lot of fruit like oranges, strawberrys, and bananas on occasion.

Either way i am definitely not taking in more calories than i am burning. Im not starving myself since that helps store fat.

So how exactly is someone supposed to lose weight more than a pound a week?
about to drop some bombs on you:
A. that Whole grain sub? Probably has a shitton of carbs that you don't need
B. That cereal? Probably a lot of carbs AND sugar
C. Fruits = not the way to lose weight
D. What kind of yogurt are you eating? Some are LOADED with sugar- stick to plain yogurt
E. You didn't talk about your dinner


Something else I've noticed is that losing pounds =/= losing "weight". As I said in my previous post, I've only lost 6 pounds, but feel way better and look much thinner. And that's only from 274 to 268. I can tell my clothes are fitting better and all that good stuff.


peterb0y said:
about to drop some bombs on you:
A. that Whole grain sub? Probably has a shitton of carbs that you don't need
B. That cereal? Probably a lot of carbs AND sugar
C. Fruits = not the way to lose weight
D. What kind of yogurt are you eating? Some are LOADED with sugar- stick to plain yogurt
E. You didn't talk about your dinner
Does anyone have a fricken list or something of the "safe" meals to eat. I swear everything is bad for you these days.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Kinggi, I actually don't think your weight loss rate is that bad at all. I might expect it to be faster if you weighed like a hundred pounds more or something.

The fact that you eat carbs isn't bad but how many calories do you eat a day (approximately)?
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