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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Haven't seen that article but have done my research on it and have seen the Dr.Oz segment. Me and the wife are liking the results so we plan to keep with it.

Ugh, I seriously dislike Dr. Oz. So much of his stuff is great, but some of it is absolutely terrible and I feel like someone in his position that has an affect on so many people needs to be damned near perfect.


Connoisseur Of Tedium
Ugh, I seriously dislike Dr. Oz. So much of his stuff is great, but some of it is absolutely terrible and I feel like someone in his position that has an affect on so many people needs to be damned near perfect.

He didn't endorse the diet but had a wide variety of people including some doctors discussing the pros and cons of it. The endocrinologist my wife has been seeing for awhile has done the diet and suggested we give it a try. I will admit its tough and I might have to adjust my calorie intake. If anything it really is teaching us portion control and calorie counting.


Edit: Pics!

Me at the start, 165.5kg

Me around 30kg lost

You are looking great buddy!


But yes, we are talking about degress of inclusion here. I believe a small/moderate amount of bread & pasta can have a place in a healthy diet. I also don't agree with the demonization of carbs that regularly happens in this thread.
Same. Wheat products are far worse than plain old sugar.


'Round and 'round this thread goes. :lol I love this thread.

I don't necessarily agree that a small/moderate amount of carbs from bread and/or pasta will slow the weight loss process. Nor do I agree they are unhealthy foods, either. The jury is still out on these claims you guys continue to state as fact. There are many factors that can contribute to a slowing/stalling of weight loss. The human body is a very complex machine.

To be clear, I very much agree carbs from breads & pastas should be limited in order to lose weight. I just don't agree they are evil incarnate. :)

It goes without saying, if you're looking to limit calories you'll have to reduce your carbohydrate intake.
My issue is with the demonisation of carbs in this thread.
If low-carb works for you then great, but please stop the constant evangelical bashing of carbs.

I've so far lost 22kg on a balanced healthy diet and moderate exercise. Nothing is out of bounds, whether carbs or (the old boogeyman) lipids. Just in moderation.

OG Kush

Same. Wheat products are far worse than plain old sugar.

really? I was listening to a joe rogan podcast episode and he said theres even some theories out there that believe sugar is actually a toxic to our body (like alcohol). obviously sugafr from natural sources like fruit is fine but all that other shit is pretty crap for your body.
really? I was listening to a joe rogan podcast episode and he said theres even some theories out there that believe sugar is actually a toxic to our body (like alcohol). obviously sugafr from natural sources like fruit is fine but all that other shit is pretty crap for your body.

It's all the same in the bloodstream (though something like HFCS I could see some more toxic effects), but sugar at least doesn't have a payload of suck like wheats with gluten and all of the other crap that comes along in baked goods.

Mind you I don't really do either. I eat carbs through sweet potatoes and snack on dates every now and then, but I lost 50 pounds in not time by eliminating all gluten and eating only minimally processed foods (local pastured meats, veggies).

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It goes without saying, if you're looking to limit calories you'll have to reduce your carbohydrate intake.
My issue is with the demonisation of carbs in this thread.
If low-carb works for you then great, but please stop the constant evangelical bashing of carbs.

I've so far lost 22kg on a balanced healthy diet and moderate exercise. Nothing is out of bounds, whether carbs or (the old boogeyman) lipids. Just in moderation.

Good job on your weight loss, but when people are looking to lose weight, simply telling them to "eat in moderation" and "get moderate exercise" is probably not going to help.
It's ridiculous how many products contain canola/sunflower/safflower/corn/soybean oil. The saddest part is that I don't think you can find a salad dressing that doesn't contain at least one of the above. I have to make my own.

Yeah, it's the same with hydrogenation. I was looking at Whipped Cream and it contained Coconut and Palm Oil; however, they hydrogenated it for whatever damn reason. These oils are already stable, healthy, and fully saturated, why the hell would they hydrogenate it on top of that? Just to make it unhealthy? I don't get it.

Good job on your weight loss, but when people are looking to lose weight, simply telling them to "eat in moderation" and "get moderate exercise" is probably not going to help.

True. When people think sugar frosted sugar (Cereal) in a bowl of low fat sugar water (Skim Milk) with a glass of sugar water (Orange Juice) is a "balanced meal," nothing will change in terms of health and weight management for most people.

Edit: I almost forgot about the whole wheat toast with margarine!


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
where are the rules?

The one I follow that I don't think anyone would disagree with, but may not necessarily follow themselves:


Primal Blueprint said:
General Guidelines: 80% of body composition success is determined by diet. Limit processed carb intake (hence, insulin production), and obtain sufficient protein and fat to fuel and rebuild.

  • Protein: Average .7 – 1 gram per pound of lean body mass/day – depending on activity levels (more at times is fine).
  • Carbs: 50-100 grams/day (or less) = accelerated fat loss. 100-150 grams/day = effortless weight maintenance. Heavy exercisers can increase carb intake as needed to replace glycogen stores.
  • Fat: Enjoy freely but sensibly for balance of caloric needs and high dietary satisfaction levels.
  • Avoid Poisonous Things: Conventional Wisdom’s dietary guidelines promote fat storage, type 2 diabetes, inflammation and obesity!
  • Eliminate: Sugary foods and beverages, grains (wheat, corn, rice, pasta, breads, cereals, etc.), legumes (soy and other beans), trans and partially hydrogenated fats, high-risk conventional meat and produce, and excess PUFA’s (instead, increase omega-3 oils).
  • Modern Adjustments: Some modern foods that Grok didn’t eat can still be included in a healthy diet
  • Moderation: Certain high glycemic fruit, coffee, high-fat dairy products, starchy tuber vegetables, and wild rice.
  • Supplements: Multivitamin/mineral formula, probiotics, omega-3 fish oil and protein powder.
  • Herbs, spices and extracts: Offer many health benefits and enhance enjoyment of meals.
  • Sensible indulgences: Dark chocolate, moderate alcohol, high-fat treats.


So I've only been on the diet for a week and decided to do a cheat day last night because some friends wanted to go out. I guess I didn't do too bad...I had some dates wrapped in bacon and stuffed with cheese. The dates aren't great for you at all, but it's still a fruit and not processed carbs. I got screwed cause they only brought me 5 of them so I ordered fish n chips as well. I had a few of the fries but mostly ate the fish and then some mixed veggies. I also had 3 beers and cider. I didn't do too terrible considering and when I weighed myself this morning I was actually around 7 pounds lighter. I know that will most likely go back up in the next day or two though. Now to just keep knocking away back at it.
It goes without saying, if you're looking to limit calories you'll have to reduce your carbohydrate intake.
My issue is with the demonisation of carbs in this thread.
If low-carb works for you then great, but please stop the constant evangelical bashing of carbs.

I've so far lost 22kg on a balanced healthy diet and moderate exercise. Nothing is out of bounds, whether carbs or (the old boogeyman) lipids. Just in moderation.

I'm in maintenance mode (since last summer) and lately I'm under 30 gms of carbs per day, and 60 gms on gym day.

If that's what you call "balanced", "healthy", and "moderation" then I agree.

Woohoo! Go me.


It's certainly not as drastic as my last update, but here's an update of my weight loss. While I started taking these pictures at 293 pounds, I've been dieting since I weighed in at 351 pounds at a yearly checkup with the doctor. I'm now at 201.5, for roughly 150 pounds loss total. I dropped 12 pounds since September and have dropped down to a size 34 pants from a 36 inch pair of jeans. I started out at 48inch waist jeans and a 3-4xl shirt, and now I'm at a 34inch waist and a large shirt. I've been lifting, so the weight loss isn't as drastic, but I think there's still a noticeable change in my appearance:


Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
really? I was listening to a joe rogan podcast episode and he said theres even some theories out there that believe sugar is actually a toxic to our body (like alcohol). obviously sugafr from natural sources like fruit is fine but all that other shit is pretty crap for your body.

He was being sarcastic, but yeah, glucose in your bloodstream from sugar is considered a toxin to your body.

ipukespiders said:
I'm in maintenance mode (since last summer) and lately I'm under 30 gms of carbs per day, and 60 gms on gym day.

If that's what you call "balanced", "healthy", and "moderation" then I agree.

Woohoo! Go me.

Yeah, I have around 70-90 on workout days (at night) and 0-50 on rest days. I was doing carb-refeeds with Leangains because I thought it'd help me change things up, but doing that made me come to the realization that I just don't give a shit about carbs anymore and PREFER the taste of animals fat/protein (which is weird considering I used to be a carb addict which made me be obese my whole life until recently). Now I embrace the primal life along with Leangains and am seeing just as much of a benefit, if not MORE, on my workouts than when I was carb-refeeding.

Nothing beats having 6 eggs scrambled with 5 strips of bacon and some beef/pork chops. Nothing.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
It's certainly not as drastic as my last update, but here's an update of my weight loss. While I started taking these pictures at 293 pounds, I've been dieting since I weighed in at 351 pounds at a yearly checkup with the doctor. I'm now at 201.5, for roughly 150 pounds loss total. I dropped 12 pounds since September and have dropped down to a size 34 pants from a 36 inch pair of jeans. I started out at 48inch waist jeans and a 3-4xl shirt, and now I'm at a 34inch waist and a large shirt. I've been lifting, so the weight loss isn't as drastic, but I think there's still a noticeable change in my appearance:

http://i.imgur.com/qJYww.jpg[Img][/QUOTE]Really awesome stuff man. I bet the mirror is your friend these days, eh?

One word of caution, though. The waist number on pants is not the same as waist circumference. Right now my waist comes in at just shy of 36 inches, but I easily fit into 34 pants and am probably more of a 33 these days. You may have already known that, but just in case!

Regardless, your progress rules, dude. You've lost an entire tiny person since you started.


I love this. The moment I wake up, I have the energy to do 50 pushups, 50 pullups, 50 squats and 50 Mason Twists. I'm not even hungry like I used to be. I used to run to the fridge to get my milk and cereal. I don't crave bread/rice anymore.

You might be getting sick of hearing this, but Thank You RubxQub. You have completely changed my life.

"goes to get ripped"


So Gaf, I've been doing a low carb/keto diet for 4 months now, I did one cheat day/refeed per week for the past couple of months. I'm thinking of moving to a more balanced diet (40/40/20), but I'm scared of gaining weight back.

Any tips on how to make the transition without too much bloating or water weight?
So Gaf, I've been doing a low carb/keto diet for 4 months now, I did one cheat day/refeed per week for the past couple of months. I'm thinking of moving to a more balanced diet (40/40/20), but I'm scared of gaining weight back.

Any tips on how to make the transition without too much bloating or water weight?

There's nothing balanced about eating 40/40/20


follow up question to increasing my carbs from 25-30g to 40-50g a day:

does it matter how many carbs i eat per meal? or should i space it out throughout the day? for example, my breakfast this morning was a total of 10g of carbs. too many for a meal?


So I have cut down on my carbs to around 150-155 grams a day for the last 10 days or so and I have gone from 265 last sunday to 261 this morning while still doing the madcow 5x5.

That was the only thing I have changed because the last couple of months I have been stuck on 265 for the most part.


Will drop pants for Sony.
It's certainly not as drastic as my last update, but here's an update of my weight loss. While I started taking these pictures at 293 pounds, I've been dieting since I weighed in at 351 pounds at a yearly checkup with the doctor. I'm now at 201.5, for roughly 150 pounds loss total. I dropped 12 pounds since September and have dropped down to a size 34 pants from a 36 inch pair of jeans. I started out at 48inch waist jeans and a 3-4xl shirt, and now I'm at a 34inch waist and a large shirt. I've been lifting, so the weight loss isn't as drastic, but I think there's still a noticeable change in my appearance:


Wow looking awesome there congrats. I wished I had your willpower and determination.
follow up question to increasing my carbs from 25-30g to 40-50g a day:

does it matter how many carbs i eat per meal? or should i space it out throughout the day? for example, my breakfast this morning was a total of 10g of carbs. too many for a meal?

I usually concentrate all of my carbohydrates around dinner time. Supposedly, people are more insulin sensitive in the evening than in the morning. Personally, I find that to be the case for myself. Some people call it a very soft form of intermittent fasting.


the journey begins tomorrow.

after months and months of being lazy and waiting to start my healthy life, i have decided tomorrow is the day i begin to change my life.

im 6'2" 30 years old and im fucking huge! (maybe 360-380lbs)

at first i wasnt keen on doing a low carb diet, but after reading this forum for the longest time it seems that alot of you guy are having good results.

so my question to this group is

-im gonna go grocery shopping for the week, what do i need to buy? (any links to a grocery list guide would be great)

-are there any good sites that provide sample meal plans for low carb living? i really have no clue what i should be eating over the course of a day.

im sure i have a ton more questions, but i would love to just get my weeks worth of eating out of the way and begin my path. and i can learn along the way.

i wont post my before pick just yet, but expect to see some huge changes coming up over the next year. i will post updates and hopefully this group can be my motivation and help me win this war agaisnt myself.

thanks in advance for all your advice and support.


Start now.

Couldn't have said it better myself

Assholes. He asked for advice on his questions.

First, congratulations on wanting to make a life style change.

How low carb are you going? I typically eat around 100-150 carbs a day. I can tell you the foods I buy, if that helps.

Breakfast is always eggs and bacon. If you don't like bacon, you can replace it with another meat. If you don't like eggs, you're not human ;).

Lunch is a toss up. Lately I've been eating tuna, mixed with hot sauce and almonds. Sounds weird, but I really like it. I sometimes have a peanut butter sandwich (make sure the bread doesn't have high fructose corn syrup) with natural peanut butter. Sides can include carrots and hummus, fruit, almonds, string cheese, hardboiled eggs.

Dinner is always a meat/fish/fowl and vegetable. I steam my vegetables and they taste great. My go to meat is grilled chicken because it's cheap, filling and easy to make. Sometimes I have turkey burgers, pork, tilapia, etc.

Oh yeah, and drink lots of water of course.

Good luck. It's easy once you start.


I usually concentrate all of my carbohydrates around dinner time. Supposedly, people are more insulin sensitive in the evening than in the morning. Personally, I find that to be the case for myself. Some people call it a very soft form of intermittent fasting.

i might have to try this. my current plan is to try and shoot for a range of 10-15g per meal, three meals a day with snacking in between if i get hungry (pb, pork rinds, pepperoni, etc).


Yea, I never actually believed that if you cut out the sugar you would become so sensitive to it, thought it was an exaggeration, but nope! it's true.

I picked up some pumpkin seeds today, never had them before but I loved that label. I didn't know they had so much protein, 22g of fat, 15g of protein for the bag.

Last night I typed up my weight loss experience. It ended up being about 4 pages in MS Word. Once I proof read it and correct errors, I'll post it. Maybe it will help some people, maybe not, we'll see :]

I also ordered some new Quest Bars. I was running low, I ordered the new All Natural line which has nothing artificial. I got 1 box of Cinnamon, 1 box of Chocolate Peanut butter and 1 single bar of the Coconut Cashew. You get free shipping over $50 so I figure I'd get a bar out of it instead of paying for shipping.


the journey begins tomorrow.

after months and months of being lazy and waiting to start my healthy life, i have decided tomorrow is the day i begin to change my life.

im 6'2" 30 years old and im fucking huge! (maybe 360-380lbs)

at first i wasnt keen on doing a low carb diet, but after reading this forum for the longest time it seems that alot of you guy are having good results.

so my question to this group is

-im gonna go grocery shopping for the week, what do i need to buy? (any links to a grocery list guide would be great)

-are there any good sites that provide sample meal plans for low carb living? i really have no clue what i should be eating over the course of a day.

im sure i have a ton more questions, but i would love to just get my weeks worth of eating out of the way and begin my path. and i can learn along the way.

i wont post my before pick just yet, but expect to see some huge changes coming up over the next year. i will post updates and hopefully this group can be my motivation and help me win this war agaisnt myself.

thanks in advance for all your advice and support.

I'm not even doing that great a job on my diet and I lost 25 pounds with virtually no effort. Buy meat, whatever meat you want. Eggs. Broccoli, cauliflower. Actually, follow everyone else's advice and enjoy the weight loss :D


the journey begins tomorrow.

after months and months of being lazy and waiting to start my healthy life, i have decided tomorrow is the day i begin to change my life.

im 6'2" 30 years old and im fucking huge! (maybe 360-380lbs)

at first i wasnt keen on doing a low carb diet, but after reading this forum for the longest time it seems that alot of you guy are having good results.

so my question to this group is

-im gonna go grocery shopping for the week, what do i need to buy? (any links to a grocery list guide would be great)

-are there any good sites that provide sample meal plans for low carb living? i really have no clue what i should be eating over the course of a day.

im sure i have a ton more questions, but i would love to just get my weeks worth of eating out of the way and begin my path. and i can learn along the way.

i wont post my before pick just yet, but expect to see some huge changes coming up over the next year. i will post updates and hopefully this group can be my motivation and help me win this war agaisnt myself.

thanks in advance for all your advice and support.
I would highly recommend reading "Why We Get Fat" by Gary Taubes. It's one thing to go on a low-carb diet, but I think it's important to understand why to eat that way. It's a short book, should only take a weekend, or less.

Here's a short presentation he did explaining some of the general concepts of the book

Here's a Low Carb for beginners intro

Keep in mind, there are a lot of variations of low-carb. Don't look at just one source and follow it to a tee, try and find foods you enjoy so you increase your chances of sustaining the diet. Again, if you read the Taubes book [or do your own research] and understand why the food is bad for you, it will make it easier to make smart food choices. It also may be tough to go from eating junk to exclusively healthy foods over night, you may want to ease yourself in if you're finding it difficult.



I don't feel so bad anymore, you guys continue to inspire me, even when I feel like I am going to fail

I was re-reading this thread for inspiration to keep going and I saw your earlier posts. I needed spoilers to find out how you ended up doing 2 years later so I did a post history, found this post, and fuck. ing. a. I'm glad I did.

You rock!
Assholes. He asked for advice on his questions.

I'll give whatever fucking advice I want, prick.

Here's some for you. Eat your egg yolks.

Congratulations on wanting to make a lifestyle change? This isn't 2nd grade where they give out ribbons for participating, let alone planning to participate.

Yesterday you said tomorrow.
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