I did have work shoes on, that may be it, along with water weight.
I'll watch it from here I guess.
Weighing at a different time of day, having clothes and shoes on and water weight could all easily make 9 pounds.
I did have work shoes on, that may be it, along with water weight.
I'll watch it from here I guess.
Did you weigh yourself at the same time of day on each occasion?
That would be part of it and depending on the time of day.
Weighing at a different time of day, having clothes and shoes on and water weight could all easily make 9 pounds.
I always thought eating fruits was a good idea, now i'm told its full of sugar and to avoid?
There are a lot of people who consider obesity an eating order, no different than anorexia. The bigger your body gets the more energy it needs, the more food it needs. Than you factor in a diet high in simple, refined carbohydrates which your body begins to crave and which make you gain even more weight. It becomes a never ending, vicious cycle.
That would be it then. The first time was at work just to get a base for the contest, today I started my normal weigh schedule. I'll do it the same as this morning every Monday from now on.
The reason I'm fasting is because I ate like horse crap during the Steelers playoff game and I want to follow it up with a fast to immediately get back on track.
Won't this skew your results now?![]()
I have no idea of your goals and current physique but all that routine looks ridiculous. Bench, incline, and decline? Squats and deadlifts on the same day? If you are lifting hard, doing both of those compound exercises on the same day without rest is just a bad idea.
Mind posting your current numbers for your compound lifts?
Going to be blunt: this is terrible. Go read the fitness thread OP please.Check this out...
Running a mile on the lifting days and running for 30 minutes on ab days.
It's going to be intense at first, but I'm pretty pumped to feel sore again.
Going to be blunt: this is terrible. Go read the OP please.
This isn't the Fitness thread![]()
This isn't the Fitness thread![]()
You must have missed where I'm doing 3 sets, 12 reps. Not maxing out at 4 reps or anything.
For example, I was only doing 115 on bench yesterday.
Fixed, and it's still a bad routine.
Falling edge: I'm assuming that with the weight he's doing he will be able to squat and DL on the same day just fine.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Explain why it's a terrible routine and write up a better split for muscle toning.
Pretty sure FitnessGAF would rip that routine apart.
There's no such thing as "muscle toning". Read the fitness OP and then ask for help if you still have any questions or if you want an alternative routine that isn't in the OP.
No doubt, but I'm not looking for the strength or mass gains from maxing out 3 deadlifts in a set.
I also didn't invent the routine I'm trying now.
This is what I mean. This post is of no help.
Explain the terribleness of my routine, and suggest me one.
Otherwise, don't just barge in and say something is wrong. It would be like someone posting up their diet, and someone saying "no no, that's all wrong" and offering no guidance why or what they should be eating.
How about this, I'll give it 6 weeks. If I see no change whatsoever, I'll stop.
In the meantime, write me up a 5 day split, please. Not trying to be snarky, I'm just curious what a superior split looks like.
Listen, you're not going to look like this from deadlifting. You don't get huge overnight, or even in a few months. You especially can't get huge if you don't eat for it. You CAN get strong and ripped from following a "strength" program.
Yeah, that's my fear, getting huge.
Please suggest a 5 day split.
If you can't be bothered to spend 15 minutes to read a few words I can't help you. I won't suggest a 5 day split because a 5 day split would suck for someone like you.
I looked at the workout section and it only details beginner programs
Jesus he already referred you to the fitness thread. You'll get better responses there. And yet I can already tell you the majority of them will tell you to read the Fitness OP. It's informative and will give you answers.
I'll say one thing that you're routine does not give adamant amount of time for muscle healing if you're doing those days back to back. That can be damaging to your body and health. It's a bad routine - go to the fitness thread and read. Stop being lazy and ignoring their answers because they aren't to the point and require effort from you.
eat when she is hungry expect for breakfast which is a must.
Are you allowing yourself to have a Cheat Day once a week? If not, then I highly recommend one for you. It will allow you to eat the food you love, and help prevent a binge session like that.
working some real heavy hours in construction totally screwed with my diet. i had no energy when i went low carb and stopped. now i'm back to a regular diet and lifting weights like usual.Day one in the books. It was easy, but hey it's only one day.
630am- 4 eggs 2 slices of bacon
930am- handful of almonds
12pm- 1/2 a rotessire chicken
3pm- Cheese string
6pm- 1/2 rotisserie chicken, cup of broccoli
830pm- handful almonds and a cheese string
I'm drinking club soda and diet coke with meals and a shit load of water during the day.
For those that didn't read my other post.
I'm 6-2 about 360-380lbs
And work a physical construction job
Am I eating enough? How does this meal plan look? It's only day one so I really don't have a feel for how my body will react to the lower calorie intake, I just don't want the weekend to come and I loose all my efforts cause I am really hungry and cant controll myself.
I cheat once a month. The problem is when I cheat, I can't control myself. Cheat Days usually include about 10k calories.
This is my problem. And then I have the tendency to turn one cheat meal into two...and then three...and then, hell, might as well just make it a cheat day. And then that turns into two days, and then three etc and before I know it I'm fat again.
With my new eating plan I am trying to just have one cheat meal a week. I enjoy subway so even a subway chicken breast would be a cheat meal. Although I do get Taco Bell cravings...
This is my problem. And then I have the tendency to turn one cheat meal into two...and then three...and then, hell, might as well just make it a cheat day. And then that turns into two days, and then three etc and before I know it I'm fat again.
This is my problem. And then I have the tendency to turn one cheat meal into two...and then three...and then, hell, might as well just make it a cheat day. And then that turns into two days, and then three etc and before I know it I'm fat again.
That's one of the many dieting myths, eat whenever you like. Again it comes to to what you're eating. Protein is not easily digested by your body, it can actually keep you awake a bit longer so keep that in mind.So here's a question
Sometimes I have real trouble sleeping. Last night for instance I was up all night, and I'm still up now (no sleep yet)
At around 3am I was fucking starved!! But held off till 6am for my 4 egg 2 bacon breakfast. If I find myself in that situation again, is it really that bad to eat something at 3am (I'm thinking PB with some celery sticks) or is it better to tough it out till breakfast. I'm thinking having a little snack will help me fall asleep better, but I know eating late is a big no no for weight loss and good eating habits. Im trying not to eat after 8pm