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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


I'll give whatever fucking advice I want, prick.

Here's some for you. Eat your egg yolks.

Congratulations on wanting to make a lifestyle change? This isn't 2nd grade where they give out ribbons for participating, let alone planning to participate.

Yesterday you said tomorrow.

Jesus christ, calm down.


I'll give whatever fucking advice I want, prick.

Here's some for you. Eat your egg yolks.

Congratulations on wanting to make a lifestyle change? This isn't 2nd grade where they give out ribbons for participating, let alone planning to participate.

Yesterday you said tomorrow.

Have you forgotten what it's like to be obese? Show a little empathy. Acknowledging there is a problem is the first step, and the guy wanted advice, not to be told start right this second.

EDIT - And I'll keep eating 1 yolk, two egg whites every morning. Thanks.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Gee, 'spiders reacting belligerently towards someone in the thread? Shocking.

Dantehemi said he's starting low carb tomorrow (well, now today) because he's going grocery shopping for the necessary foods, not because he's going to spend the night before gorging on Ben & Jerry's.
I was happy to find a shot of me a few months after I started my diet and exercise routine. I was pretty shocked to see the side by side difference. I stated in July of 2009, weighing in at 291 lbs. I'm still looking to lose 15-20% of my fat mass. My target weight is 160-175 lbs.



Thanks for the input guys. I just finished my grocery shopping, and I stocked up on eggs, chicken breast (is chicken thighs and drumsticks acceptable also) broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cheese strings (what are people's view on these for snacks)

Also, my local grocery store has pre cooked rotisserie chickens and there pretty cheap (9 bucks) are these healthy and acceptable for low carb eating? (they seem to be) I figure 1/2 the chicken for dinner and the other 1/2 for lunch.

What are your guys views on frozen veggies? They just seem more convenient.

Oh and I will apologize in advance if Im asking questions that just seem to be obvious. I just read a great article that pretty much says "don't treat this as a diet" but look at this as I lifestyle change! So answering my own question, I would assume just eating good cuts of any meat and having my veggies and proper snacks, wouldn't be called a "diet" it would just be eating like a normal person :)


Thanks for the input guys. I just finished my grocery shopping, and I stocked up on eggs, chicken breast (is chicken thighs and drumsticks acceptable also) broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cheese strings (what are people's view on these for snacks)

Also, my local grocery store has pre cooked rotisserie chickens and there pretty cheap (9 bucks) are these healthy and acceptable for low carb eating? (they seem to be) I figure 1/2 the chicken for dinner and the other 1/2 for lunch.

What are your guys views on frozen veggies? They just seem more convenient.

String cheese is fine. A really good low carb snack.

My fiancé and I get rotisserie chickens a lot. 5.00 at Costco and enough for both of us for lunch/dinner.

I also get a lot of frozen veggies (broccoli/green beans) and like I said, steam them.

Now that you have the food part down, what kind of exercise plan are you looking at?
I am starting next week with mine. 198lbs now. Goal is to 150lbs in 5 months at least. Planning is going to gym 4 days a week for cardio. Thinking about only running on the mill. Of course i will have a diet too. Oh should i stop drinking redbull?

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
is chicken thighs and drumsticks acceptable also

What are your guys views on frozen veggies? They just seem more convenient.

Chicken thighs are even better (and significantly cheaper) than breast meat! Love roasting a big tray of them to have throughout the week.

Frozen vegetables are fine usually, but be sure to check the ingredients before you buy: as weird as it seems, occasionally there's more in the bag than straight vegetable, if you get my drift. That said, I don't think the minimal cost and effort difference is really worth skipping out on the fresh varieties most of the time; fresh broccoli, for example, takes about one minute more to prep and cook than frozen and costs nearly the same. I like both fresh and frozen spinach, but for different uses.

Frozen berries are a good alternative to fresh, however. Much less expensive and available year round. Makes a great pair with some Greek yogurt or cottage cheese for a quick snack or breakfast.


As far as exercise goes. I want to get back to the gym (I used to workout when I was a healthier version of me) but I do work a very physically demanding job doing construction. So I'm thinking hold off on the gym for the time being to prevent burnout, and just do some lighter workouts at home. Some body weight squats, pushups, jump rope, and nightly walks after dinner. I think that should be sufficient for the first month or so (just to get used to everything)
Have you forgotten what it's like to be obese? Show a little empathy. Acknowledging there is a problem is the first step, and the guy wanted advice, not to be told start right this second.

EDIT - And I'll keep eating 1 yolk, two egg whites every morning. Thanks.
Obese? Nope. Sorry, wrong guy.

Starting " tomorrow" is setting yourself up for failure. It's all in the mindset.
I assume the guy has to eat today.

Original poster, good luck. Start now, don't give up. Do it for life. I'm on an excessive bike right now (I'm on a bike, old spice style).

Food advice given by seanr is sound.
I get why people are upset with spiders, but there's some truth to the criticism of someone announcing plans before starting.

From http://sivers.org/zipit:
Tests done since 1933 show that people who talk about their intentions are less likely to make them happen.

Announcing your plans to others satisfies your self-identity just enough that you're less motivated to do the hard work needed.

So good luck. Get out there and do it. Start now.

I went paleo around 3:00pm in the afternoon on a thursday in February. I never looked back, never cheated my diet when I had a choice (occasionally have some seed oils when traveling, but no glutens) and I'm now 50 pounds off of my highest weight. I saw results within two weeks and have been at a stable weight for about six months.


Obese? Nope. Sorry, wrong guy.

Actually glad you said this.

You never being obese could explain why you have difficulty having empathy for others. I hated how I looked in high school. Absolutely hated it. 220 pounds at around 5'8 is not a great place to be at 18.

I remember what it used to be like when you couldn't even look at yourself in pictures. Sometimes your self esteem can get really low, and this thread should be a support group/inspirational tool for others. If there is one thing I hate is people who are obese and don't give a shit, but I have the utmost respect for those who WANT to change themselves.


So I never thought I'd have a before to share with you guys, but someone from high school put up some "memories" album and I'm in it! Ignore the atrocious hair (what was I thinking) but I was (like I said up there) around 220 pounds.


And now here is me on New Years with my fiancé, 7 years later and almost 50 pounds lighter.


Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
the journey begins tomorrow.

after months and months of being lazy and waiting to start my healthy life, i have decided tomorrow is the day i begin to change my life.

im 6'2" 30 years old and im fucking huge! (maybe 360-380lbs)

at first i wasnt keen on doing a low carb diet, but after reading this forum for the longest time it seems that alot of you guy are having good results.

so my question to this group is

-im gonna go grocery shopping for the week, what do i need to buy? (any links to a grocery list guide would be great)

-are there any good sites that provide sample meal plans for low carb living? i really have no clue what i should be eating over the course of a day.

im sure i have a ton more questions, but i would love to just get my weeks worth of eating out of the way and begin my path. and i can learn along the way.

i wont post my before pick just yet, but expect to see some huge changes coming up over the next year. i will post updates and hopefully this group can be my motivation and help me win this war agaisnt myself.

thanks in advance for all your advice and support.

Easiest advice for grocery shopping: go to the first and last aisle of the store, ignore middle aisles.



Been a while since I posted here. I'm back up to 230 and 23% body fat since hitting a low of mid 190s a couple years ago. Feels bad man :(

Started a ketogenic diet today, my goal's to get down to 190 without losing much lean mass. I'm hoping to get there within 120 days.
Sugar free pretty bad?

I don't know about the sugar free redbull, but redbull increases heart rate even when you're doing nothing. So your heart it working hard and you're getting no health benefit because you're not working on burning fat or calories like you would if you were working out. It's just not a good drink to become dependent upon or ever drink.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Well guys, here we go. In the morning starts my new eating style and habits, and tomorrow after work starts P90X2. My goal is to lose at least 30 pounds, and get myself into good shape again.

I got groceries and loaded up on healthy stuff. I've got eggs, spaghetti squash, tuna, chicken, veggies and more for dinners. Almond milk to drink as well.

I've always been able to do decently eating well but always eat bad more than I should. Hopefully this time I'll get it done.


Doesn't red bull have the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee? I don't see what's bad about the sugar free version if that's the case.
Is low carb effective for people that are just a little overweight or is it only effective for those who are morbidly obese? I've never been able to lose the last 15 lbs or so, no matter how low I go with my carbs.

Also, is there any evidence that low carb dieting (when combined with high protein intake and weight lifting) does not cause muscle loss? I'm terrified of losing muscle, because I know the more I lose the slower my already slow metabolism will become.


Been a while since I posted here. I'm back up to 230 and 23% body fat since hitting a low of mid 190s a couple years ago. Feels bad man :(

Started a ketogenic diet today, my goal's to get down to 190 without losing much lean mass. I'm hoping to get there within 120 days.

stick with it! it's a lifestyle change for sure. don't go back to your old ways! learn from your mistakes! good luck! =)


Losing weight is really hard. Even after losing 100 pounds, I believe I'm still addicted to food. Pizza, buffets, cheeseburgers, all of it make me so happy when I'm eating it. Every once in a while, I'll binge and I'll eat until I am literally sick. Just the other day, I ate until I threw up. My diet isn't even that restrictive. I'm eating 1800 calories, so I don't know why I binge like I do. People always say it's a lifestyle change, but man that lifestyle sucks fuck.


Losing weight is really hard. Even after losing 100 pounds, I believe I'm still addicted to food. Pizza, buffets, cheeseburgers, all of it make me so happy when I'm eating it. Every once in a while, I'll binge and I'll eat until I am literally sick. Just the other day, I ate until I threw up. My diet isn't even that restrictive. I'm eating 1800 calories, so I don't know why I binge like I do. People always say it's a lifestyle change, but man that lifestyle sucks fuck.

Its a lifestyle change if you want to keep losing and/or keep it off. With your attitude you are certain to gain it all back... eventually. Congrats on the 100lbs loss, enjoy it while you can. I wish you the best of luck, but if your attitude is that of your post ... everything will crumble around you in time. In this case, time is not on your side.

Its a called a lifestyle change for a reason. Healthy people do not go to buffets and eat until they puke. Best of luck.
Weight loss was easy for me. I just treat anything that doesn't fit within my diet as poison. It's not even a question of whether I can eat something if it's packed full of shitty gluten and industrial seed oils.

My real trick was scheduling out a few days of ketosis each week and then having a few days where I ate some carbs again.


Its a lifestyle change if you want to keep losing and/or keep it off. With your attitude you are certain to gain it all back... eventually. Congrats on the 100lbs loss, enjoy it while you can. I wish you the best of luck, but if your attitude is that of your post ... everything will crumble around you in time. In this case, time is not on your side.

Its a called a lifestyle change for a reason. Healthy people do not go to buffets and eat until they puke. Best of luck.

Gaining weight in the first place damages the hypothalamus and pretty much permanently breaks the brain's ability to control fat mass:


I used to be an arrogant, skinny bastard who thought I could never overeat my way to obesity. I couldn't understand why people kept shoving crap in their face and I couldn't understand why obese people couldn't just start exercising to lose the weight. Then I went through a period of depression and became obese before I knew it. I managed to lose a bunch of weight once I discovered keto, but I've had periods where some of the weight comes back and I have to be ultra-disciplined to bring it back down again. It's still a constant struggle to not just go out and splurge and I'm afraid I won't be able to keep the weight off forever.

Pre-obese: I could effortlessly go hours without thinking about food.
obese: Constant thoughts of food and fatigue if I went more than a few hours without "recharging".
Keto and weight loss: My appetite diminished quite a bit and I had a boon of energy, but it still isn't nearly as easy to control my appetite as it was before I gained weight in the first place.
If I go off keto, my cravings come back immediately.

To put it short, initial weight gain seriously fucked up my brain.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Losing weight is really hard. Even after losing 100 pounds, I believe I'm still addicted to food. Pizza, buffets, cheeseburgers, all of it make me so happy when I'm eating it. Every once in a while, I'll binge and I'll eat until I am literally sick. Just the other day, I ate until I threw up. My diet isn't even that restrictive. I'm eating 1800 calories, so I don't know why I binge like I do. People always say it's a lifestyle change, but man that lifestyle sucks fuck.

Eating healthy food that doesn't make you feel like shit sure does suck compared to eating garbage until you puke.


Losing weight is really hard. Even after losing 100 pounds, I believe I'm still addicted to food. Pizza, buffets, cheeseburgers, all of it make me so happy when I'm eating it. Every once in a while, I'll binge and I'll eat until I am literally sick. Just the other day, I ate until I threw up. My diet isn't even that restrictive. I'm eating 1800 calories, so I don't know why I binge like I do. People always say it's a lifestyle change, but man that lifestyle sucks fuck.

That sounds more like an eating disorder to me. Pizza, burgers and all that other shit isn't proper food, and your body lets you know this.
I'll give whatever fucking advice I want, prick.

Here's some for you. Eat your egg yolks.

Congratulations on wanting to make a lifestyle change? This isn't 2nd grade where they give out ribbons for participating, let alone planning to participate.

Yesterday you said tomorrow.

No offense, bro, but you've been an asshole to people in this thread before. You come off as someone who's got the attitude of "I'M DOING IT SO SHOULD YOU MOTHER FUCKER". Completely changing how a person eats can be a bit daunting, man. If people come here to ask for advice and give themselves a goal and time, don't shit on that. The folks in this thread should be supporting eachother, not trying to start shit or turn into those same guys that everybody in here claims to hate-- the ones that look down on what you're doing. That's pretty much what you're doing. Let that guy start his day tomorrow or the next if it helps him to what he has to do.

In other words, chill out. Why you would even react that way you have is a bit nuts. Slow down, champ.


That sounds more like an eating disorder to me. Pizza, burgers and all that other shit isn't proper food, and your body lets you know this.

There are a lot of people who consider obesity an eating order, no different than anorexia. The bigger your body gets the more energy it needs, the more food it needs. Than you factor in a diet high in simple, refined carbohydrates which your body begins to crave and which make you gain even more weight. It becomes a never ending, vicious cycle.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Dumb question: anyone ever try doing a prolonged intermittent fast (24/36 hours) and exercised at the same time?

I'm going to try a 36 hour fast (currently 19 hours in) but I have tennis lessons this afternoon. Wondering if it'd be safe to go ahead and continue through the lessons or if I'll die or something :p

Don't have a lot of experience fasting, but I'd love to keep it going.


I was re-reading this thread for inspiration to keep going and I saw your earlier posts. I needed spoilers to find out how you ended up doing 2 years later so I did a post history, found this post, and fuck. ing. a. I'm glad I did.

You rock!

I dont even understand what this post is saying. spoilers? lol. Glad you got some inspiration though, seeing my picture there was odd lol.


Dumb question: anyone ever try doing a prolonged intermittent fast (24/36 hours) and exercised at the same time?

I'm going to try a 36 hour fast (currently 19 hours in) but I have tennis lessons this afternoon. Wondering if it'd be safe to go ahead and continue through the lessons or if I'll die or something :p

Don't have a lot of experience fasting, but I'd love to keep it going.

Well I had not eaten since around 10pm on Saturday night and went and played soccer yesterday at 3 so I went about 17 hours or so without eating anything and I did fine. I actually felt great while playing.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So I asked this in the contest thread but I will ask it here too. Can your weight fluctuate 9 lbs in a few days? Last week I weighed myself for the contest (with clothes on) and weighed about 229, today after a shower (no clothes) this morning I weighed 220 exactly. I haven't really started working out or eating better until today, so I wouldn't have lost weight.

Could clothes and water weight make 9 lbs difference?


So I asked this in the contest thread but I will ask it here too. Can your weight fluctuate 9 lbs in a few days? Last week I weighed myself for the contest (with clothes on) and weighed about 229, today after a shower (no clothes) this morning I weighed 220 exactly. I haven't really started working out or eating better until today, so I wouldn't have lost weight.

Could clothes and water weight make 9 lbs difference?



Losing weight is really hard. Even after losing 100 pounds, I believe I'm still addicted to food. Pizza, buffets, cheeseburgers, all of it make me so happy when I'm eating it. Every once in a while, I'll binge and I'll eat until I am literally sick. Just the other day, I ate until I threw up. My diet isn't even that restrictive. I'm eating 1800 calories, so I don't know why I binge like I do. People always say it's a lifestyle change, but man that lifestyle sucks fuck.

Are you allowing yourself to have a Cheat Day once a week? If not, then I highly recommend one for you. It will allow you to eat the food you love, and help prevent a binge session like that.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Eff it, I'm going to go without eating and see what happens. I need to know!

The reason I'm fasting is because I ate like horse crap during the Steelers playoff game and I want to follow it up with a fast to immediately get back on track. Trying it on for size. My normal recovery time for eating like crap is 2-3 days. I'm trying to see if I can knock that down to 1 with fasting.

Human testing, go!


So I asked this in the contest thread but I will ask it here too. Can your weight fluctuate 9 lbs in a few days? Last week I weighed myself for the contest (with clothes on) and weighed about 229, today after a shower (no clothes) this morning I weighed 220 exactly. I haven't really started working out or eating better until today, so I wouldn't have lost weight.

Could clothes and water weight make 9 lbs difference?

It's possible.
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